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    Se revisaron los archivos del Laboratorio Estatal de Salud Pública (LESPN) para realizar un análisis de lo ocurrido en el brote de la enfermedad del dengue durante todo el año 2007 en el área metropolitana de la Cd. de Monterrey N. L. Se clasificaron los criaderos, para las muestras positivas de Ae. aegypti en: diversos chicos, diversos grandes, botes y cubeta 20 L., menores de 200 L., tambos 200 L, mayores de 200 L., piletas y cisternas, plantas acuáticas, aire lavado y llantas, se observa la frecuencia y su productividad larval de cada uno de ellos. De las 3106 (89.66% del total) muestras positivas para Ae. eagypti, se determinaron 11575 (96.20%) de larvas. De los análisis de Virología se separan los casos positivos a la prueba serológica de ELISA, se dividieron por tipo de dengue (Clásico y Hemorrágico), grupos de edad y genero, además, se consideró la fecha de inicio de la sintomatología como una variable más a observar. De un total de 11045 muestras de suero procesadas para la determinación de dengue, 2829 (25.61%) resultaron positivas a la prueba de ELISA, Se determinaron 2341 (82.75%) del tipo de dengue clásico y 488 (17.25%) del hemorrágico. En las mujeres se presentaron 1610 (56.91%) de los casos, mientras que en los hombres fueron 1219 (43.08%), el grupo de edad más afectado fue el de 11-20 años. Los municipios que más casos presentaron fueron: Monterrey 889 (31.42%), Apodaca 757 (26.76%), San Nicolás de los Garza 568 (20.08%) y Escobedo 348 (12.30%) sumando un total de 2562 (90.56%) de los casos. Mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS v15, se realizaron tablas cruzadas para determinar las frecuencias del número de larvas de Aedes aegypti y recipientes por mes de muestreo. También se aplicó el mismo procedimiento para los casos de dengue (clásico y hemorrágico) respecto al mes de inicio de la sintomatología, género y edad de los pacientes. Abstract The State Public Health Laboratory (LESPN) files were revised to analyze the outbreak of dengue during 2007 in Monterrey, N. L. the metropolitan area Ae. aegypti breeding sites were classified to identify positive samples in different containers: small, large boats and 20 L bucket, less than 200 L, 200 L drums, over 200 L, sinks and tanks, aquatic plants, coolers and tires to determine the frequency and larval productivity of each of them. From 3106 (89.66%) positive samples for Ae. eagypti, were determinate 11 575 (96.20%) of larvae. According to the virology analysis, the positive cases were separated by the ELISA serological test, there were divided by type of classic dengue fever (DF) or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), age group and gender, also was considered the date of onset of symptoms as a variable to analyze. From a total of 11,045 serum samples processed for dengue detection, 2829 (25.61%) were positives. There were determined 2341 (82.75%) of classical dengue and 488 (17.25%) from the hemorrhagic. Most cases occurred in women 1610 (56.91%), while 1219 cases (43.08%) occurred in men, the age group most affected was from 11 to 20 old. The highest occurrence in Monterrey was 889 (31.42%), followed by Apodaca 757 (26.76%), San Nicolas de los Garza 568 (20.08%) and Escobedo 348 (12.30%) for a total of 2562 (90.56 %) cases. Using SPSS v15, cross tables were conducted to determine the frequencies number of larvae ofAe. aegypti and containers per month of sampling. Also the same procedure was applied for cases of dengue (DF anf DHF) referring month of symptoms onset, gender and age of the patients. Palabras Clave: Aedes aegypti, Dengue, Monterrey, México

    Serologic surveillance for West Nile virus and other flaviviruses in febrile patients, encephalitic patients, and asymptomatic blood donors in northern Mexico.

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    A clinical and serological investigation was performed to determine the presence of West Nile virus (WNV) among febrile and encephalitic patients in northern Mexico. In addition, asymptomatic blood donors were serologically assayed for WNV to determine the seroprevalence of WNV in the general population. The study cohort consisted of 1432 individuals (588 febrile patients, 44 encephalitic patients, and 800 asymptomatic blood donors). All subjects were negative for WNV IgM. Sixty subjects were reactive for dengue virus (DENV) IgM (16 blood donors and 44 febrile patients). A subset (n = 425) of individuals was also screened by ELISA for flavivirus IgG. The prevalence of flavivirus IgG in febrile patients, encephalitic patients, and blood donors ranged from 40% to 59%. A subset (n = 147) of sera reactive for flavivirus IgG was further tested by plaque reduction neutralization test. Six individuals with no history of travel during the preceding 12 months were seropositive for WNV. Another 65 individuals were seropositive for DENV1 and 24 were seropositive for DENV2. The high prevalence of dengue antibodies in northern Mexico appears to limit the incidence of WNV infection in this region. Article Summary Line: Antibodies to WNV, DENV-1, and DENV-2 were identified in humans in northern Mexico