Books - a cure of oblivion. How to prevent library and information material from being a "dead letter on paper" in a passive library fund ("Radnóti Bor-Abda", pr. Bela Sabo, Đer 2021; "Mapping history - stories of rescue during the Holocaust", editor-in-chief Vladimir Arsenić, Center for Applied History, Belgrade 2021)


U toku 2021. svoj javni život počele su da žive dve publikacije koje temu Drugog svetskog rata i holokausta obrađuju kroz prizmu savremene i primenjene umetnosti. Reč je o dvojezičnoj, luksuzno opremlјenoj publikaciji "Radnóti Bor-Abda", koju je priredio Bela Sabo i o zbirci pet grafičkih novela koje je objavio Centar za primenjenu istoriju pod naslovom "Ucrtavanje istorije - Priče o spasavanju tokom Holokausta". Za obe publikacije deo sadržaja obezbedilo je Zavičajno odelјenje Narodne biblioteke Bor, još jednom potvrđujući svoju praksu kontinuiranog aktuelizovanja raznovrsne bibliotečke građe koju to odelјenje prikuplјa, obrađuje, čuva i promoviše.In 2021, two publications that deal with the subject of the Second World War and the Holocaust through the prism of contemporary and applied art began to live their public life. It is about the bilingual, luxuriously equipped publication "Radnoti Bor-Abda", edited by Bela Sabo, and a collection of five graphic novellas published by the Center for Applied History under the title "Mapping History - Stories of Rescue During the Holocaust". For both publications, the Home Department of the National Library of Bor provided part of the content. It once again confirmed its practice of continuously updating the various library materials that the department collects, processes, preserves and promotes

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