8 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of Pain In Newborn In Intensive Therapy In The Vision Of Health Professionals

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    Objective: Evaluate how health professionals perceive the pain in the NBs hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Method: This is a descriptive, exploratory research with a qualitative approach, developed in the maternity hospital Instituto de Saúde Elpídio de Almeida (ISEA), in the period from February to March 2016, after approval by the Research Ethics Committee (CESED), where the technique of data collection was through an interview with a prior script divided into two parts: the first part deals with socio-demographic issues, while the second part deals with issues related to pain in the NB, where they were recorded and transcribed in their entirety, using the content treatment through content analysis of the thematic type proposed by Laurence Bardin. Results: The results show that all health professionals perceive the pain in the neonate, where three categories emerged: "relates the evaluation of pain with physiological and behavioral measurements"; "know, but do not evaluate with pain score", "do not evaluate with pain score". Regarding the use of some method for pain relief, two categories emerged: "use of non-pharmacological methods for pain relief"; "Use of simultaneous pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods". Conclusion: All the professionals contributed to the growth of this research, being necessary more studies about the pain, mainly with regard to the use of multidimensional scales, since there is a lack of knowledge on the part of the professionals and teams that work in the NICU

    Professional Satisfaction Of Nurses Working In Operating Room Of A Hospital School

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    Objective: to characterize in a sociodemographic way the nursing staff of the surgical center; Check the degree of importance assigned to each component of satisfaction: autonomy, interaction, professional status, task requirements, organizational policies, and pay; verify job satisfaction perceived by nurses. Method: exploratory, descriptive, quantitative study, consisting of 9 nurses working in the operating room. The research project was approved by the CEP/HULW, CAAE Nº 24597513.2.0000.5183. Data were collected through questionnaires and then analyzed using descriptive statistics in SPSS 20. Results: We found that the standby component was considered the most important for job satisfaction and Professional Status least important. Conclusion: nurses have a low level of job satisfaction, impacting the performance of its activities. Descriptors: Job Satisfaction. Perioperative Nursing. Quality of Life

    Nursing Professionals And Occupational Accidents

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    The current study has the objective to identify main work accidents that occurs with nursing workers. This is an integrative literature review that enabled to include scientific articles indexed in the databases of Virtual Library in Health (BVS). Searches were made from october to november 2016, using the descriptors: “work accidents”, “nursing professionals”, separated between themselves by the boolean operator AND. The following criteria were adopted: fully available articles, in portuguese language, published in the last five years. Articles that presented some duplicity and didn’t meet the proposed study objectives were excluded. After searches, ten scientific productions about the subject were selected. Results indicate the occurrence of accidents between nursing professionals and the main factors were related with sharp object handling, non-utilization of IPEs, excessive workload and needle resurfacing. It is concluded that strategies are required to minimize these occurrences, as the adoption of standard precautionary measures, the adequacy of staff numbers and better work conditions to this professional category. Besides that, the need of new researches about this subject are emphasized

    Síndrome de burnout e qualidade de vida: estudo com professores universitários da área da saúde

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    Introduction: Burnout syndrome (SB) is a psychosocial phenomenon triggered by exercise, which generates permanent stress on the individual, resulting from a constant and repetitive emotional pressure related to daily activities, especially in professionals who work in direct contact with people. SB is considered a serious public health problem and the teaching profession is a category of risk, because it has a strong incidence of elements that lead to the syndrome, which is characterized by four dimensions: illusion for work; Psychic wear; Sloth and guilt. Quality of life, in turn, adds aspects that are associated with the environment, conditions and work organization. Therefore, the importance of studying its association with SB. Objectives: to analyze the association of Burnout Syndrome and Quality of Life in university health professors; Characterize the social, demographic and professional conditions of university professors in the health area; To investigate the dimensions of Burnout Syndrome, according to the CESQT, in university health professors; To verify how university professors perceive quality of life, according to WHOWOL-bref; Investigate how the university professors participating in the study are affected by Burnout Syndrome. Methodology: This was a causal research, with a quantitative approach, with 178 teachers from the Health Sciences Center (CCS) and 105 from the Center of Medical Sciences (CCM), whose sample was obtained by stratified sampling technique with proportional allocation And the collection made through random sampling technique for accessibility. In order to do so, validated questionnaires were used in Brazil: Questionnaire for the identification of Burnout Syndrome - "Questionnaire for the Evolution of Burning Syndrome by the Work-SCQT-PE" and the Quality of Life Questionnaire - WHOQOL-bref. For data analysis, the recommendations described in the instrument manuals were followed. Thus, the test of association (chi-square) between the dimensions of burnout and the domains of quality of life was performed. Results: 46 (25.8%) individuals with burnout symptoms were found in CCS and 33 (31.4%) were found in CCM. In general, CCS teachers perceive quality of life as good, while CCM teachers rated it as a regular grade. In addition, the illusion of work and guilt dimensions were significantly associated with the components of quality of life, thus demonstrating the strong influence of this on the composition of the syndrome symptoms. Conclusion: SB is a problem among university professors in the health area and interferes in the quality of life of these professionals. It is recommended to rethink the organization of teaching work with a view to preventing this phenomenon that can affect the physical, mental and social health of individuals, bringing negative consequences for the institution regarding the educational process.Introducción: El síndrome de Burnout (BS) es un fenómeno psicosocial provocado por el ejercicio de un trabajo, lo que genera estrés permanente en el individuo, a partir de una tensión emocional constante y repetitivo relacionado con las actividades diarias, principalmente los profesionales que trabajan en contacto directo con la gente . La SB se considera un problema grave de salud pública y la profesión docente es una categoría de riesgo, debido a su alta incidencia de elementos que conducen al síndrome, que se caracteriza por cuatro dimensiones: la ilusión en el trabajo; desgaste psíquico; la indolencia y la culpa. La calidad de vida, a su vez, añade características que se asocian con los propios del entorno, las condiciones y organización del trabajo. Por lo tanto, la importancia de estudiar su asociación con el SB. Objetivos: Analizar la asociación entre el síndrome de burnout y la calidad de vida de los profesores universitarios de la salud; caracterizar los profesores sociales, demográficas y de la universidad de profesionales de la salud; investigar las dimensiones del síndrome de desgaste, según el OSE en el mundo académico de la salud; comprobar cómo los profesores perciben la calidad de vida, de acuerdo con WHOWOL-BREF; investigan cómo los participantes del estudio universitario maestros se ven afectados por el síndrome de burnout. Metodología: Se trata de una investigación causal con un enfoque cuantitativo, realizado con 178 maestros en el Centro de Ciencias de la Salud (SCC) y 105 del Centro de Ciencias Médicas (CCM), cuya muestra se obtuvo mediante la técnica de muestreo estratificado con asignación proporcional y la colección lleva a cabo mediante la técnica de muestreo aleatorio para la accesibilidad. Con este fin, se utilizaron cuestionarios validados en Brasil: Cuestionario para identificar el síndrome de Burnout - "Cuestionario a su Evolución del síndrome de quemarse por el Trabajo -CESQT-PE" y el Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida - WHOQOL-BREF. Para el análisis de datos, seguido las recomendaciones descritas en los manuales de los instrumentos. Por lo tanto, se realizó la prueba de asociación (chi-cuadrado) entre las dimensiones de burnout y dominios de calidad de vida. Resultados: Se encontraron 46 (25,8%) pacientes con síntomas de agotamiento en CCS y 33 (31,4%) en el MCP. En general, los maestros de CCS tienen la percepción de la calidad de vida clasificada como buena, mientras que los maestros del MCP clasifican como regular. Además, las dimensiones y el fallo ilusión trabajo mostraron una asociación significativa con la calidad de vida de los componentes, lo que demuestra la fuerte influencia de la composición de los síntomas del síndrome. Conclusión: La SB es un problema entre los profesores universitarios de la salud e interfiere con la calidad de vida de estos profesionales. Se recomienda volver a examinar la forma del entorno de enseñanza con el fin de prevenir este fenómeno que puede afectar a la salud física, mental y social de los individuos, trayendo consecuencias negativas para la institución y el proceso educativo.Introdução: A Síndrome de Burnout (SB) é um fenômeno psicossocial desencadeado pelo exercício do trabalho, que gera estresse permanente no indivíduo, proveniente de uma constante e repetitiva pressão emocional relacionada às atividades cotidianas, principalmente em profissionais que trabalham em contato direto com as pessoas. A SB é considerada um sério problema de Saúde Pública e a profissão docente constitui uma categoria de risco, por apresentar forte incidência de elementos que conduzem à síndrome, que se caracteriza por quatro dimensões: ilusão pelo trabalho; desgaste psíquico; indolência e culpa. A qualidade de vida, por sua vez, agrega aspectos que estão associados ao próprio ambiente, condições e organização do trabalho. Por isso, a importância de estudar a sua associação com a SB. Objetivos: analisar a associação da Síndrome de Burnout e a Qualidade de Vida em professores universitários da área de saúde; caracterizar as condições sociais, demográficas e profissionais de professores universitários da área da saúde; investigar as dimensões da Síndrome de Burnout, segundo o CESQT, em professores universitários da área de saúde; verificar como os professores universitários percebem a qualidade de vida, segundo o WHOWOL-bref; investigar como os professores universitários participantes do estudo são afetados pela Síndrome de Burnout. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma pesquisa causal, com abordagem quantitativa, realizada com 178 docentes do Centro de Ciências da Saúde (CCS) e 105 do Centro de Ciências Médicas (CCM), cuja amostra foi obtida pela técnica de amostragem estratificada com alocação proporcional e a coleta realizada através da técnica de amostragem aleatória por acessibilidade. Para tanto, foram utilizados questionários validados no Brasil: Questionário para identificação da Síndrome de Burnout – “Cuestionario para la Evolución del Síndrome de Quemarse por el trabajo -CESQT-PE” e o Questionário sobre Qualidade de Vida – WHOQOL-bref. Para a análise dos dados, seguiram-se as recomendações descritas nos manuais dos instrumentos. Dessa forma, foi realizado o teste de associação (qui-quadrado) entre as dimensões de burnout e os domínios de qualidade de vida. Resultados: foram encontrados 46 (25,8%) indivíduos com sintomas de burnout no CCS e 33 (31,4%) no CCM. Em geral, os professores do CCS têm a percepção quanto à qualidade de vida classificada como boa, ao passo que os docentes do CCM a classificaram como regular. Além disso, as dimensões ilusão pelo trabalho e culpa apresentaram associação significativa com os componentes para qualidade de vida, demonstrando, assim, a forte influência desta na composição dos sintomas da síndrome. Conclusão: a SB constitui um problema entre os docentes universitários da área de saúde e interfere na qualidade de vida desses profissionais. Recomenda-se repensar a forma de organização do trabalho docente com vistas à prevenção deste fenômeno que pode afetar a saúde física, mental e social dos indivíduos, trazendo consequências negativas para a instituição quanto ao processo educacional

    Burnout Syndrome and Quality of Life in Nursing Professors of a Public University

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    Objective: To characterize the sociodemographic conditions of nursing teachers, evaluate the SB, check the perception of quality of life and analyze the quality of life of these according to the physical, psychological, social relationships and environment. Method: This is a study of exploratory, descriptive and quantitative approach, conducted with 35 teachers of nursing course. For this we used the SBI and the WHOQOL-BREF. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: 4 were identified (11.43%) teachers with high level, 9 (25.71%) with an average level of 15 (42.86%) with low and 6 (17.14%) with very low symptoms for Burnout. On the issue of quality of life, the perception of quality of life and satisfaction with health obtained regular classification. Conclusion: It is necessary to strengthen the measures that can prevent the SB and study strategies to face this problem in academia

    Cuidar integral da equipe multiprofissional: discurso de mulheres em pré-operatório de mastectomia

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    Objetivo: Investigar a atuação da equipe multiprofissional, no que tange a preparação de mulheres em pré-operatório de mastectomia. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória com abordagem qualitativa, realizada na clínica cirúrgica de um hospital público, em João Pessoa - PB. A amostra foi composta por sete mulheres que iriam se submeter à mastectomia. A coleta de dados foi iniciada após parecer favorável do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa nº 751/10 e CAAE nº 0578.0.126.000-10, no período de fevereiro a maio de 2011, por meio da técnica de entrevista gravada. Resultados: Os dados obtidos foram analisados mediante a técnica do Discurso do sujeito coletivo, gerando quatro ideias centrais, destacando a atuação da equipe multiprofissional, contemplando orientações pertinentes ao procedimento cirúrgico, pré-operatórias, apoio psicológico, espiritual e nutricional. Conclusão: Conclui-se que existe a necessidade de uma maior integração da equipe multiprofissional, para propiciar melhor assistência à mulher no período pré-operatório de mastectomia

    Sisprenatal As An Evaluation Instrument of the Pregnant Woman Care In The Strategy Family Health

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    Introduction: prenatal care comprises a set of care aimed at preserving the health of pregnant women and the fetus, intervening at an early stage in risk situations. The SISPRENATAL was created to oversee the actions scheduled for PHPN and facilitate the transfer of funds. However, the high rates of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality are still a challenge to public health. Objective: To investigate, in national literature, the use of SISPRENATAL in assessing the health care of pregnant women in the Family Health Strategy. Method: integrative systematic, which seeks to answer << How SISPRENATAL used to assess the health care of pregnant women in the ESF under the existing publications? >> The search was conducted in the databases SciELO, LILACS and BDENF, using the descriptors: women's health, information systems, prenatal care and the key word SISPRENATAL. For the analysis of the articles sought to the units of meaning that make up the corpus of 10 selected articles. Results: highlight was the publication of a small number of studies, however, consider all the SISPRENATAL an important health information tool. Conclusion: SISPRENATAL has many weaknesses in their use, which must be overcome to ensure improvements in the quality of maternal and perinatal care