905 research outputs found

    Enquadramento e âmbito face ao CEM/MIFA

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    Abordamos este trabalho começando por analisar o actual cenário internacional, fazendo uma breve resenha da sua evolução desde o fim da União Soviética e do Pacto de Varsóvia, bem como a resposta que tem vindo a ser conduzida para fazer face à crescente ameaça terrorista. Dentro do leque das opções possíveis está a assessoria militar, quer numa vertente mais clássica que Portugal vem implantando com os PALOP, quer na nova versão conferida pelas OMLT. Para melhor percebermos o enquadramento que envolve a participação de Portugal nas OMLT, fomos analisar o quadro legal existente no nosso país, começando pela Constituição da República, passando pela Lei de Defesa Nacional e das Forças Armadas, Lei Orgânica de Bases da Organização das Forças Armadas, Conceito Estratégico de Defesa Nacional, Conceito Estratégico Militar, Missões das Forças Armadas e o Sistema de Forças Aprovado, tentando encontrar um fio condutor que abalize a participação das Forças Armadas Portuguesas nesta nova tipologia de apoio ao levantamento de Forças Armadas de países que apresentam debilidades estruturais na edificação do seu pilar de segurança. Num ambiente em que os países da OTAN estão a enveredar por forças conjuntas, e sabendo-se da vontade de internamente se darem passos decisivos nesta área, revisitamos os documentos enquadrantes da defesa nacional para avaliarmos da validade da extensão deste conceito às OMLT, tendo o Regulamento de Campanha - Operações como norteador dos princípios e necessidades conjuntas que devem ser garantidas para o sucesso no cumprimento da missão. Depois deste enquadramento das OMLT, passamos a um novo quadro, agora virado para as necessidades que se levantarão na sua edificação e aprontamento, de modo a poderem vir a ser validadas pela OTAN e posteriormente estarem aptas a enfrentarem os desafios que se lhe levantarão. Começamos pelo aprontamento, nas suas várias facetas, desde o administrativo-logístico até ao treino, tentando construir um modelo que seja capaz de dar uma resposta capaz aos requisitos levantados. Entramos na estrutura das OMLT capaz de garantir as suas necessidades C3I, dentro das estruturas enquadrantes da OTAN, dos EUA e do Afeganistão existentes no Teatro de Operações. Para melhor se entender a organização das forças presentes no teatro, fazemos uma breve resenha sobre as mesmas, dependências e responsabilidades. Presente esteve o facto de actualmente Portugal não possuir aí nenhuma Força Nacional Destacada que possa garantir uma série de necessidades de apoio à vida das OMLT, desde o necessário para a vida diária dos homens, até à sua segurança. Como é da responsabilidade nacional o apoio administrativo-logístico numa significativa extensão das suas actividades, reservamos o último capítulo para abordar a questão deste apoio, usando como modelo o que tem servido para apoio às FND, com o objectivo de nos certificarmos se ele é válido para as OMLT. Por fim, e em termos de síntese, tentamos chegar a conclusões válidas que nos permitam aceitar como correctas as hipótese que levantamos, tendo sempre como lema extrair conclusões que ajudem a levantar modelos que sirvam para as OMLT que Portugal ofereceu para o Afeganistão. Abstract: We start off this study by analyzing the current international scenario, making a brief summary of its evolution from the end of Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, as well as the answer that has been given to face the growing terrorist threat. In the range of the possible options is the military “assessorial”, whether in a more classic way, the one Portugal has been using with African Portuguese Speaking Countries (PALOP), or in a new OMLT version. To better understand the legal framework that involves the Portuguese participation in the OMLT, we analyzed the legal documentation existing in our country, starting by the Constitution (CRP), the National Defense and Armed Forces Law (LDNFA), the Armed Forces Organic Law (LOBOFA), the National Defense Strategic Concept (CEDN), the Military Strategic Concept (CEM), the Armed Forces Missions (MIFA 04) and the Approved System of Forces, trying to find the “back bone” that allow the participation of the Portuguese Armed Forces in this new field support to build up armed forces in countries that present structural weaknesses in the construction of their safety pillar. In an environment in which NATO countries are opting for joint forces, and knowing that internally, decisive steps are being taken in this area, we revisit the framework documents of national defense to evaluate the validity of this concepts extension to the OMLT, having the “Regulamento de Campanha – Operações” as the reference of the joint principles and needs that should be guaranteed in order to succeed in the mission accomplishment. After that, we move on to another OMLT field, now facing the necessities that are raised in its edification and preparation, so that they can be validated by NATO and ultimately be ready to face the coming challenges. Starting by the preparation in this various demanding aspects, from logistic and administrative issues to training, trying to build up a model that is able to answer the raised requisites. Then we enter the OMLT structure capable of guaranteeing its C3I needs, inside the structures of NATO, USA and Afghanistan existing in the Theater of Operations. To better understand the organization of the wide array of forces engaged in the area of Operations, we will make a brief summary about them, their C2 structures and main tasks. Portugal does not have any national force, as that, engaged in the Area of Operations of Afghanistan that could support the basic needs of the OMLT, ranging from the soldiers daily basic needs to their own safety. Since the logistic needs is a national responsibility, we dedicate the last chapter to approach this question, using as model the same one that the Portuguese Forces have been using, trying to validate the same concept for the OMLT. To sum up, we try to reach solid ideas that allow us to extract valid conclusions that help raise models that work for the OMLT, Portugal has offered to Afghanistan

    Look what the cat dragged in : national responses to the EU packaging and packaging waste directive

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    In 1994, the European Union approved the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (Directive 94/62/EC) having as a primary goal to mandate the adoption of national legislation targeted at the increase of recovery and recycling goals by member States. In spite of the flexibility allowed by the EU in choosing the path towards goal attainment, a significant number of countries adopted voluntary agreements generally known as Green-Dot consortia. The main research question reflects this concern over the dominant governance structure adopted, the Green Dot agreements: Did voluntary agreements improve the performance of national recycling systems or did they favour collusion practices that dominate the industry, impose barriers to entry by new firms, and generate social welfare losses? The paper discusses the alternative governance structures to manage packaging waste (command-and-control regulation, market-based instruments, and voluntary agreements) and focuses on the economic transaction costs entailed by each of these alternative solutions. It is stressed that proper institutional design is crucial in order to minimize these transaction costs and improve the degree of efficiency of these governance structures

    Can the market be used to preserve land? the case for transfer of development rights

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    This paper discusses the use of a market-driven technique – transfer of development rights (TDR) – to preserve land from development while guaranteeing the rights of property owners. While the technique is often used in the United States, Europe has a lot more urgency in land preservation but it is still lagging in the use of market based instruments such as the transfer of development rights. This paper explores the economic arguments favoring the use of TDR programs, discusses the difficulties in implementing these programs in Europe, where command-and-control regulation has been preferred in land preservation to market-based solutions, and presents tentative hypotheses to explain the adoption of TDR programs in local communities. Preliminary data collected for TDR programs in Florida supports some of the arguments presented and encourages researchers to extend this empirical analysis to European countries

    Evaluation of policy alternatives to reduce alcohol-related traffic fatalities

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    This paper reviews the alternative policies to reduce traffic fatalities due to drunk-driving presented in the literature and elaborates on their contradictions to develop a larger, more encompassing program of research to evaluate the effective results of these alternatives when implemented across states and over time. The goals of this research are both societal and scientific. Five major types of policies are generally presented to accomplish the reduction of alcohol-related fatalities: deterrence policies, alcohol policies, transportation policies, education and rehabilitation policies, and civil liability policies. The literature review on alcohol-related traffic fatalities reveals a large number of studies developed in this area, not always with consensual results. One important idea to retain is that the units of analysis, methods, and data are extremely diverse, which makes any attempt to provide a comprehensive set of policies to solve the problem an extremely complex task.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT

    Institutions, incentives, and the politics of growth management

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    Paper prepared for the Florida Political Science Association meeting March 23-24, 2001 Jacksonville, FLLand use management is relevant to the discussion of environmental policy because regulation of land use and growth has been used as an instrument of environmentally concerned actors. More generally, growth management policy is best characterized as regulatory, because state and local governments use public policy to direct private behavior (Feiock, 1994). It is appropriate to note however that, the consequences of growth management are inherently distributive. Molotch (1976) depicted a city as an aggregate of competing land-based interests. Decisions regarding growth, at the local or any other level, are then decisions of who gets what, where, and how (Lasswell, 1936). These interests refer not only to competition for economic development but also for quality of life under the heading of growth management. In this discussion of land use management policy, I proceed in the following manner. First, I begin by describing the history and evolution of American land use planning activities and policies throughout the XX century. Next, I succinctly describe the land use policy tools employed over the years and the context in which they have been used. In the core of the paper, I apply a transaction cost theory to explain the relationship between states and localities in terms of economic and political transaction costs. I conclude with some suggestions regarding hypothesis and future theory testing

    Land use management: local institutions and the power to shape?

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    This chapter discusses the influence of local institutions in the design, implementation and outcomes of land use policies. It begins with a synthesis of three generations of land use policy tools. Next, the chapter describes the political market framework as an explanation for the adoption of land use policies. The framework accounts for land use choices as the result of supply decisions made by local authorities as policy makers, demand pressures by competing pro-development and pro-conservation interest groups, and the mediating effects of local institutions. Illustrating the usefulness of the framework, the chapter reviews the empirical literature on the role played by executive, legislative, and participatory democracy institutions in shaping land use decisions and extracts lessons to better understand this role

    Equity valuation Iberdrola, S.A.

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    In the present days, the energy sector is a highly discussed subject for economic and social reasons simultaneously. Energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables energies, which the majority of nations and international organizations are establishing with measurable objectives, form the base of this. By setting a carbon neutrality target of 2050, both the European Union, the United States and so as other countries are implementing regulations that are common throughout the economy, with particular emphasis on the energy sector. With this said, this dissertation aims to analyze the factors that influence Iberdrola’s value which includes its risks, opportunities and drivers. The overall valuation of Iberdrola was therefore determined using two methods: DCF and a relative valuation based on a peer group. After taking into account both macroeconomic and microeconomic factors and assigning equal weight preponderance to both models, the dissertation has established a final target price of €12.66, as of October 31st, 2023. This price represents a potential upside of 21.97%. As a result, it is issued a BUY recommendation. The sensitivity analysis gives strength to these valuation in the sense that the upside scenario is greater than the downside one. Furthermore, a comparison was done between this dissertation and Barclays’ equity research, which also concludes its valuation with a buy recommendation.Nos dias de hoje, o sector da energia é um assunto muito discutido por razões económicas e sociais, simultaneamente. A transição energética dos combustíveis fósseis para as energias renováveis, que a maioria dos países e das organizações internacionais está a estabelecer com objetivos mensuráveis, é a base desta situação. Ao estabelecer uma meta de neutralidade de emissões de carbono para 2050, tanto a União Europeia, como os Estados Unidos e outros muitos países estão a implementar regulamentos que são comuns a toda a economia, com particular ênfase no sector da energia. Posto isto, esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar os fatores que influenciam o valor da Iberdrola, incluindo os seus riscos, oportunidades e catalisadores. Assim, a avaliação global da Iberdrola foi determinada através de dois métodos: DCF e uma avaliação relativa baseada num grupo de pares. Depois de ter em conta os fatores macroeconómicos e microeconómicos e de atribuir igual preponderância a ambos os modelos, a dissertação estabeleceu um preço alvo final de €12,66. Este preço representa um potencial de subida de 21,97%, em relação a 31 de outubro de 2023. Posto isto, é emitida uma recomendação de COMPRA. A análise de sensibilidade dá força a esta avaliação, no sentido em que o cenário de subida é superior ao de descida. Para além disso, foi feita uma comparação entre esta dissertação e o equity research da Barclays, que também conclui a sua avaliação com uma recomendação de compra

    Mini-symposium: institutional collective action in comparative perspective

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    [Excerpt] First developed by Richard Feiock and his team at the Local Governance Research Lab (https://localgov.fsu.edu) at Florida State University, the Institutional Collective Action (ICA) framework aims to understand and explain local and regional dilemmas of fragmented authority that characterize a federalist system. Since its initial installment in the mid 2000s, the ICA framework has gained significant traction in the United States

    Municipal amalgamations and their effects: a literature review

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    Municipal amalgamation reforms have been advocated as ways to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance capacity in local government service provision. Research on the consequences of amalgamations has reached maturity in terms of theories, research designs and methods, justifying a systematic survey of results. This article provides a synthesis of the empirical literature published over the last 20 years, organizing the effects of amalgamations into three categories: economic efficiency and cost savings, managerial implications, and democratic outcomes. Despite the significant variation across countries and reforms, some regularities emerge: cost savings being primarily limited to general administration expenditures (wages, office supplies, and so on), few changes in the quality of local services, and the diminished quality of local democracy. Several studies point to amalgamation reforms experiencing a trade-off between efficiency and democracy

    Ten years after: revisiting the determinants of the adoption of municipal corporations for local service delivery

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    Research on the use of municipal corporations to deliver local and regional public services has evolved significantly in the past decade. Most of this work addresses the performance of this service-delivery mode in relation to local bureaucracies. However, much less is known about the drivers for the adoption of municipal corporations in the first place. This article reviews the main determinants of adoption – service characteristics, institutional and regulatory settings, political constraints and financial conditions – and highlights the need for comparative research across countries.This work was supported by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia [UID/CPO/00758/2013]; Programa Operacional da Regiao Norte, NORTE2020 [NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000037 (SmartEGOV)]