18 research outputs found

    The Art of Marina Goldovskaia

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    Anna Akhmatova: A Poetic Pilgrimage. By Amanda Haight. New York and London: Oxford University Press, 1976. x, 213 pp. Illus. 10.00.−PamiatiAnnyAkhmatovoi:Stikhi,Pisâ€Čma,Vospominaniia.With"ZapiskiobAnneAkhmatovoi"byL.Chukovskaia.Paris:YMCA−Press,1974.221pp.Paper.−SelectedPoems.ByAnnaAkhmatova.EditedandtranslatedbyWalterArndt.With“Requiem,”translatedbyRobinKemball,and“APoemWithoutaHero,”translatedandannotatedbyCarlR.Proffer.AnnArbor:Ardis,1976.xxxvi,202pp.Illus.10.00. - Pamiati Anny Akhmatovoi: Stikhi, Pis'ma, Vospominaniia. With "Zapiski ob Anne Akhmatovoi" by L. Chukovskaia. Paris: YMCA-Press, 1974. 221 pp. Paper. - Selected Poems. By Anna Akhmatova. Edited and translated by Walter Arndt. With “Requiem,” translated by Robin Kemball, and “A Poem Without a Hero,” translated and annotated by Carl R. Proffer. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1976. xxxvi, 202 pp. Illus. 3.95, paper. - Requiem And Poem Without A Hero. By Anna Akhmatova. Translated by D. M. Thomas. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1976. 78 pp.

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    Does SleepTight work? A behavioral analysis of the effectiveness of SleepTight for the management of infant colic.

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    We evaluated the effectiveness of SleepTight in the management of infant colic. SleepTight is a device that vibrates the infant's crib to simulate the action of a car traveling at 55 mph. A multiple baseline design across 6 infants was used. Data were collected on infant crying, parental use of SleepTight, and parental satisfaction. The application of SleepTight was associated with reduction in crying in 4 of the 6 infants. These outcome data notwithstanding, consideration of reported nonrecording of severe episodes and mixed reports of satisfaction suggests that SleepTight may not be a viable means of managing infant colic