20 research outputs found
Alustaimestik ja seda mõjutavad tegurid endistel põllumajandusmaadel kasvavates noortes lehtpuuistandikes
The establishment of forest plantations (including short-rotation forest plantations) is seen as one way to reemploy abandoned agricultural sites. The main goal of commercial forest plantations is the production of timber and woody biomass, however, the implications for biodiversity (including floristic diversity) can not be neglected. Due to the agricultural legacy the understorey of forests established on former agricultural land differs from the understorey of forests that were never cleared and these differences may persist for long periods. Since 1999 more than 700 ha of plantations with semi-exotic hybrid aspen (Populus × wettsteinii Hämet-Ahti) have been established on former agricultural land in Estonia that can be managed with 20- to 30-year rotations. Experience from other countries has indicated that environmental problems may occur in the plantations of exotic tree species. Among the native deciduous tree species silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) is considered to be a suitable tree species for the establishment of plantations in Estonia. However, abandoned agricultural sites become afforested also in the process of secondary succession with Betula spp among first arrivers. Studies conducted in former mining areas that have compared unassisted natural succession and the establishment of plantations have pointed out that naturally regenerated stands may support higher understorey species richness and diversity than plantations. Given the above mentioned, the following aims were set to the thesis: 1) to determine which site- and stand-related factors have affected understorey vegetation characteristics in young commercial forest plantations on abandoned agricultural land; 2) to study if plantations of semi-exotic hybrid aspen offer similar habitat for the understorey as plantations of native tree species silver birch; 3) to characterize the formation of the bryophyte layer; 4) to characterize the formation of forest understorey; 5) to compare understorey vegetation characteristics between naturally regenerated birch stands and silver birch plantations. Data on understorey, overstorey and site factors were collected from 73 experimental plots established in 24 hybrid aspen and 11 silver birch plantations and in 11 naturally regenerated birch stands. Two monitorings were carried out in plantations: the first monitoring in 7 to 9-year-old plantations and the second monitoring in 13 to 14-year-old plantations. Based on the results of the thesis, the observable trends in the understorey vegetation of young plantations were mostly driven by the former agricultural land use, site preparation method, and soil properties. With increasing stand age the influence of pre-establishment disturbances becomes less pronounced and the impact of overstorey-related factors increases. The majority of the vascular plant and bryophyte understorey vegetation characteristics were similar in young hybrid aspen and silver birch plantations and it may be concluded that semi-exotic hybrid aspen provides similar habitat for understorey as native silver birch. The proportion of forest species was low in the vascular plant understorey of plantations at the time of both monitorings. Although the number and cover of forest species slowly increased between the two monitorings, clear domininance of grassland species continued. The cover of the bryophyte layer was low in young plantations. Typical bryophytes were light-demanding perennials. The silvicultural management of plantations in the future should include measures that provide habitats for epixylic and epiphytic bryophyte species. The comparison of naturally regenerated stands and plantations showed that the species richness and diversity of bryophytes were higher in naturally regenerated birch stands, but the species richness and diversity of vascular plants did not differ between the two stand types. However, significantly higher numbers of forest species (both vascular plant and bryophyte) indicated that the formation of forest understorey had progressed further in naturally regenerated stands. This can be explained by the longer undisturbed succession and colonization period of naturally regenerated stands. Both natural and artificial regeneration can be recommended as possible alternatives for the establishment of new forests on former agricultural land.Intensiivmeetodil, sh lühikese raieringiga majandatavate puuistandike rajamine on alternatiivseks kasutusvõimaluseks endistele põllumajandusmaadele. Tootmisele suunatud istandikes ehk puupõldudel ei ole peamiseks eesmärgiks metsökosüsteemi kujundamine, vaid soovitakse saavutada maksimaalne puidu või mõne teise puudega seotud toorme produktsioon. Puupõldude pindala pidev kasv maailmas tõstatab aga küsimuse, milline on nende mõju looduslikule, sh floristilisele mitmekesisusele. Kirjanduse andmetel võib endistele põllumajandusmaadele rajatud metsade, sh istandike alustaimestik jääda pikaks ajaks erinevaks põliste metsade alustaimestikust, mis seostub põllumajandusliku maakasutuse mõjudega. Alates 1999. aastast on Eestis endistele põllumajandusmaadele rajatud u 700 ha puuistandikke poolvõõrliigi hübriidhaavaga (Populus × wettsteinii Hämet-Ahti), mida plaanitakse majandada lühikese 20–30-aastase raieringiga. Mujal maailmas on võõrpuuliikidega rajatud istandikes täheldatud mõnikord keskkonnakaitselisi probleeme. Kohalikest lehtpuudest soovitatakse Eestis endiste põllumajandusmaade metsastamiseks eelkõige arukaske (Betula pendula Roth), ent kaasikud võivad endistele põllumajanduskõlvikutele tekkida ka looduslikult. Endiste karjäärialade metsastamisel on istandike ja looduslikult tekkinud puistute võrdlusel täheldatud, et looduslikult tekkinud puistute alustaimestik võib olla liigirikkam ja mitmekesisem kui istandikes. Lähtuvalt eespool toodust seati doktoritööle järgnevad eesmärgid: 1) analüüsida, millised kasvukoha ja puistu tunnused mõjutavad alustaimestiku karakteristikuid endistel põllumajandusmaadel kasvavates noortes istandikes; 2) hinnata, kas poolvõõrliigi hübriidhaava istandikud pakuvad alustaimestiku liikidele sarnaseid kasvutingimusi kodumaise puuliigi arukase istandikega; 3) iseloomustada samblarinde kujunemist ja sammalde liigilist koosseisu; 4) iseloomustada metsa alustaimestiku kujunemist; 5) võrrelda alustaimestiku karakteristikuid arukaseistandikes ja looduslikult tekkinud kaasikutes. Alustaimestikku, puurinnet ja kasvukohta iseloomustav andmestik koguti seitsmekümne kolmelt püsiproovitükilt, mis paiknesid 11 arukase- ja 24 hübriidhaavaistandikus ning 11 looduslikult tekkinud kaasikus. Istandike kohta on doktoritöös esitatud alustaimestiku esimese kirjelduse (vanuses 7 kuni 9 aastat) ja korduskirjelduse (vanuses 13 kuni 14 aastat) andmed. Doktoritöös leiti, et noore istandiku alustaimestiku karakteristikuid mõjutasid esialgu eelnev põllumajanduslik maakasutus, istandiku rajamisel rakendatud maapinna ettevalmistusviis ja mullastiku tingimused. Istandike vanuse kasvades muutub istandiku rajamisele eelnenud häiringute mõjust olulisemaks puurindega seotud tegurite mõju rohu- ja samblarindele. Hübriidhaava- ja arukaseistandike alustaimestiku (soontaimede ja sammalde) karakteristikud olid suures osas sarnased, mis lubab väita, et hübriidhaavikute rajamisega Eestis ei kaasne alustaimestikus ebasobivaid arenguid, nt võõrliikide levikut. Metsaliikide osakaal istandike alustaimestikus oli väike nii esimese kirjelduse kui ka korduskirjelduse ajal. Hoolimata sellest, et metsaliikide arv ja katvus kasvasid vähehaaval, domineerisid ka 13–14-aastaste istandike alustaimestikus jätkuvalt rohumaaliigid. Ka samblarinde katvus noortes istandikes oli väike. Tüüpilised noortes istandikes kasvavad liigid olid valgusnõudlikud mitmeaastased samblad. Istandike edasisel majandamisel oleks soovitatav rakendada abinõusid, mis pakuvad lisakasvukohti epiksüülsetele ja epifüütsetele samblaliikidele. Hüpotees, et endistele põllumajandusmaadele looduslikult tekkinud puistud toetavad suuremat alustaimestiku liigirikkust, leidis kinnitust üksnes maapinnal kasvanud sammalde arvu ja mitmekesisusindeksi osas. Lisaks kasvas looduslike kaasikute alustaimestikus rohkem metsaliike (nii soon- kui sammaltaimi), mida võib seletada pikema rahuliku suktsessiooni ja kolonisatsiooni ajaga.Publication of this dissertation is supported by the Estonian University
of Life Sciences and by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and
Ecology created under the auspices of European Social Fund
Effect of environmental factors on the composition of terrestrial bryophyte and lichen species in Scots pine forests on fixed sand dunes
Aim of the study: To investigate terrestrial bryophyte and lichen species richness and environmental factors affecting the composition of species.Area of the study: Four Boreal zone fixed dunes were selected in the coastal area of the Baltic Sea in southwest Estonia.Material and methods: Non-metric multidimensional scaling was performed to analyse distribution patterns and environmental factors like canopy cover, photosynthetically active radiation, soil organic horizon thickness and decomposition rates, soil volumetric water content, soil pH and electrical conductivity and soil nutrients correlated with bryophyte and lichen species composition.Main results: Thirty bryophytes and 22 lichens were found on 232 sample plots, the most frequent species were Pleurozium schreberi (Willd. ex Brid.) Mitt., Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Schimp., Dicranum polysetum Sw. ex anon., Cladonia arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot. and Cladonia furcata (Huds.) Schrad. The lichen species richness was highest on the slopes of the dunes and decreased towards the bottoms and tops; bryophyte species richness was higher on the bottoms and decreased towards the tops of the dunes.Research highlights: The composition of bryophytes and lichens is significantly influenced by the aspect and the location on the dune, light conditions, soil pH, soil salinity (measured as electrical conductivity) and volumetric water content, thickness of moderately decomposed organic horizon and vascular plant species cover.KeywordsInland dunes; terrestrial bryophyte and lichen communities; environmental factors; topography
Soil mycobiomes in native European aspen forests and hybrid aspen plantations have a similar fungal richness but different compositions, mainly driven by edaphic and floristic factors
BackgroundThe cultivation of short-rotation tree species on non-forest land is increasing due to the growing demand for woody biomass for the future bioeconomy and to mitigate climate change impacts. However, forest plantations are often seen as a trade-off between climate benefits and low biodiversity. The diversity and composition of soil fungal biota in plantations of hybrid aspen, one of the most planted tree species for short-rotation forestry in Northern Europe, are poorly studied.MethodsThe goal of this study was to obtain baseline knowledge about the soil fungal biota and the edaphic, floristic and management factors that drive fungal richness and communities in 18-year-old hybrid aspen plantations on former agricultural soils and compare the fungal biota with those of European aspen stands on native forest land in a 130-year chronosequence. Sites were categorized as hybrid aspen (17–18-year-old plantations) and native aspen stands of three age classes (8–29, 30–55, and 65-131-year-old stands). High-throughput sequencing was applied to soil samples to investigate fungal diversity and assemblages.ResultsNative aspen forests showed a higher ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungal OTU richness than plantations, regardless of forest age. Short-distance type EcM genera dominated in both plantations and forests. The richness of saprotrophic fungi was similar between native forest and plantation sites and was highest in the middle-aged class (30–55-year-old stands) in the native aspen stands. The fungal communities of native forests and plantations were significantly different. Community composition varied more, and the natural forest sites were more diverse than the relatively homogeneous plantations. Soil pH was the best explanatory variable to describe soil fungal communities in hybrid aspen stands. Soil fungal community composition did not show any clear patterns between the age classes of native aspen stands.ConclusionWe conclude that edaphic factors are more important in describing fungal communities in both native aspen forest sites and hybrid aspen plantation sites than forest thinning, age, or former land use for plantations. Although first-generation hybrid aspen plantations and native forests are similar in overall fungal diversity, their taxonomic and functional composition is strikingly different. Therefore, hybrid aspen plantations can be used to reduce felling pressure on native forests; however, our knowledge is still insufficient to conclude that plantations could replace native aspen forests from the soil biodiversity perspective
KIK projekt nr. 12076
Eesti riik on seadnud eesmärgiks biomajanduse jätkusuutliku edendamise, kus prioriteetseteks
eesmärkideks on muuhulgas maaressursi efektiivsem kasutamine ja taastuvenergia osakaalu
tõstmine. Lisaks biomajanduse eesmärkidele on Eesti sõlminud mitmeid rahvusvahelisi
kokkuleppeid nagu Pariisi kliimalepe (2015) ja Kyoto protokoll (1997) kliimamuutuste
leevendamiseks. Metsasektoril on oluline roll eelmainitud eesmärkide saavutamiseks, mistõttu
võib eeldada suurt raiesurvet metsadele. Juba praegu on Põhja-Euroopa riigid, sealhulgas Eesti,
kasutamas energiaks märkimisväärsel hulgal puiduenergiat (Rytter et al. 2016). Seetõttu,
leevendamaks üha suurenevat puiduvajadust, on vajalik välja töötada alternatiivsed
puidutootmise süsteemid, võttes kasutusse seni tootmisest väljas olevad põllumaad. Hiljutised
hinnangud näitavad, et ca 300 000 ha endist põllumaad on aktiivsest kasutusest väljas, kuna
taoliste kõlvikute väiksus (keskmiselt ca 1,5 ha) ning raske ligipääsetavus ei võimalda nendel
maadel intensiivse põllumajandusega tegeleda (Vohu 2014). Üheks uudseks
metsakasvatuslikuks meetodiks Põhja-Euroopas on lühikese raieringiga metsaistandike
kasvatamine kasutusest välja jäänud põllumaadel (Tullus et al. 2013). Lühikese raieringiga
metsanduse eesmärk on maaressursi maksimaalselt efektiivne ära kasutamine, optimeerides
raieringi vastavalt puistu mahuküpsuse saabumisele.
Üheks potentsiaalseks puuliigiks lühikese raieringiga metsanduse praktiseerimisel nii
Läänemere regioonis tervikuna kui ka Eestis on osutunud hübriidhaab (Tullus et al. 2012;
Karacic et al. 2003). Viimased hinnangud näitavad, et Läänemere riikides on hübriidhaavikute
pindala kasvanud ca 12 000 hektarile (Lutter 2017). Viimase aja uued hübriidhaavikud Eestis
on kasvatanud istandike pindala ca 1000 hektarini ning eeldatavasti on lähiaastatel oodata
jätkuvat pindala suurenemist. Hübriidhaavikute kasvatamise peamine eesmärk on tooraine
kasvatamine tselluloosi- ja energiapuidu tööstustele, sealhulgas on võimalik tüve alaosast
saada väärtuslikumat saepalki (Tullus et al. 2012). Kiirekasvulistest hübriidhaavikutest saadav
biomass omab potentsiaali asendamaks puitu, mis raiutakse vanadest kõrge loodusväärtusega
haavikutest metsamaal.
Esimesed hübriidhaavikud rajati Eestisse 1990-ndate lõpus ja 2000-ndate alguses, mistõttu on
istandikud läbinud rohkem kui poole eeldatavast raieringi pikkusest (25–30 aastat). Senised
teadusuuringud esimese põlvkonna hübriidhaavikute sobivusest Eesti kliima- ja
mullatingimustesse katavad raieringi esimest poolt (Tullus 2013; Lutter 2017). Senised
tulemused näitavad, et hübriidhaab on ligikaudu kaks korda produktiivsem kui harilik haab
metsamaal sarnastel kasvukohatüüpidel (Lutter et al. 2017). Sealjuures ei ole hübriidhaavikute
kiire kasv vähendanud mulla toitainete sisaldusi ja süsinikuvarusid (Lutter et al. 2016ab).
Intensiivse biomassi produtseerimise tõttu näitavad hübriidhaavikud suurt potentsiaali
kliimamuutuste leevendamisel intensiivse CO2 sidumise kaudu maapealsesse biomassi (Lutter
et al. 2016b). Elurikkuse uuringud hübriidhaavikutes on näidanud, et puistute vanuse kasvades
suureneb metsaliikide osakaal soontaimede hulgas ning suureneb sammalde arvukus (Tullus
2013; Tullus et al. 2015). Sammalde ja samblike uurimused näitavad, et raieringi keskel olevad
hübriidhaavikud pakuvad noorest vanusest hoolimata elupaiku suurele hulgale liikidele
(Randlane et al. 2017), seejuures ka uutele samblikuliikidele Eestis (Oja et al. 2016)
Sarnaselt harilikule haavale uueneb hübriidhaab peale lageraiet vegetatiivselt juure- ja
kännuvõsust (Tullus et al. 2012). Suur võsude arv ning sobiva majandamismudeli valimine
teise põlvkonna hübriidhaaviku kasvatamisel on suur metsakasvatuslik väljakutse, kuna
senised teadmised hübriidhaavikute vegetatiivse teise põlvkonna erinevate
majandamismudelite kohta ei ole rahuldavad nii produktsiooni, keskkonnamõjude, elurikkuse
kui ka ökonoomika koha pealt. Vajalik on välja töötada paindlikud majandamismudelid, mis
arvestavad puiduturu situatsiooni ja nõudlust (paberipuit, energiapuit), samal ajal arvesse
võttes ka võimalikke keskkonnamõjusid nii mulla viljakusele kui ka elurikkusele. Senine
Põhjamaade kogemus hübriidhaava teise vegetatiivse põlvkonna majandamise kohta on samuti
puudulik. Rohkem teadmisi on viimasel ajal avaldatud hübriidhaava teise põlvkonna
produktsiooni ja kloonide vahelise konkurentsi kohta Rootsi ja Soome tingimustes (Rytter
2006; McCarthy and Rytter 2016; Rytter and Rytter 2017; Hytönen 2018), kuid laiemad
keskkonna mõjude analüüsid on siiani lünklikud
Effect of environmental factors on the composition of terrestrial bryophyte and lichen species in Scots pine forests on fixed sand dunes
Aim of the study: To investigate terrestrial bryophyte and lichen species richness and environmental factors affecting the composition of species.Area of the study: Four Boreal zone fixed dunes were selected in the coastal area of the Baltic Sea in southwest Estonia.Material and methods: Non-metric multidimensional scaling was performed to analyse distribution patterns and environmental factors like canopy cover, photosynthetically active radiation, soil organic horizon thickness and decomposition rates, soil volumetric water content, soil pH and electrical conductivity and soil nutrients correlated with bryophyte and lichen species composition.Main results: Thirty bryophytes and 22 lichens were found on 232 sample plots, the most frequent species were Pleurozium schreberi (Willd. ex Brid.) Mitt., Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Schimp., Dicranum polysetum Sw. ex anon., Cladonia arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot. and Cladonia furcata (Huds.) Schrad. The lichen species richness was highest on the slopes of the dunes and decreased towards the bottoms and tops; bryophyte species richness was higher on the bottoms and decreased towards the tops of the dunes.Research highlights: The composition of bryophytes and lichens is significantly influenced by the aspect and the location on the dune, light conditions, soil pH, soil salinity (measured as electrical conductivity) and volumetric water content, thickness of moderately decomposed organic horizon and vascular plant species cover.KeywordsInland dunes; terrestrial bryophyte and lichen communities; environmental factors; topography
Diversity of lichens and bryophytes in hybrid aspen plantations in Estonia depends on landscape structure
Importance of single-species forest plantations in sustaining biodiversity could be bigger than expected. We described the diversity of lichens and bryophytes in 15 midterm (16â 17-year-old) hybrid aspen (Populus tremula Ă P. tremuloides) plantations in Estonia. Species richness and composition data were linked with environmental and landscape-scale variables. Altogether, 44 lichen and 37 bryophyte species were recorded from plantations; richnesses of bryophytes and lichens were positively correlated. Lichen species composition was significantly affected by landscape-scale parameters (distance to the nearest present forest, distance to the nearest forest continuously occurring in the same place since 1930s, and forest area in the study plot vicinity in 1930s). Bryophyte species composition was affected mainly by light conditions and forest area in 1930s. Among lichens, functional group of sexual crustose species dominated in midterm plantations; appearance of asexual lichens of different growth forms is expected during next years. Our results indicate importance of long-term availability of good-quality forests as sources of propagules. Short-rotation hybrid aspen plantations can provide temporary habitats for forest species and thus in part contribute to preserving landscape-scale biodiversity, if they are close to possible colonisation sources. Green-tree retension in plantations will probably raise the biodiversity value of those short-term communities.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author
The Effect of Stand Age on Biodiversity in a 130-Year Chronosequence of Populus tremula Stands
The effect of stand age on biodiversity in the stands of Populus tremula, a keystone tree species in boreal forests, has been insufficiently studied, although this knowledge is crucial for maintaining biodiversity in managed forests. We studied the assemblages of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens from a chronosequence of aspen stands (n = 20) with an age from 8 to 131 years, aiming to identify the main patterns in species richness and composition. Altogether, 72 vascular plant species were found in the field layer and 17 species in the shrub layer. The total numbers of bryophyte and lichen species were 92 and 104, respectively. Overall, 2 vascular plant, 12 bryophyte and 9 lichen species were the taxa with a high conservation value. Sixteen lichens were regarded as management-sensitive or focal species based on earlier studies, and 10 vascular plant species were hemeraphobic (severely disturbed by human activities). The effect of stand age on average species richness estimates depended on the studied species groups. Stand age had a negative effect on the average number of vascular plants, field layer species, apophytic vascular plants and epixylic lichens and a positive effect on the number of lichens, the number of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens and on bryophytes and lichens with a high conservation value. The compositional patterns of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens strongly correlated with stand age. In addition, stand characteristics, soil properties and light conditions influenced the assemblages, although the direct effects were variable for different groups. The largest differences could be observed in vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen communities between young and old stands; for lichens, also mature and old stands differed significantly. Our results indicate that more than 60 years are required for the recovery of some species groups after clear-cutting. At the same time, other species groups were either not negatively affected by clear-cutting or showed a higher richness in younger stands. Therefore, we conclude that the management of aspen stands should involve the combination of different management regimes on the landscape scale (variation from short to long rotations in different stands, maintaining retention trees and ceasing of clear-cutting in some stands). Our results also show that as second-storey Tilia cordata played an important role in maintaining biodiversity in the studied stands, this tree species needs to be preserved in forests where lime trees naturally grow as co-dominants
Seventy-year history of management using low-intensity harvesting methods: weak impact on biodiversity of hemiboreal Scots pine forests
Less intensive harvesting methods (e.g., selection cutting, shelterwood cuttings) are recommended as alternatives to clearcutting for maintaining mature forest biodiversity in the process of forest regeneration. However, the long-term impact of low-intensity harvesting methods has rarely been studied. Our aim was to clarify the long-term effects of repeated selective cutting, thinning, and shelterwood cutting on the richness, abundance, and species composition of vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens in Scots pine forests (Pinus sylvestris L.). Data were collected from 25 mature stands located in dry Podzols in southwestern Estonia with a known management history for the last 70 years. Altogether, 35 vascular plant, 41 bryophyte, and 78 lichen species were recorded, including five species with conservational value. Generally, the management history was not related to species richness, except a negative correlation with the species number of epiphytic lichens on conifer trees. In addition, the abundance of two lichen species from the genus Chaenotheca was lower in more frequently managed stands. Species richness and composition were most strongly affected by soil pH and light conditions. We conclude that long-term, low-intensity harvesting of Scots pine forests on nutrient-poor Podzols maintains suitable habitats for vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens, confirming its suitability for sustainable forest regeneration.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author