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    Tingkat Pengetahuan Mahasiswa Keperawatan Tentang Kode Etik Profesi Dan Caring

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    Level of Knowledge Nursing Students about Code of Ethics Profession and Caring. Nursing students have to know about code of ethics and caring because both of them are fundamental on nursing profession. This study used to know a representation of the level of knowledge of the nursing profession\u27s code of ethics and caring among nursing students in Universitas Indonesia. This study used decriptive with cross sectional approach among 226 nursing students University of Indonesia by using simple random sampling methods. The results showed that nursing student in Universitas Indonesia (92%) has a good level of knowledge of the nursing profession\u27s code of ethics and (47,3%) respondents has a fair level of knowledge of caring in the nursing profession. It was recommended for nursing faculty to give education and motivate students to practice the knowledge of the nursing profession\u27s code of ethics and caring in daily activities