2,728 research outputs found

    Manejo da mancha angular (Xanthomonas campestris pv. Mangiferae indica) na produção integrada de manga.

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    Avaliação de fungicidas para o controle da ferrugem da videira.

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    Suplemento, ref. 257. Edição dos Resumos do XXXV Congresso Paulista de Fitopatologia, Jaguariúna, fev. 2012

    Distribution pattern of crustacean ectoparasites of freshwater fish from Brazil.

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    The purpose of this study was to use the informations relating to parasite crustaceans species that was published over the course of one century (1913 to 2013), in order to search for infestation and distribution patterns among these ectoparasites in Brazilian freshwater fish species. This search was carried out on 445 samples of 119 host fish of 27 families within the orders Characiformes, Perciformes, Clupeiformes, Mugiliformes, Osteoglossiformes, Symbranchiformes, Tetraodontiformes and Siluriformes from various regions of Brazil. We organized different host-parasite systems into matrices grouping species at different taxonomic and infestation levels and according to host parameters. Five families of parasites (Ergasilidae, Argulidae, Lernaeidae, Lernaeopodidae and Cymothoidae) distributed into 76 species of 27 genera were analyzed in the host samples, which presented dominance of Ergasilidae species, mainly from the genus Ergasilus. Some crustaceans are host and site-specific, especially in relation to fish in particular habitats and lifestyles (e.g. Perulernaea gamitanae, Anphira branchialisand Riggia paranensis), while other parasites frequently have no preference (e.g. Lernaea cyprinaceaand Braga patagonica). We found broadly similar distribution patterns for some crustacean species among the different localities, whereas other species showed well-defined geographical patterns, and these findings were discussed

    Qualidade do solo sob sistemas agroflorestais e agricultura tradicional no Bioma Floresta Atlântica.

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    the present study, we evaluated the influence of agroforestry systems and traditional agriculture on the physical attributes and biologicals of soil, using as reference a native forest area in Paraty, RJ. Levels of total soil organic carbon, as well as oxidizable fractions and aggregate stability, were analyzed, in addition to the activity and carbon and nitrogen content in the soil microbial biomass, in the 0?5 cm layer, in two distinct seasons (dry and rainy seasons)

    A comparison of the Normal and Laplace distributions in the models of fuzzy probability distribution for portfolio selection

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    The propose of this work is applied the fuzzy Laplace distribution on a possibilistic mean-variance model presented by Li et al which appliehe fuzzy normal distribution. The theorem necessary to introduce the Laplace distribution in the model was demonstrated. It was made an analysis of the behavior of the fuzzy normal and fuzzy Laplace distributions on the portfolio selection with VaR constraint and risk-free investment considering real data. The results showns that were not difference in assets selection and in return rate, however, There was a change in the risk rate, which was higher in the Laplace distribution than in the normal distribution