164 research outputs found

    Fixed drug eruption resulting from fluconazole use: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Fluconazole is a widely used antifungal agent with a possible side effect of fixed drug eruption. However, this adverse drug effect is absent from the reported list of possible side effects of fluconazole. We are presenting a rare case in our report.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 25-year-old Iranian woman developed fixed drug eruptions on different sites of her body after taking five doses of fluconazole to treat vaginal candidiasis. A positive patch test, positive oral challenge test and skin biopsy were all found to be consistent with fixed drug eruption.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Fluconazole is a widely prescribed drug, used mainly to treat candidiasis. Fixed drug eruption as a possible side effect of Fluconazole is not well known and thus, the lesions may be misdiagnosed and mistreated. Based on our findings, which are consistent with a number of other practitioners, we recommend adding fixed drug eruption to the list of possible side effects of fluconazole.</p

    Some Properties of Multiplication Modules

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    Let M be an R-module. The module M is called multiplication if for anysubmodule N of M we have N = IM, where I is an ideal of R. In this paperwe state some basic properties of multiplication modules

    Weak α-skew Armendariz ideals

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    We introduce the concept of weak α-skew Armendariz ideals and investigate their properties. Moreover, we prove that I is a weak α-skew Armendariz ideal if and only if I[x] is a weak α-skew Armendariz ideal. As a consequence, we show that R is a weak α-skew Armendariz ring if and only if R[x] is a weak α-skew Armendariz ring.Введено поняття слабких α-косих iдеалiв Армендарiза та дослiджено їх властивостi. Крiм того, доведено, що I є слабким α-косим iдеалом Армендарiза тодi i тiльки тодi, коли I[x] є слабким α-косим iдеалом Армендарiза. Як наслiдок, показано, що R є слабким α-косим кiльцем Армендарiза тодi i тiльки тодi, коли R[x] є слабким α-косим кiльцем Армендарiза

    Investigating the effect of electronic government in realizing social justice in Iraq

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    The increasing use of information technology, communication tools and applied programming has led to the development and evolution of public policies, processes, and functions. Information and communication technology is entering not only the provision of citizen services, but also public utilities, improving accountability and transparency in government performance, and saving government costs and government management. Developing countries are moving toward e-government, but in order to succeed in deploying e-government, cultural and institutional considerations must be taken into consideration. This is a survey research and the statistical population includes experts in e-government in Iraq. Therefore, using Morgan’s table, 196 experts have been selected. To collect data, questionnaires were used. Through the study it was found that in terms of the development of the rule of law, Iraq's Missan Oil Company is in a good condition, and 55 percent of the respondents believed that the expansion of the rule of law, the behavior based on the principles and rules and avoiding to impose personal interests are the results of the deployment of e-government. Furthermore, according to the results and considering that out of six existing sub-hypotheses, 5 sub-hypotheses were confirmed, the main hypothesis of the research which is based on the effect of e-government on social justice is confirmed

    Investigation of the Lambda Parameter for Language Modeling Based Persian Retrieval

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    Language modeling is one of the most powerful methods in information retrieval. Many language modeling based retrieval systems have been developed and tested on English collections. Hence, the evaluation of language modeling on collections of other languages is an interesting research issue. In this study, four different language modeling methods proposed by Hiemstra [1] have been evaluated on a large Persian collection of a news archive. Furthermore, we study two different approaches that are proposed for tuning the Lambda parameter in the method. Experimental results show that the performance of language models on Persian text improves after Lambda Tuning. More specifically Witten Bell method provides the best results

    Identification of Candida Species Associated with Vulvovaginal Candidiasis by Multiplex PCR

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    Vulvovaginal candidiasis is a common infection. The aim of this study was to identify the species of vaginal Candida isolates by using multiplex PCR technique. Methods. 191 isolates from patients admitted to Mahdieh hospital were identified. The vaginal swab specimens were cultured on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar. The ITS1 region between the 18S and 5.8S rRNA genes and a specific DNA fragment within the ITS2 region were amplified. The multiplex PCR products were separated by electrophoresis in 2% agarose gel, visualized by staining with ethidium bromide, and photographed. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, and Spearman correlation were used to summarize the findings. Results.&nbsp; C. albicans and C. glabrata were the most common species isolated from the specimens. A mix of C. glabrata and C. albicans was the most common mixed infection isolated from the samples. The analysis revealed a significant positive association between older age and infection with C. glabrata isolates (Spearman’s rho = 0.89, P=0.015). Conclusion. Multiplex PCR is a fast, yet reliable method to identify Candida species. C. albicans and then C. glabrata are the two most common causes of vulvovaginal candidiasis. The number of mixed fungal infections is higher among Iranian population compared to international reports

    The Identification and Ranking of Effective Indicators in Assessing Organization Readiness to Accept Social CRM Using FANP

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    For today's organizations, customers have become important resources and communications with them have been considered as valuable assets and investments. Therefore, the effective management of customer relationship has become a preferred task and an approach for managing in many organizations. The dilemma, the organizations are faced with is that they go ahead directly toward the preparation and implementation of new technologies, especially the technology without determining their level of readiness and this causes that they fail at the implementation stage or they do not benefit from the investment and spending they have done. This study wants to investigate the indicators involved in successful acceptance of this product and the degree of importance of these indicators compared to other indicators. After identifying these indicators, according to the research background and internal experts' opinion, the status of these indicators has been assessed and they were ranked using multi-criteria decision-making model known as fuzzy analytic network process in Iran's Mellat Bank. Finally, by examining the fuzzy average of the studied organization data, a general consensus has been achieved about the importance of each indicator as well as their ranking based on the weight of each indicator compared to other indicators in assessing Iranian organization readiness to accept social customer relationship management. It is worth mentioning that this research paid more attention to negotiations and meetings with chief technology officers, customer relationship experts, strategic managers, project managers and human resource managers

    Identifying Effective Indicators in the Assessment of Organizational Readiness for Accepting Social CRM

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    The main objective of this study is to provide a model for assessing organizational readiness for accepting social customer relationship management (SCRM). The dilemma, the organizations are faced with is that they go ahead directly toward the preparation and implementation of new technologies, especially the technology without determining their level of readiness and this causes that they fail at the implementation stage or they do not benefit from the investment and spending they have done. In this research, after studying various resources, in particular, resources related to the assessment of organizational readiness in accepting information systems and social networks-based systems for using in organizations businesses and the proposed models by the mentioned resources, components and sub-components affecting the organization's readiness in accepting SCRM have been identified and extracted. We categorized them in four main categories and dimensions, naming organizational, technological, human and environmental factors. Each of these main components includes sub-components that are mentioned in this research