55,726 research outputs found

    Duality of N=2 Heterotic -- Type I Compactifications in Four Dimensions

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    We discuss type I -- heterotic duality in four-dimensional models obtained as a Coulomb phase of the six-dimensional U(16) orientifold model compactified on T^2 with arbitrary SU(16) Wilson lines. We show that Kahler potentials, gauge threshold corrections and the infinite tower of higher derivative F-terms agree in the limit that corresponds to weak coupling, large T^2 heterotic compactifications. On the type I side, all these quantities are completely determined by the spectrum of N=2 BPS states that originate from D=6 massless superstring modes.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX; typos corrected and references adde

    Planetary biology and microbial ecology. Biochemistry of carbon and early life

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    Experiments made with cyanobacteria, phototrophic bacteria, and methanogenic bacteria are detailed. Significant carbon isotope fractionation data is included. Taken from well documented extant microbial communities, this data provides a basis of comparison for isotope fractionation values measured in Archean and Proterozoic (preCambrian) rocks. Media, methods, and techniques used to acquire data are also described

    Heat-transfer and pressure measurements on a simulated elevon deflected 30 deg near flight conditions at Mach 7

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    Heat transfer rates and pressures were obtained on an elevon plate (deflected 30 deg) and a flat plate upstream of the elevon in an 8 foot high-temperature structures tunnel. The flight Reynolds number and flight total enthalpy for altitudes of 26.8 km and 28.7 km at Mach seven were duplicated. The heat transfer and pressure data were used to establish heating and pressure loads. The measured heating was compared with several theoretical predictions, and the closest agreement obtained with a Schultz-Grunow reference enthalpy method of calculation

    A comparison of measured and calculated thermal stresses in a hybrid metal matrix composite spar cap element

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    A hybrid spar of titanium with an integrally brazed composite, consisting of an aluminum matrix reinforced with boron-carbide-coated fibers, was heated in an oven and the resulting thermal stresses were measured. Uniform heating of the spar in an oven resulted in thermal stresses arising from the effects of dissimilar materials and anisotropy of the metal matrix composite. Thermal stresses were calculated from a finite element structural model using anisotropic material properties deduced from constituent properties and rules of mixtures. Comparisons of calculated thermal stresses with measured thermal stresses on the spar are presented. It was shown that failure to account for anisotropy in the metal matrix composite elements would result in large errors in correlating measured and calculated thermal stresses. It was concluded that very strong material characterization efforts are required to predict accurate thermal stresses in anisotropic composite structures

    The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey VII : A Dense Filament With Extremely Long HI Streams

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    We present completed observations of the NGC 7448 galaxy group and background volume as part of the blind neutral hydrogen Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey (AGES). Our observations cover a region spanning 5x4 degrees, over a redshift range of approximately -2,000 < cz < 20,000 km/s. A total of 334 objects are detected, mostly in three overdensities at cz \sim7,500, cz \sim9,600 and cz \sim 11,400 km/s. The galaxy density is extremely high (15 per square degree) and many (\sim24%) show signs of extended HI emission, including some features as much as 800 kpc in projected length. We describe the overall characteristics of this environment : kinematics, typical galaxy colours and mass to light ratios, and substructure. To aid in the cataloguing of this data set, we present a new FITS viewer (FRELLED : Fits Realtime Explorer of Low Latency in Every Dimension). This incorporates interactive source cataloguing tools which increase our source extraction speed by approximately a factor of 50.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Preparing the foundations for video-based, practice-placement support: establishing the role from a students’ perspective

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    Currently, many placement-based health programme students within the UK are supported through face-to-face visits from university staff. Whilst cited in literature as being of value, the face-to-face nature of this contact is not supported. Alternatives including video-based communications methods offer the potential for cost effective, environmentally responsible support. However, in order to establish the fitness for purpose of alternative approaches, the content and purpose of current support needs to be understood. This project aimed to investigate student perceptions of the ideal content and purpose of clinical support visits, and alternatives to the current face-to-face approach. Fifty-six Physiotherapy undergraduate students responded to questionnaires with a further nine participating in a follow-up focus group. Participants emphasised the value of the visit in guiding learning, ensuring progression and resolving arising issues, and highlighted concerns over alternative approaches. Focus group participants discussed the importance of personal and professional confidence in directing requirements for support, and went on to propose a menu of options for methods of communication.Whilst limited in some applications, video technologies may be one of the options. Overall, however, this project supports the need for consideration of individualised learning journeys within curriculum planning

    Confinement of supernova explosions in a collapsing cloud

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    We analyze the confining effect of cloud collapse on an expanding supernova shockfront. We solve the differential equation for the forces on the shockfront due to ram pressure, supernova energy, and gravity. We find that the expansion of the shockfront is slowed and in fact reversed by the collapsing cloud. Including radiative losses and a potential time lag between supernova explosion and cloud collapse shows that the expansion is reversed at smaller distances as compared to the non-radiative case. We also consider the case of multiple supernova explosions at the center of a collapsing cloud. For instance, if we scale our self-similar solution to a single supernova of energy 10^51 ergs occurring when a cloud of initial density 10^2 H/cm^3 has collapsed by 50%, we find that the shockfront is confined to ~15 pc in ~1 Myrs. Our calculations are pertinent to the observed unusually compact non-thermal radio emission in blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs). More generally, we demonstrate the potential of a collapsing cloud to confine supernovae, thereby explaining how dwarf galaxies would exist beyond their first generation of star formation.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure