7 research outputs found

    Elements of equipment for road surfaces with photoluminescence marking

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    W przestrzeni publicznej stosuje się wiele oznaczeń służących polepszeniu bezpieczeństwa. Wspomniane oznaczenia bazują na komunikacji wizualnej, często są podświetlane. Takie rozwiązania wymagają doprowadzenia instalacji elektrycznej. Interesującym rozwiązaniem eliminującym zastosowanie kosztownej energii elektrycznej jest zastosowanie pigmentów fotoluminescencyjnych zespolonych z elementami nawierzchni drogowej. Artykuł przedstawia ocenę właściwości technicznych i użytkowych elementów wyposażenia nawierzchni drogowej z oznakowaniem fotoluminescencyjnym.In the public space, one can encounter many markings which serve to improve safety. These markings are based on visual communication and they often tend to be illuminated. Such solutions require an electrical installation. An interesting solution eliminating the use of costly electricity is the use of photoluminescent pigments combined with the elements of the road surface. The article presents the assessment of technical and functional properties of elements of road surface equipment with photoluminescent marking

    Development of 3D printed heavyweight concrete (3DPHWC) containing magnetite aggregate

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    The main objective of this study is to develop 3D printed heavyweight concrete (3DPHWC) to produce elements with a dry density of up to 3500 kg/m3 by replacing natural aggregate (SA) with magnetite aggregate (MA) up to 100%. A comprehensive systematic study was conducted to thoroughly assess mixtures' mechanical properties, physical proficiency, fresh properties, and printing qualities. The inclusion of MA exhibited the desired fresh properties required for 3D printing and promising physical and mechanical properties. Evaluation of the mechanical properties of designed 3DPHWC indicates that replacing SA with MA increases both cast and printed samples' strengths. The 3D printed M100 sample achieved higher 28 days flexural and compressive strengths by 18 % and 20 %, respectively, compared to printed control mix (M0). Micro-CT study correspondingly demonstrated improvements in the composites' porosity, pore size, and pore morphologies. The linear attenuation coefficients (LACs) and half-value layer (HVLs) for slow neutron and gamma-ray were measured to assess radiation shielding characteristics. A significant performance improvement was obtained for slow neutrons by introducing the magnetite aggregate. Unlike slow neutrons, no significant difference was observed between cast and printed samples against γ-rays. Moreover, the effect of porosity on the shielding performance was discussed