269 research outputs found
Nutritional intake and training load of professional female football players during a mid-season microcycle
Football (soccer) is a high-intensity intermittent sport with large energy demands. In a repeated-measures design, we analysed the nutritional intake and training load of fourteen female football players (22.50 ? 4.38 y; 57.23 ? 8.61 kg; 164 ? 6.00 cm; 18.33 ? 2.48% of fat mass and 23.71 ? 2.51 kg of muscle mass) competing in the highest female Football Portuguese League across a typical mid-season microcycle. The microcycle had one match day (MD), one recovery session (two days after the MD, MD+2), three training sessions (MD-3, MD-2, MD-1) and two rest days (MD+1). Energy intake and CHO (g.kg.BW?1) intake were lower on the days before the competition (MD+2, MD-3, MD-2 and MD-1 vs. MD; p < 0.05; ES: 0.60?1.30). Total distance, distance covered at high-speed running (HSRD) and the high metabolic distance load (HMLD) were lower on MD+2, MD-3 and MD-1 compared with MD (p < 0.05; ES: <0.2?5.70). The internal training load was lower
in all training sessions before the competition (MD+2, MD-3, MD-2 and MD-1 vs. MD; p ? 0.01; ES:
1.28?5.47). Despite the small sample size and a single assessment in time, the results suggest that
caloric and CHO intake were below the recommendations and were not structured based on the
physical requirements for training sessions or match days.D915-7373-ED16 | Cesar LeaoN/
The psychological distress suffered by medical students at a brazilian public university from the viewpoint of their teachers.
O sofrimento ps?quico do estudante de Medicina ? conhecido e j? estudado. O papel do professor em detectar
dificuldades geradoras de sofrimento ps?quico em seus alunos e saber como lidar com elas ? fundamental
para a preven??o desse sofrimento. Entretanto, nem sempre os professores est?o preparados para esses desafios.
Objetivo: Estudar a percep??o dos docentes do curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais (UFMG) em rela??o ao sofrimento ps?quico de seus alunos. M?todo: Estudo transversal quantitativo
realizado com os docentes do ciclo profissional do curso de Medicina da UFMG. A amostra de 102
docentes foi obtida por sorteio aleat?rio e dividida em quatro estratos: masculino at? dez anos de doc?ncia,
masculino com mais de dez anos, feminino com at? dez anos de doc?ncia e feminino com mais de dez anos.
Foi elaborado um question?rio autoaplicativo de 28 itens com cinco op??es da escala de Likert. Para an?lise
dos dados foram constru?dos quatro indicadores: indicador de percep??o de sofrimento ps?quico (IPSP),
indicador de compromisso do professor com as dificuldades emocionais do estudante (ICDE), indicador de
atua??o frente ao sofrimento ps?quico (IAPS) e indicador geral (IG). Realizou-se an?lise dos quartis e calculou-
se a diferen?a entre os grupos utilizando testes n?o param?tricos. Cinco quest?es n?o inclu?das nos indicadores
foram analisadas separadamente. Resultados: Dos 102 sorteados, 79 docentes responderam e sete
se negaram a participar da pesquisa. Foi constatada preocupa??o com o sofrimento ps?quico dos estudantes,
vari?vel entre os estratos. Para o IG, as professoras com mais tempo de doc?ncia obtiveram a mediana mais
elevada em rela??o aos homens com menos tempo (p<0,05). Para os demais indicadores, apesar da diferen?a
entre os quartis, a compara??o das medianas n?o mostrou diferen?as estatisticamente significativas. Para as
perguntas n?o inclu?das nos indicadores, do total de professores, 85% j? tiveram alunos com dificuldades
emocionais. Os homens, com maior frequ?ncia, afirmaram desconhecer a exist?ncia de problemas emocionais
entre os estudantes. Houve desconhecimento das inst?ncias de acolhimento psic?logico aos estudantes
por 16,5% dos professores. A ocorr?ncia de bullying na FMUFMG n?o foi percebida por mais de 50% dos
professores. Apenas 28% admitiram que seus atos ou atitudes teriam desencadeado sofrimento ps?quico no
estudante. Ao se perguntar sobre apoio ao professor, 75,9% desejavam uma inst?ncia de apoio emocional
ao professor. Conclus?o: Este estudo, apesar das limita??es, ? in?dito ao avaliar a percep??o do docente do
curso de Medicina em rela??o ao sofrimento ps?quico dos estudantes. Tempo de doc?ncia e sexo feminino
parecem exercer um papel importante na percep??o do docente sobre o sofrimento ps?quico do estudante.
Parcela significativa de professores desconhece a exist?ncia das inst?ncias de apoio psicol?gico aos estudantes.
Situa??es de ass?dio e bullying na escola m?dica permanecem negadas por muitos docentes.The psychological distress suffered by medical students is well-known. The role of the teaching staff in detecting
difficulties causing students psychological distress and their knowledge of how to handle them is
fundamental for preventing such problems. However, medical teachers are not always prepared to deal with
these challenges. Objective: To study the perception of the teaching staff of the medical school at the Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais (FMUFMG) concerning the psychological distress of the students.Method:
A cross-sectional quantitative study carried out with the faculty of the UFMG medical school. The sample
of 102 teachers was obtained by random draw and divided into four groups: males with up to ten (10) years
of teaching, males with more than ten (10) years, females with up to ten (10) years of teaching, and females
with more than ten (10)years. A self-applied 28-item questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale from strongly
agree to strongly disagree was prepared. For the data analysis four indicators were elaborated: psychological
distress perception indicator (IPSP), commitment of the teacher to the student emotional difficulties indicator
(ICDE), performance in the face of psychological distress indicator (IAPS) and a general indicator (IG).
Quartile analysis was carried out and the difference among the groups was calculated using nonparametric
tests. Five questions that were not included in the indicators were independently analyzed. Results: Seven
teachers refused to participate and 79 answers were collected.The results showed varying degrees of concern
among the groups in relation to the psychological distress of students. For the IG, the female teachers with
longer teaching experience obtained a higher median in relation to the men with less teaching experience
(p<0.05). For the other indicators, despite the difference between the quartiles, the comparison of the medians
showed no statistically significant differences. For questions not included in the indicators, it was shown that
85% of the sample had perceived psychological distress among their students. Male teachers more frequently
deny psychological distress among students. 16.5% of the teachers did not know of any instances of institutional
psychological care. The occurrence of bullying failed to be noted by more than 50% of the teachers.
Only 28% of the teachers admitted that their actions or attitudes could precipitate a student?s psychological
distress. When questioned about emotional support for teachers, 75.9% would appreciate some institutional
support. Conclusion: The present study, despite its limitations, is unique in assessing the perception of the
medical teaching staff in relation to the psychological distress of the students. Teaching experience and being
female seem to play an important role in the teacher?s perception of psychological distress among students. A
significant portion of the teaching staff ignores the existence of psychological support programs for students
Removal of 60 Hz interference on the ECG signal using digital notch filter.
A interfer?ncia de 60 Hz AC pode ser um problema em qualquer situa??o de medi??o de biopotencial. A fonte dessa interfer?ncia ? o potencial AC da rede de alimenta??o de energia el?trica que est? inevitavelmente presente em qualquer situa??o cl?nica, ou para ilumina??o do ambiente ou como fonte de suprimento dos equipamentos de medi??o. A interfer?ncia causada pela rede el?trica, em 60 Hz, pode ser dif?cil de detectar visualmente em sinais tendo formas de onda n?o-regulares, como o EEG ou o EMG. N?o obstante, a interfer?ncia ? facilmente vis?vel quando presente em sinais com formas de onda bem definidas, como ? o caso do sinal de ECG (Eletrocardiograma). Em todo caso, o espectro de pot?ncia do sinal deve fornecer uma indica??o clara da presen?a da interfer?ncia da rede como um impulso em 60 Hz. Os harm?nicos, caso presentes, aparecem como impulsos adicionais em m?ltiplos inteiros da frequ?ncia fundamental. Neste trabalho ? demonstrada uma t?cnica de filtragem, empregando um filtro ?Notch? digital, o qual remove o artefato de 60 Hz do sinal de ECG, aumentando a confiabilidade do diagn?stico cl?nico a partir da interpreta??o do mesmo.60 Hz AC interference can be a problem in any biopotential measurement situation. The source
of such interference is the AC potential of the electrical power supply network that is
inevitably present in any clinical situation, either for lighting the environment or as a source
of supply for the measuring equipment. Electrical interference at 60 Hz can be difficult to
detect visually on signals having non-regular waveforms such as EEG or EMG. Nevertheless,
the interference is easily visible when present in signals with well-defined waveforms, such as
the ECG (Electrocardiogram) signal. In any case, the power spectrum of the signal shall
provide a clear indication of the presence of the network interference as a 60 Hz pulse. The
harmonics, if present, appear as additional pulses in integral multiples of the fundamental
frequency. In this work, a filtering technique is demonstrated, using a digital Notch filter,
which removes the 60 Hz artifact from the ECG signal, increasing the reliability of the clinical
diagnosis from its interpretation
Fault location technique in transmission lines using the minimum square method.
A investiga??o de diferentes tipos de faltas em linhas de transmiss?o ? uma tarefa complexa e de extrema import?ncia para o Sistema El?trico de Pot?ncia (SEP). A modelagem da linha de transmiss?o deve ser estabelecida da forma mais rigorosa poss?vel, visando ? precis?o das dist?ncias de faltas simuladas a partir dos modelos levantados. Neste trabalho ser? modelada uma linha de transmiss?o em circuito simples usando o programa de c?lculo de transit?rios eletromagn?ticos ATPDraw? e, posteriormente, o algoritmo de localiza??o de falta baseado no emprego do m?todo dos m?nimos quadrados ser? implementado no MATLAB?. O desempenho do m?todo ser? discutido em termos de precis?o e robustez dos resultados.The investigation of different types of faults in transmission lines is a complex and extremely
important task for the Electric Power System (EPS). The modeling of the transmission line should be
established as rigorously as possible, aiming at the accuracy of simulated fault distances from the
models surveyed.. In this work, a simple circuit transmission line will be modeled using the
ATPDraw? electromagnetic transient program, and later the fault localization algorithm based on the
use of the least squares method will be implemented in MATLAB?. The performance of the method
will be discussed in terms of accuracy and robustness of the results
Synthesis of iron-doped TiO2 nanoparticles by ball-milling process : the influence of process parameters on the structural, optical, magnetic, and photocatalytic properties
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) absorbs only a small
fraction of incoming sunlight in the visible region thus
limiting its photocatalytic efficiency and concomitant
photocatalytic ability. The large-scale application of TiO2
nanoparticles has been limited due to the need of using an
ultraviolet excitation source to achieve high photocatalytic
activity. The inclusion of foreign chemical elements in the
TiO2 lattice can tune its band gap resulting in an absorption
edge red-shifted to lower energies enhancing the photocatalytic
performance in the visible region of the electromagnetic
spectrum. In this research work, TiO2
nanoparticles were doped with iron powder in a planetary
ball-milling system using stainless steel balls. The
correlation between milling rotation speeds with structural
and morphologic characteristics, optical and magnetic
properties, and photocatalytic abilities of bare and Fedoped
TiO2 powders was studied and discussed.This work was partially financed by FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia-under the project PTDC/FIS/120412/2010: "Nanobased concepts for Innovative & Eco-sustainable constructive material's surfaces.
A practical evaluation of smartphone application on mesh networks
This paper presents a mesh architecture proposal\ud
called Mobile mEsh Network to Aid in CountEring\ud
drug TRAffiCKing (M.E.N.A.C.E-TRACK). This project was\ud
born from the hypothesis we could establish a covert network\ud
channel independent of the cell phone companies infrastructures.\ud
Therefore, law enforcement agencies could establish\ud
connection with field personnel, in a fault tolerant fashion\ud
allowing the transmission of multimedia data (instead of only\ud
voice). The main contribution for this paper is the strategies\ud
involved to configure smartphones on the MANET side of\ud
this system. We present the main difficulties and one possible\ud
solution to implement ad hoc mode on our testbed so we can\ud
enable a MANET organization on M.E.N.A.C.E-TRACK.FAPEG (nĂșmero edital 006/2012
Initial Development Of Forest Species On Riparian Vegetation Recovery At Riverbanks Under Soil Bioengineering Technique
A Bacia Hidrogr\ue1fica do rio S\ue3o Francisco, vem sendo
submetida a fortes impactos ambientais por meio de altera\ue7\uf5es
do regime hidrol\uf3gico e sedimentol\uf3gico, al\ue9m de
avan\ue7ada destrui\ue7\ue3o da sua mata ciliar. A
vegeta\ue7\ue3o ciliar possui importante fun\ue7\ue3o na
prote\ue7\ue3o das margens dos rios promovida pela cobertura
vegetal e seu sistema radicular, melhorando a agrega\ue7\ue3o de um
solo pouco coeso, diminuindo o arraste de part\uedculas e,
consequentemente resultando em menor taxa de eros\ue3o e assoreamento
do curso d\u2019\ue1gua. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o
crescimento inicial de esp\ue9cies florestais em talude marginal
submetido \ue0 t\ue9cnica de bioengenharia de solos no rio S\ue3o
Francisco. A bioengenharia de solos foi composta pela cobertura
longitudinal do talude com o biot\ueaxtil (Tela Fibrax\uae 400BF),
e em raz\ue3o das varia\ue7\uf5es di\ue1rias de cota do rio
foram tamb\ue9m utilizados retentores de sedimentos (Bemalonga\uae
D40) para redu\ue7\ue3o ao impacto da \ue1gua na base do talude,
evitando o solapamento promovido pelo fluxo e refluxo das ondas. Antes
da fixa\ue7\ue3o do biot\ueaxtil, foram semeadas a lan\ue7o
sementes da esp\ue9cie Brachiaria decumbens para promo\ue7\ue3o
de uma r\ue1pida cobertura vegetal. Em seguida foram plantadas mudas
de seis esp\ue9cies florestais nativas da regi\ue3o: aroeira
vermelha ( Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi.), pau pombo ( Tapirira
guianensis Aubl.) mulungu ( Erythrina velutina Willd.) tamboril (
Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vellozo) Morong), canaf\uedstula (
Cassia grandis Lf) e pau-ferro ( Caesalpinia leiostachya (Bentham)
Ducke). O desenvolvimento das mudas foi analisado por meio da Taxa de
Crescimento Relativo de Altura da parte a\ue9rea e Di\ue2metro do
colo. Ap\uf3s 360 dias, ao final das avalia\ue7\uf5es,
observou-se que o maior n\ufamero de indiv\uedduos vivos foi
identificado no tratamento com bioengenharia de solos. A grande
densidade e agressivo crescimento da esp\ue9cie Brachiaria decumbens
na \ue1rea com biot\ueaxtil, trouxe danos para o desenvolvimento
inicial das mudas arb\uf3reas.The S\ue3o Francisco River Basin has been submitted to strong
environmental impacts through changes in the hydrologic and
sedimentological regime, and also the ongoing destruction of its
riparian vegetation. The riparian vegetation has an important role on
the riverbank\u2019s protection, through the roots system and the
plant cover, improving the soil particles aggregation in a low cohesion
situation, reducing the runoff and resulting in a lower erosion rate
and sedimentation of the river channel. The objective of study was to
evaluate the initial development of forest species at riverbank under
soil bioengineering technique in S\ue3o Francisco River. The soil
bioengineering technique was composed of longitudinal slope covered
with the biotextile (Fibrax 400 BF) and sediment retainers
(Bemalonga\uae D40), to reduce the impact of wave water at the slope
botton, avoiding the bank undercutting, due to daily variations of
water level. Before the biotextile installation the specie, Brachiaria
decumbens was sown to promote rapid cover vegetation. Six forest
native species such as aroeira vermelha ( Schinus terebinthifolius
Raddi.), pau pombo ( Tapirira guianensis Aubl.) mulungu ( Erythrina
velutina Willd.) tamboril ( Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vellozo)
Morong), canaf\uedstula ( Cassia grandis Lf) and pau-ferro (
Caesalpinia leiostachya (Bentham) Ducke) were planted. The species
developments were analyzed through the Relative Growth Rate (RGR) of
the shoot height and crown diameter. After 6 (six) months, by the end
of evaluations, the bigger number of live individuals was identified in
the soil bioengineering treatment. The high density and strong growth
of Brachiaria decumbens in the area with biotextile, have contributed
to the lower initial tree seedlings development
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