162 research outputs found


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    The specifcity of the criminal law of the Nordic states is reļ¬‚ected in the fact that, in the trend of expanding punitiveness in the world and intensifcation in penal policy, one of the key features is avoiding the application of the prison sentence wherever it is possible and turning to its alternatives. Namely, the Nordic countries have remained on the same course for decades as regards the sanctioning of perpetrators of criminal offenses, and their mild penal policy, especially in the eyes of the Anglo-Saxon countries and countries under their inļ¬‚uence, is directly related to high social spending in these societies and the existence of real social egalitarianism among citizens. The aim of this paper is to present a system of criminal sanctions in the law of the Scandinavian countries, with a key review of alternatives to prison sentence and their practical application, as well as to point out the reasons for the existence of such a system of sanctioning and its advantages in relation to legal systems with highly repressive elements in criminal policy.Specifčnost krivičnih prava nordijskih država ogleda se u tome Å”to u trendu sverastuće punitivnosti u svetu i zaoÅ”travanja kaznene politike, njihova jedna od ključnih odlika jeste izbegavanje izricanja kazne liÅ”enja slobode kad god je to moguće i okretanje ka njenim alternativama. Naime, nordijske zemlje već decenijama ostaju na istom kursu u pogledu sankcionisanja učinilaca krivičnih dela, te njihova blaga kaznena politika, naročito u očima anglosaksonskih zemalja i zemalja koje su pod njihovim uticajem, u direktnoj je relaciji sa visokim socijalnim izdvajanjima u ovim druÅ”tvima i postojanjem realne druÅ”tvene egalitarnosti među građanima. Cilj ovog rada jeste da se prezentuje sistem krivičnih sankcija u pravu skandinavskih država, sa ključnim osvrtom na alternative kazni zatvora i njihovu praktičnu primenu, kao i da se ukaže na razloge postojanja takvog sistema sankcionisanja i njegove prednosti u odnosu na pravne sisteme sa izrazito reperesivnim elementima u kaznenoj politici

    Exploring trends in environmental pollution and hazardous chemical waste reporting

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    In contemporary society, environmental pollution and hazardous chemical waste are pressing concerns. This study investigates reporting trends related to environmental pollution and hazardous chemical waste in twelve scientific journals and daily newspapers. Notably, we found that the year 2013 marked a significant peak with the highest number of articles on these topics. Understanding the publishing and reporting trends of these subjects is pivotal for informed public education and underscores the significant influence of scientific research in shaping media reporting. As the global community faces increasing environmental challenges, accurate and scientific-based reporting is essential for fostering public awareness and facilitating effective solutions

    ā€œGrandmaā€™s Old Tricksā€œ- A Qualitative Study of Lay Peopleā€™s Experiences in Treatment and Prevention of Common Cold and Influenza

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    We aimed to explore lay peopleā€™s perception of common cold and influenza as well as their experience in treatment and prevention of those conditions, with emphasis on the reasons impacting their decision towards influenza vaccination. 24 semi-structured, individual interviews were conducted, then transcribed and analysed to find emerging themes and sub-themes. Textual data were explored inductively using content analysis to generate categories and explanations. Five major themes and explanatory models of lay peopleā€™s perspective emerged from the data. The participants expressed satisfying knowledge regarding influenza and common cold symptoms, length, transfer and treatment options as well as described a clear distinction between those two diseases. On the other hand, they emphasized the same general preventative measures for both common cold and influenza, considering influenza vaccination primarily an option for chronic, old or bedridden patients and health workers. Facilitators in the vaccination decision making process were health professionalsā€™ (mostly general practitionersā€™) recommendation, anxiety regarding influenza and possible complications, existence of chronic diseases and positive vaccination experience. As main reasons against vaccination participants stated perception of being at low risk for influenza, opinion that vaccination is necessary only for bedridden and old people, chronic patients or health workers and questionable effectiveness of the vaccine. Participantsā€™ influenza vaccination knowledge was insufficient, which should direct further interventions, especially having in mind low vaccination rates. Since participants perceived general practitionerā€™s recommendation as a crucial facilitator in forming their positive attitude towards vaccination, practitioners are invited to assess and, when needed, modify inappropriate perception towards influenza prevention when leading person centred consultations

    Childhood vaccinations in Croatia

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    The vaccination of children is an extremely important public health measure which significantly reduced the morbidity and mortality from various infectious diseases in the last sixty years in Croatia. The Childhood Vaccination Program in Croatia is based on mandatory vaccinations that are purchased by the state free of charge. Each year the program is announced by the Minister of Health based on the recommendations by the Croatian National Institute of Public Health. Today all Croatian children are compulsory vaccinated against ten different infectious diseases. Although the program has experienced significant quality improvements in the recent years, including the introduction of modern, combination vaccines, room for further improvement and inclusion of new vaccines, despite the complex economic situation, certainly exists

    Plant for launching prefabricated girders or segments

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    Opisano je postrojenje koje se rabi pri gradnji mostova i vijadukata za navlačenje nosača i predgotovljenih segmenata. Podrobno je prikazana tehnologija rada postrojenja koje služi za lokalni prijevoz nosača i elemenata i za njihovu ugradnju. Opisani su i svi sastavni dijelovi postrojenja koje se kao cjelina joŔ naziva skelom za navlačenje, samohodnom reŔetkom ili lansirnom reŔetkom. Istaknute su prednosti upotrebe ove skele pri gradnji i upozoreno na važnost ispravnog rada s njom.The plant used for launching girders and prefabricated segments during construction of bridges and viaducts is described. The technology of this plant, used for local transport of girders and elements, and for their final installation, is described in detail. The author also describes all components of the plant which, regarded as a whole, is also called launching scaffold, mobile truss, or launching truss. Advantages gained by using this scaffold on construction projects are presented, and the emphasis is placed on the proper use of the plant

    Cretaciclavulina gusici n. gen., n. sp. (?family Valvulinidae BERTHELIN, 1880), a new larger benthic foraminifer from the lower Campanian of Brač Island, Croatia

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    The larger benthic foraminifera Cretaciclavulina gusici n. gen., n. sp. is described from the lower Campanian PučiŔća Formation of the Island of Brač, Croatia. With its elongate test, trochospiral to uniserial coiling, simple chambers, paraporous wall structure, and areal aperture provided with a cribrate apertural plate, Cretaciclavulina is tentatively placed into the family Valvulinidae BERTHELIN, 1880. Besides Neobalkhania bignoti CHERCHI, RADOIČIĆ & SCHROEDER, 1991, Fleuryana adriatica DE CASTRO, DROBNE & GUÅ IĆ, 1994, and Reticulinella fleuryi CVETKO, GUÅ IĆ & SCHROEDER, 1997, Cretaciclavulina gusici represents the fourth benthic foraminifera newly described from the Upper Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates of Brač Island

    Abiotrophia defectiva kao uzročnik endokarditisa u djeteta ā€“ prikaz bolesnika

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    We present a case of endocarditis due to Abiotrophia defectiva in a child, developed as a complication of a previously unrecognized patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). The patient was successfully treated with antimicrobial therapy and later underwent transcatheter closure of PDA. As the organism may not be isolated in routine culture media, and may present with atypical clinical symptoms, a high index of suspicion should be maintained in children with subacute symptoms even with no underlying heart disease. Even patients with early appropriate antibiotic therapy and rapid achievement of bacteriological clearance remain at high risk for embolic and immune-mediated complications and irreversible valvular damage. Our case highlights the importance of careful interpretation of serologic tests and the value of good physical examination (auscultation!) in order not to miss the diagnosis of congenital heart defects.U radu prikazujemo slučaj djeteta s endokarditisom čiji je uzročnik Abiotrophia defectiva, a koji je nastao kao komplikacija prethodno neprepoznatog otvorenog Botallovog duktusa. Dijete je uspjeÅ”no liječeno antimikrobnim lijekovima nakon čega je provedeno i transkatetersko zatvaranje srčane greÅ”ke. S obzirom na to da se ovaj uzročnik teÅ”ko izolira na rutinskim bakterijskim podlogama i može uzrokovati atipične simptome, potreban je poseban oprez čak i u one djece koja nemaju podležeću srčanu bolest, ali se klinički prezentiraju sa subakutnim simptomima. ImunoloÅ”ke komplikacije, embolizacije i trajno oÅ”tećenje zalistaka često se javljaju čak i u onih bolesnika s pravovremeno započetim ispravnim antibiotskim liječenjem i kod kojih je brzo postignut terapijski učinak antibiotika. Također ističemo važnost pažljive interpretacije seroloÅ”kih testova kao i kvalitetnog fizičkog pregleda (auskultacije!) zbog mogućnosti propuÅ”tanja dijagnoze prirođene, dotad neprepoznate, srčane greÅ”ke

    Books - a cure of oblivion. How to prevent library and information material from being a "dead letter on paper" in a passive library fund ("RadnĆ³ti Bor-Abda", pr. Bela Sabo, Đer 2021; "Mapping history - stories of rescue during the Holocaust", editor-in-chief Vladimir Arsenić, Center for Applied History, Belgrade 2021)

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    U toku 2021. svoj javni život počele su da žive dve publikacije koje temu Drugog svetskog rata i holokausta obrađuju kroz prizmu savremene i primenjene umetnosti. Reč je o dvojezičnoj, luksuzno opremlјenoj publikaciji "RadnĆ³ti Bor-Abda", koju je priredio Bela Sabo i o zbirci pet grafičkih novela koje je objavio Centar za primenjenu istoriju pod naslovom "Ucrtavanje istorije - Priče o spasavanju tokom Holokausta". Za obe publikacije deo sadržaja obezbedilo je Zavičajno odelјenje Narodne biblioteke Bor, joÅ” jednom potvrđujući svoju praksu kontinuiranog aktuelizovanja raznovrsne bibliotečke građe koju to odelјenje prikuplјa, obrađuje, čuva i promoviÅ”e.In 2021, two publications that deal with the subject of the Second World War and the Holocaust through the prism of contemporary and applied art began to live their public life. It is about the bilingual, luxuriously equipped publication "Radnoti Bor-Abda", edited by Bela Sabo, and a collection of five graphic novellas published by the Center for Applied History under the title "Mapping History - Stories of Rescue During the Holocaust". For both publications, the Home Department of the National Library of Bor provided part of the content. It once again confirmed its practice of continuously updating the various library materials that the department collects, processes, preserves and promotes

    Prevalencija Coxiella burnetii protutijela kod ovaca i koza na području Istarske županije u Hrvatskoj

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    A seroepidemiological study was conducted on the presence of Coxiella burnetii (C. burnetii) antibodies in sheep and goats in Istria, the largest peninsula in Croatia. Random blood samples were taken from 634 sheep and goats at different localities throughout the region. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of C. burnetii infection in sheep and goats, which represent the most important reservoir of infection in humans. C. burnetii antibody detection was performed by ELISA (LSIVet Ruminant Q Fever-Serum/Milk). Seroprevalence of C. burnetii was proven in 6.2% of sheep and 3.5% of goats. Larger herds, poor hygienic conditions on farms, a higher presence of goats in a restricted area, and the northern part of Istria proved to be significant risk factors for the seropositivity of animals.The southern part of Istria is known to have endemic Q fever, but no studies have been carried out so far to explore this issue. To gain a more complete epidemiological picture of Q fever in Istria, studies in humans, especially those professionally exposed to C. burnetii infection, should be performed.U radu prikazani su rezultati seroepidemioloÅ”kog istraživanja prisutnosti protutijela protiv bakterije Coxiella burnetii (C.burnetii) kod ovaca i koza. Uzeto je slučajnim odabirom 634 uzoraka krvi ovaca i koza s različitih područja Istarske županije, najzapadnije regije u Hrvatskoj. Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti proÅ”irenost infekcije koksijelom kod tih životinja koje predstavljaju glavni rezervoar infekcije za ljude. Prisutnost protutijela protiv C. burnetii utvrđena je seroloÅ”kom metodom ELISA (LSIVet Ruminant Q Fever-Serum/Milk). Prevalencija C. burnetii bila je 6,2% u ovaca i 3,5% u koza. Veća stada, loÅ”iji higijenski uvjeti na farmi, veća prisutnost koza na jednom ograničenom području te sjeverna regija Istre dokazani su kao statistički znakoviti čimbenici rizika za seropozitivnost životinja. Poznato je da je južni dio Istre endemski za Q-groznicu, ali do sada nije provedeno istraživanje koje bi obuhvatilo cijelo područje Istarske županije. Da bi se dobila joÅ” kompletnija epidemioloÅ”ka slika Q-groznice na ovom području, trebalo bi uključiti u istraživanje i ljude, osobito one koji su profesionalno eksponirani ovoj bolesti
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