1,248 research outputs found

    Differential Quadrature Method For Solving Bed Load Sediment Transport

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    Sediment transport is crucial for designing, and operating hydraulic structures. Hence, itsprediction has forced researches to study it through experimental and mathematical modeling works. Mathematical modeling has gained importance especially with the advent of powerfulcomputers. These modeling studies are mostly based on the numerical solutions of transport equations of the partial differential equations with finite difference, finite element or finite volume methods. This study, as an alternative to existing methods, has developed a numerical technique, called differential quadrature method (DQM). The DQM expresses a differential at apoint as a function of products of weight coefficients and the functional values at each point ofthe domain. The weight coefficients are determined using one of the several algorithms such asthe Langrangian, depending upon the spacing intervals. In this study, bed load sediment transport equation, coupled with flow equations of the continuity and momentum, is solved using the DQM. The performance of the model is tested against that of the finite difference method and aswell as the experimental data. The results revealed that DQM can also be employed in modeling bed load sediment transport

    Double Decomposition Method for the Solution of Sediment Wave Equation

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    Transient sediment waves are solved by the double decomposition (DD) method. The method solves the parabolic partial differential equation by decomposing the solution function into summation of M number of components. The solution is approximated by considering the first three terms. The performance of the model in simulating experimental data is satisfactory.The hypothetical case study reveals that the model can mimic the sediment transport in nature

    The Antecedents and Consequences of Learned Helplessness in Work Life

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    Technologies, processes and products are easily imitated in today’s business world, so organizations can differentiate themselves from others only with their human capital. Helplessness, which may reflect itself as alienation, withdrawal, turnover intention is a serious problem that could prevent the adequate utilization of human capital. The overarching purpose of this study was to review “learned helplessness literature†with specific focus on helplessness in work context. This study, hopefully provided insights about why employees exhibit passive behaviors and apathy; in other words fall into helplessness even though they could initiate a change. In the first part, development of learned helplessness concept was explained together with initial models and experiments. After providing this background information, the individual and work-related antecedents of helplessness were listed. As part of antecedents, the impact of locus of control, gender, role stressors (i.e., workload, ambiguity) and organization structure was discussed briefly. In the third part, both organizational and individual consequences of helplessness were mentioned. Finally, suggestions were made to both practitioners and researchers in order to contribute advancement of theory and improvement of quality of work life

    Okul yöneticiliğinin meslekleşmesine ilişkin yöneticilerin görüşleri ( Denizli ili örneği )

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    Bu araştırma 2018-2019 eğitim öğretim yılı güz döneminde Denizli ili Pamukkale ilçesinde ilköğretim okullarında yapılmıştır.Bu araştırma okul yöneticiliğinin ayrı bir meslek olma görüşünün yaygınlaşmaya ve tartışılmaya başladığı son günlerde, bakanlığımızın da 2023 Eğitim Vizyonu ’nu açıklamasının ardından ayrı bir önem ve ihtimam kazanmıştır.Araştırmanın amacı okul yöneticiliğinin mevcut durumu, okul yöneticilerinin belirlenme yöntemleri ve süreçleri, maaş ve ek ders durumları, hangi eğitimlerden geçmeleri gerektiği, özlük hakları gibi belli başlı alanlarda yöneticilerin görüşlerini yansıtmak, bir meslek olarak mevcut durumunu, akademik çevrelerin tüm meslekler için kabul ettikleri ölçütler çerçevesinde değerlendirmektir. Araştırmada nitel araştırma tekniklerinden yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma nitel bir araştırma olduğundan, çalışma boyunca sınırlı sayıda kişi ile daha derinlemesine çalışabilmek amacı ile örneklem tekniği olarak olasılık temelli olmayan örneklem tekniklerinden ‘amaçlı örneklem’ kullanılmıştır.Ayrıca araştırmanın bulguları başka araştırmacılar tarafından değerlendirilmiş ve güvenilirliği sağlanmıştır. Her katılımcıya aynı sorular aynı vurgu ve tonlama ile her birine sorulmuş, 8 (sekiz) müdür ve 7 (yedi) öğretmen ile görüşülmüştür

    Modeling two-dimensional erosion process over infiltrating surfaces

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    The physics-based modeling of the rainfall-runoff induced erosion process is accomplished. The existing one-dimensional erosion process equations are extended to two dimensions and kinematic wave approximation is used. The model assumes that suspended sediment does not affect flow dynamics. The model considers the effect of flow depth plus loose soil depth on soil detachment. Sensitivity analysis results indicate that the effects of the soil erodibility coefficient (η) and exponent (k1) on sediment discharges are quite pronounced. On steep slopes, the effect of flow depth plus loose soil depth on sediment discharge is insignificant

    Convergence or Divergence? Evaluation of Human Resource Practices in Turkey

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    This study investigates human resource (HR) management (HRM) practices in Turkey vis-à-vis history, religion, culture, and economic systems. It hopes to contribute discussion on convergence and divergence by assessing traditional values’ impact on shaping HR practices. The study reviews the journal articles, thesis and conference proceedings addressing major human resource functions, namely job analysis, training, performance-management, recruitment and selection in Turkey. Review suggests directional convergence’s presence, meaning companies in Turkey follow the same trends prevailing in the USA or Europe, yet the patterns differ with respect to Turkish firms’ understanding and implementation of these trends. Collectivism, paternalism, and uncertainty avoidance seem to profoundly impact HRM practices in Turkey, decreasing the possibility of full convergence. HR literature is dominated by U.S. and European-oriented research. As this study provides a detailed, though not comprehensive literature review concerning HR practices in Turkey, its conclusions also may be extrapolated to countries with a similar socio-cultural dynamic, in addition to suggesting avenues for future research

    Causality Relationship between Real GDP and Electricity Consumption in Romania (2001-2010)

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    After Industrial Revolution, importance of energy in production has increased. As a result of two petroleum crisis, energy was included directly into the production function. While development level of countries has increased, energy consumption has also raised. Substantial increase in energy consumption with economic growth provide a motivation to investigate questions “Is there is a relationship between energy consumption and economic growth?” and if there is “What kind of relationship exists between them?”. The aim of this study is to analyse dynamic causal relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth in the Romanian economy for the period of 2001 – 2010 to answer this question. To this end, we utilize the Dolado – Lütkepohl, Tado - Yamamoto and traditional Granger causality tests. In this regard, we use Phillips – Perron and Dickey Fuller – GLS unit root tests and Bai – Perron multiple structural breaks test. Results support that causality runs from electricity consumption to economic growth in the case of Romania economy.Electricity Consumption, Economic Growth, Causality Test, Romania

    Examination of 21st century skills and technological competences of students of Fine Arts Faculty

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    MakaleWOS:000882521000007In this study, 21st century skills and technological tendencies of the students of the Faculty of Fine Arts were examined with a relational approach in terms of some variables. With this aim, the 21st century skills and technological competences of the students of the Faculty of Fine Arts were compared in terms of gender and grade level variables. In this respect, this study is a comparative relational survey research. The study was carried out with 198 students studying fine arts at different universities in Turkey. The 21st century skills scale and the technological susceptibility scale were used as data collection tools. In the study, t-test for independent groups, one-way analysis of variance and correlation analysis techniques were used for data analysis. In the study, it was found that the 21st century skills of fine arts students were relatively high, while their technological susceptibility was moderate. It was found that the 21st century skills and technological predispositions of the participant students differed in terms of gender and grade level. Finally, a positive, significant and high-level relationship was found between the 21st century skills and technological predispositions of the students of the Faculty of Fine Arts

    The Effect of Compulsory Schooling Laws on Teenage Marriage and Births in Turkey

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    This paper estimates the impact of the extension of compulsory schooling in Turkey from 5 to 8 years on the marriage and fertility behavior of teenage women in Turkey using the 2008 Turkish Demographic and Health Survey. We find that the new education policy reduces the probability of marriage and giving birth for teenage women substantially: the probability of marriage by age 16 is reduced by 44 percent and the probability of giving birth by age 17 falls by 36 percent. The effects of the education policy on the time until marriage and first-birth persist beyond the completion of compulsory schooling. In addition, we find that the delay in the time until first-birth is driven by the delay in the time until marriage. After a woman is married, the rise in compulsory schooling years does not have an effect on the duration until her first-birth. Finally, we find that the education policy was more effective in reducing early marriage than a change in the Civil Code aimed for this purpose.compulsory schooling, education, fertility, age at marriage

    The Effect of Compulsory Schooling Laws on Teenage Marriage and Births in Turkey

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    This paper estimates the impact of the extension of compulsory schooling in Turkey from 5 to 8 years on the marriage and fertility behavior of teenage women in Turkey using the 2008 Turkish Demographic and Health Survey. We find that the new education policy reduces the probability of marriage and giving birth for teenage women substantially: the probability of marriage by age 16 is reduced by 44 percent and the probability of giving birth by age 17 falls by 36 percent. The effects of the education policy on the time until marriage and firstbirth persist beyond the completion of compulsory schooling. In addition, we find that the delay in the time until first-birth is driven by the delay in the time until marriage. After a woman is married, the rise in compulsory schooling years does not have an effect on the duration until her first-birth. Finally, we find that the education policy was more effective in reducing early marriage than a change in the Civil Code aimed for this purpose.Age at marriage, Fertility, Education, Compulsory Schooling