360 research outputs found

    Miniature oxygen resuscitator

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    Miniature, portable resuscitation system is used during evacuation of patients to medical facilities. A carrying case contains a modified resuscitator head, cylinder of oxygen, two-stage oxygen regulator, low pressure tube, and a mask for mouth and nose

    Rijetko teško oštećenje cakline na gornjem kutnjaku svinje pronađenom u ranoj srednjovjekovnoj tvrđavi u Pragu (Republika Češka) - kratko priopćenje.

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    The present communication describes the case of an approx. 9 month old pig from the early medieval fortress Vyšehrad in Prague (Bohemia, Czech Republic). It showed an exceptionally severe enamel defect (plane-form hypoplasia) in the upper half of the crown of a right upper first molar. The plane-form defect was probably triggered by short-term disturbances of the enamel matrix secretion. After a period of approximately 1.5 or 2 months, normal enamel secretion may be assumed. Such strong hypoplasia is extremely rare in osteoarchaeological records. Regarding the age of the pig in question, the enamel defect could have been caused by problems during or after birth and/or during weaning.Opisan je nalaz ostataka svinje, u približnoj dobi od 9 mjeseci, pronađene u ranoj srednjovjekovnoj tvrđavi Vyšehrad u Pragu (Češka). Opaženo je iznimno jako oštećenje cakline (glatka hipoplazija) na gornjoj polovici krune, gornjeg, prvog desnog kutnjaka. Glatka hipoplazija vjerojatno je potaknuta kratkoročnim poremećajem matrice u lučenju cakline. Normalna sekrecija cakline može se pretpostaviti nakon razdoblja od približno 1,5 ili 2 mjeseca. Takva jaka hipoplazija izuzetno je rijetka u arheološkim nalazima kosti. S obzirom na dob predmetne svinje, oštećenje cakline moglo bi biti uzrokovano problemima tijekom ili nakon rođenja i/ili tijekom odbića