3 research outputs found

    Hepatitis B infection awareness, vaccine perceptions and uptake, and serological profile of a group of health care workers in Yaoundé, Cameroon

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    Abstract Background Cameroon is one of the countries in Africa with the highest burden of Hepatitis B infection. Health care workers are known to be at risk of occupational exposure to blood and other infectious bodily fluids. The aim of this study was to assess the profile of serological markers of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, knowledge and perceptions regarding HBV infection among health care workers in a health area in Yaoundé. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Mvog-Ada Health Area of the Djoungolo Health District from March 1 to November 31, 2014. All consenting health care workers were included in the study. Serological markers of HBV (HBs Ag, Hbe Ag, anti-HBs Ab, anti-HBe Ab, anti-HBc Ab) were qualitatively tested using Biotech®(OneHBV-5 parameter rapid test website) in each participant and the anti-HBs antibodies were quantified by ELISA (Biorex) among those who were positive with the qualitative test. Chi square test or its equivalents were used to compare qualitative variables and a p-value less than or equal to 0.05 was considered significant. Result A total of 100 participants were retained for the study out of 163 in the health area giving a response rate of 61.34 %; the mean age was 30.5 (SD 6.8) years and 71 % of participants were women. Forty seven percent (47 %) of workers had good level of knowledge of HBV infection. The men were 3.20 times (95 % CI: 1.02–9.19, p = 0.04) more likely to have a good level of knowledge than women. Participants with a university study level were more (95 % CI: 3.17–25, p < 0.0001) likely to have a good level of knowledge than those with a high school study level. Ninety-six percent of participants thought that they were at a greater risk of becoming infected with HBV than the general population, 93 % felt that the vaccine should be compulsory and all (100 %) were willing to recommend it to others. However, only 19 % had received at least one dose of the vaccine. The proportion of HBs Ag was 11 %. The different serological profiles with regard to HBV infection were naive subjects (62 %), chronic carriers (11 %), vaccinated (19 %) and subjects naturally immunized (8 %). Three out of the 19 participants who received at least one dose of the vaccine, only 9 (47.4 %) of whom had titers ≥100 IU/l indicating a good response to vaccination. Among those who received three doses of the vaccine (n = 12, 63 %), 2 (16, 66 %) had poor response to vaccination (HBs Ab titers < 100 IU/l). Conclusion The prevalence of HBs Ag among health care workers in the Mvog-Ada Health Area is high (11 %). These workers are at high risk of HBV infection because of very low vaccine uptake and poor post-exposure practices. Their knowledge of HBV infection is non-optimal

    Activité physique, risques cardiovasculaires et qualité de vie chez les personnes âgées de 50 ans et plus vivant avec le VIH au Cameroun

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    In Cameroon, few data exist on the nature of cardiovascular risk factors and on the quality of life of elderly people living with HIV (PLHIV). The aim of this thesis was to study cardiovascular risks and the impact of physical activity on the quality of life of PLHIV aged 50 and over. A cross-sectional study was conducted to identify cardiovascular risk factors, physical activity levels and quality of life in PLHIV. The study used a calculator to estimate cardiovascular risk in 10 years' time and a connected box to detect the three predictors of stroke; the Ricci Gagnon questionnaire for physical activity, the WHOQOL HIV Brief for quality of life, and the sandwich ELISA method to quantify Il-6 and CRP in them. Estimates of moderate and high overall cardiovascular risk in 10 years were 33% and 16.10% respectively. 16% had obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 39% an autonomic nervous system imbalance and 6% suffered from cardiac rhythm disorders, including 1% atrial fibrillation. 56.60% were inactive; 43.40% felt they had a good quality of life and 65.40% a good state of health. Heart rate variability was low in the inactive group (P= 0.03). High levels of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 levels about 10 times higher in them. PLHIV aged 50 and over have a high overall risk of cardiovascular events and chronic inflammation. Physical activity remains highly inadequate, with autonomic nervous system dysautonomia influencing heart rate variability.Au Cameroun, peu des données existent sur la nature des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires et sur la qualité de vie des personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) âgées. Le but de cette thèse était d’étudier les risques cardiovasculaires et l’impact de l’activité physique sur la qualité de vie PVVIH âgées de 50 ans et plus. Une étude transversale a été menée pour identifier les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, le niveau d’activité physique et la qualité de vie des PVVIH. L'étude a utilisé une calculette pour estimer le risque cardiovasculaire dans 10 ans et un boîtier connecté pour détecter les trois prédicteurs de l'AVC ; le questionnaire Ricci Gagnon pour l'activité physique, le WHOQOL HIV Brief pour la qualité de vie, et la méthode ELISA sandwich pour quantifier l'Il-6 et la CRP chez eux. Les estimations du risque cardiovasculaire global modéré et élevé dans 10 ans étaient de 33 % et 16,10 % respectivement. 16% de syndrome d'apnée obstructive du sommeil, 39% un déséquilibre du système nerveux autonome et 6% souffraient de troubles du rythme cardiaque dont 1% de fibrillation auriculaire. 56,60 % d’inactifs; 43,40 % estimaient avoir une bonne qualité de vie et 65,40 % un bon état de santé. La Variabilité de la Fréquence Cardiaque était faible chez les inactifs (P= 0,03). Des taux élevés de protéine C-réactive et les taux d’interleukine-6 environ 10 fois plus élevés chez eux. Les PVVIH âgées de 50 ans et plus présentent un risque global élevé d'événements cardiovasculaires et une inflammation chronique. L'activité physique reste très insuffisante, la dysautonomie du système nerveux autonome influençant la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque

    Physical activity and quality of life of people aged 50 and over living with HIV/AIDS: A cross-sectional study in a cohort in Yaounde, Cameroon

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    Introduction: HIV infection has become a chronic disease. Management has shifted to the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. Regular physical activity (PA) reduces the impact of HIV. Our objectives were to determine levels of PA, assess quality of life (QoL) and determine the degree to which Brief WHOQOLHIV domains and PA influence QoL in older PLHIV. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study between March 2020 and March 2021 among 136 older PLHIV at Mvog Ada District Hospital in Yaoundé. Two questionnaires were administered to assess the level of PA (Ricci and Gagnon) and the brief WHOQOL HIV. A bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Result: The mean age of the participants was 57.07 ± 6.7 years and the female/male ratio was 1.6. Physical inactivity was found in 56.60% of the participants; 43.40% of them felt they had a good quality of life and 65.40% had a good health status. The environmental domain and social relationship had low scores compared to the spiritual domain and the level of independence. Scores for the different domains were higher in active participants than in inactive participants; with the psychological domain more related to physical inactivity (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Physical activity remains very insufficient among PLHIV aged 50 years and over. There is a need to encourage regular physical activity among PLHIV, and adapted physical activity programs should be developed for people living with HIV in sub-Saharan countries