361 research outputs found

    Jane Eyre: The Bridge Between Christianity and Folklore

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    Charlotte Brontё’s acclaimed novel, Jane Eyre, was first marketed as an autobiography. The story, told from the point of view of a poor orphan girl, takes on a narrative similar to that of a fairytale. In this way, a reader may find difficulty in believing this novel to be a work of nonfiction. Charlotte Brontё employs aspects of both Christianity and fantasy in her novel not to discourage her readers from believing its validity but rather to emphasize how even poor orphan girls like Jane have forces of good guiding them. Jane Eyre is fictional, yet the hardships she faces could befall anyone. Charlotte Brontё purposefully parallels her story to a fairytale to portray how even the seemingly random misfortunes and griefs of life are not without reason and that no one is helpless. With both religion and fable on her side, the orphan, Jane Eyre, was never truly alone

    EEG and EMG Sensorimotor Measurements to Assess Proprioception Following ACL Reconstruction

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    The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is the primary source of rotational stability in the knee by preventing the tibia from sliding in front of the femur. When the ACL is torn, it typically must be repaired through reconstructive surgery which results in proprioceptive deficiencies in the knee. Proprioception plays an important role in understanding where one’s knee is in space, sensing movement and reacting accordingly. This study examines an alternative method of measuring proprioceptive responses to a stimulus (motion) by using electromyogram (EMG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) signals to observe muscle and brain activity. Two participants (one with an ACL reconstruction and a second with healthy knees) were tested three times over a six week period. Repeated measures allowed for an initial examination of how proprioception may vary over time in an individual with healthy knees and with an ACL reconstruction. This measurement strategy can examine the process of proprioception recovery after an ACL reconstruction. It has the potential to help physicians and physical therapists decide when a person can return to normal or strenuous activity as well as provide insight into whether uninjured patients have a proprioceptive deficit which may indicate an increased risk of injury

    Preliminary evaluation of a liquid belt radiator for space applications

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    The liquid belt radiator (LBR) is discussed. The LBR system operates either in the sensible heat mode or in the latent heat mode. Parametric analysis shows that the LBR may reduce the mass of heat pipe radiators by 70 to 90% when the LBR surface has a total emissivity in excess of 0.3. It is indicated that the diffusion pump oils easily meet this criteria with emissivities greater than 0.8. Measurements on gallium indicate that its emissivity is probably in excess of 0.3 in the solid state when small amounts of impurities are on the surface. The point design exhibits a characteristic mass of 3.1 kg/kW of power dissipation, a mass per unit prime radiating area of approximately 0.9 kg/sq ms and a total package volume of approximately 2.50 cubic m. This compares favorably with conventional technologies which have weights on the order of 4 kg/sq m

    New Student Center for Innovation at Connecticut College

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    Historic Philadelphia Foodways: A Consideration of Catfish Cookery

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    This article explores the consumption of catfish in the Philadelphia area during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Although not extremley popular in the region today, in the past this fish was an important part of the culinary landscape, in particular as part of a meal referred to as catfish and waffles. Evidence from zooarchaeological and documentary research is used to justify this claim

    Liquid belt radiator design study

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    The Liquid Belt Radiator (LBR) is an advanced concept developed to meet the needs of anticipated future space missions. A previous study documented the advantages of this concept as a lightweight, easily deployable alternative to present day space heat rejection systems. The technical efforts associated with this study concentrate on refining the concept of the LBR as well as examining the issues of belt dynamics and potential application of the LBR to intermediate and high temperature heat rejection applications. A low temperature point design developed in previous work is updated assuming the use of diffusion pump oil, Santovac-6, as the heat transfer media. Additional analytical and design effort is directed toward determining the impact of interface heat exchanger, fluid bath sealing, and belt drive mechanism designs on system performance and mass. The updated design supports the earlier result by indicating a significant reduction in system specific system mass as compared to heat pipe or pumped fluid radiator concepts currently under consideration (1.3 kg/sq m versus 5 kg/sq m)

    Soils Project

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    With the mass production of plastic materials throughout the world there is not only significant impacts towards marine life, but also terrestrial environments because of plastic pollution. These plastic products are non-biodegradable and only break down into tiny microscopic pieces of plastic. These microscopic plastics pollute the grounds and soils us humans depend on

    Playful Dance/Movement Therapy for Traumatized Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Development of a Clinical Method

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    This capstone thesis project explored the potential for dance/movement therapy (DMT) to be an accessible and effective treatment for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) that have been impacted by trauma. People with IDD are more vulnerable to adverse life events than the neurotypical population. Past research has largely used treatment designed for neurotypical people who communicate and interpret life events in different ways than people with IDD. The expressive arts therapies, and DMT specifically, have the potential to create a positive embodied experience for people with IDD that have been impacted by trauma. The current method consisted of one DMT session at an expressive arts therapy center with a group of teenagers, both neurodivergent and neurotypical. Themes that emerged from the intervention as a whole included joy, well-being, engagement and accessibility. Sub-themes that emerged from creative movement tasks in the intervention included autonomy, weight, awareness, and self-care. The use of DMT techniques in a playful format is a starting point to meet people with IDD where they are and lessen the impact of trauma

    Food resource availability for Carnaby\u27s cockatoo Calyptorhynchus latirostris on the Swan Coast Plain

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    To achieve a balance between sustainable development and conservation of threatened species, management depends on understanding the predicted response and interaction of that species with their environment in order to develop appropriate mitigating solutions. The Carnaby’s cockatoo Calyptorhynchus latirostris is declining across much of its range due to the detrimental effect of habitat degradation and loss. Since the decline of food resource availability in non-breeding areas is believed to be contributing to the reduction in the number of Carnaby’s cockatoos knowledge of the birds’ foraging ecology and the influence of external factors on food resource availability is essential for effective management. Despite extensive studies and conservation work on the Carnaby’s cockatoos, there remain many gaps in our understanding of the birds’ foraging behaviour. The aim of this thesis is to fill some of those gaps. Carnaby’s cockatoos are destructive feeders, removing plant parts with strong beaks by holding them while extracting seed and insect larvae. Surveys of the birds feeding preferences were analysed by recording feeding residues of the number of eaten and uneaten infructescences left behind on the ground following foraging bouts. It was noted that Carnaby’s cockatoo diets were highly variable in terms of plant structures and species manipulated and consumed. Twenty-four species of food plants were manipulated by Carnaby’s cockatoo. Of these, 15 species of plant were consumed for seeds, with 53% of the total being made up of proteaceous species. Six of the 15 species (all Banksia species) were also manipulated as inflorescences. Grubbing for insects that were living in or on the woody stem tissue was observed in 63% of the food resource plant species collected. Carnaby’s cockatoo displayed a strong preference for food resources of the Banksia and Hakea genera. The relationship between Carnaby’s cockatoos and Banksia species was further examined to understand infructescence availability and variability in seasonal and total annual counts to determine the amount of potential food available to Carnaby’s cockatoos. Banksia attenuata, B. grandis, B. ilicifolia, B. menziesii, B. prionotes and B. sessilis were targeted in this study. Infructescence availability was determined through examination of Carnaby’s cockatoo feeding residues and numbers of mature infructescences that make up the standing crop of infructescences containing seeds. Banksia infructescences were available throughout the study for five out of the six species, although seasonal and annual amounts available varied. The numbers of infructescences available were not significantly (P \u3e 0.05) influenced by soil type. However, infructescence numbers were significantly (P \u3c 0.05) reduced by the presence of Phytophthora cinnamomi. In general the number of infructescences significantly (P \u3c 0.05) increased as post-fire age increased. Plant allometric relationships between morphological characteristics and number of infructescences were investigated to help identify factors which best predict infructescence numbers. For B. attenuata, canopy volume, canopy area and girth emerged as the best individual predictive models for explaining the variability of the number of infructescences. Multiple linear regression of all B. attenuata plant morphological variables accounted for 29% of the variability in the number of infructescences. Canopy volume, canopy area, girth and foliage height were the best individual predictive models for determining the number of infructescences for B. menziesii. The combination of all B menziesii plant morphological characteristics explained 44% of the variability in the number of infructescences. All the models tested for B. sessilis revealed significant (P \u3c 0.05) relationships with correlation coefficients \u3e 53%. Canopy area was the best individual predictive factor for B. sessilis, accounting for around 90% of the variation. Multiple linear regression analysis combining all B. sessilis plant morphological variables revealed a correlation coefficient of 92%. In comparison to B. attenuata and B. menziesii (resprouters), B. sessilis is an obligate reseeder which is killed by fire. As a consequence of reseeding post-fire, B. Sessilis commonly occurs in dense thickets and are often more uniform in plant size, age and infructescence availability than resprouters and therefore displays stronger allometric relationships. Determining the influence of external factors on infructescence numbers helps in establishing the amount of food resources available for Carnaby’s cockatoos and in turn highlights the importance of various food resource habitats. Banksia species investigated as part of the food resource availability study were further examined to determine temporal variability of infructescence use by Carnaby’s cockatoo. Carnaby’s cockatoos showed themselves to be tolerant of changing resource availability which allowed them to effectively utilise food resources across the landscape throughout all seasons. Approximately 50% of resources available were utilised by Carnaby’s cockatoo throughout the year, with around 80% of handled infructescences consumed. Carnaby’s cockatoos showed flexibility in diet, with temporal variability in food resource use throughout the year. Infructescence resource use was highest between April and September. Level of consumption was a direct result of infructescence availability with no significant differences recorded in infructescence use in the presence of P. cinnamomi and different post-fire age stands. Seed energetics and proportion of seeds and follicles available and consumed were investigated to determine the number of infructescences required to meet daily metabolic requirements of Carnaby’s cockatoo. Over 65% of infructescences handled were consumed for seed for each Banksia species. B. sessilis recorded the largest number of infructescences and follicles manipulated by Carnaby’s cockatoos. The energy content of Banksia seeds ranged from 20-23 kJ g-1. Seed weight varied from 0.075g ± SE 0.016 for B. attenuata to 0.007g ± SE 0.002 for B. sessilis. The number of infructescences required to meet the birds’ daily energy intake ranged from 14 for B. grandis to 3821 for B. sessilis, based on mean number of follicles manipulated for seed and one-hundred percent seed availability. Incorporation of the potential number of seeds per follicle increased the number of infructescences required: B. attenuata, B. ilicifolia, B. menziesii and B. sessilis increased by almost 200%, while B. prionotes and B. grandis increased by 200% and 300%, respectively. Information collected on plant morphology, structure and infructescence availability combined with infructescence consumption and seed energy reward by Carnaby’s cockatoos allowed the development of food resource algorithms to guide habitat quality assessment. Establishment of quantitative criteria for assessing habitat quality for Carnaby’s cockatoo, such as methods for determining food resource availability, allows for effective integration of biodiversity issues into planning and impact assessment processes. The research undertaken for this thesis will add to the understanding and conservation of Carnaby’s cockatoo, an iconic South Western Australian species

    Faith in Politics

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