46 research outputs found

    Property and Empire: The Law of Imperialism in Johnson v. M’Intosh

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    Chief Justice\u27s Marshall\u27s opinion in Johnson v. M\u27Intosh, 21 U.S. (8 Wheat.)543 (1823) has long been a puzzle, both in its doctrinal structure and in long, strange dicta which are both triumphal and elegiac. In this Essay, I show that the opinion becomes newly intelligible when read in the context of the law and theory of colonialism, concerned, like the case itself, with the expropriation of continents and relations between dominant and subject peoples. I examine several instances where the seeming incoherence of the opinion instead shows its debt to imperial jurisprudence, which rested on a distinction between two bodies of law: one governing relations between civilized nations, the other relations between civilized governments and the imperfect sovereigns of other nations. I then show how Marshall\u27s long dicta reflect the then-prevalent view of the hsitorical progress of societies from hunter-gatherer to commercial orders, with each stage corresponding to a particular set of property institutions.This historical theory lent intelligibility to the legal distinctions between civilized and lesser or imperfect sovereigns by claiming that the latter occupied earlier stages of development and that civilized nations were legally permitted to overrride the property institutions of primitive societies in order to induce progress. The dicta, then, provide the frame for the reasoning of this case, just as the theory of historical progress framed the jurisprudence of colonialisn in general

    Neurofilament light and tau as blood biomarkers for sports-related concussion

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare neurofilament light (NfL) and tau as blood-based biomarkers for acute sports-related concussion (SRC) and determine whether their concentrations at different time points after the injury are associated with prolonged time to return to play (RTP).METHODS: A total of 288 professional hockey players were followed longitudinally from September 1, 2012, to April 30, 2015. Data collection and biomarker analyses were conducted between 2015 and 2017. Associations were tested between blood concentrations of NfL and tau, and RTP time. Serum concentrations of S100B and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) were also measured for comparison.RESULTS: Of 288 players, 105 sustained an SRC. Of these, 87 underwent blood sampling 1, 12, 36, and 144 hours after SRC and at the RTP time point. Serum NfL concentrations 1, 12, 36, and 144 hours after SRC were related to prolonged RTP time, and could separate players with RTP >10 days from those with RTP ≤10 days (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve [AUROC] 0.82). Also, serum NfL 144 hours after SRC discriminated players who resigned from the game due to persistent postconcussion symptoms (PCS) from those who returned to play (AUROC 0.89). Plasma tau 1 hour after SRC was related to RTP but less strongly than NfL, while S100B and NSE showed no such associations.CONCLUSION: Serum NfL outperformed tau, S100B, and NSE as a biomarker for SRC. From a clinical standpoint, serum NfL may be useful to identify individuals at risk of prolonged PCS, and may aid in biomarker-informed decisions with regard to when RTP should be considered

    Analys av kollisioner vid hockeyspel med hj\ue4rnskakning som utfall

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    Detta projekt f\ue5r anses utg\uf6ra en pilotstudie som visar p\ue5 b\ue5de m\uf6jligheter och sv\ue5righeter med att analysera hj\ue4rnskakningar hos hockeyspelare utifr\ue5n tillg\ue4ngliga videofilmer, RTP och blodprovsdata. Att konstruera en modell som ger mer detaljerad information om orsaken till hj\ue4rnskakning och dess omfattning bed\uf6ms som m\uf6jlig men sv\ue5rt. Med tillg\ue5ng till fler kameravinklar och deras exakta positioner i f\uf6rh\ue5llande till isen kan en bildanalys utf\uf6ras mycket mer exakt. Man b\uf6r ocks\ue5 ta i beaktning de relativt f\ue5 spelare som analyserades. Data fr\ue5n fler spelare bed\uf6ms som en framkomlig v\ue4g \ue4ven ifall insamlingsmetoderna och analysen f\uf6rblir den samma som i den h\ue4r studien. Ytterligare data skulle sannolikt medf\uf6ra att analysen av korrelationer med RTP och HUC gav tydligare svar.\uc4ven om inte de planerade numeriska modellerna av spelarna gick att f\uf6rverkliga gav kinematikanalysen anv\ue4ndbara resultat; bland annat kollisionshastigheten. F\uf6rs\uf6k att korrelera kollisionshastigheten med RTP gjordes men n\ue5gon korrelation f\uf6rel\ue5g inte. Andra faktorer; som hur v\ue5ldsam rotationen av huvudet var vid kollisionen har k\ue4nd st\uf6rre inverkan p\ue5 risken f\uf6r hj\ue4rnskakning \ue4n ing\ue5ngshastigheten. Noterbart \ue4r att de erh\ue5llna kollisionshastigheterna beror p\ue5 manuell utplacering av referenspunkter som lagt grunden f\uf6r koordinatsystemet. Utifr\ue5n detta koordinatsystem har sedan hastigheterna erh\ue5llits; sm\ue5 fel vid skapandet av koordinatsystemet p\ue5verka kollisionshastigheterna stort.Den utf\uf6rda analysen \ue4r baserad p\ue5 HUC. Den har utf\uf6rts n\ue5got annorlunda \ue4n p\ue5 det sett som utvecklarna av HUC avs\ue5g. Fyra bed\uf6mare har utf\uf6rt analysen och det blev uppenbart att n\ue5gra faktorer var sv\ue5rbed\uf6mda. Inf\uf6r framtida studier d\ue4r film fr\ue5n kollisioner karakteriseras med hj\ue4lp d\ue4r HUC b\uf6r n\ue5gra av beskrivningarna av faktorerna kompletteras.Resultaten i korthet:I stort s\ue4tt alla analyserade kollisionerna uppst\ue5r i kontakt mellan tv\ue5 spelare.De vanligaste kontakterna var mellan huvud och opponentens axelskydd och mellan huvud och armb\ue5ge; 58% respektive 21% av de analyserade kollisionerna.Den drabbade tr\ue4ffades i 66% av kollisionerna i huvudet och 25% i \uf6verkroppen. Vanligast var tr\ue4ffar framifr\ue5n. Den resulterande huvudr\uf6relsen var oftast komplex alternativt begr\ue4nsad till sagittalplanet.Efter den f\uf6rsta tr\ue4ffen f\uf6ljde det minst en andra huvudtr\ue4ff i 44% av kollisionerna. H\ue4lften av dessa andra tr\ue4ffar var med isen och andra h\ue4lften med ringsargen.Kollisionerna skedde i alla zoner och p\ue5 \uf6ppen is samt i n\ue4rheten av sargen.Lika m\ue5nga av spelarna bed\uf6mdes varit medvetna om att en tackling v\ue4ntade som de som var omedvetna.Straff utdelades som en f\uf6ljd i 34% av kollisionerna; trots att 75% av tacklingarna bed\uf6mdes planerade.Kollisionshastigheten varierade mellan 5,0 m/s och 11,6 m/s.RTP \ue4r inte en funktion av \ue5lder, riktningen p\ue5 huvudaccelerationen eller kollisionshastigheten. Resultaten indikerar att RTP var h\uf6gre n\ue4r den drabbade blev tr\ue4ffad av en axel relativt av en armb\ue5ge. RTP var h\uf6gre f\uf6r de spelare som bed\uf6mdes omedveten om den f\uf6rst\ue5ende tacklingen. RTP var mycket h\uf6gre f\uf6r planerade tacklingar i j\ue4mf\uf6relse med tacklagar som var en f\uf6ljd i en situation d\ue4r tacklingen \ue4r en del i en oplanerad kollision. F\uf6r varaktiga symptom, d.v.s. f\uf6r de fyra spelare som inte \ue5tergick till spel p\ue5 elitniv\ue5 efter kollisionen, var 75% tr\ue4ffade av motst\ue5ndarens axel och lika stor andel tr\ue4ffade i huvudet. I alla fyra fallen ans\ue5gs den drabbade ej ha kunnat f\uf6rutse tacklingen samt opponenten bed\uf6mdes ha planerat tacklingen.Medelkoncentrationen av blodmark\uf6ren NFL sjunker vid m\ue4tningarna vid 12 h och vid 36 h relativt 1 h men \uf6kar n\ue5got vid 144 h relativt 1 h.Medelv\ue4rdet av parade NFL-koncentrationerna f\uf6rblir i stort s\ue4tt of\uf6r\ue4ndrade \uf6ver tiden f\uf6rutom vid 144 h d\ue5 det f\uf6rekommer en icke statistiskt signifikant \uf6kning.Det g\ue5r att sk\uf6nja en svag korrelation mellan RTP och f\uf6r\ue4ndringen av NFL vid 12 h, 36 h och 144 h i relation till v\ue4rdena vid 1 h; h\uf6gre RTP f\uf6r h\uf6gre NFL NFL-v\ue4rden f\uf6r gruppen RTP ≥ 9 dagar skiljer sig inte signifikant mot v\ue4rden f\uf6r gruppen RTP < 9 dagar vid 12h, 26 h eller vid 144 h efter kollisionen. NFL-v\ue4rdena kan prediktera RTP men resultaten \ue4r inte signifikanta.Parade koncentrationer av blodmark\uf6rerna NSE, S100B och tau sjunker signifikant vid 12 h i relation till niv\ue5erna vid 1h efter trauma. Dessa f\uf6r\ue4ndringar var inte f\uf6rv\ue4ntade.Koncentrations\ue4ndringarna av NSE, S100B och tau f\uf6r gruppen RTP ≥ 9 dagar skiljer sig inte signifikant mot v\ue4rden f\uf6r gruppen RTP < 9 dagar vid 12h, 26 h eller vid 144 h efter kollisionen

    The Lysholm score: Cross cultural validation and evaluation of psychometric properties of the Spanish version

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    This study aims at assessing the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the Lysholm score, a widely used instrument for assessing knee function and activity level after ligament injuries. Ninety-five participants (67.4% male, 22±5 years) completed the questionnaire twice within 7 days and a subsample of 42 participants completed a test-retest reliability. Reliability, validity and feasibility psychometric properties were studied. The validity of the questionnaire was analysed using ceiling and floor effects. Factor structure and construct validity were analysed with the SF-36, the Hip and Knee Questionnaire (HKQ) and one leg jump test (OLJT). Criterion validity with the SF-36 Physical State was moderate (r = 0.50 and p<0.01), poor and inverse relationship (r = -0.31, p<0.01) with HKQ and positive moderate (r = 0.59, p<0.01) with OLJT. Measurement error from MDC90 was 3.9%. Exploratory factor analysis demonstrated a one-factor solution explaining 51.5% of total variance. The x2 test for the one-factor model was significant (x2 = 29.58, df = 20, p < 0.08). Test-retest reliability level was high (ICC2.1 = 0.92, p<0.01) and also the internal consistency (α = 0.77). The Spanish Lysholm score demonstrated that it is a reliable and valid instrument that can be used to assess knee function after ligament injuries.This study takes place thanks to the additional funding from the University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)

    Osteoarthritis of the knee in the elderly

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    Godkänd; 2011; 20111116 (andbra)</p