39 research outputs found

    Situasi Filariasis Setelah Pengobatan Massal di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi, Jambi

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    Muaro Jambi is an endemic lymphatic filariasis district in the province of Jambi. until 2012 there were 149 reported chronic cases. Mass Drug Administration (MDA) for lympatic filariasis elimination was carried out since 2003, but it was only spatial, per sub-distric and conducted not at the same time. The study was conducted to assess the effectivenes of the MDA in the subdistrict in the district of muaro Jambi. The study design was a cross sectional. the population were all of the community living in 8 villages with the highest chronic cases . night blood samples were collected betweent 19.00 - 24.00 people were asked to gather in a certain place where the blood collection were conducted. A total of 3,350 blood sample were able to be collected and processed for microfilaria examination. Results showed that out of 3,350 people 30 people living in 4 villages were found positive for microfilaria. The highest microfilaria rate was found in the Village of manis mato, with microfilaria rate (Mf rate) of 6.3%. While in the village of sarang elang where the higest chronic cases were found (13 people), the Mf Rate was only 2,9%. During the brief interviews with the Mf positive peoples revealed that most of the population (68%) did not take the medicice during the MDA. so it was concluded that after the MDA the Mf Rate is still high in those villages, higher than 1%. We recommended that before MDA was implemented, an intensive socialization and advocation should be conducted, and political will from the bufati, members of parliament and other sectors should be taken. During the MDA implementation, community leaders, formal and non formal, should be involved as well as active community participatioan should be initiatedKeywords : lymphatic filariasis, Mas Drug Administration, Community participationAbstrakMuaro Jambi merupakan daerah endemis filariasis. Jumlah kasus yang dilaporkan sampai tahun 2012 sebanyak 149 orang. Kegiatan pengobatan massal telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2003, namun tidak meliputi semua daerah dalam waktu bersamaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai efektifitas pengobatan massal filariasis. Desain penelitian adalah studi potong lintang, lokasi penelitian adalah delapan desa dengan kasus filariasis tinggi. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara pemeriksaan darah jari pada malam hari dimulai jam 19.00 sampai 24.00 WIB terhadap seluruh penduduk desa yang datang pada waktu kegiatan survei darah. Hasil pemeriksaan darah terhadap 3.350 orang ditemukan sebanyak 30 orang yang positif mikrofilaria dengan spesies Brugia malayi yang berasal dari 4 desa. Jumlah kasus tertinggi ditemukan di Desa Sarang Elang sebanyak 13 orang dengan angka mirofilaria (Microfilaria rate/Mf rate) sebesar 2,9%. Angka mikrofilaria tertinggi ditemukan di Desa Manis Mato sebesar 6,3%. Hasil wawancara singkat terhadap penderita mikrofilaria menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar (68%) penderita tidak pernah minum obat pada saat kegiatan pengobatan massal. Setelah pengobatan massal masih ditemukan kasus positif di daerah dengan endemisitas yang masih tinggi, Mf rate>1%. Disarankan kegiatan pengobatan massal hendaknya melibatkan tokoh masyarakat dan lintas sektor terkait dalam rangka membantu memberikan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya minum obat.Kata kunci : Filariasis, Pengobatan Massal, Efektifitas

    Gambaran Angka Prevalensi Mikrofilaria di Kabupaten Banyuasin Pasca Pengobatan Massal Tahap III

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    Filariasis is a chronic infectious disease that can cause permanent disability. One effort to  interrupt transmission of filariasis is the Mass Drug Administration filariasis (MDA filariasis) in endemic areas of filariasis for 5 years. In 2012, MDA filariasis was carried out in all regions of Banyuasin. After treatment the 3rd year, it is necessary to evaluate the prevalence of microfilaria and microfilaria density. This activity  was conducted by finger blood survey to people who’s living in sentinel and spot villages. This study selected  930 people  for SDJ activities The test results obtained  4 positive of microfilaria Brugia malayi. The prevalence or microfilaria rate (Mf rate) in the village of sentinel was 0,96 with microfilaria density were 938/mL of blood, Mf rate in spot village was 0.31 with a microfilaria density were 217.75/mL of blood, while the Mf rate district was 0.43 with a microfilaria density were 716.06/mL of blood. People who suffer filiariasis mostly are  farmers/fishermen. The prevalence of microfilariae in Banyuasin decreased, but the risk of transmission can still occur because of the density of microfilariae found> 50/mL of blood

    Pengendalian Dbd melalui Pemanfaatan Pemantau Jentik dan Ikan Cupang di Kota Palembang

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    . Palembang city has the highest dengue cases compare to other region in South Sumatera Province. This study compares two regions, first region with jumantik (leader) and application of ikan cupang, and the second region only applied with jumantik. This study aims to find public acceptance of ikan cupang (Ctenops vittatus) as larvae control in the community and to determine larvae index (house index, container index, breteau index) in both regions. Larvae found in this study were Aedes aegypty, Ae. albopictus and Culex spp. Comparative indicators of mosquito larvae inspection before and after treatment in Kelurahan Kebun Bunga were angka bebas jentik from 48% to 86%, house index from 52% to 14%, container index from 48% to 25%, and breteau index from 66% to 50%, while in Kelurahan Sukarami free account of jentik from 58% to 72%, house index from 42% to 28%, container index from 36% to 50%, and breteau index from 66% to 50%. Kelurahan Kebun Bunga and Kelurahan Sukarami categorized as region with high risk of dengue infection. Ikan cupang was effective as Aedes larvae predator, and more acceptable to the community compare to the chemical insecticide. This study suggest to maintain jumantik in order to minimize dengue cases in Palembang city

    Gambaran Angka Prevalensi Mikrofilaria Di Kabupaten Banyuasin Pasca Pengobatan Massal Tahap III

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    Filariasis is a chronic infectious disease that can cause permanent disability. One effort to interrupt transmission of filariasis is the Mass Drug Administration filariasis (MDA filariasis) in endemic areas of filariasis for 5 years. In 2012, MDA filariasis was carried out in all regions of Banyuasin. After treatment the 3rd year, it is necessary to evaluate the prevalence of microfilaria and microfilaria density. This activity was conducted by finger blood survey to people who\u27s living in sentinel and spot villages. This study selected 930 people for SDJ activities The test results obtained 4 positive of microfilaria Brugia malayi. The prevalence or microfilaria rate (Mf rate) in the village of sentinel was 0,96 with microfilaria density were 938/mL of blood, Mf rate in spot village was 0.31 with a microfilaria density were 217.75/mL of blood, while the Mf rate district was 0.43 with a microfilaria density were 716.06/mL of blood. People who suffer filiariasis mostly are farmers/fishermen. The prevalence of microfilariae in Banyuasin decreased, but the risk of transmission can still occur because of the density of microfilariae found> 50/mL of blood. Filariasis merupakan penyakit menular yang dapat menimbulkan cacat permanen bagi penderitanya. Salah satu upaya memutus mata rantai penularan filariasis adalah dengan Pemberian Obat Massal Pencegahan Filariasis (POMP filariasis) di daerah endemis filariasis selama 5 tahun berturut-turut. Sejak tahun 2012 kegiatan POMP filariasis dilakukan di seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Banyuasin. Setelah pengobatan tahun ke-3 perlu dilakukan evaluasi angka prevalensi mikrofilaria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui angka prevalensi mikrofilaria dan densitas (kepadatan) mikrofilaria setelah POMP filariasis. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah survei darah jari (SDJ) terhadap penduduk yang tinggal di desa sentinel dan desa spot sebanyak 930 orang. Hasil pemeriksaan mendapatkan 4 orang positif mikrofilaria dengan spesies Brugia malayi. Microfilaria rate (Mf rate) di desa sentinel ditemukan sebesar 0,96 dengan kepadatan mikrofilaria 938 ekor/mL darah, Mf rate di desa spot sebesar 0,31 dengan kepadatan 217,75 ekor/mL darah, sedangkan Mf rate kabupaten sebesar 0,43 dengan kepadatan 716,06 ekor/mL darah. Jenis pekerjaan penderita filariasis paling banyak adalah petani/nelayan. Telah terjadi penurunan angka prevalensi mikrofilaria di Kabupaten Banyuasin, namun risiko penularan masih dapat terjadi karena kepadatan mikrofilaria yang ditemukan >50 ekor/mL darah

    Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pembelian Obat Malaria Di Warung

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    About 80% of Indonesia populations lived in malaria endemic areas. AMI reported to date is still high, on the other side of the MDG targets is to reduce AMI (< 5/1000 populations in 2015), while the elimination of malaria in Sumatra is expected on 2020. According to Riskesdas 2007, the malaria suspected who utilizing health services is remains low (<2%), whereas people who utilizing the general health care facilities is 48.7%. The study has been conducted to analyze the factors that influence the use of malaria drugs purchased in the stall. This study was using a quantitative approach. The chi-square and logistic regression test was used to analyzed the independent variables (age, sex, duration of illness, work, and education level) against variable dependent (purchasing of malaria drugs in the stall). A cross-sectional study was done with inclusive criterias: fever >38 ° C, chills, cold sweating, headache, and muscle pain or splenomegaly at 4 health centers in January to April 2011. Interview was assigned to 220 respondents; 53.2% of respondents aged over 40 years, predominantly female (52.7%). In general, respondents have a job (66.4%) with low educational level (81.8%), and 67.7% get a pain less than 4 days. Results shows that occupation factor is significantly related to drug purchasing behavior (p = 0.003). Model of risk factors that influencing malaria drug purchases in the stall is the kind of work that is influenced by the low education level (p-value = 0.003) with odds ratio is 15.5%

    Keanekaragaman Spesies Nyamuk di Wilayah Endemis Filariasis di Kabupaten Banyuasin dan Endemis Malaria di Oku Selatan

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    Penyakit menular khususnya penyakit tular nyamuk (mosquito-borne disease) di Indonesia masih menjadi beban kesehatan masyarakat seperti malaria dan filariasis. Propinsi Sumatera Selatan memiliki daerah endemis penyakit tular vektor seperti Kabupaten Banyuasin (endemis filariasis) dan Kabupaten OKU Selatan (endemis malaria). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keanekaragaman nyamuk di daerah endemis filariasis dan malaria. Sampel nyamuk menggunakan metode umpan orang dan menggunakan perangkap lampu (light trap) selama 12 jam penangkapan (18.00 – 06.00 WIB). Lokasi penangkapan nyamuk dilakukan di tiga rumah penduduk yang masing-masing dilakukan oleh 2 orang penangkap. Hasil penangkapan nyamuk dengan metode umpan orang di Desa Karang Anyar (endemis filariasis) diperoleh tiga genus yaitu Mansonia (empat spesies), Culex (delapan spesies) dan Aedes (dua spesies) sedangkan genus yang tertangkap dengan perangkap lampu terdiri dari genus Mansonia (dua spesies) dan Culex (satu spesies). Di wilayah ini spesies yang dominan tertangkap adalah Mansonia dives/bonneae (37,4%). Hasil penangkapan nyamuk metode umpan orang di Desa Kota Padang (endemis malaria) diperoleh empat genus yaitu Anopheles (dua spesies), Armigeres (satu spesies), Aedes (satu spesies) dan Culex. Hasil penangkapan dengan perangkap lampu diperoleh genus Anopheles dan Culex

    Perbandingan Indeks Larva Vektor Demam Berdarah Dengue Pra dan Paska-Intervensi di Kota Prabumulih

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    Prabumulih city is one of dengue endemic area in South Sumatera Province with number of cases in 2011-2012 were 225 and 301 cases respectively. The research aims to determine the influence of jumantik accompanied by health promotion program to the larval mosquitoes indices. This is quasi-experimental study, carried out in three endemic areas of Prabumulih City in 2014. There were two intervention in two location and one location for non-intervention. In the first location, the intervention were larva surveillance by jumantik cadre, giving larvicide selectively, accompanied by health promotion program to community group (intervention I), in second location the intervention only for larvae surveillance by jumantik cadre (intervention II), and the third location giving no intervention.      Observation of immature mosquito was carried out in every location before and after intervention was given. The result showed an increase in Free larvae index of 19,8% in the intervention I , 12,5% in the intervention II and 5,3% in the no-intervention location. Indicator of breteau index showed a decrease in all location, 73,1% in the intervention I, 62,8% in the intervention II and 10,8% in the no-intervention location. Container index indicator showed a decrease in two intervention location, 10,2% in the intervention I, 6,6% in the intervention II, while in no-intervention location show an increase for 8%. Health promotion program about how to prevent dengue transmission through potential community groups could become an alternative effort to control vector population integrated with other control methods

    Sebaran Nyamuk Anopheles pada Topografi Wilayah yang Berbeda di Provinsi Jambi

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    Penularan penyakit tular vektor seperti malaria dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor. Salah satu faktor yangtelah diketahui memiliki asosiasi dengan malaria adalah topograf wilayah yang erat hubungannya denganpola penularan. Berdasarkan tempat atau lokasi terhadap penyakit yang ditularkan oleh vektor makaperlu diperhatikan pembagian zoogeografi dimana jenis-jenis nyamuk di setiap lokasi akan dipengaruhifaktor-faktor lingkungan di setiap daerah yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenisAnopheles serta habitat perkembangbiakannya pada dua wilayah dengan topograf yang berbeda diProvinsi Jambi. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah penangkapan nyamuk dewasa dengan metode humanlanding collection dan survei habitat perkembangbiakan Anopheles. Penangkapan nyamuk dilakukanselama 12 jam dimulai dari jam 18.00 WIB hingga jam 06.00 WIB. Larva Anopheles yang berhasilditangkap selanjutnya dibawa ke laboratorium dan dipelihara hingga dewasa dan selanjutnya diidentifiasijenisnya. Hasil penangkapan nyamuk Anopheles di Desa Nipah Panjang Kabupaten Tanjung JabungTimur (dataran rendah) adalah An. separatus, An. sinensis, An. tesselatus dan An. letifer. Anophelesletifer memiliki angka tertinggi untuk nilai kekerapan 3,33, kelimpahan nisbi 40, dominansi 133,33 danMan Bitting Rate (MBR) 0,07. Penangkapan nyamuk Anopheles di Desa Teluk Rendak KabupatenSarolangun (dataran tinggi) meliputi An. Nigerrimus, An. annularis, An. letifer, An. maculatus dan An.barbumbrosus. Anopheles Nigerrimus memiliki angka tertinggi untuk nilai kekerapan 21,67, kelimpahannisbi 60,98, dominansi 1321,14 dan MBR 0,63

    Perilaku Masyarakat Terkait Penyakit Kaki Gajah dan Program Pengobatan Massal di Kecamatan Pemayung Kabupaten Batanghari, Jambi

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    Penyakit kaki gajah adalah penyakit menular bersumber binatang yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk pembawa parasit cacing filaria. Upaya yang dilakukan di tingkat global maupun nasional dalam program eliminasi filariasis, yaitu pengobatan massal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku masyarakat terkait penyakit kaki gajah dan program pengobatan massal sebelum dilaksanakan pengobatan tahun ketiga di Kecamatan Pemayung Kabupaten Batanghari Propinsi Jambi. Metode penelitian non-intervensi dengan rancangan potong lintang. Unit sampel adalah kepala keluarga dengan total sampel 380orang yang ditentukan secara stratified sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner terstruktur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 45,5% responden sering keluar rumah pada malam hari dengan berbagai jenis aktivitas, sebagian besar (99,5%) menggunakan alat pelindung diri dari gigitan nyamuk. Sebanyak 7,5% responden menyatakan pernah diperiksa sediaan darah jari terkait penyakit kaki gajah, 5,4% pernah mengalami gejala demam berulang. Sebagian besar (86,6%) tahu ada pembagian obat massal di wilayahnya, 69,1% mengetahui ada sosialisasi pengobatan massal dan 86,1% pernah mendapat obat. Dari 324 responden yang menyatakan pernah diberi obat, 76% menyatakan minum obat yang diberikan dan 41% minum obat 2 kali, 24% tidak meminum obat yang diberikan yang sepertinya dengan alasan utama takut efek samping obat (50,8%). Diperoleh hubungan bermakna antara umur, jenis kelamin, informasi pengobatan, sosialisasi dan distribusi obat terhadap kepatuhan minum obat pada program pengobatan massal penyakit kaki gajah.Kata kunci : Penyakit kaki gajah, Perilaku, Pengobatan massal, Kecamatan PemayungAbstractLymphatic filariasis (LF) is an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes that carries parasitic filarial worms. One of the efforts made at the national and global levels in the filariasis elimination program is the mass drug administration (MDA). This study aims to determine practice towards lymphatic filariasis and mass drug administration among population at Pemayung Subdistrict of Batanghari District, Jambi and carried out before the third MDA in 2011. This research is a non-intervention study with crosssectional design. Sample units is households and a total of 374 households had been selected randomly. A practice questionnaire was used to collect data on practice regarding LF and responses to MDA. The results showed for risky behaviour among the respondents, 45.5% said often going out at night with various kinds of activity, 99.5% using protection to avoid mosquito bites, 7.5% have follow blood test for microfilaria detection and 5.4% having experienced periodic fever. Most of respondents (86.6%) know the distribusion of LF drugs in their villages, 69.1% of them ever heard socialization of MDA and 86.1% had been given the drug. Of 324 respondents that had been given a drug, 76% ever consume drug and 41% of them consume it once time while 24% didnt consumpt the drugs with the main reason was fear of side reaction (50.8%). There were correlation (p<0.05) between age, sex, MDA campaign, distribution of medicinewithdrinking medicine compliance.Keywords : Lymphatic filariasis, Practice, Mass Drug Administration, Pemayung Subdistric