510 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Intelligent Wells Performance in a Five-Spot Arrangement

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    The efficiency of water flooding processes can be improved by installing intelligent wells which are good candidates for control and optimization. Optimal control theory based on adjoint formulations was found to be efficient for reservoir optimization. However, this solution approach is local and may not be suitable for comparing design alternatives. In this work, an approach for determining an optimal starting point for optimal control theory procedure was developed to give near global optima. The performance in terms of net present value (NPV) of two forms of five-spot pattern was compared. The method results to similar performances of the two alternatives because it was formulated to give true optimal solution trajectories. It was found that regular five-spot pattern results to a NPV in excess of $4,900 over inverted design. Respective increase in oil and water productions of 0.23% and 0.22% were recorded for former design against the later.Keywords: intelligent wells; adjoint; optimal control theory; global optimum; water flooding

    Uso de geotecnologias para a criação de corredores ecológicos urbanos na cidade de petrolina, Pernambuco.

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    O estudo de fenômenos ambientais e urbanos, aliado ao geprocessamento, fornece subsídios aos planos de conservação, manejo e recomposição de espaços verdes. Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor uma metodologia para a criação do banco de dados geográfico dos Corredores Ecológicos na cidade de Petrolina‐PE. A criação de corredores ecológicos visa contribuir com a manutenção e a recuperação das matas ripárias do rio São Francisco, áreas de preservação permanente, compondo assim a ligação entre fragmentos florestais dentro da área urbana. Os trabalhos foram conduzidos na Orla Fluvial/Avenida Cardoso de Sá, Travessa Dr. Júlio de Melo, Avenida Monsenhor Ângelo Sampaio, situadas no centro da cidade, Rua André Vidal de Negreiros no Bairro Maria Auxiliadora e Rua Cabrobó na Vila Eduardo, em Petrolina, Pernambuco (09º23'56''S, 40º30'02''O, 365 m de altitude) que unirão os fragmentos da Orla fluvial, Parque Municipal Josepha Coelho e o fragmento florestal do 72º Batalhão de Infantaria Motorizado. Estas atividades foram desenvolvidas a partir de estudos realizados entre 2009 a 2011 sobre a arborização do centro da cidade. A partir do estudo das imagens de satélites foram selecionadas áreas com grande potencial para compor um corredor. Todos os indivíduos arbóreos presentes foram georreferenciados e coletados informações que caracterizam cada indivíduo. Os dados foram armazenados no Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) por meio do programa ArcGIS 9.1, fazendo parte de um banco de dados das espécies integrado à base cartográfica do município. A análise das imagens mostrou a viabilidade de formação de um corredor por meio da conexão dos fragmentos de vegetação natural, observando sua forma, área, perímetro e as espécies existentes no trajeto. Considerou‐se também a conservação da biodiversidade da área urbana e dos recursos hídricos. Foram encontrados 1440 indivíduos arbóreos, distribuídos em 13 famílias, 33 gêneros e 38 espécies, sendo 90% de exóticas. A geoespacialização das espécies mostrou que a diversidade de espécies apresentava‐se concentrada em alguns locais. As informações espacializadas e reunidas num banco de dados foram adequadas para representar os Corredores Ecológicos Urbanos que unirão os fragmentos da orla fluvial com o Parque Municipal Josepha Coelho e com o fragmento florestal do 72º Batalhão de Infantaria Motorizado, além de definirem aonde é prioritário introduzir espécies nativas e manejar as exóticas invasoras

    The influence of season of birth on the pattern of lip prints in Nigeria

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    Dermatoglyphs and their components can both environmentally and genetically be determined, even though the arrangement of ridges remains constant throughout life. The aim of this study was to determine the predominant lip print types in different seasons and the influences of the season of birth on the pattern of lip print among Nigerians. Five hundred and six students (256 males and 250 females) were recruited. The lip print was collected using glass slide and developed with carbon black powder. Each print was divided into ten compartments for final analyses of lip prints. Chi-square test was used to test for association between the season of birth and lip prints. Statistical significance was considered at p<0.05. The result shows the percentage distribution oflip print in upper lip in wet season with type III (31.02%) as predominant and type I’ (0.29%) the least, and for dry season the same trend was observed. In lower lip in wet season type V (29.50%) was predominant and type I’ (0.68%) the least, and the same trend was observed for dry season. In both lower and upper lips the season of birth shows no  statistically significant association (P > 0.05) with lip prints in all  compartments. In conclusion, the environmental factor considered in thisstudy (season of birth) has no influence in the determination of the lip prints patterns. Hence, recommending the use of lip print as a forensic tool.Key words; Nigeria, powder, lip prints, season of birt

    Análise temporal da degradação ambiental no município de Santa Maria da Boa Vista - PE a partir de imagens orbitais.

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    Ao longo dos anos, as margens do Rio São Francisco têm sofrido constantes alterações devido às atividades antrópicas, onde a vegetação foi gradativamente eliminada pelo processo extrativista, dando lugar a atividades de agricultura e pecuária. A redução da cobertura vegetal e a utilização de práticas inadequadas de manejo do solo conduzem à degradação ambiental, com perda dos recursos solo, água e biodiversidade. O núcleo de desertificação da região de Cabrobó se encontra em estado grave de processo de salinização do solo, em consequencia das implantações dos projetos de irrigação. Há áreas susceptíveis à desertificação causadas pelos sobrepastejo, desmatamento e principalmente, manejo inadequado dos solos. As imagens de sensores orbitais fornecem uma ampla base de informações sobre os recursos naturais e o meio ambiente, cuja utilização aliada a metodologia e a tecnologia computacional formam um conjunto de ferramentas que facilitam os trabalhos de mapeamento. Nesse trabalho foi realizado um estudo temporal a partir das imagens orbitais dos anos de 1989 e 2008 das margens do Rio São Francisco no município de Santa Maria da Boa Vista-P

    Mapeamento e caracterização da cobertura vegetal Bacia Hidrográfica do São Francisco.

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    O presente artigo apresenta o mapeamento da cobertura vegetal e uso das terras, evidenciando a fitofisionomia das classes de formações

    Desertification climatic susceptibility to the Center-North region of Brazilian Semi-Arid.

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    Desertification process is a phenomenon of high environmental and social complexity because it embraces a significant number of indicators and variables that inter relate and that complement the comprehension of this process. One of the most useful and applied ways of the study of desertification verification is through the calculation o f the Aridity Index ( A I ). This way, this present study uses that methodol ogy to verify the situation of AI in Center - North region of Brazilian Semi - Arid. The aim was to investigate the variety of AI and its classifications during the period between 1961 and 2015, using temporal series of 30 years, expressed in the time interval of 2005, 2010 and 2015. It was possible to observe that therefore some changes in AI in many locations, where quantitative changes happened in the area, increasing mainly to the conditions of aridity aggravation, there was not the meaningful occurrence of alteration in the Desertification Tendency classification

    Age specific sex differences in BMI and skin fold thickness among children of Kazaure Emirate, Nigeria

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    An important phenomenon occurring in human population is the variation in their physical morphology. The physical dimensions of human body are influenced by geographical, racial, age and gender factors. Physical anthropometry provides the technique by which human body dimensions can be evaluated and measured. The aim of the study was to determine age specific sex differences in height, weight, BMI and skin fold thickness among children aged 5- 12 years from Kazaure emirate, Jigawa State, Nigeria. The objective of the study was to investigate sexual dimorphism in the measured variables. A total of 1212 primary school pupils aged 5-12 years (659 males and 553 females) were involved. All the anthropometric variables were taken using standard protocols. An independent t-test was used to determine gender differences using SPSS version 20.0and P ≤ 0.05 considered a level of significance. The results showed a significant gender difference in height and weight at age of 8 years (P = 0.009) and (P< 0.001), respectively. For bicep skin fold thickness (BSF), the gender difference was observed at 7 to 12years of age with (P< 0.001). Similar pattern in triceps TSF) and suprailiac (SISF), showed significant difference at age six (P< 0.001) and (P =0.01), respectively. All ages showed differences in subscapular skin fold thickness (SSF)(P< 0.001). In the SSF, female had higher mean value while for height and weight the reverse trend was the case. In conclusion, the gender differences in SSF may be linked with higher adipose tissue in female than in the male counterparts in childhood.Keywords: Anthropometry, BMI, Skin fold thickness, age, sex, Nigeri

    Evaluation of the influence of maternal parity on neonatal anthropometric parameters among Hausas in Kano state

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    Maternal Parity has been shown to increase the risk of adverse neonatal outcomes, such as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), prematurity, and mortality. The study was designed to evaluate the influence of maternal parity on neonatal anthropometric parameters among Hausas in Kano. Five hundred and twenty one subjects (mothers and babies) participated in the study. Questionnaire was used to collect the biodata, parity and other anthropometric variables (birth weight, birth length, head circumference, chest circumference, thigh circumference, mid upper arm circumference, hand length, hand breadth, foot length, foot breadth).The anthropometric variables were measured using standard procedures.One way ANOVA was used to determine the differences in neonatal variables across different categories of parity. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 20 statistical software was used for data analyses. The result shows that the mothers within the 1st category of parity give birth to babies with lower birth weight and smaller thigh circumference when compared with 2nd, 3rd and 4th. However, in birth length, head circumference and chest circumference of the neonate the differences (p < 0.001) were observed only between 1st and 2nd category of parity. Moreover, the mid upper arm circumference has similar pattern with addition to 3rd categories. In conclusion, the parity of the mother was found to influence the neonatal  anthropometric variables.Keywords: Maternal Parity, Neonatal Anthropometry, Hausa

    Extadigits: an unusual presentation

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    Extra digit is a common congenital anomaly in our environment which usually affect the hands and occasionally the feet but very rarely both. A five months old male infant presented with accessory digits of the both hands and feet, with two extra digits on the left hand and one on the right hand, right foot and left foot. The extra digits were well developed, with normal range of motion, good capillary refill and intact sensation. General examination revealed an otherwise healthy child with no associated congenital malformations. The treatment modality used was surgical removal of the extra digits and reconstruction of any associated anomalies in the remaining ray such as longitudinal epiphyseal bracket. After the surgery the patients is no longer experience difficulty with fitting gloves and shoes as well as discrimination among peer groups in his future life