52 research outputs found

    Conformational Preferences of a 14-Residue Fibrillogenic Peptide from Acetylcholinesterase†

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    A 14-residue fragment from near the C-terminus of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is believed to have a neurotoxic/neurotrophic effect acting via an unknown pathway. While the peptide is α-helical in the full-length enzyme, the structure and association mechanism of the fragment are unknown. Using multiple molecular dynamics simulations, starting from a tetrameric complex of the association domain of AChE and systematicall disassembled subsets that include the peptide fragment, we show that the fragment is incapable of retaining its helicity in solution. Extensive replica exchange Monte Carlo folding and unfolding simulations in implicit solvent with capped and uncappted termini failed to converge to any consistent cluster of structures, suggesting that the fragment remains largely unstructured in solution under the conditions considered. Furthermore, extended molecular dynamics simulations of two steric zipper models show that the peptide is likely to form a zipper with antiparallel sheets and that peptides with mutations known to prevent fibril formation likely do so by interfering with this packing. The results demonstrate how the local environment of a peptide can stabilize a particular conformation

    The Magnitude and Mechanism of Charge Enhancement of CH∙∙O H-bonds

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    Quantum calculations find that neutral methylamines and thioethers form complexes, with N-methylacetamide (NMA) as proton acceptor, with binding energies of 2–5 kcal/mol. This interaction is magnified by a factor of 4–9, bringing the binding energy up to as much as 20 kcal/mol, when a CH3+ group is added to the proton donor. Complexes prefer trifurcated arrangements, wherein three separate methyl groups donate a proton to the O acceptor. Binding energies lessen when the systems are immersed in solvents of increasing polarity, but the ionic complexes retain their favored status even in water. The binding energy is reduced when the methyl groups are replaced by longer alkyl chains. The proton acceptor prefers to associate with those CH groups that are as close as possible to the S/N center of the formal positive charge. A single linear CH··O hydrogen bond (H-bond) is less favorable than is trifurcation with three separate methyl groups. A trifurcated arrangement with three H atoms of the same methyl group is even less favorable. Various means of analysis, including NBO, SAPT, NMR, and electron density shifts, all identify the +CH··O interaction as a true H-bond

    pH-Induced Conformational Change Of The Influenza M2 Protein C-Terminal Domain

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    The M2 protein from influenza A is a pH-activated proton channel that plays an essential role in the viral life cycle and serves as a drug target. Using spin labeling EPR spectroscopy, we studied a 38-residue M2 peptide spanning the transmembrane region and its C-terminal extension. We obtained residue-specific environmental parameters under both high- and low-pH conditions for nine consecutive C-terminal sites. The reo,ion forms a membrane surface helix at both high and low pH, although the arrangement of the monomers within the tetramer changes with pH. Both electrophysiology and EPR data point to a critical role for residue Lys 49