77 research outputs found

    上顎の形態発生におけるWnt signaling pathwayの役割

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    Cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CLP) usually results from a failure of the medial nasal prominences to fuse with the lateral and maxillary prominences. This failure inhibits facial morphogenesis regulated by several major morphogenetic signaling pathways. We hypothesized that CLP results from the failure of the Wnt signaling pathway. To examine whether Wnt signaling can influences upper jaw development, we applied beads soaked with Dickkopf-1 (Dkk-1), Alsterpaullone (AL) or Wnt3a to the right side of the maxillary prominence of the chick embryo. The embryo showed a defect of the maxilla on the treated side, and skeletal staining revealed hypoplasia of the premaxilla and palatine bone as a result of Dkk-1-soaked bead implantation. 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU)-positive cell numbers in the treated maxillary prominence were significantly lower at both 24 and 48 hr after implantation. Down-regulation of the expression of Bmp4, Tbx22, Sox9, and Barx1 was confirmed in the maxillary prominence treated with Dkk-1, which indicated that the deformity of the maxillary bone was controlled by gene targets of the Wnt signaling pathway. Expression of N-cadherin was seen immunohistochemically in the maxillary prominences of embryos at 6 hr and increased at 24 hr after AL treatment. Wnt signaling enhanced by AL or Wnt3a up-regulated the expression levels of Msx1, Bmp4, Tbx22, Sox9, and Barx1. Our data suggest that the Wnt signaling pathway regulates maxillary morphogenesis and growth through Bmp4, Tbx22, Sox9, and Barx1. Wnt signaling might regulate N-cadherin expression via Msx1, resulting in cell aggregation for osteochondrogenesis.博士(医学)・乙第1430号・令和元年6月26日© 2019 The Japan Society of Histochemistry and CytochemistryCopyright: © 2019 The author. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, istribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.J-STAGEへのリンク : http://dx.doi.org/10.1267/ahc.1803

    Control of phosphate appetite in young rats

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    In the present study, we investigated whether a diet deficient in inorganic phosphate (Pi) stimulates an ingestive behavior to seek sources of Pi. Male Wistar rats were placed in individual cages with unrestricted access to tap water and a low (LPD, 0.02% Pi) or normal (NPD, 0.6% Pi) Pi diet for 6 days. On day 7, LDP rats were given unlimited access to a solution of 25 mM potassium phosphate water (Pi-water) for 9 additional days. Rats fed LPD consumed 70-100% more Pi-water then those fed NPD. The increase in Pi-water intake resulted in a marked rise in the growth rate of rats fed LPD during day 9. A similar intake of Pi was induced after only 2 days of LPD and was associated with significant reductions in both plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of Pi ; these levels remained low throughout Pi restriction, despite a significant intake of Pi-water. Replenishment with a high-Pi diet rapidly quenched the appetite for Pi-water and was associated with restoration of both plasma and CSF Pi levels. These findings suggest that an appetite for Pi can be induced in rats, perhaps through lowered plasma and CSF Pi levels

    Effect of dietary components on renal inorganic phosphate (Pi) excretion induced by a Pi-depleted diet

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    Dietary inorganic phosphate (Pi) is the most important factor in the regulation of renal Pi excretion. Recent studies suggest the presence of an enteric-renal signaling axis for dietary Pi as well as the existence of a mechanism by which the intestine detects changes in luminal Pi concentrations. The mechanisms of intestinal Pi sensing, however, are unknown. In the present study, we focused on Pi depletion signals and investigated the effects of dietary components on intestinal Pi sensing. After feeding rats experimental diets for 3 days, we investigated urinary Pi excretion and plasma biochemical parameters. Renal Pi excretion was suppressed in rats fed a low-Pi diet (0.02% Pi). Elimination of dietary calcium (Ca) completely blocked the suppression of Pi excretion, suggesting that the presence of Ca is essential for the Pi depletion signal. Furthermore, a minimum Ca content of more than 0.02% was necessary for the Pi depletion signal. Magnesium, lanthanum, and strontium, which are agonists of calcium sensing receptor, instead of Ca, reduced Pi excretion.Therefore, dietary Ca appears to be important for the Pi depletion-sensing mechanism in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the calcium sensing receptor may be involved in the Pi depletion signal

    作業療法士と歯科衛生士を目指す学生の高齢者に対する意識調査 : 祖父母との同居経験の有無から

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    近年の学生と関わるなかで,人と関わる経験を積み重ねていないと感じることがある.現に,入学後に初めて異年齢交流を経験する学生も多く存在する.また,現代の核家族化などにより高齢者とかかわる経験が非常に乏しくなっている.リハビリの専門職である作業療法士や口腔ケアの専門職である歯科衛生士を目指す学生としては,高齢社会の現状を把握し高齢者に対応できる人材となる必要がある.今回,学生たちの高齢社会に対する意識を知るために高齢者との「交流経験」と「交流に対する今後の意識」といった具体的な交流経験を含んだ質問紙によるアンケート調査を行なった.その結果,同居の有無や作業療法学生と歯科衛生学生に関係はなく,高齢者との具体的な交流内容により経験や意識に違いがあることが分かった.In recent interactions with students, the feeling has emerged that today\u27s students have not accumulated experiences of social contact with others. In fact, it has become clear that many students do not experience interaction with individuals outside their own age group until they have completed their education. However, students pursuing a career as an occupational therapist or dental hygienist are expected to develop the ability to understand the condition of elderly individuals and respond appropriately and adequately. Although students in such programs receive appropriate practical training and education, further training is obviously required. In order to identify students\u27 attitudes towards the elderly, a study was conducted using a questionnaire containing items regarding specific social interactions, such as the experience of interacting with elderly individuals, and attitudes about meeting elderly individuals in the future. The results indicated that regardless of whether students are living with their grandparents or not, or whether students are studying occupational therapy or dental hygiene, their experiences and attitudes depend on their actual current social contact with elderly individuals. Based on these results, the present article discusses the type of training and education regarding the elderly that should be provided for students

    Testing a computational model of causative overgeneralizations: Child judgment and production data from English, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese and K'iche'.

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    How do language learners avoid the production of verb argument structure overgeneralization errors ( *The clown laughed the man c.f. The clown made the man laugh), while retaining the ability to apply such generalizations productively when appropriate? This question has long been seen as one that is both particularly central to acquisition research and particularly challenging. Focussing on causative overgeneralization errors of this type, a previous study reported a computational model that learns, on the basis of corpus data and human-derived verb-semantic-feature ratings, to predict adults' by-verb preferences for less- versus more-transparent causative forms (e.g., * The clown laughed the man vs The clown made the man laugh) across English, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese and K'iche Mayan. Here, we tested the ability of this model (and an expanded version with multiple hidden layers) to explain binary grammaticality judgment data from children aged 4;0-5;0, and elicited-production data from children aged 4;0-5;0 and 5;6-6;6 ( N=48 per language). In general, the model successfully simulated both children's judgment and production data, with correlations of r=0.5-0.6 and r=0.75-0.85, respectively, and also generalized to unseen verbs. Importantly, learners of all five languages showed some evidence of making the types of overgeneralization errors - in both judgments and production - previously observed in naturalistic studies of English (e.g., *I'm dancing it). Together with previous findings, the present study demonstrates that a simple learning model can explain (a) adults' continuous judgment data, (b) children's binary judgment data and (c) children's production data (with no training of these datasets), and therefore constitutes a plausible mechanistic account of the acquisition of verbs' argument structure restrictions

    介護老人保健施設入所高齢者の作業提示方法の違い : 逆唱検査結果と作業効率の違いについて

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    本研究では、介護老人保健施設に6ケ月以上入所している高齢者に、作業提示方法による作業効率の違いを検討した. 作業の遂行に一時的必要となる作業記憶にも着眼した. 作業記憶を簡便に評価できる数字の逆唱を対象者におこない、対象者を逆唱の良好群と不良群の2群に分けた. 各群の対象者に4種類の作業構成の作業と、1種類の作業を繰り返しおこなう、2つの作業を提示し期間をあけて実施した. 2つの作業の作業効率の違いを検討するために、作業実施後にTMT-A、TMT-B、作業の実施前後にフリッカー検査をおこなって分析した. 不良群は2つの作業間でのTMT-Bに有意な正の相関を認めず、2つの作業提示方法において作業効率に違いがあると推察した. 逆唱が不良な高齢者に作業活動を提示する場合、組織だった行為を要する、簡単な複数の作業を一貫して順番に提示することが作業効率に違いがあることが示唆された.In the present study, the difference of the work efficiency according to the method of presenting work to senior citizen who had been the be imprisoned for six months or more to the geriatric health service facility was examined. It aimed it also at the working memory that became temporary necessary for accomplishing work. Reverse-backward of the figure that was handily appreciable of the working memory was done to the object person. The object person was divided into two crowds an excellent group and a defective group of reverse-backward. Two work done to each crowd\u27s object person repeating the work of four kinds of work compositions and one kind of work was presented, and the period was opened and executed. After work is executed, TMT-A, TMT-B to examine the difference of the work efficiency of two work. It analyzed it inspecting the flicker before and after the execution of work. A defective group is TMT-B between two work. It was guessed that a significant, positive correlation was not admitted in TMT-B, and there was a difference in the work efficiency in the method of presenting two work