19 research outputs found

    Eugenio Barba e l’enigma dell’eslabón perdido

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    Con motivo de la reciente celebración del cincuenta aniversario del Odin Teatret, pequeña compañía internacional itinerante con base en Dinamarca y dirigida por Eugenio Barba, el autor busca una clave para comprender un fenómeno que integra de forma duradera tan singular a personas y, a la vez, teoría y práctica teatral. Se apoya en declaraciones recientes del director de escena español José Luis Gómez, que sirven de análisis para poner en valor la naturaleza del fenómeno como un “enclave” en constante cambio pero contenido en sus propios límites, que se pone en movimiento en busca de lo imprevisto a partir de cada fenómeno espectacular. Palabras clave: Eugenio Barba; Odin Teatret; ISTA; teatro y territorio; José Luis Gómez.On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Odin Teatret, a small itinerant international company based in Denmark and directed by Eugenio Barba, the author gains an understanding of a phenomenon that singularly integrates people and pratical/theoretical practice. The recent words by the scene director José Luis Gómez are used in the analysis with an aim to showcasing the nature of the phenomenon as an enclave constantly changing but contained within its own limits, that seeks the unexpected in every spectacular event

    Odin Teatret: Phases of a Theatrical Enclave

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    Why a Theatre Laboratory? It  includes the programme of a three days’ international symposium from October 4th through 6th 2004. This is the first initiative taken by the Centre for Theatre Laboratory Studies (CTLS), a newly inaugurated centre under Aarhus University in cooperation with Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium. Peripeti include articles on Stanislavski, Meyerhold, Copeau, Decroux, Grotowski, Peter Brook, Théâtre du Soleil, and Odin Teatret and the theatre laboratory praxis of these masters and inventors, including, of course, reflections on their function and effect. In the last article, Eugenio Barba reflects on the creative process of Odin Teatret over the last 40 years. In addition, we also include the curriculum vitae on those participating in the symposium. The occasion of the symposium is to celebrate the 40th anniversary in October 2004 of Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium/Odin Teatret. Congratulations

    A Theatre of Ice and Warmth: on the Thirtieth Anniversary of Odin

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