43 research outputs found

    Motion-Induced Scotoma

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    The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The research leading to these results received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007–2013)/ERC Grant Agreement No. AG324070 to P. C.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Tactile motion adaptation reduces perceived speed but shows no evidence of direction sensitivity

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    Introduction: While the directionality of tactile motion processing has been studied extensively, tactile speed processing and its relationship to direction is little-researched and poorly understood. We investigated this relationship in humans using the ‘tactile speed aftereffect’ (tSAE), in which the speed of motion appears slower following prolonged exposure to a moving surface. Method: We used psychophysical methods to test whether the tSAE is direction sensitive. After adapting to a ridged moving surface with one hand, participants compared the speed of test stimuli on the adapted and unadapted hands. We varied the direction of the adapting stimulus relative to the test stimulus. Results: Perceived speed of the surface moving at 81 mms−1 was reduced by about 30% regardless of the direction of the adapting stimulus (when adapted in the same direction, Mean reduction = 23 mms−1, SD = 11; with opposite direction, Mean reduction = 26 mms−1, SD = 9). In addition to a large reduction in perceived speed due to adaptation, we also report that this effect is not direction sensitive. Conclusions: Tactile motion is susceptible to speed adaptation. This result complements previous reports of reliable direction aftereffects when using a dynamic test stimulus as together they describe how perception of a moving stimulus in touch depends on the immediate history of stimulation. Given that the tSAE is not direction sensitive, we argue that peripheral adaptation does not explain it, because primary afferents are direction sensitive with friction-creating stimuli like ours (thus motion in their preferred direction should result in greater adaptation, and if perceived speed were critically dependent on these afferents’ response intensity, the tSAE should be direction sensitive). The adaptation that reduces perceived speed therefore seems to be of central origin

    Proprioceptive Movement Illusions Due to Prolonged Stimulation: Reversals and Aftereffects

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    Background. Adaptation to constant stimulation has often been used to investigate the mechanisms of perceptual coding, but the adaptive processes within the proprioceptive channels that encode body movement have not been well described. We investigated them using vibration as a stimulus because vibration of muscle tendons results in a powerful illusion of movement. Methodology/Principal Findings. We applied sustained 90 Hz vibratory stimulation to biceps brachii, an elbow flexor and induced the expected illusion of elbow extension (in 12 participants). There was clear evidence of adaptation to the movement signal both during the 6-min long vibration and on its cessation. During vibration, the strong initial illusion of extension waxed and waned, with diminishing duration of periods of illusory movement and occasional reversals in the direction of the illusion. After vibration there was an aftereffect in which the stationary elbow seemed to move into flexion. Muscle activity shows no consistent relationship with the variations in perceived movement. Conclusion. We interpret the observed effects as adaptive changes in the central mechanisms that code movement in direction-selective opponent channels

    Somatosensory space abridged: rapid change in tactile localization using a motion stimulus.

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    INTRODUCTION: Organization of tactile input into somatotopic maps enables us to localize stimuli on the skin. Temporal relationships between stimuli are important in maintaining the maps and influence perceived locations of discrete stimuli. This points to the spatiotemporal stimulation sequences experienced as motion as a potential powerful organizing principle for spatial maps. We ask whether continuity of the motion determines perceived location of areas in the motion path using a novel tactile stimulus designed to 'convince' the brain that a patch of skin does not exist by rapidly skipping over it. METHOD: Two brushes, fixed 9 cm apart, moved back and forth along the forearm (at 14.5 cm s-1), crossing a 10-cm long 'occluder', which prevented skin stimulation in the middle of the motion path. Crucially, only one brush contacted the skin at any one time, and the occluder was traversed almost instantaneously. Participants pointed with the other arm towards the felt location of the brush when it was briefly halted during repetitive motion, and also reported where they felt they had been brushed. RESULTS: Participants did not report the 10-cm gap in stimulation - the motion path was perceptually completed. Pointing results showed that brush path was 'abridged': locations immediately on either side of the occluder, as well as location at the ends of the brush path, were perceived to be >3 cm closer to each other than in the control condition (F(1,9) = 7.19; p = .025 and F(1,9) = 6.02, p = .037 respectively). This bias increased with prolonged stimulation. CONCLUSIONS: An illusion of completion induced by our Abridging stimulus is accompanied by gross mislocalization, suggesting that motion determines perceived locations. The effect reveals the operation of Gestalt principles in touch and suggests the existence of dynamic maps that quickly adjust to the current input pattern

    Results of the pointing task.

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    <p>A) Mean localization responses to targets A, B, C, D and E for each run in each session. Error bars represent 95% CIs for within-subject designs <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0090892#pone.0090892-Cousineau1" target="_blank">[19]</a>. Targets are indicated on the scaled illustration of the forearm. The grey box across both panels represents the location of the occluder, which was removed from the arm during each Baseline run (Base 1 and Base 2, green symbols). Lines connect responses to the same target location at different moments in time. Order of runs along the x axis is the same as their order of presentation in the experiment. Note a large pointing bias towards the middle of the forearm during the Short (black symbols) and Long (red symbols) runs in the Double condition (left panel). B) Distance between mean responses to the external targets (A and E) and internal targets (B and D) expressed as a deviation from Baseline 1. Positive values indicate compressive mislocalization. Note compressive mislocalization is present in the Double condition (diamonds) but not Single (squares) for BD (left panel), and is much greater in the Double than Single condition for AE (right panel). C) Left panel of the figure illustrates two directions of brush approach (Bridging and Non-bridging) for targets B and D. Right panel shows the distance between responses to targets B and D in the combined Long runs (Long 1,2) as a function of direction of brush approach. Distances are expressed relative to Baseline 1 (as above). Note that both brush approaches in the Double condition result in compressive mislocalization, but that it is greater with the Bridging (blue) than the Non-bridging (green) approach; the Single condition shows no bias for either direction.</p

    Scrambling the skin: A psychophysical study of adaptation to scrambled tactile apparent motion

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    Copyright: © 2020 Seizova-Cajic et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. An age-old hypothesis proposes that object motion across the receptor surface organizes sensory maps (Lotze, 19th century). Skin patches learn their relative positions from the order in which they are stimulated during motion events. We propose that reversing the local motion within a global motion sequence (‘motion scrambling’) provides a good test for this idea, and present results of the first experiment implementing the paradigm. We used 6-point apparent motion along the forearm. In the Scrambled sequence, two middle locations were touched in reversed order (1-2-4-3-5-6, followed by 6-5-3-4-2-1, in a continuous loop). This created a double U-turn within an otherwise constant-velocity motion, as if skin patches 3 and 4 physically swapped locations. The control condition, Orderly, proceeded at constant velocity at inter-stimulus onset interval of 120 ms. The 26.4-minute conditioning (delivered in twenty-four 66-s bouts) was interspersed with testing of perceived motion direction between the two middle tactors presented on their own (sequence 3–4 or 4–3). Our twenty participants reported motion direction. Direction discrimination was degraded following exposure to Scrambled pattern and was 0.31 d’ weaker than following Orderly conditioning (p = .007). Consistent with the proposed role of motion, this could be the beginning of re-learning of relative positions. An alternative explanation is that greater speed adaptation occurred in the Scrambled pattern, raising direction threshold. In future studies, longer conditioning should tease apart the two explanations: our re-mapping hypothesis predicts an overall reversal in perceived motion direction between critical locations (for either motion direction), whereas the speed adaptation alternative predicts chance-level performance at worst, without reversing

    Consistencies and inconsistencies in perception of position and pointing

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    ‘Abridging’ stimulus.

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    <p>The stimulus was applied to the forearm using two rigidly connected brushes that moved proximal to distal and distal to proximal. Only one brush touched the skin at any moment because in the middle of the forearm was a metal ‘occluder’ that prevented brush stimulation of the skin underneath. Critically, as the proximal brush climbed onto the occluder, the distal brush descended onto the skin (t2–t3), and continued to move in the same direction (t4), creating a fragmented motion path but almost no interruption in time. Direction was then reversed and the sequence repeated many times (see Method).</p