230 research outputs found

    Coping with climate change:Energetic costs of avian timing of reproduction

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    Het broedsucces van veel bosvogels, waaronder koolmezen, hangt af van de timing van het broeden ten opzichte van de timing van de jaarlijkse rupsenpiek. Door klimaatsverandering vindt de rupsenpiek nu gemiddeld drie weken eerder plaats dan 30 jaar geleden. Koolmezen zijn ook vroeger gaan broeden, maar niet vroeg genoeg om de verschuiving van het voedsel van hun jongen bij te benen. Een mogelijke verklaring is dat er niet voldoende voedsel aanwezig om vroeg genoeg te kunnen broeden. Door tegelijk de insectenbeschikbaarheid en het foerageergedrag van koolmeesvrouwtjes te meten, zagen we dat de koolmezen vooral foerageerden in bomen waar op dat moment de meeste insecten te vinden waren, ondanks het feit dat er volop zaden aanwezig waren die relatief veel meer energie bevatten dan insecten. Opvallend was dat veel koolmezen begonnen met leggen op het moment dat insectenaantallen in snel tempo toenamen na een periode van lage insectenbeschikbaarheid, wat duidt op een mogelijke eiwitbeperking voor eiproductie. Vroeger eileggen kan waarschijnlijk niet zonder een verhoging van de energetische uitgaven omdat eieren dan geproduceerd moeten worden onder koudere omstandigheden, bij lage voedselbeschikbaarheid en lage efficientie van voedselzoeken. Als de fitnessvoordelen van vroeg broeden niet opwegen tegen de fitnesskosten van de verhoogde energetische uitgaven, is het beter later te broeden om de totale fitness te maximaliseren. Helaas hebben we niet kunnen aantonen dat koolmezen door ‘te laat’ te broeden en daardoor de voedselpiek deels missen hun fitness maximaliseerde, doordat we er niet in slaagden om koolmezen vroeger te laten broeden

    Coping with climate change : energetic costs of avian timing of reproduction

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    Het broedsucces van veel bosvogels, waaronder koolmezen, hangt af van de timing van het broeden ten opzichte van de timing van de jaarlijkse rupsenpiek. Door klimaatsverandering vindt de rupsenpiek nu gemiddeld drie weken eerder plaats dan 30 jaar geleden. Koolmezen zijn ook vroeger gaan broeden, maar niet vroeg genoeg om de verschuiving van het voedsel van hun jongen bij te benen. Een mogelijke verklaring is dat er niet voldoende voedsel aanwezig om vroeg genoeg te kunnen broeden. Door tegelijk de insectenbeschikbaarheid en het foerageergedrag van koolmeesvrouwtjes te meten, zagen we dat de koolmezen vooral foerageerden in bomen waar op dat moment de meeste insecten te vinden waren, ondanks het feit dat er volop zaden aanwezig waren die relatief veel meer energie bevatten dan insecten. Opvallend was dat veel koolmezen begonnen met leggen op het moment dat insectenaantallen in snel tempo toenamen na een periode van lage insectenbeschikbaarheid, wat duidt op een mogelijke eiwitbeperking voor eiproductie. Vroeger eileggen kan waarschijnlijk niet zonder een verhoging van de energetische uitgaven omdat eieren dan geproduceerd moeten worden onder koudere omstandigheden, bij lage voedselbeschikbaarheid en lage efficientie van voedselzoeken. Als de fitnessvoordelen van vroeg broeden niet opwegen tegen de fitnesskosten van de verhoogde energetische uitgaven, is het beter later te broeden om de totale fitness te maximaliseren. Helaas hebben we niet kunnen aantonen dat koolmezen door ‘te laat’ te broeden en daardoor de voedselpiek deels missen hun fitness maximaliseerde, doordat we er niet in slaagden om koolmezen vroeger te laten broeden. The breeding success of most forest birds, like great tits, strongly depends on the timing of breeding relative to the timing of the caterpillar food peak. Climate change caused the annual food peak to advance. Great tits advanced breeding, but not sufficiently to match the shift of the food peak. One possible explanation for the lack of shift is that there is not enough food to start laying early enough to be synchronized with the caterpillar food peak. We monitored insect availability and great tit foraging behaviour simultaneously and show that females foraged in those trees which at that moment had highest insect availability, even though seeds, which contain much more energy, were abundant. Laying dates of the earliest laying great tits coincided with a steep increase in insect availability after a period of low insect abundance, suggesting a possible protein restriction on egg production. Advancing laying to increase the synchrony between nestling food demand and caterpillar availability will come with an increased energetic costs during egg laying, as eggs will be produced under colder conditions while food availability and foraging efficiency are low. The fitness cost of the increasing energetic costs needed to advance egg laying may not outweigh the fitness benefits gained by breeding earlier and thus mismatched reproduction can be adaptive. Unfortunately we were not able to test if the current (mismatched) timing of reproduction is adaptive as we were not able to experimentally advance egg laying in free living great tits, which is needed to confirm this hypothesis.

    Manipulation of Life-History Decisions Using Leptin in a Wild Passerine

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    Seasonal timing of reproduction and the number of clutches produced per season are two key avian life-history traits with major fitness consequences. Female condition may play an important role in these decisions. In mammals, body condition and leptin levels are correlated. In birds, the role of leptin remains unclear. We did two experiments where we implanted female great tits with a pellet releasing leptin evenly for 14 days, to manipulate their perceived body condition, or a placebo pellet. In the first experiment where females were implanted when feeding their first brood offspring we found, surprisingly, that placebo treated females were more likely to initiate a second brood compared to leptin treated females. Only one second brood fledged two chicks while five were deserted late in the incubation stage or when the first egg hatched. No difference was found in female or male return rate or in recruitment rate of fledglings of the first brood, possibly due to the desertion of the second broods. In our study population, where there is selection for early egg laying, earlier timing of reproduction might be hampered by food availability and thus nutritional state of the female before egg laying. We therefore implanted similar leptin pellets three weeks before the expected start of egg laying in an attempt to manipulate the laying dates of first clutches. However, leptin treated females did not initiate egg laying earlier compared to placebo treated females, suggesting that other variables than the perceived body condition play a major role in the timing of reproduction. Also, leptin treatment did not affect body mass, basal metabolic rate or feeding rates in captive females. Manipulating life history decisions using experimental protocols which do not alter individuals' energy balance are crucial in understanding the trade-off between costs and benefits of life history decisions

    Application of multidimensional IRT models to longitudinal data

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    The application of multidimensional item response theory (IRT) models to longitudinal educational surveys where students are repeatedly measured is discussed and exemplified. A marginal maximum likelihood (MML) method to estimate the parameters of a multidimensional generalized partial credit model for repeated measures is presented. It is shown that model fit can be evaluated using Lagrange multiplier tests. Two tests are presented: the first aims at evaluation of the fit of the item response functions and the second at the constancy of the item location parameters over time points. The outcome of the latter test is compared with an analysis using scatter plots and linear regression. An analysis of data from a school effectiveness study in Flanders (Belgium) is presented as an example of the application of these methods. In the example, it is evaluated whether the concepts "academic self-concept," "well-being at school," and "attentiveness in the classroom" were constant during the secondary school period. \u

    Historische ontwikkeling van droogvallende mosselbanken in de Nederlandse Waddenzee

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    Het rapport geeft een overzicht van de beschikbare informatie op grond waarvan schattingen gemaakt kunnen worden van het oppervlak aan mosselbanken in het verleden. Op grond daarvan kunnen streefwaarden voor het beleid bepaald worden. Tevens is een aanzet gegeven voor een database waarin historische waarnemeingen van mosselbanken kunnen worden opgeslagen

    Characteristics of Patients Diagnosed With Pancreatic Cancer Who Access Palliative Care: an Observational Study

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    PURPOSE: Despite the benefits of palliative care (PC) in pancreatic cancer, little is known about patients who access PC. This observational study examines the characteristics of patients with pancreatic cancer at their first episode of PC. METHODS: First-time, specialist PC episodes captured through the Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration (PCOC), in Victoria, Australia between 2014 and 2020, for pancreatic cancer, were identified. Multivariable logistic regression analyses examined the impact of patient- and service-level characteristics on symptom burden (measured through patient-reported outcome measures and clinician-rated scores) at first PC episode. RESULTS: Of 2890 eligible episodes, 45% began when the patient was deteriorating and 32% ended in death. High fatigue and appetite-related distress were most common. Generally, increasing age, higher performance status and more recent year of diagnosis predicted lower symptom burden. No significant differences were noted between symptom burden of regional/remote versus major city dwellers; however, only 11% of episodes recorded the patient as a regional/remote resident. A greater proportion of first episodes for non-English-speaking patients began when the patient was unstable, deteriorating or terminal, ended in death and were more likely to be associated with high family/carer problems. Community PC setting predicted high symptom burden, with the exception of pain. CONCLUSION: A large proportion of first-time specialist PC episodes in pancreatic cancer begin at a deteriorating phase and end in death, suggesting late access to PC. Timely referrals to community-based specialist PC, access in regional/remote areas, as well as development of culturally diverse support systems require further investigation

    High CD33-antigen loads in peripheral blood limit the efficacy of gemtuzumab ozogamicin |(Mylotarg®) treatment in acute myeloid leukemia patients

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    Gemtuzumab ozogamicin (Mylotarg®) induces remission in approximately 30% of relapsed AML patients. We previously demonstrated that gemtuzumab infusion results in near-complete CD33 saturation in peripheral blood, and that saturating gemtuzumab levels result in continuous binding and internalization of gemtuzumab due to renewed CD33 expression. We now demonstrate that a high CD33-antigen load in peripheral blood is an independent adverse prognostic factor, likely due to peripheral consumption of gemtuzumab. Indeed, CD33 saturation in bone marrow is significantly reduced (40-90% saturation) as compared with CD33 saturation in corresponding peripheral blood samples (>90%). In vitro, such reduced CD33 saturation levels were strongly related with reduced cell kill. Apparently, high CD33-antigen loads in blood consume gemtuzumab and thereby limit its penetration into bone marrow. Consequently, CD33 saturation in bone marrow is reduced, which hampers efficient cell kill. Therefore, gemtuzumab should be administered at higher or repeated doses, or, preferably, after reduction of the leukemic cell burden by classical chemotherapy

    Advances in emergency networking

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    Crisis situations require fast regain of control. Wireless ad-hoc networks will enable emergency services to act upon the actual status of the situation by retrieving and exchanging detailed up-to-date information. Deployment of highbandwidth, robust, self-organising ad-hoc networks will therefore enable quicker response to typical hat/where/when questions, than the more vulnerable low-bandwidth communication networks currently in use. This paper addresses a number of results of the projects AAF (Adaptive Ad-hoc Freeband communications) and Easy Wireless that enable high bandwidth robust ad-hoc networking
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