9 research outputs found


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    PENGELOLAAN WERENG BATANG COKLAT Nilaparvata lugens Stal. (HOMOPTERA : DELPHACIDAE) PADA EKOSISTEM PADI SAWAH BERBASIS SUMBERDAYA HAYATI LOKAL (Studi Kasus : Daerah Endemik Wereng Batang Coklat di Sumatera Barat) Oleh : Enie Tauruslina Amarullah (1431612010) (Dibawah bimbingan : Prof. Dr. Ir. Trizelia, MSi, Dr. Ir. Yaherwandi, MSi dan Dr. Hasmiandy Hamid, SP.MSi) Abstrak Wereng batang coklat (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) merupakan salah satu hama penting pada tanaman padi. Hama ini dapat merusak tanaman padi secara langsung dengan mengisap cairan batang sampai tanaman kering dan mati serta dapat menyebabkan kerusakan secara tidak langsung dengan menjadi vektor virus. Serangan hama ini di Sumatera Barat berkisar dari ringan sampai berat, bahkan di beberapa daerah mengalami puso. Oleh karena itu penelitian mengenai pengelolaan hama ini menjadi sangat penting untuk dilakukan agar produksi padi Sumatera Barat dapat terjaga. Untuk mendapatkan teknik pengelolaan yang akan digunakan dalam pengelolaan wereng batang coklat, diperlukan informasi dasar mengenai struktur komunitas serangga dan tumbuhan liar pada daerah serangan wereng batang coklat, baik daerah non endemik maupun endemik. Selain itu informasi mengenai struktur populasi wereng batang coklat penting diketahui juga dalam pengelolaaan hama tersebut. Berdasarkan informasi awal tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian dengan memanfaatkan berbagai sumberdaya lokal dalam pengelolaan wereng batang coklat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di daerah endemik dan non endemik wereng batang coklat. Daerah endemik berdasarkan kriteria daerah serangan, serangan wereng batang coklat terjadi setiap musim tanam, sedangkan daerah non endemik berdasarkan kriteria daerah serangan yang terbagi atas kriteria aman, potensial dan sporadik. Penelitian keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan spesies serangga herbivora, musuh alami dan tumbuhan liar dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei, sedangkan untuk mengetahui struktur populasi wereng batang coklat dan teknik pengelolaan wereng batang coklat dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental. Survei dilaksanakan di empat kecamatan non endemik wereng batang coklat di Sumatera Barat, yaitu, Baso (Kabupaten Agam), Nan Sabaris (Kabupaten Padang Pariaman), Talawi (Kota Sawahlunto), dan Koto VII (Kabupaten Sijunjung), sedangkan untuk daerah endemik, yaitu Tanjung Mutiara (Kabupaten Agam) dan X Koto Singkarak (Kabupaten Solok). Analisis PCR untuk mengetahui struktur populasi wereng batang coklat dilakukan di Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumberdaya Genetik Pertanian Bogor, sedangkan untuk penelitian mengenai teknik pengelolaan wereng batang coklat dilakukan di daerah endemik, yaitu X Koto Singkarak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total individu serangga di daerah endemik dan non endemik adalah 864 individu terdiri dari 10 ordo dan 18 famili. Spesies serangga yang didapatkan adalah 24 spesies. Spesies serangga terdiri atas 4 spesies serangga hama, 5 spesies serangga parasitoid dan 15 spesies serangga predator. Total serangga di daerah endemik adalah 420 individu dan daerah non endemik 444 individu. Serangga di daerah endemik terbagi menjadi serangga herbivora dan musuh alami dengan jumlah masing-masing adalah 153 dan 267 individu, sedangkan untuk serangga di daerah non endemik, serangga herbivora adalah 141 individu dan musuh alami adalah 303 individu. Indeks keanekaragaman serangga di daerah non endemik berkisar dari kategori cukup stabil (Baso dan Nan Sabaris) sampai lebih stabil (Talawi dan Koto VII) sedangkan untuk daerah endemik termasuk kategori lebih stabil. Untuk indeks kemerataan spesies serangga di daerah non endemik berkisar dari kategori lebih stabil sampai sangat stabil, sedangkan untuk daerah endemik termasuk kategori lebih stabil. Untuk tumbuhan liar di daerah endemik dan non endemik didapatkan sebanyak 60.478 individu terdiri dari 13 famili dan 12 ordo dan 28 spesies. Total tumbuhan liar di daerah endemik adalah 9.985 individu dan daerah non endemik adalah 50.493 individu. Umumnya tumbuhan liar adalah tumbuhan berbunga. Tumbuhan liar berbunga di daerah endemik adalah 8.885 individu dan di daerah non endemik adalah 43.003 individu. Total spesies tumbuhan liar yang didapatkan adalah 28 spesies, daerah endemik berjumlah 19 spesies dan daerah non endemik berjumlah 22 spesies. tumbuhan liar berbunga yang memiliki INP dan distribusi penyebaran tertinggi adalah Cyperus rotundus, Borreria laevis, Kyllinga brevifolia, Ageratum conyzoides, Amaranthus spinosus, Crassocephalum crepidioides dan Mimosa pudica. Penelitian mengenai variasi genetik menunjukkan bahwa marker primer SSRBM1262 memiliki pola pita DNA polimorfik lebih banyak dibanding SSRNLES24 dan SSRBPH06. Struktur populasi wereng batang coklat dari 14 kecamatan di Sumatera Barat menunjukkan kemiripan genetik >50% dan memperlihatkan 2 kelompok populasi wereng batang coklat di Sumatera Barat. Pengelompokan sub-sub populasi wereng batang coklat menunjukkan adanya kemiripan genetik >50% di daerah endemik dan non endemik di Sumatera Barat. Hasil penelitian pengelolaan WBC di daerah endemik (Kecamatan X Koto Singkarak Kabupaten Solok) menunjukkan total individu serangga yang didapatkan di semua petak pengamatan berjumlah 2783 individu terdiri dari 10 ordo, 18 famili dan 23 spesies. Total serangga herbivora adalah 1.463 individu dan serangga musuh alami adalah 1.320 individu. Total individu serangga di lahan padi sawah sebanyak 2011 individu, yang termasuk dalam 18 famili dan 22 spesies. Total jumlah spesies serangga di vegetasi tumbuhan liar sebanyak 772 individu, yang termasuk dalam 10 famili dan 11 spesies. Total individu serangga tertinggi didapatkan pada petak lahan aplikasi Beauveria bassiana sebanyak 746 individu, dengan nilai indeks keanekaragaman sebesar 2,01 dan nilai indeks kemerataan sebesar 0,82. Predator wereng coklat yang dominan ditemukan di vegetasi tumbuhan liar adalah Tetragnatha maxillosa dan Paederus fuscipes. Dari pola interaksi tri-trofik terlihat laba-laba predator T. maxillosa berperan di vegetasi tumbuhan liar. Hasi penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kehadiran vegetasi tumbuhan liar di pematang sawah merupakan habitat inang alternatif yang penting bagi serangga (insectary plant). Kata kunci: padi, wereng batang coklat, tumbuhan liar, endemik MANAGEMENT OF BROWN PLANTHOPPER Nilaparvata lugens Stal. (HOMOPTERA: DELPHACIDAE) IN RICE FIELD ECOSYSTEM BASED ON LOCAL LIFE RESOURCES (Case Study : Endemic Area of Brown Planthopper in West Sumatra) by : Enie Tauruslina Amarullah (1431612010) (Supervised by : Prof. Dr. Ir. Trizelia, MSi, Dr. Ir. Yaherwandi, MSi and Dr. Hasmiandy Hamid, SP.MSi) Abstract Brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) is one of the important pests in rice plants. The pest can damage rice plants directly by sucking stem fluids until the plants dry and die, so the pest can cause indirect damage as a virus vector. The pest attacks in West Sumatra range from mild to severe, even in some areas experiencing puso. Therefore research on pest management was very important to do so that West Sumatra rice production can be maintained. To obtain management techniques that will be used in the management of brown planthopper, basic information was needed to assess the structure of insect and wild plant communities in the brown planthopper attack area, both endemic and non-endemic areas. In addition, information about the structure of brown planthopper population was important to know in managing the pest. Based on this initial information, a study was conducted by utilizing various local resources in the management of brown planthopper. This research was carried out in endemic and non-endemic areas of brown planthopper. Endemic areas based on the criteria of the area of attack, the attack of brown planthopper occurs every planting season, while non-endemic areas based on the criteria of the attack area were divided into criteria of safe, potential and sporadic. Research on the diversity and abundance of herbivorous insect species, natural enemies and wild plants using the survey method, while to determine the population structure of brown planthopper and brown planthopper management techniques by experimental methods. The survey was conducted in four sub districts non-endemic brown planthopper in West Sumatra, namely, Baso (Agam Regency), Nan Sabaris (Padang Pariaman Regency), Talawi (Sawahlunto City) and Koto VII (Sijunjung Regency), while for endemic areas, namely Tanjung Mutiara (Agam Regency) and X Koto Singkarak (Solok Regency). PCR analysis to determine the population structure of brown planthopper at the Centre of Research Biotechnology Development and Genetic Resources Bogor, while for research on the management technique of brown planthopper in endemic areas, namely X Koto Singkarak. The results showed that the total individual insects in endemic and non-endemic areas were 864 individuals consisting of 10 orders and 18 families. The insect species obtained are 24 species. Insect species consist of 4 insect pest species, 5 parasitoid insect species and 15 predatory insect species. The total number of insects in endemic areas is 420 individuals and non-endemic areas 444 individuals. Insects in endemic areas are divided into herbivorous insects and natural enemies with a total of 153 and 267 individuals respectively, while for insects in non-endemic regions, herbivore insects are 141 individuals and natural enemies are 303 individuals. The insect diversity index in non-endemic areas ranges from fairly stable categories (Baso and Nan Sabaris) to more stable (Talawi and Koto VII) while those in endemic areas are more stable. The evenness index of insect species in non-endemic areas ranges from more stable to very stable categories, while for endemic areas, the categories are more stable. For wild plants in endemic and non-endemic areas there were SSRBM1262 primary marker has more polymorphic DNA band pattern than SSRNLES24 and SSRBPH06. The population structure of brown planthopper from 14 sub-distric.478 individuals consisting of 13 families and 12 orders and 28 species. The total wild plants in endemic areas are 9.985 individuals and non-endemic areas are 50.493 individuals. Generally wild plants are flowering plants. Wild flowering plants in endemic areas are 8.885 individuals and in non-endemic areas are 43.003 individuals. The total species of wild plants obtained were 28 species, the endemic areas numbered 19 species and the non-endemic areas numbered 22 species. Wild plants that have the highest INP and distribution was Cyperus rotundus, Borreria laevis, Kyllinga brevifolia, Ageratum conyzoides, Amaranthus spinosus, Crassocephalum crepidioides and Mimosa pudica. Research on genetic variation showed that ts in West Sumatra shows genetic similarity >50% and shows two population groups of brown planthopper in West Sumatra. The grouping of sub-populations brown planthopper shows genetic similarity >50% in endemic and non-endemic areas in West Sumatra. The results of research on brown planthopper management in endemic areas (X Koto Singkarak and Solok District) showed that the total number of insects obtained in all observation plots was 2.783 individuals consisting of 10 orders, 18 families and 23 species. Total herbivore insects are 1.463 individuals and natural enemy insects are 1.320 individuals. The total number of insects in the paddy fields was as many as 2.011, which included 18 families and 22 species. The total number of insect species on wild plants vegetation was 772 individuals, which are included in 10 families and 11 species. The highest of individual insects was found in the field plots of the Beauveria bassiana application of 746 individuals, with a diversity index value of 2.01 and an evenness index value of 0.82.The brown planthopper predator dominantly found in wild plants vegetation was Tetragnatha maxillosa and Paederus fuscipes. The tritrophic interaction patterns seen predator spiders T. maxillosa play a role in wild plants vegetation. The results of this study indicate that the presence of wild plants vegetation in rice field was an important habitat for insects (insectary plant). Key words: rice, brown planthopper,weeds, endemi

    Diversity of plant species in paddy ecosystem in West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Community is a group of living things which have adjusted and inhabited a natural habitat. Characteristics of the community in an environment are its diversity. The diversity of the plants is a plant species that occupy an ecosystem. The research was aimed at determining species diversity, the dominance of plant species and summed dominance ratio (SDR) in paddy ecosystem. The plant samples were taken from the location of endemic areas of brown plant hopper in Tanjung Mutiara Subdistrict, Agam District West Sumatra. Sampling was done by using two methods, (i) survey methods with direct data collection; (ii) squares method, observation of sample plots in the field. The level of diversity of plant species was analyzed using diversity index of Shannon- Wiener (H’). Plant species dominance was analyzed using dominance index (C). The results showed that index value of Shannon- Wienner ranged 1.00 – 1.73, which indicated that the category of diversity level of plants was medium. Dominance index ranged 0.03 - 0.08 which meant there were a dominant species among the plants in the study areas. The highest SDR in the ecosystem type III were Cyperus rotundus (40.87%) and Borreria laevis (37.43%), in the type I was C. rotundus (34.90%) and in type II was Portulaca oleracea (20.08%). The dominant plant species found in the type I were C. rotundus, Eleusine indica, Borreria laevis, in type II were P. oleracea, C. rotundus, Amaranthus spinosus and in type III were C. rotundus, B. laevis, and A. spinosus

    Identifikasi dan Penentuan Pohon Filogenetik Spodoptera frugiperda Asal Jawa Berdasarkan Analisis Sekuen MtDNA COI

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    Molecular confirmation of the existence of Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Java Island has not been widely reported. This study aimed to identify the armyworm from Java Island molecularly based on DNA mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (MtDNA COI). There were six armyworms collected from West Java Province (Cirebon - JWB1, Garut - JWB2), Central Java Province (Wonogiri - JWTH), East Java Province (Gresik - JWTR), DI Yogyakarta Province (Bantul - DIY), and Banten Province (Serang - BNT). The results showed that the fall armyworm originating from Java was verified as Spodoptera frugiperda. There were genetic variations between them, which had species closeness between regions and countries, namely the genetic similarity of S. frugiperda Java and West Sumatra, as well as to China, Korea, and India. S. frugiperda from Central Java (JWTH), Banten (BNT), West Java 1 (JWB1), and Yogyakarta (DIY) has genetic similarity to S. frugiperda from Solok (No. Acc. MW876212.1), West Pasaman (No. Acc. MW876211.1), China (No.Acc. MK591010.1) and Korea (No.Acc. MN427930.1). Meanwhile, S. frugiperda West Java (JWB2) and East Java have genetic similarity to S. frugiperda from India (No. Acc. MT732476.1), Padang Pariaman (No. Acc. MW876208.1), and Tanah Datar (No. Acc. MW87621.0).Ulat grayak jagung Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuide) saat ini, sudah ditemukan hampir di setap provinsi di Indonesia. Keberadaan S. frugiperda di Pulau Jawa belum banyak dilaporkan secara ilmiah. Teknik identifikasi secara molekuler merupakan salah satu teknik yang cepat dan akurat sehingga dapat menghasilkan data yang relatif akurat dan konsisten untuk identifikasi tingkat spesies. Selanjutnya ,data tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai dasar penyusunan strategi pengendalian base on gen diversity. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi spesies ulat grayak S. frugiperda yang berasal dari Pulau Jawa, Indonesia secara molekuler dengan teknik polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Primer universal dari gen mitokondria sub unit Cytochrome oxidase I (COI) LCO 1490 (5’-GGT CAA CAA ATC ATA AAG ATA TTG G -3’) dan HCO 2198 (5’-TAA ACT TCA GGG TGA CCA AAA AAT CA-3’) dengan target 650 bp digunakan untuk menetukan identitas 6 (enam) ulat grayak jagung yang berasal dari Provinsi Jawa Barat Kabupaten Cirebon (JWB1)  dan Garut (JWB2), Provinsi Jawa Tengah Kabupaten Wonogiri (JWTH), Provinsi Jawa Timur Kabupaten Gresik (JWTR), Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Kabupaten Bantul (DIY), dan Provinsi Banten Kabupaten Serang (BNT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keenam sampel ulat grayak jagung asal pulau Jawa teridentifikasi sebagai  Spodoptera frugiperda. Analisis pohon filogenetik dengan metode neihgbour joining tree menggambarkan bahwa S. frugiperda asal Jawa Tengah (JWTH), Banten (BNT), Jawa Barat 1 (JWB1), dan Yogyakarta (DIY) memiliki kedekatan dengan S. frugiperda isolat Solok (No. Acc. MW876212.1) dan Pasaman Barat (No. Acc. MW876211.1). Sedangkan S. frugiperda Jawa Barat2 (JWB2) dan Jawa Timur memiliki kedekatan dengan S. frugiperda isolat India (No. Acc. MT7324761), Padang Pariaman (No. Acc. MW876208.1), dan Tanah Datar (No. Acc. MW876210.1)

    Efektifitas Insektisida Berbahan Aktif Klorantraniliprol terhadap Larva Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith)

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    Fall armyworm or Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E Smith) is a significant economic pest of maize. S. frugiperda is reported for the first time to attack and damage the corn in Indonesia since 2019. The study was aimed to find the effectivity of chlorantraniliprole to control the larvae of S. frugiperda on maize. The study was divided into two steps, in the laboratory and the field. The laboratory treatment was application of chlorantraniliprole 2 cc/l, Metarhizium anisopliae (10? conidia/ml), and Beauveria bassiana (10? conidia/ml) that applied onto the leaf, larvae, and leaf + larvae with five replications for each treatment. The field test used three treatments i.e., chlorantraniliprole field, farmer field, and control with three replications for each treatment. The research showed that chlorantraniliprole at a dose of 2 cc/l had the highest mortality of S. frugiperda with 100% mortality on average during five days after application. However, the application of M. anisopliae and B. bassiana did not affect the mortality of S. frugiperda for 3 days after application. There was no difference in mortality when chlorantraniliprole applied onto leaf, larvae and leaf + larvae. Application of chlorantraniliprole in the field at a dose of 2 cc/l at 1, 3, and 5 weeks after planting was effective to control S. frugiperda on maize.  Keywords: Chlorantraniliprole, entomopatogenic fungi, fall armywar