4,403 research outputs found

    The hydrodynamics of the southern basin of Tauranga Harbour

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    The circulation of the southern basin of Tauranga Harbour was simulated using a 3-D hydrodynamic model ELCOM. A 9-day field campaign in 1999 provided data on current velocity, temperature and salinity profiles at three stations within the main basin. The tidal wave changed most in amplitude and speed in the constricted entrances to channels, for example the M2 tide attenuated by 10% over 500 m at the main entrance, and only an additional 17% over the 15 km to the top of the southern basin. The modelled temperature was sensitive to wind mixing, particularly in tidal flat regions. Residence times ranged from 3 to 8 days, with higher residence times occurring in sub-estuaries with constricted mouths. The typical annual storm events were predicted to reduce the residence times by 24%–39% depending on season. Model scenarios of storm discharge events in the Wairoa River varying from 41.69 m3/s to 175.9 m3/s show that these events can cause salinity gradients across the harbour of up to 4 PSU

    New strategies towards the next generation of skin-friendly artificial turf surfaces

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    The issue of skin friction related injuries has been one of the problems challenging the artificial sports turf industry. It has been identified by users as a major factor impeding acceptance of artificial turf at the professional level. However, information explaining the mechanisms for skin-turf abrasion is limited and little progress has been made, it appears, to derive an appropriate testing method for product approval or in evidence of improvement of the skin-friendliness of these products in sport surface surfaces. This research project focused on exploring the potential for improving the skin-friendliness of artificial turfs through a multi-faceted approach: identifying the contribution of the abrasive-components in modern artificial turf surfaces through mechanical testing; while critically evaluating currently available skin friction standards , evaluating strategies for polymer material modifications to reduce the skin-surface friction; and the designing of an appropriate bench-top set-up for the lab-based assessment of material skin-friendliness. The lack of understanding of skin-turf interaction was addressed by identifying the turf-component that has the greatest influence on the skin-turf friction with the mechanical device used in the current industry standard. The skin -turf frictional profiles of a series of third generation (3G) turf surfaces were examined, in combination with independent measurements of the silicone skin surface roughness pre- and post-friction testing. Results indicated that turf carpets without any infill material exhibited the highest frictional values while surfaces completely filled with either sand or rubber displayed similarly low frictional values, independent of infill type. Morphological measurements also showed the largest decrease in surface roughness for skin samples tested on carpet-only surfaces, indicating a smoothening effect via abrasion. This abrading effect is alleviated with the addition of infill to the surface, with fully-filled surfaces having the least damage to the skin s. This unprecedented study suggests that the carpet may have the largest influence on the overall frictional behaviour of an artificial turf surface narrowing down the turf component to be targeted when applying product improvements to address skin-friendly properties. The strategy of material surface modification was then employed, to study the effect of polyzwitterionic brushes on improving the skin-friendliness of the identified polypropylene substrate. To address the intended application for artificial turfs, a bench-top test was developed to investigate the frictional properties of the hydrated samples outside of commonly used aqueous environments, where an excess of lubricating water molecules is absent. Photo-grafted poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) (pSBMA) brushes of various irradiation durations were prepared and the improvement in frictional properties was studied. Frictional measurements using silicone skin tips, under both dry and hydrated surface conditions, showed that the applied modification was capable of forming a stable lubrication layer in the absence of excess water, significantly reducing the coefficient of friction by up to 78.8 %. The pSBMA brushes also provided the additional advantage of antifouling exhibiting resistance towards pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus with almost zero surface colonization for well-grafted samples. The low skin -sample friction under ambient conditions and desirable fouling-resistance highlights the potential of pSBMA brushes as a modification strategy for achieving skin-friendly surfaces targeted at reducing the risk of skin abrasions. The tribological implications of counter-surface selection were investigated. Frictional assessments of the pSBMA-modified samples were carried out using standard steel tribo-tips, in addition to the skin tips used. Measurements with the skin tips showed that the hydrated pSBMA brushes were successful in reducing initial skin -sample friction though the effect diminishes with extended testing, attributed to the drying of the interfacial water. The standard steel tribo-tips were unable to reciprocate these results, returning consistently low frictional values regardless of extent of surface modification or hydration. These observations draw attention to the importance of counter-surface selection in frictional assessments, highlighting how appropriate test materials can identify characteristic surface properties while providing an interaction that simulates that of the intended application. The simple experimental set-up used may potentially be enhanced as an intermediate product qualification method in the manufacturing of skin-friendly artificial turf yarns

    Structural, optical, magnetic and electrical properties of Zn1-x Co (x) O thin films

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    Despite a considerable effort aiming at elucidating the nature of ferromagnetism in ZnO-based magnetic semiconductor, its origin still remains debatable. Although the observation of above room temperature ferromagnetism has been reported frequently in the literature by magnetometry measurement, so far there has been no report on correlated ferromagnetism in magnetic, optical and electrical measurements. In this paper, we investigate systematically the structural, optical, magnetic and electrical properties of Zn1-x Co (x) O:Al thin films prepared by sputtering with x ranging from 0 to 0.33. We show that correlated ferromagnetism is present only in samples with x > 0.25. In contrast, samples with x < 0.2 exhibit weak ferromagnetism only in magnetometry measurement which is absent in optical and electrical measurements. We demonstrate, by systematic electrical transport studies that carrier localization indeed occurs below 20-50 K for samples with x < 0.2; however, this does not lead to the formation of ferromagnetic phase in these samples with an electron concentration in the range of 6 x 10(19) cm(-3) 1 x 10(20) cm(-3). Detailed structural and optical transmission spectroscopy analyses revealed that the anomalous Hall effect observed in samples with x > 0.25 is due to the formation of secondary phases and Co clusters.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Recreating pulsed turbidity events to determine coral–sediment thresholds for active management

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    Active management of anthropogenically driven sediment resuspension events near coral reefs relies on an accurate assessment of coral thresholds to both suspended and deposited sediments. Yet the range of coral responses to sediments both within and amongst species has limited our ability to determine representative threshold values. This study reviews information available on coral physiological responses to a range of sediment loads at varying time frames and provides a novel approach to assess coral thresholds to suspended and deposited sediments. The new approach replicates natural turbidity regimes by creating pulsed turbidity events at two environmentally realistic levels (moderate = ~ 50 mg l− 1, peaks at 100 mg l− 1; severe = ~ 100 mg l− 1, peaks at 250 mg l− 1). Corals (Merulina ampliata, Pachyseris speciosa, Platygyra sinensis) were subjected to two exposure regimes: pulsed turbidity events for four weeks followed by two months of recovery (constant regime) or pulsed turbidity events every other week followed by one month of recovery (periodic regime). Coral thresholds were greater than commonly used estimates with little to no effect on corals at moderate sediment levels. At extreme sediment levels, species morphological differences were potentially key determinants of coral survival. The periodic exposure regime was less detrimental to all coral species than the constant exposure regime as demonstrated by elevated yields and lower tissue morality rates. To improve knowledge on coral–sediment threshold values, research needs to expand to incorporate a broader range of species and exposure regimes. Realistic threshold values combined with modelling efforts would improve prediction of reef health and enable managers to react to declines in health before coral mortality occurs

    Quantum limited particle sensing in optical tweezers

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    Particle sensing in optical tweezers systems provides information on the position, velocity and force of the specimen particles. The conventional quadrant detection scheme is applied ubiquitously in optical tweezers experiments to quantify these parameters. In this paper we show that quadrant detection is non-optimal for particle sensing in optical tweezers and propose an alternative optimal particle sensing scheme based on spatial homodyne detection. A formalism for particle sensing in terms of transverse spatial modes is developed and numerical simulations of the efficacy of both quadrant and spatial homodyne detection are shown. We demonstrate that an order of magnitude improvement in particle sensing sensitivity can be achieved using spatial homodyne over quadrant detection.Comment: Submitted to Biophys

    On shotnoise and Brownian motion limits to the accuracy of particle positioning with optical tweezers

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    This paper examines the fundamental resolution limit of particle positioning with optical tweezers due to the combined effects of Brownian motion and optical shotnoise. It is found that Brownian motion dominates at low signal frequencies, whilst shotnoise dominates at high frequencies, with the exact crossover frequency varying by many orders of magnitude depending on experimental parameters such as particle size and trapping beam power. These results are significant both for analysis of the bandwidth limits of particle monitoring with optical tweezers and for enhancements of optical tweezer systems based on non-classical states of light

    Opinion diversity and community formation in adaptive networks

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    It is interesting and of significant importance to investigate how network structures co-evolve with opinions. The existing models of such co-evolution typically lead to the final states where network nodes either reach a global consensus or break into separated communities, each of which holding its own community consensus. Such results, however, can hardly explain the richness of real-life observations that opinions are always diversified with no global or even community consensus, and people seldom, if not never, totally cut off themselves from dissenters. In this article, we show that, a simple model integrating consensus formation, link rewiring and opinion change allows complex system dynamics to emerge, driving the system into a dynamic equilibrium with co-existence of diversified opinions. Specifically, similar opinion holders may form into communities yet with no strict community consensus; and rather than being separated into disconnected communities, different communities remain to be interconnected by non-trivial proportion of inter-community links. More importantly, we show that the complex dynamics may lead to different numbers of communities at steady state with a given tolerance between different opinion holders. We construct a framework for theoretically analyzing the co-evolution process. Theoretical analysis and extensive simulation results reveal some useful insights into the complex co-evolution process, including the formation of dynamic equilibrium, the phase transition between different steady states with different numbers of communities, and the dynamics between opinion distribution and network modularity, etc.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Journa