18,099 research outputs found

    SCUPE S-H 304: Good News For The City

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    2003 Congress: The Witness Of The Church Amidst Poverty And Plenty Series 7: Altadena, Southern California / Jubilee (2000-2012): English Files, Notebook 7https://digitalcommons.fuller.edu/kinsler-tee/1049/thumbnail.jp

    Efficacy of miniaturized imacor trans-esophageal echocardiografm (TEE) prove in mechanical circulatory support.

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    Application of the miniaturized ImaCor Trans-Esophageal Echocardiogram (TEE) probe in Heart Transplant/Mechanical Cardiac Support Patients In the surgical cardiac care unit (SCCU), therapeutic interventions often need to be done at the bedside, necessitating the need for a rapidly employable diagnostic tool for the cardiac intensivist. We report the clinical utility of the miniature ImaCor TEE-probe in guiding management of post heart transplant (H-Txp) and mechanical cardiac support patients (MCS) and describe the economic benefit of such a device. This is an IRB approved retrospective review of MCS/H-Txp patients who had ImaCor TEE monitoring in the SCCU of our institution in 2011. The effect on management was stratified into 3 categories; Major (tamponade/device selection/RV failure), Moderate (weaning support device guidance/ inotrope management/fluid management/hemodynamic instability) and Minor (line placement/useful data). The ImaCor TEE-Probe was utilized in a total of 34 patients, of which 21 were either supported by MCS or were post H-Txp. Of these, 13 were on ECMO, 9 were post-VAD, 3 supported by the Impella device and 4 were post-H-Txp. 6 patients were placed on more than 1 method of MCS and 1 patient was supported by ECMO after a H-Txp. The device had a Major effect on management in 4 patients (19%), Moderate effect in 13 (62%) and a Minor effect in 4 (19%). The cost difference between this new device and the traditional TEE is also significant (900 USD vs 4000 USD). Our institution saved in excess of 150,000 USD with the use of this device instead of traditional TEE. This figure did not include the ability of this probe to be used repeatedly within a 72-hour time frame, and the potential cost of going to the operating theatre for further management. This device has proven to be an invaluable new adjunct in the SCCU by allowing previously unobtainable continuous real time monitoring of the MCS/H-Txp patient. Use of the ImaCor TEE-probe provides the cardiac intensivist with timely important clinical data that improves patient care and is economically advantageous

    Real Hypersurfaces of Type A in Complex Two-Plane Grassmannians Related to The Reeb Vector Field

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    Y. J. Suh and H. Lee (Bull. Korean. Math. Soc. 47, 551-561 (2010)) characterized real hypersurfaces MM of type BB by the invariance of vector bundle JTMJTM^\perp under the shape operator and the orthogonality of JTMJTM^\perp and JTM\mathcal {J}TM^\perp, where TMTM^\perp, JJ and J\mathcal J are the normal bundle of MM, K\"ahler structure and Quaternionic K\"ahler structure of G2(Cm+2)G_2({\mathbb{C}}^{m+2}) respectively. In this paper, we characterize real hypersurfaces MM of type A by the invariance of the vector bundle JTMJTM^\perp under the shape operator with the Reeb vector field in JTM\mathcal {J}TM^\perp.Comment: 8 page

    Atrial thrombi detection prior to pulmonary vein isolation: Diagnostic accuracy of cardiac computed tomography versus transesophageal echocardiography

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    Background: Patients routinely undergo transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) prior to pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) in order to rule out the presence of intra-atrial thrombi. Cardiac computed tomography (CCT) is also routinely conducted prior to the procedure to determine cardiac anatomy. Although it has been demonstrated that CCT can also rule out intra-atrial thrombi, the use of CCT for thrombi detection is controversial. The primary objective was to determine the utility of CCT for detection of atrial thrombi as compared to TEE. Methods: Patients who underwent PVI between 2010 and 2011 with CTs and TEEs complet­ed within 3 days of each other were retrospectively identified. TEE reports were analyzed, while CCTs were interpreted by a cardiologist specializing in CCTs. Severe spontaneous echo contrast or thrombus detected on TEE were considered positive, as were filling defects found on CCT. Results: A total of 51 patients undergoing PVI (mean age 59.4 ± 9.5 years; 75% male; ejection fraction 60 ± 12%) had both TEE and CCT in timely fashion. By TEE, 0 left atrial ap­pendage (LAA) thrombi were identified with mild to moderate spontaneous echo contrast in 4 patients. By CCT, 2 definite LAA thrombi were identified and thrombi in 4 patients could not be ruled out. Specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value for CCT were 88%, 0%, and 100%, respectively. Conclusions: CCT is an effective tool in ruling out atrial thrombi prior to PVI. TEE should be completed only if CCT is positive

    Seminar on Theological Education

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    Series 1: Occasional Papers, Notebook 6https://digitalcommons.fuller.edu/kinsler-tee/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Eksperimental Karakteristik Pressure Drop Pada Sambungan T (Tee) Contraction Untuk Posisi Searah Dengan Variasi Sudut Kemiringan

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    Penerapan pinsip-prinsip mekanika fluida dapat dijumpai pada bidang industri, transportasi dan lainnya. Namun dalam penggunaannya selalu terjadi kerugian energi. Dengan mengetahui kerugian energi pada suatu sistem yang memanfaatkan fluida mengalir sebagai media, akan menentukan tingkat efesiensi penggunaan energi.Bentuk-bentuk kerugian energi pada aliran fluida antara lain dijumpai pada aliran dalam pipa. Kerugian-kerugian tersebut diakibatkan oleh adanya gesekan dengan dinding, perubahan luas penampang, sambungan, katup-katup, belokan pipa. Dalam perencanaan suatu sistem aliran, sulit dihindari adanya suatu sambungan, salah satunya sambungan T (tee). Besar kecilnya kehilangan energi dan penurunan tekanan yang terjadi pada aliran yang melalui sambungan T (tee) tersebut dipengaruhi oleh posisi sambungan T (tee) yang dipasang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pressure drop pada sambungan T (tee) contraction untuk posisi searah dengan variasi sudut kemiringan 00,100,200,300,400. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini dilaksanakan di laboratorium mekanika fluida Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah adalah secara eksperimen, yaitu suatu metode yang mengusahakan timbulnya variabel-variabel dan selanjutnya dikontrol untuk dilihat pengaruhnya. Eksperimen dilakukan terhadap fluida air yang dialirkan melalui pipa PVC (Polivinil clorida) berdiameter 1 inchi dengan diameter sambungan T (tee) 1x inchi dan 1x inchi yang dipasang secara searah horizontal dengan variasi kemiringan, kemudian dilakukan beberapa kali pengukuran tekanan pada sebelum dan sesudah sambungan T(tee) menggunakan manometer segaris pada sistem perpipaan. Kondisi demikian kemudian diuji pengaruhnya terhadap pressure drop pada aliran tersebut dengan variasi debit air. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat di simpulkan bahwa Pada aliran fluida sebelum memasuki sambungan T(tee) contraction dengan variasi sudut kemiringan mengalami peningkatan pressure drop yang sama. Pada aliran fluida setelah memasuki sambungan T (tee) contraction dengan variasi sudut kemiringan pada bilangan Reynolds yang sama, terjadi peningkatan pressure drop. Pada aliran fluida setelah memasuki sambungan T (tee) contraction dengan variasi sudut kemiringan dengan luas penampang 1 inchi pada bilangan-bilangan Reynolds tertentu terjadi peningkatan pressure drop yang tidak teratur. Pada aliran fluida setelah memasuki sambungan T (tee) contraction dengan variasi sudut kemiringan dengan luas penampang ¾ inchi dan ½ inchi mengalami peningkatan pressure drop Pada pipa yang luas permukaanya lebih kecil menghasilkan pressure drop lebih besar


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    Sistem perpipaan merupakan bagian yang selalu ada dalam industri masa kini, misalnya industri gas,pengilangan minyak, industri air minum, Dalam perencanaan suatu sistem perpipaan, sulit dihindari adanya suatusambungan, salah satunya sambungan T (tee). Adanya sambungan T (tee) dalam suatu saluran akan menyebabkanterjadinya kehilangan energi dan penurunan tekanan pada aliran. Besar kecilnya kehilangan energi dan penurunantekanan yang terjadi pada aliran yang melalui sambungan T (tee) tersebut dipengaruhi oleh posisi sambungan T (tee)yang dipasang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pressure drop pada sambungan tee untuk posisifrontal dengan variasi sudut kemiringan 15˚, 30˚, 45˚, 60˚, 75˚. Penelitian dalam ini dilaksanakan di laboratoriummekanika fluida Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Metode penelitianyang digunakan adalah adalah secara eksperimen, yaitu suatu metode yang mengusahakan timbulnya variabel-variabeldan selanjutnya dikontrol untuk dilihat pengaruhnya. Eksperimen dilakukan terhadap fluida air yang dialirkan melaluipipa PVC (Polivinil clorida) berdiameter 1 inchi dengan sambungan T (tee) yang dipasang secara frontal denganvariasi kemiringan, kemudian dilakukan beberapa kali pengukuran tekanan pada sebelum dan sesudah sambungan T(tee) menggunakan manometer segaris pada sistem perpipaan. Kondisi demikian kemudian diuji pengaruhnya terhadappressure drop pada aliran tersebut dengan variasi debit air. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat di simpulkan bahwa semakintinggi perbedaan elevasi maka akan semakin besar pressure drop yang dihasilkan. Untuk sambungan T (tee) keluaranke bawah, pressure drop terbesar terjadi pada sudut kemiringan 75˚ sedangkan pressure drop terkecil pada sudutkemiringan 15˚. Tetapi untuk peningkatan pressure drop pada sudut 15˚ cenderung lebih signifikan daripadapeningkatan pressure drop pada sudut 30˚, 45˚, 60˚, dan 75˚. Sedangkan pressure drop pada sambungan T sudut 15˚keluaran ke atas lebih besar daripada keluaran ke bawah, hal ini membuktikan jika aliran menurun, gravitasi membantualiran sehingga pressure drop kecil

    Tearing of the Mitral Valve during Vent Removal after a Successful Mitral Valve Repair: a Beneficial Role of Transesophageal Echocardiography

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    In this case, a successful mitral valve repair was confirmed by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) at the end of a cardiopulmonary bypass. The left ventricular vent was placed through the mitral valve to remove the air after the TEE examination, and on its way out, the left ventricular vent damaged the anterior mitral leaflet (AML). Re-examination of the valve with TEE detected the new mitral valve insufficiency. The CPB was reinstituted, and tearing of the lateral third part of the anterior mitral leaflet was found. This case emphasizes the importance of TEE in the operating room as a continuous monitor, not only to evaluate the result of the cardiac surgery, but also to detect any unpredictable events during the surgery