66 research outputs found

    Evidence for the Role of Ecdysteroids in the Genital Sex Pheromone of Two species of Hard Ticks, \u3ci\u3eDermacentor variabilis\u3c/i\u3e (Say) and \u3ci\u3eDermacentor andersoni\u3c/i\u3e Stiles

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    Neutering of part-fed females virtually eliminated copulatory behavior in Dermacentor variabilis and D. andersoni males. Extracts from the anterior reproductive tracts (ART) of part-fed (7 days) females restored the male copulatory behavior in conspecific neutered females, suggesting the presence of a genital sex pheromone (GSP). Similar extracts from unfed females did not restore the behavior, suggesting that the pheromone was produced during feeding. Perception of the GSP by sensillae on the male cheliceral digits was confirmed by electrophysiological techniques. Ecdysteroids, specifically ecdysone and 20-OH-ecdysone were shown to be present in the anterior reproductive tracts in excess of amounts that could be explained by mere hemolymph contamination. Ecdysteroids were also found in washings of the vaginal lumen of these two species. D. andersoni females contained larger amounts of ecdysteroids than D. variabilis females. Males of D. variabilis and D. andersoni responded positively to authentic ecdysone, and 20-OH-ecdysone in neutered female bioassays and electrophysiological assays. The strongest responses were to 20-OH-ecdysone in both species. No response was found with sterols. 20-OH-ecdysone and possibly ecdysone appear to be components of the genital sex pheromone (GSP) of D. variabilis and D. andersoni. Species recognition is facilitated by these components, but the complete mechanism is not yet fully understood. The importance of ecdysteroids in the evolutionary development of chemical communication systems in Arthropoda is also discussed

    LKR/SDH Plays Important Roles throughout the Tick Life Cycle Including a Long Starvation Period

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    BACKGROUND:Lysine-ketoglutarate reductase/saccharopine dehydrogenase (LKR/SDH) is a bifunctional enzyme catalyzing the first two steps of lysine catabolism in plants and mammals. However, to date, the properties of the lysine degradation pathway and biological functions of LKR/SDH have been very little described in arthropods such as ticks. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We isolated and characterized the gene encoding lysine-ketoglutarate reductase (LKR, EC and saccharopine dehydrogenase (SDH, EC from a tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis, cDNA library that encodes a bifunctional polypeptide bearing domains similar to the plant and mammalian LKR/SDH enzymes. Expression of LKR/SDH was detected in all developmental stages, indicating an important role throughout the tick life cycle, including a long period of starvation after detachment from the host. The LKR/SDH mRNA transcripts were more abundant in unfed and starved ticks than in fed and engorged ticks, suggesting that tick LKR/SDH are important for the starved tick. Gene silencing of LKR/SDH by RNAi indicated that the tick LKR/SDH plays an integral role in the osmotic regulation of water balance and development of eggs in ovary of engorged females. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Transcription analysis and gene silencing of LKR/SDH indicated that tick LKR/SDH enzyme plays not only important roles in egg production, reproduction and development of the tick, but also in carbon, nitrogen and water balance, crucial physiological processes for the survival of ticks. This is the first report on the role of LKR/SDH in osmotic regulation in animals including vertebrate and arthropods

    Transcriptional Analysis of Murine Macrophages Infected with Different Toxoplasma Strains Identifies Novel Regulation of Host Signaling Pathways

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    Most isolates of Toxoplasma from Europe and North America fall into one of three genetically distinct clonal lineages, the type I, II and III lineages. However, in South America these strains are rarely isolated and instead a great variety of other strains are found. T. gondii strains differ widely in a number of phenotypes in mice, such as virulence, persistence, oral infectivity, migratory capacity, induction of cytokine expression and modulation of host gene expression. The outcome of toxoplasmosis in patients is also variable and we hypothesize that, besides host and environmental factors, the genotype of the parasite strain plays a major role. The molecular basis for these differences in pathogenesis, especially in strains other than the clonal lineages, remains largely unexplored. Macrophages play an essential role in the early immune response against T. gondii and are also the cell type preferentially infected in vivo. To determine if non-canonical Toxoplasma strains have unique interactions with the host cell, we infected murine macrophages with 29 different Toxoplasma strains, representing global diversity, and used RNA-sequencing to determine host and parasite transcriptomes. We identified large differences between strains in the expression level of known parasite effectors and large chromosomal structural variation in some strains. We also identified novel strain-specifically regulated host pathways, including the regulation of the type I interferon response by some atypical strains. IFNβ production by infected cells was associated with parasite killing, independent of interferon gamma activation, and dependent on endosomal Toll-like receptors in macrophages and the cytoplasmic receptor retinoic acid-inducible gene 1 (RIG-I) in fibroblasts.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01-AI080621)New England Regional Center of Excellence for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases (Developmental Grant AIO57159)Pew Charitable Trusts (Biomedical Scholars Program)Robert A. Swanson Career Development awardThe Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc.Pre-Doctoral Grant in the Biological Sciences (5-T32-GM007287-33)Cleo and Paul Schimmel Foundatio
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