8 research outputs found

    The difference between cellulolytic 'culturomes' and microbiomes inhabiting two contrasting soil types.

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    High-throughput 16S rRNA sequencing was performed to compare the microbiomes inhabiting two contrasting soil types-sod-podzolic soil and chernozem-and the corresponding culturome communities of potentially cellulolytic bacteria cultured on standard Hutchinson media. For each soil type, soil-specific microorganisms have been identified: for sod-podzolic soil-Acidothermus, Devosia, Phenylobacterium and Tumebacillus, and for chernozem soil-Sphingomonas, Bacillus and Blastococcus. The dynamics of differences between soil types for bulk soil samples and culturomes varied depending on the taxonomic level of the corresponding phylotypes. At high taxonomic levels, the number of common taxa between soil types increased more slowly for bulk soil than for culturome. Differences between soil-specific phylotypes were detected in bulk soil at a low taxonomic level (genus, species). A total of 13 phylotypes were represented both in soil and in culturome. No relationship was shown between the abundance of these phylotypes in soil and culturome

    Photocurable Methacrylate Derivatives of Polylactide: A Two-Stage Synthesis in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and 3D Laser Structuring

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    A two-stage polylactide modification was performed in the supercritical carbon dioxide medium using the urethane formation reaction. The modification resulted in the synthesis of polymerizable methacrylate derivatives of polylactide for application in the spatial 3D structuring by laser stereolithography. The use of the supercritical carbon dioxide medium allowed us to obtain for the first time polymerizable oligomer-polymer systems in the form of dry powders convenient for further application in the preparation of polymer compositions for photocuring. The photocuring of the modified polymers was performed by laser stereolithography and two-photon crosslinking. Using nanoindentation, we found that Young’s modulus of the cured compositions corresponded to the standard characteristics of implants applied in regenerative medicine. As shown by thermogravimetric analysis, the degree of crosslinking and, hence, the local stiffness of scaffolds were determined by the amount of the crosslinking agent and the photocuring regime. No cytotoxicity was observed for the structures

    Rhizobia Isolated from the Relict Legume Vavilovia formosa Represent a Genetically Specific Group within Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae

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    Twenty-two rhizobia strains isolated from three distinct populations (North Ossetia, Dagestan, and Armenia) of a relict legume Vavilovia formosa were analysed to determine their position within Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae (Rlv). These bacteria are described as symbionts of four plant genera Pisum, Vicia, Lathyrus, and Lens from the Fabeae tribe, of which Vavilovia is considered to be closest to its last common ancestor (LCA). In contrast to biovar viciae, bacteria from Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii (Rlt) inoculate plants from the Trifolieae tribe. Comparison of house-keeping (hkg: 16S rRNA, glnII, gltA, and dnaK) and symbiotic (sym: nodA, nodC, nodD, and nifH) genes of the symbionts of V. formosa with those of other Rlv and Rlt strains reveals a significant group separation, which was most pronounced for sym genes. A remarkable feature of the strains isolated from V. formosa was the presence of the nodX gene, which was commonly found in Rlv strains isolated from Afghanistan pea genotypes. Tube testing of different strains on nine plant species, including all genera from the Fabeae tribe, demonstrated that the strains from V. formosa nodulated the same cross inoculation group as the other Rlv strains. Comparison of nucleotide similarity in sym genes suggested that their diversification within sym-biotypes of Rlv was elicited by host plants. Contrariwise, that of hkg genes could be caused by either local adaptation to soil niches or by genetic drift. Long-term ecological isolation, genetic separation, and the ancestral position of V. formosa suggested that symbionts of V. formosa could be responsible for preserving ancestral genotypes of the Rlv biovar

    Cryptic taxonomic diversity and high-latitude melanism in the glossiphoniid leech assemblage from the Eurasian Arctic

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    Abstract The family Glossiphoniidae is a diverse and widespread clade of freshwater leeches, playing a significant role in functioning of aquatic ecosystems. The taxonomy and biogeography of leeches from temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions attracted much attention of zoologists, while their taxonomic richness and distribution in the Arctic are poorly understood. Here, we present an overview of the Eurasian Arctic Glossiphoniidae based on the most comprehensive occurrence and DNA sequence datasets sampled to date. This fauna contains 14 species, belonging to five genera and three subfamilies. One genus and five species are new to science and described here. The world’s northernmost occurrences of glossiphoniids are situated on the Taymyr Peninsula at 72Β° N, although further records at higher latitudes are expected. Most Arctic leeches are characterized by broad ranges crossing several climatic zones (e.g., Glossiphonia balcanica and G. nebulosa), although the distribution of two new species may be confined to the high-latitude areas. The Taymyr Peninsula with the nearby Putorana Plateau represents the most species-rich area (totally 9 species), while the European Arctic, Iceland, Kolyma Highland, and Chukotka Peninsula house depleted faunas (2–4 species per subregion). Finally, we show that the high-latitude melanism is a common phenomenon in glossiphoniid leeches