3,838 research outputs found

    Assessment of nutrient entry pathways and dominating hydrological processes in lowland catchments

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    International audienceThe achievement of a good water quality in all water bodies until 2015 is legally regulated since December 2000 for all European Union member states by the European Water Framework Directive (EU, 2000). The aim of this project is to detect nutrient entry pathways and to assess the dominating hydrological processes in complex mesoscale catchments. The investigated Treene catchment is located in Northern Germany as a part of a lowland area. Sandy, loamy and peat soils are characteristic for this area. Land use is dominated by agriculture and pasture. Drainage changed the natural water balance. In a nested approach we examined two catchment areas: a) Treene catchment 517 km2, b) Kielstau catchment 50 km2. The nested approach assists to improve the process understanding by using data of different scales. Therefore these catchments serve not only as an example but the results are transferable to other lowland catchment areas. In a first step the river basin scale model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool, Arnold et al., 1998) was used successfully to model the water balance. Furthermore the water quality was analysed to distinguish the impact of point and diffuse sources. The results show that the tributaries in the Kielstau catchment contribute high amounts of nutrients, mainly nitrate and ammonium. For the parameters nitrate, ammonium and phosphorus it was observed as a tendency that the annual loads were increasing along the river profile of the Kielstau

    Mini-garfagem: um novo metodo para a enxertia do mogno sul-americano (Swietenia macrophylla King).

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    Static quantities of a neutral bilepton in the 331 model with right-handed neutrinos

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    A neutral vector boson can possess static electromagnetic properties provided that the associated field is no self-conjugate. This possibility is explored in the SUC(3)XSUL(3)XUN(1)SU_C(3) X SU_L(3) X U_N(1) model with right-handed neutrinos, which predicts a complex neutral gauge boson Y0Y^0 in a nontrivial representation of the electroweak group. In this model the only nonvanishing form factors are the CP-even ones, which arise from both the quark and gauge sectors, and contribute to the magnetic dipole and the electric quadrupole moments of this neutral particle.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Out-of-phase oscillation between superfluid and thermal components for a trapped Bose condensate under oscillatory excitation

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    The vortex nucleation and the emergence of quantum turbulence induced by oscillating magnetic fields, introduced by Henn E A L, et al. 2009 (Phys. Rev. A 79, 043619) and Henn E A L, et al. 2009 (Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 045301), left a few open questions concerning the basic mechanisms causing those interesting phenomena. Here, we report the experimental observation of the slosh dynamics of a magnetically trapped 87^{87}Rb Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) under the influence of a time-varying magnetic field. We observed a clear relative displacement in between the condensed and the thermal fraction center-of-mass. We have identified this relative counter move as an out-of-phase oscillation mode, which is able to produce ripples on the condensed/thermal fractions interface. The out-of-phase mode can be included as a possible mechanism involved in the vortex nucleation and further evolution when excited by time dependent magnetic fields.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 25 reference

    Fermion contribution to the static quantities of arbitrarily charged vector bosons

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    We present an analysis of the one-loop contribution from left- and right-handed fermions to the static electromagnetic properties of an arbitrarily charged no self-conjugate vector boson VV. Particular emphasis is given to the case of a no self-conjugate neutral boson V0V^0. Regardless the electric charge of the VV boson, a fermionic loop can induce the two CP-even form factors but only one CP-odd. As a result the corresponding electric dipole moment is directly proportional to the magnetic quadrupole moment. The CP-odd form factor might be severely suppressed since it requires the presence of both left- and right-handed fermions. The behavior of the form factors is analyzed for several scenarios of the fermion masses in the context of the decoupling theorem.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics

    Generalized LUI propagation model for UAVs communications using terrestrial cellular networks

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    This work proposes an empirical propagation model to obtain the path loss and therefore determine the average received power of a signal for a specific outdoor urban scenario with UAVs. The proposed 3D propagation model for terrestrial cellular networks generalizes the LUI model and is valid in the frequency ranges of GSM, UMTS and LTE technologies. We report experimental work in 3D space, considering the height, the antennas base station tilt, sectorziation, angle and distances profile The experimental work included in this study is in good agreement with the proposed theoretical model, corroborating the idea that this model is a good contribution for cellular planning tools.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Alkali activation of recycled ceramic aggregates from construction and demolition wastes

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    Environmental concerns are becoming increasingly more significant worldwide, thus creating the urgent need for new sustainable alternatives in the industrial sector. The present study assesses the fundamental properties of ceramic residue (CR) originated by demolition operations, specifically, the floor and wall tiles and sanitaryware furniture, for further incorporation in the construction sector, namely in alkali-activated bind- ers, mixed with other better-known precursors - fly ash (FA) and ladle furnace slag (LFS). Different CR/FA and CR/LFS weight ratios were considered and analyzed by mechanical behavior and microstructural analysis, which included uniaxial compression strength (UCS) tests, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Energy Dispersive Analyser (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Results obtained showed that the combination of CR and FA or LFS, activated with sodium silicate, produced UCS values higher than 20 MPa and 59 MPa, respectively, after 90 days curing.Activación alcalina de áridos cerámicos reciclados provenientes de residuos de construcción y demolición. Globalmente, las preocupaciones ambientales son cada vez más significativas, creando así la necesidad urgente de nuevas alternativas sostenibles en el sector industrial. El presente estudio evalúa las propiedades fundamentales de los residuos cerámicos (CR) provenientes de demolición, para ser reincorporados en el sector de la construcción, principalmente como ligantes activados alcalinamente, mezclados con otros precursores más conocidos: cenizas volantes (FA) y escorias de horno de cuchara (LFS). Se consideraron diferentes relaciones de peso CR/FA y CR/LFS, se analizó el comportamiento mecánico y se realizó un análisis microestructural, incluyendo pruebas de resistencia a la compresión (UCS), microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM), análisis por energías dispersivas de rayos X (EDX), Rayos-X (XRD) y espectroscopía infrarroja por transformada de Fourier (FTIR). Los resultados mostraron que, a 90 días de curado, la combinación de CR y FA o LFS activada con silicato de sodio produjo valores de UCS superiores a 20 MPa y 59 MPa, respectivamenteFoundation for Science and Technology - FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC), within the framework of the R&D Project “JUSTREST - Development of Alkali Binders for Geotechnical Applications Made Exclusively from Industrial Waste”, reference PTDC/ECM-GEO/0637/2014. The author would also like to acknowledge the support of the Secretary of Higher Education, Figure 8. FTIR spectra of starting materials, the ladle furnace slag (LFS); ceramic residue (MCR) – milled for 32 hours; fly ash (FA), and 75CR-25FA/SH or SS mixtures (M1 and M2) and 75CR-25LFS/SH or SS mixtures (M3 and M4), after 90 days curing time. Science, Technology and Innovation, SENESCYT (Spanish acronym) from Ecuador, reference No. CZ03-000052-201

    Uso de efluentes da carcinicultura de águas interiores na irrigação de arroz e melão.

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    Static quantities of the W boson in the SU_L(3) X U_X(1) model with right-handed neutrinos

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    The static electromagnetic properties of the WW boson, Δκ\Delta \kappa and ΔQ\Delta Q, are calculated in the SU_L(3)} \times U_X(1) model with right-handed neutrinos. The new contributions from this model arise from the gauge and scalar sectors. In the gauge sector there is a new contribution from a complex neutral gauge boson Y0Y^0 and a singly-charged gauge boson Y±Y^\pm. The mass of these gauge bosons, called bileptons, is expected to be in the range of a few hundreds of GeV according to the current bounds from experimental data. If the bilepton masses are of the order of 200 GeV, the size of their contribution is similar to that obtained in other weakly coupled theories. However the contributions to both ΔQ\Delta Q and Δκ\Delta \kappa are negligible for very heavy or degenerate bileptons. As for the scalar sector, an scenario is examined in which the contribution to the WW form factors is identical to that of a two-Higgs-doublet model. It is found that this sector would not give large corrections to Δκ\Delta \kappa and ΔQ\Delta Q.Comment: New material included. Final version to apppear in Physical Review
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