17 research outputs found

    Identification of the Global Strategic Trends Defining of Foreign Direct Investments Development

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    Objectives. The foreign direct investment market is extremely dynamic. This is affected by a large number of factors, both external and internal. On the one hand, corporations change strategic investment priorities due to changes in the volume of accumulated investment resources, technologies used, and the market capacity to which they are oriented. At the same time, transformations take place in the global economy, leading to a change in the external environment, which leads to a change in the conditions for doing business in different countries and industries. The identification, systematization and description of the main strategic trends in the development of the foreign direct investment market and the factors that determine them, therefore, is the research objective of this work.Methods. During the research we used methods of statistical data analysis, scientific generalization, strategic analysis, systematization of scientific approaches.Results. The main indicators of the foreign direct investment market dynamics by countries, regions and international integration unions were analyzed in the framework of this study. As a result, the main global strategic trends in the development of the foreign direct investment market were identified and formulated. It was found that a number of strategic global trends in the development of the foreign direct investment market are sustainable, which determines the need to take them into account when developing appropriate strategies. The results of this study can be used to develop both corporate strategies for the implementation of FDI in certain countries and regions, and in the process of developing national regional and sectoral strategies for investment development


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    Objectives. The aim of present paper is to minimise the errors in the approximation of experimentally obtained acceleration curves.Methods. Based on the features and disadvantages of the well-known Simoyu method for calculating transfer functions on the basis of acceleration curves, a modified version of the method is developed using the MathLab and MathCad software. This is based on minimising the sum of the squares of the experimental point deviations from the solution of the differential equation at the same points.Results. Methods for the implementation of parametric identification are analysed and the Simoyu method is chosen as the most effective. On the basis of the analysis of its advantages and disadvantages, a modified method is proposed that allows the structure and parameters of the transfer function to be identified according to the experimental acceleration curve, as well as the choice of optimal numerical values of those parameters obtained for minimising errors in the approximation of the experimentally obtained acceleration curves.Conclusion. The problem of optimal control over a complex technical facility was solved. On the basis of the modified Simoyu method, an algorithm for the automated selection of the optimal shape and calculation of transfer function parameters of dynamic elements of complex technical objects according to the acceleration curves in the impact channels was developed. This has allowed the calculation efficiency of the dynamic characteristics of control objects to be increased by minimising the approximation errors. The efficiency of the proposed calculation method is shown. Its simplicity makes it possible to apply to practical calculations, especially for use in the design of complex technical objects within the framework of the computer aided design system. The proposed method makes it possible to increase the accuracy of the approximation by at least 20%, which is an important advantage for its practical use

    Extraction of chlorophyll concentration maps from AOTF hyperspectral imagery

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    Remote mapping of chlorophyll concentration in leaves is highly important for various biological and agricultural applications. Multiple spectral indices calculated from reflectance at specific wavelengths have been introduced for chlorophyll content quantification. Depending on the crop, environmental factors and task, indices differ. To map them and define the most accurate index, a single multi-spectral imaging system with a limited number of spectral channels is insufficient. When the best chlorophyll index for a particular task is unknown, hyperspectral imager able to collect images at any wavelengths and map multiple indices is in need. Due to precise, fast and arbitrary spectral tuning, acousto-optic imagers provide highly optimized data acquisition and processing. In this study, we demonstrate the feasibility to extract the distribution of chlorophyll content from acousto-optic hyperspectral data cubes. We collected spectral images of soybean leaves of 5 cultivars in the range 450–850 nm, calculated 14 different chlorophyll indices, evaluated absolute value of chlorophyll concentration from each of them via linear regression and compared it with the results of well-established spectrophotometric measurements. We calculated parameters of the chlorophyll content estimation models via linear regression of the experimental data and found that index CIRE demonstrates the highest coefficient of determination 0.993 and the lowest chlorophyll content root-mean-square error 0.66 μg/cm2. Using this index and optimized model, we mapped chlorophyll content distributions in all inspected cultivars. This study exhibits high potential of acousto-optic hyperspectral imagery for mapping spectral indices and choosing the optimal ones with respect to specific crop and environmental conditions

    Применение гистохрома в лечении больных первичной открытоугольной глаукомой

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    PURPOSE: To study the efficiency of complex treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), that includes histochrome application both intraoperatively in the course of trabeculectomy (STE) and combined with magnetic therapy in the early postoperative period. METHODS: 30 patients (age 69±1.6) diagnosed with POAG stages I-III with increased intraocular pressure were included in the study. Two groups were formed: main group comprised 15 subjects who underwent STE combined with histochrome application and magnetic therapy, while 15 patients of the control group underwent standard STE. All patients before and after treatment on the 10th day, after 1, 3 and 6 months were surveyed, including visometry, biomicroscopy, gonioscopy, ophthalmoscopy, tonometry, perimetry, the definition of critical frequency of flicker fusion and HRT. RESULTS: The following results were obtained in the control group: a more prominent decrease of intraocular pressure (from 27.7±0.91 to 14.4±0.93 on the 10 day and 17.2±1.2 6 months after surgery), a trend towards stabilization of visual acuity; widening of the field of view (from 426±31.7 to 487±25.3 1 month and 488±20.2 6 months after the surgery); improvement of the morphological parameters of the optic disc: Rim Area - from 0.996±0.10 to 1.187±0.10 after 3 months and up to 1.212±0.14 after 6 months of follow-up; Rim Volume - from 0.140±0.03 to 0.226±0.05 after 3 months and up to 0.260±0.09 after 6 months of follow-up; Mean RNFL thickness - from 0.126±0.03 to 0.157±0.03 after 3 months and 0.170±0.04 after 6 months of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Complex treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), that includes histochrome application both intraoperatively in the course of trabeculectomy (STE) and combined with magnetic therapy in the early postoperative period, can improve visual functions and stabilize the glaucoma process in to the course of 6 months follow-up period.ЦЕЛЬ. Изучить эффективность комплексного лечения первичной открытоугольной глаукомы (ПОУГ), включающего хирургическое лечение с одновременным применением гистохрома в ходе синустрабекулэктомии (СТЭ) и раннем послеоперационном периоде совместно с магнитотерапией. методы. в исследование включены 30 больных (30 глаз) ПОУГ I-III стадий с некомпенсированным внутриглазным давлением (ВГД) на местной гипотензивной терапии. Выделены две группы: 1-я группа (основная) - 15 человек, проведение СТЭ сочеталось с применением гистохрома и магнитотерапией; 2-я группа (контрольная) - 15 человек, выполнена СТЭ по стандартной методике. Всем пациентам до и после лечения через 10 дней, 1, 3, 6 месяцев проводили обследование, включающее визометрию, биомикроскопию, гониоскопию, офтальмоскопию с линзой 60 дптр, тонометрию, периметрию на сферопериметре, определение критической частоты слияния мельканий (КЧСМ), лазерную ретинотомографию на аппарате HRT II («Heidelberg Engineering», Германия). РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. В группе комплексного лечения глаукомы выявлено более эффективное снижение ВГД: с 27,7±0,91 до 14,4±0,93 мм рт.ст. на 10 сутки и 17,2±1,2 мм рт.ст. -через 6 месяцев после операции; тенденция к стабилизации остроты зрения; расширение границ поля зрения с 426±31,7 до 487±25,3° на 1-м месяце и до 488±20,2° -на 6-м месяце наблюдения; улучшение морфологических показателей диска зрительного нерва: площади нейроретинального пояска - с 0,996±0,10 до 1,187±0,10 мм2 в 3 месяца и до 1,212±0,14 мм2 - в 6 месяцев наблюдения; объема нейроретинального пояска - с 0,140±0,03 до 0,226±0,05 мм3 в 3 месяца и до 0,260±0,09 мм3 - в 6 месяцев наблюдения; средней толщины слоя нервных волокон сетчатки - с 0,126±0,03 до 0,157±0,03 мкм в 3 месяца и 0,170±0,04 мкм - в 6 месяцев наблюдения. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Данный комплексный метод лечения больных ПОУГ c применением гистохрома в ходе синустрабекулэктомии и раннем послеоперационном периоде в сочетании с магнитотерапией позволяет улучшить зрительные функции и стабилизировать глаукомный процесс в период наблюдения до 6 месяцев

    Soybean yield dependence on the timing of sowing in the conditions of the foothill zone of the RNO-Alania

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    The article presents the results of research on the reaction of soybean plants depending on the timing of sowing in the foothill zone of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The need to improve the timing of sowing occurs with the introduction of new varieties of various ripeness in the main and intermediate crops. The purpose of the paper is to study the effect of sowing dates on the yield of soybean seeds in the conditions of the foothill zone of the RNO-Alania. The scientific novelty was to establish optimal sowing dates that would ensure optimal plant growth and development and high productivity. Our research was carried out in the experimental fields of the North Caucasian Research Institute of Mountain and Piedmont Agriculture of the VSC RAS in 2018-2021. The object of research was the varieties of breeding of the Federal scientific center "V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops. Two main types of soils prevail in the foothill zone: chernozems of varying degrees of leaching, as well as meadow and meadow-boggy soils. The arable layer contains from 3 to 4.4% humus. Down the profile, the amount of humus decreases gradually. The reaction of the soil solution in the upper horizons is neutral, in horizons deeper than 80-90 cm – slightly alkaline. The predecessor of the experimental plots was corn for grain. It was found that at early sowing dates (April 20 - May 5) resulted in higher field germination (87-93%), plant foliage of 46.9 thousand m2/ha and their survival rate for harvesting 84-91%. More nodules formed on the roots of the plants. The maximum yield is 2.6 t/ha, obtained during sowing on April 30

    Comparison of Czech and Russian Economy Due to the Financial Crisis of 2007–08

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    The name of the thesis The Comparative Study of the Economics of the Czech Republic and Russia after the Financial Crisis breakdown is very interesting because it is a comparison of two very different states: the Russian Federation is a large federal state, open economy, and the state is sovereign. Czech Republic is a member state of the European Union, and therefore the sovereignty of the Czech Republic in this way is limited. The main objective of this study is to compare how both countries felt the impact of the financial and economic crisis. The methods used are mainly statistical methods, especially compared to macroeconomic indicators in the Czech Republic and Russia

    “Russian Language Extension” in Media Discourse and Principles of Linguoecology

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    Solzhenitsyn's formulation used in the title of the archaic lexis dictionary (Dictionary of the Russian Language Extension) contained the idea: “Archaisms very often do not deserve "premature death" and should be used in order to protect the Russian language from the harmful average standard”. Solzhenitsyn's idea is believed not to be developed and followed. Meanwhile, the analysis of modern media shows that the best texts invariably include units not from central common lexis. Nowadays archaization and dearchaization of lexis are natural and active language processes. A characteristic feature of the Russian language development at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries is fairly considered to be the archaization of lexis that is objectively "chronologically stable". The article is devoted to the analysis of functions of archaic lexis in the media discourse from the point of view of modern linguistic ecology ideas. Archaisms are necessary for the modern language to nuance the thought, they are necessary as an opportunity to create a pathos media text, as a tropeic means with the widest range. Based on the modern media text the authors used communicative and pragmatic analysis study the role of archaic lexis in the creation of figurativeness and expressiveness

    Feminitives Activation in Modern Media Discourse: Linguoecological Aspect

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    The formulation of the research topic is dictated by the tendency to investigate feminitives as destructive phenomena of the modern Russian language, contradicting the linguistic ecology and good language taste. Traditionally invectives, obscenisms and English-language inclusions were considered to be such destructive phenomena. In this connection, it is urgent to analyze the grammatical essence and pragmatic functions of feminitives in media discourse and, on this basis, to find out to what extent they can meet the ecological criteria. The conclusion is that feminitives are not equal in their ability to convey certain pragmatic co-meanings, and it is on these abilities the place of a particular female correlate in the language system, and the correspondence to the linguistic and ecological parameters of communication depends. The question of female correlates from the names of persons by profession, occupation, etc. is not new in grammar and linguoculturology, but new communication techniques, in particular, the features of word usage in Internet blogs, have given a new impetus to this topic. In the study of the language material, retrieved from traditional media texts and internet media content, such techniques as contextual linguopragmatic analysis and the method of pragmatic interpretation, which consists of identifying the features of connotational increments, were used

    Optimized structure of sowing areas and crop rotation for the piedmont zone of the NOR-Alanya

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    The article considers an optimized structure of sowing areas, taking into account specific agro-climatic conditions for the foothill zone of the North Ossetia Republic-Alania. Field (grass and corn-grass), fodder and vegetable crop rotations based on the improved structure of sown areas have been developed, allowing the introduction of intercrop cultures with the simultaneous increase of soil fertility