21 research outputs found

    Cyclooxygenase-2 is Involved in the Progression of Thyroid Cancer

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    Although the inducible form of cyclooxygenase (COX), COX-2, is highly expressed in various cancers and it is also involved in cancer progression, its role in thyroid cancer is not fully understood. We assessed in the situ cyclooxygenase expression in normal thyroids (n=6), Graves\u27 thyroids (n=6), thyroid adenomas (n=12), thyroid follicular (n=15) and papillary carcinomas (n=30). In comparison to the constitutive expression of COX-1, COX-2 was highly expressed in thyroid cancers (90.0% of thyroid papillary carcinomas and 73.3% of thyroid follicular carcinomas) and moderately in thyroid adenomas (25.5%), but barely expressed in normal and Graves\u27 thyroid tissues. This quantitative assessment employed immunohistochemical methods. Thereafter we compared the effect of COX-2 inhibition on a human follicular thyroid carcinoma cell line (WRO), and a human papillary carcinoma cell line (NPA), using selective COX-2 inhibitor(NS-398). The treatment with 50 μM NS-398 suppressed the growth of the COX-2 expressing cells, NPA cells (37.7%;p<0.01) and WRO cells (10.1%;p<0.05). Moreover, at concentrations ? 100 μM, NS-398 induced cell death a mitochondrial dysfunction. In addition, 50 μM of NS-398 inhibited the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase in NPA cells after the stimulation with fetal bovine serum. Our results indicate that COX-2 is involved in the progression of thyroid cancer

    Change in Haematuria and Proteinuria Levels in Urinary Schistosomiasis after Treatment with Praziquantel : Population-based Study in a Kenyan Community

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    In order to investigate efficacy of praziquantel (biltricide) on morbidity related to Schistosoma haematobium infection, 300 subjects of which 219 had eggs in the urine were examined for urinary eggs, blood and protein before and three months after treatment. Haematuria and proteinuria disappeared in 80.4% and 75.5% of the studied subjects respectively. The disappearance rates were not related to pre-treatment levels of haematuria and proteinuria. The rates both for haematuria and proteinuria were significantly lower in the age group 15 years and over than in the younger age group. Parasitologically, praziquantel cured 85.3% of the egg positives and reduced the mean egg count by 98.2%

    Dedifferentiation of Human Primary Thyrocytes into Multilineage Progenitor Cells without Gene Introduction

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    While identification and isolation of adult stem cells have potentially important implications, recent reports regarding dedifferentiation/reprogramming from differentiated cells have provided another clue to gain insight into source of tissue stem/progenitor cells. In this study, we developed a novel culture system to obtain dedifferentiated progenitor cells from normal human thyroid tissues. After enzymatic digestion, primary thyrocytes, expressing thyroglobulin, vimentin and cytokeratin-18, were cultured in a serum-free medium called SAGM. Although the vast majority of cells died, a small proportion (∼0.5%) survived and proliferated. During initial cell expansion, thyroglobulin/cytokeratin-18 expression was gradually declined in the proliferating cells. Moreover, sorted cells expressing thyroid peroxidase gave rise to proliferating clones in SAGM. These data suggest that those cells are derived from thyroid follicular cells or at least thyroid-committed cells. The SAGM-grown cells did not express any thyroid-specific genes. However, after four-week incubation with FBS and TSH, cytokeratin-18, thyroglobulin, TSH receptor, PAX8 and TTF1 expressions re-emerged. Moreover, surprisingly, the cells were capable of differentiating into neuronal or adipogenic lineage depending on differentiating conditions. In summary, we have developed a novel system to generate multilineage progenitor cells from normal human thyroid tissues. This seems to be achieved by dedifferentiation of thyroid follicular cells. The presently described culture system may be useful for regenerative medicine, but the primary importance will be as a tool to elucidate the mechanisms of thyroid diseases

    Differentiation between Viable and Dead Cryptosporidium Oocysts Using Fluorochrome Staining

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    The use of nucleic acid staining with a fluorochrome dye to differentiate viable and dead (heat-killed) Cryptosporidium oocysts was assessed. The specificities (percentage of unstained viable oocysts) and sensitivities (percentage of stained dead oocysts) of the seven tested dyes (SYTO-17® and SYTO-59® to 64®) ranged from 65 to 76% (average 71%) and 83 to 95% (average 91%), respectively. SYTO-59 and SYTO-17 imparted greater color (4+) intensity than the other dyes (2+ or less). Of these two dyes, SYTO-17 exhibited more brightness and slower discoloration and was selected for use in further experiments. The optimum staining time for SYTO-17 at 37℃ was one hour or more (sensitivity of 96%). Dye concentrations of 20 and 30 μM resulted in maximal color intensity, and no further improvement was observed with further increases in dye concentration. Staining a mixture of viable and dead oocysts (1:1 ratio) with 20 μM dye at 37℃ for one hour yielded the expected results (approximately 50%), but no remarkable increase in the percent staining with time (up to 8 hours) was observed. In this study, no ghost oocysts were observed. The present study indicated that the fluorogenic nucleic acid dye SYTO-17 could be used to discriminate between live and dead Cryptosporidium oocysts

    Clinicopathological Analysis of the Expression of CD44v6 in Primary Thyroid Cancer and Recurrent Regional Lymph Nodes

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    Although the prognosis of differentiated thyroid cancer is generally favorable, some patients develop progressive disease resulting in a life-threatening condition and occasionally fatal outcome. CD44v6 is known to be a marker linked to distant metastasis in several types of human malignancy. In the present study, we analyzed the expression of CD44v6 in primary tumors and recurrent disease in the regional lymph node and evaluated its correlation with clinical variables and prognostic factors in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. CD44v6 expression in the primary tumor was immunohistochemically detected in 58 of 79 patients (73%). Among parameters investigated, none except patient age showed a correlation with CD44v6 expression; the rate of positivity for CD44v6 was significantly higher (p=0.023) in patients aged 50 years or less than in those aged over 50 years. During the follow-up period, 14 patients were found to have recurrent cancer in regional lymph nodes, and among these, distant metastases were later detected in bones and/or lungs in 6 patients. Although an overall correlation between the expression of CD44v6 in the regional recurrent site and in distant metastasis was not statistically significant, there was a tendency that patients with positive CD44v6 in the regional lymph nodes subsequently developed distant matastases. CD44v6 appears to play an important role in tumor progression in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer, particularly in terms of recurrent disease in regional lymph nodes

    Short report: possible Cryptosporidium muris infection in humans.

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    Oocysts of cryptosporidia whose morphology resembled that of Cryptosporidium muris were found in the stool of 2 healthy girls in Surabaya, Indonesia. The oocysts were predominantly oval and measured 7.75+/-0.17 x 5.55+/-0.13 microm (mean+/-SD). The number of oocysts excreted were more than 10(5) per gram of stool. The oocysts were well stained with fluorescein-conjugated monoclonal antibody to Cryptosporidium. The specimens from both girls containing the oocysts showed a positive result by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers specific for the genus Cryptosporidium, but a negative result by the PCR using primers specific for C. parvum. The 2 girls passed oocysts for 5 and 6 days, respectively. They did not complain of any symptoms during the passage of oocysts

    Short report: possible Cryptosporidium muris infection in humans.

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    Oocysts of cryptosporidia whose morphology resembled that of Cryptosporidium muris were found in the stool of 2 healthy girls in Surabaya, Indonesia. The oocysts were predominantly oval and measured 7.75+/-0.17 x 5.55+/-0.13 microm (mean+/-SD). The number of oocysts excreted were more than 10(5) per gram of stool. The oocysts were well stained with fluorescein-conjugated monoclonal antibody to Cryptosporidium. The specimens from both girls containing the oocysts showed a positive result by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers specific for the genus Cryptosporidium, but a negative result by the PCR using primers specific for C. parvum. The 2 girls passed oocysts for 5 and 6 days, respectively. They did not complain of any symptoms during the passage of oocysts

    Minimal laparotomy management of a giant ovarian cystic teratoma in adolescence

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    Giant ovarian cysts in adolescents are very rare. Those treatment by laparotomy or laparoscopic surgery is discussed with gynecologists and pediatric surgeons because its limited working space and risk of rupture and malignancy. We present a case of minimal laparotomy management of a giant ovarian cystic teratoma in adolescent. A 13-year-old girl presented with abdominal pain and constipation. A CT scan showed a giant simple ovarian cystic tumor in her abdomen measuring 29 × 13 × 24 cm. We made a 3-cm Pfannenstiel incision and inserted an Alexis wound retractor XS. The cyst was completely aspirated without spillage in the intraperitoneal space. In total, 6L of murky brown fluid was aspirated from the cyst. There was no ovarian tissue visible on the cyst wall. The left tube and right ovary and tube were intact. The cyst wall and left ovary tube were dissected free by using a LigaSure. Postoperative recovery was uneventful. Pathological assessment revealed a mature cystic teratoma. The ovarian tissue was included in the part of the cyst wall. We were able to safely perform with minimal laparotomy. Therefore, we consider the for cases of giant ovarian tumors, minimal laparotomy surgery is useful from the safety and cosmetic perspective