1,242 research outputs found

    The League of Arab States and Its Role in the Arab World

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    This paper is concerned with the Arab League and its role in the Arab world. Its primary concern is with Arab unity, the Palestine problem, Arab disputes, and cooperation among Arab states. Since the establishment of the League in 1945 as an organization through which the various Arab states could work together by voluntary cooperation in all spheres, and as a means toward achievement of Arab unity, many important developments in the Arab world, both in the internal and external fields took place, and led to instability in the Arab world. The political and social revolutions in the Arab world have led to power struggles and divisions among Arab leaders, and created inter-Arab rivalries and disputes. Because of these the League\u27s activities have been adversely affected, and the League has been unable to achieve the goals for which it was created. The League, since its birth in 1945, has not succeeded in saving its members from the loss of Palestine, or from the internal intrigues, or from the Baghdad Pact, or from tensions between its members. It showed its impotence in the Arab world for its inability to play politically any useful role in time of crisis. Despite its ineffectiveness politically, due to political divisions among its members as well as the turbulent conditions prevailing in the Arab world, the League has nevertheless been effective to some extent in cultural and economic measures as the league has obtained the commitments of its members for increased cooperation. And, the League will continue to function voluntarily as long as the Arab leaders are willing to cooperate. It will continue to focus on the common hostility of its member states toward Israel as it has frequently gone on record with expression of its rejection of the legitimacy of the state of Israel and with calls for a return of the Palestinian refugees to their former homes, and it will continue to reflect the balance among Arab governments and the prevailing opinions in the Arab world no matter how conditions change

    The Relationship between Unemployment Anxiety and the Quality of Life among Final Year Students at the University of Khartoum

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    The study aimed to investigate the relationship between unemployment anxiety and quality of life among the final year students at Khartoum University. It also aimed to find out the level of unemployment anxiety and quality of life. The researcher used the descriptive method. The study sample consisted of 395 students for the academic year 2018/2019, selected by cluster random sampling. After checking their psychometric characteristics, the results showed that the level of unemployment anxiety among final year students was high, and their quality of life assessment was low. The results also showed a negative correlative relationship between the degree of unemployment anxiety and the quality of life scores. Also there are differences between males and females on the unemployment anxiety concern scale for males, but there are no differences in the quality of life measure according to the gender variable. The study provides some recommendations to reduce the level of unemployment anxiety and improve the quality of life for students.

    Gallstone ileus: retrospective review of a single centre\u27s experience using two surgical procedures

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    Introduction:Gallstone ileus is responsible for 1-3 percent of cases of mechanical small bowel obstruction. Debate continues regarding choice of optimal surgical procedure. One-stage procedure includes enterolithotomy, cholecystectomy and repair of fistula at the same setting, whereas staged procedure includes enterolithotomy alone, with fistula repair at a later stage. This study aims to determine factors influencing choice of surgical procedure in Patients with gallstone ileus. Methods : Data was collected for Patients diagnosed with gallstone ileus between 1990 and 2005. Five Patients underwent enterolithotomy alone (Group 1), while the remaining five Patients underwent enterolithotomy with cholecystectomy and repair of fistula as a single stage procedure (Group 2). Results: In Group 1, Patients presented late with deranged physiological parameters and pre-existing comorbidities accounting for an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score of 3 or above. In Group 2, Patients presented early with preserved physiological status accounting for an ASA score of 2. The mean operative time was 126 +/- 23 minutes in Group 1 and 245 +/- 54.4 minutes in Group 2. There was no mortality, three Patients in Group 1 had superficial wound infection, and one Patient in Group 2 had injury to the common bile duct necessitating hepaticojejunostomy. The mean follow-up period was 3.5 +/- 1.5 years. None of the Patients in both groups had recurrent symptoms requiring further intervention. Conclusions: Choice of surgical procedure was largely determined by the clinical status of the Patient. Single-stage procedure was performed in haemodynamically-stable Patients, while enterolithotomy alone was considered sufficient for unstable Patients

    Optimization of the industrial production of bacterial aamylase in Egypt. V. Analysis of kinetic data for enzyme production by two strains of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

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    A kinetic study was conducted for a-amylase production process in shake flasks by the wild type strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (strain 267) and in the fermentor by the amplified variant of the sameorganism (strain 267CH). a-Amylase was produced concurrently with growth up to about 72 h, after which it continued without increase in biomass and, in the case of strain 267 even after biomassdeclined. Application of logistic, Luedeking-Piret and the modified Luedeking-Piret mathematical models to the kinetic data revealed that a-amylase production in both cases occurred through bothgrowth- and non-growth associated mechanisms and that the amount of enzyme produced through non-growth associated mechanism exceeded that produced through growth associated mechanism by 3.5 and 2.3 fold by strains 267 and 267CH, respectively. Although with both strains substrate consumption continued even after growth leveled, the application of the model revealed that the major portion of substrate consumption occurred during growth but that a considerable amount was also consumed after maximum growth was reached, mainly for enzyme production. In the bioreactor, increasing aeration from 1 to 2 vvm increased the overall specific growth rate, the production rate, thespecific production rate, and the specific substrate consumption rate and also shortened the time necessary for maximum production of both biomass and enzyme. The increase in biomass either by prolonging the incubation time or by increasing aeration was accompanied by an increase in enzyme production. However, even after maximum biomass was reached, enzyme production still continued to increase, under both conditions

    Detection of Surface Cracks in Metals using Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Nondestructive Testing Techniques-A Review

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    Integrity Assessment of Metallic Structures Requires Inspection Tools Capable of Detecting and Evaluating Cracks Reliably. to This End, Many Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT&E) Methods Have Been Developed and Applied Successfully in the Past. Detection of Fatigue Cracks with Widths Less Than 5 Μ M using Noncontact Microwave-Based Inspection Methods Was Demonstrated in the 1970s. Since their Introduction, These Methods Have Evolved Considerably Toward Enhancing the Detection Sensitivity and Resolution. Undertaking Key Application Challenges Has Attracted Considerable Attention in the Past Three Decades and Led to the Development of the Near-Field Techniques for Crack Detection. to Address a Need that Cannot Be Fulfilled by Other NDT&E Modalities, Innovative Noncontact Microwave and Millimeter-Wave NDT&E Methods Were Devised Recently to Detect Cracks of Arbitrary Orientations under Thick Dielectric Structures. While the Reported Methods Share the Same Underlying Physical Principles, They Vary Considerably in Terms of the Devised Probes/sensors and the Application Procedure. Consequently, their Sensitivity and Resolution as Well as their Limitations Vary. This Article Reviews the Various Crack Detection Methods Developed To-Date and Compares Them in Terms of Common Performance Metrics. This Comprehensive Review is Augmented with Experimental Comparisons and Benchmarking Aimed to Benefit NDT&E Practitioners and Researchers Alike

    Dissipation of chlorpyrifos in a Malaysian agricultural soil: a comparison between a field experiment and simulation by the VARLEACH and PERSIST models

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    A comparison of the dissipation of chlorpyrifos in a Malaysian agricultural soil was undertaken using data from a field experiment and simulation by the PERSIST model. The study was carried out at an oil palm estate located close to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Sepang, Selangor (for field experiment). The plots were treated with chlorpyrifos at the manufacturer’s recommended dosage. Soil samples were collected according to the sampling schedule at intervals of 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 30, 60 and 90 days. Residues of chlorpyrifos in soil from the field trial were analyzed in the laboratory. Simulation of chlorpyrifos leaching and persistency was done using two computer-run software VARLEACH and PERSIST. Generally, predicted data for chlorpyrifos residue obtained using the VARLEACH and PERSIST models was found to be well matched with the observed data from the field trial. The PERSIST Prediction for chlorpyrifos residue in soils planted with oil palm trees was found to be accurate and conformed to the results observed in the field trial

    Null genetic risk of ACE gene polymorphisms with nephropathy in type 1 diabetes among Egyptian population

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    Reported to date, strong evidence exists in multiple studies for genetic predisposing in the development of diabetic nephropathy, and no studies addressed this issue among Egyptian population. The results of angiotensin converting enzyme gene (ACE) in the susceptibility to nephropathy in type 1 diabetes with nephropathy are conflicting. We aim to identify the associations of two ACE gene polymorphisms (PstI, A > G substitution and a 287-bp insertion/deletion) with nephropathy in type 1 diabetes in Egyptian children/adolescents. Our case-control study contained 140 diabetic individuals; 80 diabetic with nephropathy as cases, and 60 diabetic subjects without nephropathy as control group. Amplified DNA from peripheral leucocytes/buccal mucosa was genotyped for using polymerase chain reaction and enzymatic assay. We found no significant differences in the distribution of ACE insertion/deletion and PstI genotypes or allele frequencies were observed between the examined groups. Frequencies of PstI–indel haplotypes were similar in all of our study groups. In both cases and control subjects, ACE activity and microalbuminuria were highest among D/D homozygotes and lowest in I/I homozygotes, while a dissimilar result was seen in PstI polymorphism. Our findings in Egyptian population strongly conclude that there is no association between the ACE gene I/D and PstI polymorphisms with nephropathy in type 1 diabetes.Keywords: ACE gene polymorphisms; Type 1 diabetes; Nephropathy; Egyptian children/adolescent

    A Friction of Cultural Values and Characteristics of Imperial Mosque in Ternate

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    Indonesia has many religious culture that should be preserved one of which is the imperial mosque. Most of the imperial mosque has its own characteristics in carrying out activities both religious and cultural. Sultanate of Ternate is the largest sultanates in eastern Indonesia which would give other peculiarities that need to be raised as a typical Indonesian culture. The purpose of this study is to identify the type of tradition in doing at the mosque sultanate by people of Ternate and changes in cultural values of the people of Ternate in the imperial mosque. In this study found the phenomenon characteristic changes in cultural values by linking changes in the physical aspect and non-physical. To determine the effect of these factors, the method used is the method of observation of physical traces. This method is expected to be able to explain the effect of the change occurred. Based on the results of the study indicate compliance is still customary rules of religious traditions in the imperial mosque although some traditions that formerly taboo has been done, the progress of the times, increase knowledge, and make the implementation of the reform and renewal of cultural values carried by the community for various reasons theTernate

    Conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy: multivariate analysis of preoperative risk factors

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    Background: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the gold standard in the treatment of symptomatic cholelithiasis. Some patients require conversion to open surgery and several preoperative variables have been identified as risk factors that are helpful in predicting the probability of conversion. However, there is a need to devise a risk-scoring system based on the identified risk factors to (a) predict the risk of conversion preoperatively for selected patients, (b) prepare the patient psychologically, (c) arrange operating schedules accordingly, and (d) minimize the procedure-related cost and help overcome financial constraints, which is a significant problem in developing countries.AIM: This study was aimed to evaluate preoperative risk factors for conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy in our setting.SETTINGS AND DESIGNS: A case control study of patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery from January 1997 to December 2001 was conducted at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.MATERIALS AND Methods: All those patients who were converted to open surgery (n = 73) were enrolled as cases. Two controls who had successful laparoscopic surgery (n = 146) were matched with each case for operating surgeon and closest date of surgery.STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Descriptive statistics were computed and, univariate and multivariate analysis was done through multiple logistic regression.Results: The final multivariate model identified two risk factors for conversion: ultrasonographic signs of inflammation (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 8.5; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.3, 21.9) and age \u3e 60 years (aOR = 8.1; 95% CI: 2.9, 22.2) after adjusting for physical signs, alkaline phosphatase and BMI levels.CONCLUSION: Preoperative risk factors evaluated by the present study confirm the likelihood of conversion. Recognition of these factors is important for understanding the characteristics of patients at a higher risk of conversion