8 research outputs found

    Novel Coronin7 interactions with Cdc42 and N-WASP regulate actin organization and Golgi morphology

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    YesThe contribution of the actin cytoskeleton to the unique architecture of the Golgi complex is manifold. An important player in this process is Coronin7 (CRN7), a Golgi-resident protein that stabilizes F-actin assembly at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) thereby facilitating anterograde trafficking. Here, we establish that CRN7-mediated association of F-actin with the Golgi apparatus is distinctly modulated via the small Rho GTPase Cdc42 and N-WASP. We identify N-WASP as a novel interaction partner of CRN7 and demonstrate that CRN7 restricts spurious F-actin reorganizations by repressing N-WASP ‘hyperactivity’ upon constitutive Cdc42 activation. Loss of CRN7 leads to increased cellular F-actin content and causes a concomitant disruption of the Golgi structure. CRN7 harbours a Cdc42- and Rac-interactive binding (CRIB) motif in its tandem β-propellers and binds selectively to GDP-bound Cdc42N17 mutant. We speculate that CRN7 can act as a cofactor for active Cdc42 generation. Mutation of CRIB motif residues that abrogate Cdc42 binding to CRN7 also fail to rescue the cellular defects in fibroblasts derived from CRN7 KO mice. Cdc42N17 overexpression partially rescued the KO phenotypes whereas N-WASP overexpression failed to do so. We conclude that CRN7 spatiotemporally influences F-actin organization and Golgi integrity in a Cdc42- and N-WASP-dependent manner.This work was supported by SFB 670 and DFG NO 113/22. K.B. was supported by a fellowship from the NRW International Graduate School “From Embryo to Old Age: the Cell Biology and Genetics of Health and Disease” (IGSDHD), Cologne

    Comparative Live-Cell Imaging Analyses of SPA-2, BUD-6 and BNI-1 in Neurospora crassa Reveal Novel Features of the Filamentous Fungal Polarisome

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    A key multiprotein complex involved in regulating the actin cytoskeleton and secretory machinery required for polarized growth in fungi, is the polarisome. Recognized core constituents in budding yeast are the proteins Spa2, Pea2, Aip3/Bud6, and the key effector Bni1. Multicellular fungi display a more complex polarized morphogenesis than yeasts, suggesting that the filamentous fungal polarisome might fulfill additional functions. In this study, we compared the subcellular organization and dynamics of the putative polarisome components BUD-6 and BNI-1 with those of the bona fide polarisome marker SPA-2 at various developmental stages of Neurospora crassa. All three proteins exhibited a yeast-like polarisome configuration during polarized germ tube growth, cell fusion, septal pore plugging and tip repolarization. However, the localization patterns of all three proteins showed spatiotemporally distinct characteristics during the establishment of new polar axes, septum formation and cytokinesis, and maintained hyphal tip growth. Most notably, in vegetative hyphal tips BUD-6 accumulated as a subapical cloud excluded from the Spitzenkörper (Spk), whereas BNI-1 and SPA-2 partially colocalized with the Spk and the tip apex. Novel roles during septal plugging and cytokinesis, connected to the reinitiation of tip growth upon physical injury and conidial maturation, were identified for BUD-6 and BNI-1, respectively. Phenotypic analyses of gene deletion mutants revealed additional functions for BUD-6 and BNI-1 in cell fusion regulation, and the maintenance of Spk integrity. Considered together, our findings reveal novel polarisome-independent functions of BUD-6 and BNI-1 in Neurospora, but also suggest that all three proteins cooperate at plugged septal pores, and their complex arrangement within the apical dome of mature hypha might represent a novel aspect of filamentous fungal polarisome architecture

    The Msb3/Gyp3 GAP controls the activity of the Rab GTPases Vps21 and Ypt7 at endosomes and vacuoles

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    Fusion of organelles in the endomembrane system depends on Rab GTPases that interact with tethering factors before lipid bilayer mixing. In yeast, the Rab5 GTPase Vps21 controls fusion and membrane dynamics between early and late endosomes. Here we identify Msb3/Gyp3 as a specific Vps21 GTPase-activating protein (GAP). Loss of Msb3 results in an accumulation of Vps21 and one of its effectors Vps8, a subunit of the CORVET complex, at the vacuole membrane in vivo. In agreement, Msb3 forms a specific transition complex with Vps21, has the highest activity of all recombinant GAPs for Vps21 in vitro, and is found at vacuoles despite its predominant localization to bud tips and bud necks at the plasma membrane. Surprisingly, Msb3 also inhibits vacuole fusion, which can be rescued by the Ypt7 GDP-GTP exchange factor (GEF), the Mon1-Ccz1 complex. Consistently, msb3 vacuoles fuse more efficiently than wild-type vacuoles in vitro, suggesting that GAP can also act on Ypt7. Our data indicate that GAPs such as Msb3 can act on multiple substrates in vivo at both ends of a trafficking pathway. This ensures specificity of the subsequent GEF-mediated activation of the Rab that initiates the next transport event.