596 research outputs found

    A study on the positive effect of cooperative learning on the status group problems in the classroom

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect that cooperative learning and the teaching of group norms would have on the social ranking of the low status students in the elementary school classroom. The sample was comprised of 48 fourth grade students. A treatment group consisting of 24 students, and a comparison group of 24 students were pretested and posttested using a sociometric instrument designed to examine the interpersonal relationship patterns of the students. Introduction of a treatment designed to change the existing pattern of interaction was given to the treatment group. The treatment group met for 18 fifteen minute sessions which focused on the acquiring of the cooperative group skills necessary for quality peer interaction. In addition, cooperative learning structures were utilized during regular class instruction time throughout the six week study. The comparison group was denied treatment. After the treatment program the results were analyzed by compiling the averages of the net changes that occurred between the pretest and the posttest for both the treatment group and the comparison group. A t-Test for independent samples was used as a discriminator of significant differences separating the net change averages of both groups. No significant differences were found. The author determined that the results were inconclusive due to the short duration of the study, the lack of a random sample, and the limited time allowed for treatment

    F07RS SGB No. 5 (Budget)

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    Juvenile Psychopathy: Instrumental versus Reactive Aggression in Male and Female Juvenile Offenders

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    Over the past decade, the profusion of literature examining the downward extension of psychopathy to juvenile populations has been met with much debate and controversy. The focus remains on the accuracy of assessment and the negative effects from the premature application of labeling a juvenile a psychopath. The current study investigated the relationship between psychopathy and aggression by exploring the relationship between types of aggression (instrumental and reactive) and psychopathic traits in juvenile offenders. This study examined archived file information for male and female (N = 134) juvenile offenders (ages 13-17) referred for diagnostic and psychological evaluation services by the department of juvenile probation. A mixed gender sample was utilized to explore gender differences in the manifestation of psychopathy and aggression. Based on Cornell et al\u27s (1996) aggression coding system, this study identified three groups: (a) instrumental offenders (IO), (b) reactive offenders (RO) and (c) combined offenders (CO; both instrumental and reactive aggression). These groups were compared on psychopathic traits utilizing the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory for Adolescents (MMPI-A; Butcher et al., 1992) scale 4, Psychopathic deviate (Pd) as a measure of psychopathic traits. Consistent with previous research on adult populations, results support the predictive utility of instrumental aggression in assessing psychopathic traits in juvenile offenders. Gender differences revealed that female offenders demonstrate higher rates of psychopathic traits regardless of aggression group

    Juvenile Psychopathy: Instrumental versus Reactive Aggression in Male and Female Juvenile Offenders

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    Over the past decade, the profusion of literature examining the downward extension of psychopathy to juvenile populations has been met with much debate and controversy. The focus remains on the accuracy of assessment and the negative effects from the premature application of labeling a juvenile a psychopath. The current study investigated the relationship between psychopathy and aggression by exploring the relationship between types of aggression (instrumental and reactive) and psychopathic traits in juvenile offenders. This study examined archived file information for male and female (N = 134) juvenile offenders (ages 13-17) referred for diagnostic and psychological evaluation services by the department of juvenile probation. A mixed gender sample was utilized to explore gender differences in the manifestation of psychopathy and aggression. Based on Cornell et al\u27s (1996) aggression coding system, this study identified three groups: (a) instrumental offenders (IO), (b) reactive offenders (RO) and (c) combined offenders (CO; both instrumental and reactive aggression). These groups were compared on psychopathic traits utilizing the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory for Adolescents (MMPI-A; Butcher et al., 1992) scale 4, Psychopathic deviate (Pd) as a measure of psychopathic traits. Consistent with previous research on adult populations, results support the predictive utility of instrumental aggression in assessing psychopathic traits in juvenile offenders. Gender differences revealed that female offenders demonstrate higher rates of psychopathic traits regardless of aggression group

    Analysis of the chemical evolution of the Galactic disk via dynamical simulations of the open cluster system

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    For several decades now, open clusters have been used to study the structure and chemical evolution of the disk of our Galaxy. Due to the fact that their ages and metallicities can be determined with relatively good precision, and since they can be observed even at great distances, they are excellent tracers of the variations in the abundance of heavy chemical elements with age and position in the Galactic disk. In the present work we analyze the star formation history and the chemical evolution of the disk of the Galaxy using numerical simulations of the dynamical evolution of the system of open clusters in the Milky Way. Starting from hypotheses on the history of cluster formation and the chemical enrichment of the disk, we model the present properties of the Galactic open cluster system. The comparison of these models with the observations allows us to examine the validity of the assumed hypotheses and to improve our knowledge about the initial conditions of the chemical evolution of the Galactic disk

    La revisione dei Principi Contabili Nazionali: OIC 16 e 24

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    Il presente lavoro ha lo scopo di porre in comparazione i principi contabili OIC 16 e 24, con le loro rispettive bozze di principio di nuova emissione, estrapolandone in tale contesto, le novità salienti. Inoltre, poiché la disciplina delle perdite durevoli di valore, contenuta negli attuali principi contabili OIC 16 "Immobilizzazioni materiali" e OIC 24 "Immobilizzazioni immateriali" è stata sottoposta a rivisitazione e ricollocata in un principio contabile dedicato, si è deciso di effettuare una comparazione anche in tale ambito. La bozza di principio contabile in questione è l'OIC 9 "Svalutazione per perdite durevoli di valore delle immobilizzazioni materiali e immateriali"
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