233 research outputs found

    The absolute radiometric calibration of the advanced very high resolution radiometer

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    An increasing number of remote sensing investigations require radiometrically calibrated imagery from NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiation (AVHRR) sensors. Although a prelaunch calibration is done for these sensors, there is no capability for monitoring any changes in the in-flight absolute calibration for the visible and near infrared spectral channels. Hence, the possibility of using the reflectance-based method developed at White Sands for in-orbit calibration of LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) and SPOT Haute Resolution Visible (HVR) data to calibrate the AVHRR sensor was investigated. Three diffrent approaches were considered: Method 1 - ground and atmospheric measurements and reference to another calibrated satellite sensor; Method 2 - ground and atmospheric measurements with no reference to another sensor; and Method 3 - no ground and atmospheric measurements but reference to another satellite sensor. The purpose is to describe an investigation on the use of Method 2 to calibrate NOAA-9 AVHRR channels 1 and 2 with the help of ground and atmospheric measurements at Rogers (dry) Lake, Edwards Air Force Base (EAFB) in the Mojave desert of California

    The absolute radiometric calibration of the advanced very high resolution radiometer

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    The measurement conditions are described for an intensive field campaign at White Sands Missile Range for the calibration of the AVHRRs on NOAA-9, NOAA-10 and NOAA-11, LANDSAT-4 TM and SPOT. Three different methods for calibration of AVHRRs by reference to a ground surface site are reported, and results from these methods are compared. Significant degradations in NOAA-9 and NOAA-10 AVHRR responsivities occurred since prelaunch calibrations were completed. As of February 1988, degradations in NOAA-9 AVHRR responsivities were on the order of 37 percent in channel and 41 percent in channel 2, and for the NOAA-10 AVHRR these degradations were 42 and 59 percent in channels 1 and 2, respectively

    The absolute radiometric calibration of the advanced very high resolution radiometer

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    The need for independent, redundant absolute radiometric calibration methods is discussed with reference to the Thematic Mapper. Uncertainty requirements for absolute calibration of between 0.5 and 4 percent are defined based on the accuracy of reflectance retrievals at an agricultural site. It is shown that even very approximate atmospheric corrections can reduce the error in reflectance retrieval to 0.02 over the reflectance range 0 to 0.4

    The absolute radiometric calibration of the advanced very high resolution radiometer

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    The early results of an absolute radiometric calibration of the NOAA-9 AVHRR sensor indicate significant degradations in the response of bands 1 and 2 compared to prelaunch values. The results are currently in the process of being verified and it may be that refinements of the methodology will be in order as additional data sets are analyzed. The LANDSAT TM calibration used in this approach is known to be very precise and the Herman radiative transfer code, supplemented by the 5-S code for gaseous transmission, is reliable as well. The extent to which other steps in the analysis procedure give rise to uncertainties in the results is currently under investigation. Particular attention is being given to the geometric matching of the AVHRR and TM imagery, as well as to the spectral redistribution procedure. By taking advantage of a reasonably precise calibration of TM imagery acquired on the same day as the AVHRR data at White Sands, a promising approach to the in-orbit calibration of AVHRR sensors is being developed. Current efforts involve primarily the examination of additional test cases and the investigation of possible simplifications in the procedure through judicious use of atmospheric models

    On the Slope-Aspect Correction of Multispectral Scanner Data

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    The effects of topography on the radiometric properties of multispectral scanner (MSS) data are examined in the context of the remote sensing of forests in mountainous regions. The two test areas considered for this study are located in the coastal mountains of British Columbia, one at the Anderson River near Boston Bar and the other at Gun Lake near Bralorne. The predominant forest type at the former site is Douglas fir, whereas forest types at the latter site are primarily lodgepole pine and ponderosa pine. Both regions have rugged topography, with elevations ranging from 275 to 1500 metres above sea level at Anderson River and from 670 to 1990 metres above sea level at Gun Lake. Lambertian and non-Lambertian illumination corrections are formulated, taking into account atmospheric effects as well as topographic variations. Terrain slope and aspect values are determined from a digital elevation model and atmospheric parameters are obtained from a model atmosphere computation for the solar angles and spectral bands of interest. In the Lambertian approximation, if sky irradiance and atmospheric path radiance are neglected, one is left with a cosine correction analogous to the one which has been used extensively to carry out illumination transformations of images of horizontal terrain. However, this extension of the simple cosine correction to the case of sloped terrain is shown to be inadequate, especially for larger angles of incidence. Attempts are also made to remove the effect of topography by means of semi-empirical functions primarily based on cosines of the incident and reflected illumination angles. In this vein, correlations and linear regressions between topographic parameters (such as elevation, slope, aspect, incidence angle, reflection angle) and MSS radiance values are investigated for the different forest types under consideration at each site. The analysis encompasses multitemporal Landsat MSS data at a resolution of 50 metres and 11 channel airborne MSS at resolutions of 20 and 50 metres. Slope aspect correction algorithms for both of these types of data are implemented in software on the image analysis system at the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing. Geometric rectification is also a prerequisite in order to relate image geometry to the map coordinates on which the digital terrain data are based. A special technique involving flight line modelling is used to accomplish this in the case of aircraft data since prior knowledge of the terrain elevation is needed for each image pixel in order to establish an undistorted transformation. Feature selection based on divergence criteria indicates that terrain parameters compare favourably with the MSS data in terms of ability to distinguish between forest classes. However, maximum likelihood classification results for MSS data, corrected for slope-aspect effects using a variety of functions, show little or no significant improvement over results obtained using uncorrected data. This outcome is discussed with a view to achieving a better understanding of both the physical principles and the image processing methodologies involved

    AVHRR and VISSR satellite instrument calibration results for both Cirrus and marine stratocumulus IFO periods

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    Accurate characterizations of some cloud parameters are dependent upon the absolute accuracy of satellite radiance measurements. Visible wavelength measurements from both the AVHRR and VISSR instruments are often used to study cloud characteristics. Both of these instruments were radiometrically calibrated prior to launch, but neither has an onboard device to monitor degradation after launch. During the FIRE/SRB cirrus Intensive Field Operation (IFO), a special effort was made to monitor calibration of these two instruments onboard the NOAA-9 and GOES-6 spacecraft. In addition, several research groups have combined their efforts to assess the long-term performance of both instruments. These results are presented, and a limited comparison is made with the ERBE calibration standard

    Impact of differences in the solar irradiance spectrum on surface reflectance retrieval with different radiative transfer codes

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    Surface reflectance retrieval from imaging spectrometer data as acquired with the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) has become important for quantitative analysis. In order to calculate surface reflectance from remotely measured radiance, radiative transfer codes such as 5S and MODTRAN2 play an increasing role for removal of scattering and absorption effects of the atmosphere. Accurate knowledge of the exo-atmospheric solar irradiance (E(sub 0)) spectrum at the spectral resolution of the sensor is important for this purpose. The present study investigates the impact of differences in the solar irradiance function, as implemented in a modified version of 5S (M5S), 6S, and MODTRAN2, and as proposed by Green and Gao, on the surface reflectance retrieved from AVIRIS data. Reflectance measured in situ is used as a basis of comparison

    Passive remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol and atmospheric correction for the aerosol effect

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    The launch of ADEOS in August 1996 with POLDER, TOMS, and OCTS instruments on board and the future launch of EOS-AM 1 in mid-1998 with MODIS and MISR instruments on board start a new era in remote sensing of aerosol as part of a new remote sensing of the whole Earth system (see a list of the acronyms in the Notation section of the paper). These platforms will be followed by other international platforms with unique aerosol sensing capability, some still in this century (e.g., ENVISAT in 1999). These international spaceborne multispectral, multiangular, and polarization measurements, combined for the first time with international automatic, routine monitoring of aerosol from the ground, are expected to form a quantum leap in our ability to observe the highly variable global aerosol. This new capability is contrasted with present single-channel techniques for AVHRR, Meteosat, and GOES that although poorly calibrated and poorly characterized already generated important aerosol global maps and regional transport assessments. The new data will improve significantly atmospheric corrections for the aerosol effect on remote sensing of the oceans and be used to generate first real-time atmospheric corrections over the land. This special issue summarizes the science behind this change in remote sensing, and the sensitivity studies and applications of the new algorithms to data from present satellite and aircraft instruments. Background information and a summary of a critical discussion that took place in a workshop devoted to this topic is given in this introductory paper. In the discussion it was concluded that the anticipated remote sensing of aerosol simultaneously from several space platforms with different observation strategies, together with continuous validations around the world, is expected to be of significant importance to test remote sensing approaches to characterize the complex and highly variable aerosol field. So far, we have only partial understanding of the information content and accuracy of the radiative transfer inversion of aerosol information from the satellite data, due to lack of sufficient theoretical analysis and applications to proper field data. This limitation will make the anticipated new data even more interesting and challenging. A main concern is the present inadequate ability to sense aerosol absorption, from space or from the ground. Absorption is a critical parameter for climate studies and atmospheric corrections. Over oceans, main concerns are the effects of white caps and dust on the correction scheme. Future improvement in aerosol retrieval and atmospheric corrections will require better climatology of the aerosol properties and understanding of the effects of mixed composition and shape of the particles. The main ingredient missing in the planned remote sensing of aerosol are spaceborne and ground-based lidar observations of the aerosol profiles