14 research outputs found
A Note on E11 and Three-dimensional Gauged Supergravity
We determine the gauge symmetries of all p-forms in maximal three-dimensional
gauged supergravity by requiring invariance of the Lagrangian. It is shown that
in a particular ungauged limit these symmetries are in precise correspondence
to those predicted by the very-extended Kac-Moody algebra E11. We demonstrate
that whereas in the ungauged limit the bosonic gauge algebra closes off-shell,
the closure is only on-shell in the full gauged theory. This underlines the
importance of dynamics for understanding the Kac-Moody origin of the symmetries
of gauged supergravity.Comment: Published versio
On unitary subsectors of polycritical gravities
We study higher-derivative gravity theories in arbitrary space-time dimension
d with a cosmological constant at their maximally critical points where the
masses of all linearized perturbations vanish. These theories have been
conjectured to be dual to logarithmic conformal field theories in the
(d-1)-dimensional boundary of an AdS solution. We determine the structure of
the linearized perturbations and their boundary fall-off behaviour. The
linearized modes exhibit the expected Jordan block structure and their inner
products are shown to be those of a non-unitary theory. We demonstrate the
existence of consistent unitary truncations of the polycritical gravity theory
at the linearized level for odd rank.Comment: 22 pages. Added references, rephrased introduction slightly.
Published versio
E10 and Gauged Maximal Supergravity
We compare the dynamics of maximal three-dimensional gauged supergravity in
appropriate truncations with the equations of motion that follow from a
one-dimensional E10/K(E10) coset model at the first few levels. The constant
embedding tensor, which describes gauge deformations and also constitutes an
M-theoretic degree of freedom beyond eleven-dimensional supergravity, arises
naturally as an integration constant of the geodesic model. In a detailed
analysis, we find complete agreement at the lowest levels. At higher levels
there appear mismatches, as in previous studies. We discuss the origin of these
mismatches.Comment: 34 pages. v2: added references and typos corrected. Published versio
Kac-Moody Spectrum of (Half-)Maximal Supergravities
We establish the correspondence between, on one side, the possible gaugings
and massive deformations of half-maximal supergravity coupled to vector
multiplets and, on the other side, certain generators of the associated very
extended Kac-Moody algebras. The difference between generators associated to
gaugings and to massive deformations is pointed out. Furthermore, we argue that
another set of generators are related to the so-called quadratic constraints of
the embedding tensor. Special emphasis is placed on a truncation of the
Kac-Moody algebra that is related to the bosonic gauge transformations of
supergravity. We give a separate discussion of this truncation when non-zero
deformations are present. The new insights are also illustrated in the context
of maximal supergravity.Comment: Added references, published versio
E11 and the embedding tensor
We show how, using different decompositions of E11, one can calculate the representations under the duality group of the so-called “de-form” potentials. Evidence is presented that these potentials are in one-to-one correspondence to the embedding tensors that classify the gaugings of all maximal gauged supergravities. We supply the computer program underlying our calculations.