52 research outputs found

    Micropropagation as Means of Rapid Multiplication of Newly Developed Blackberry and Black Currant Cultivars

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    Newly developed blackberry cultivar Čačanska bestrna was successfully micropropagated. For black currant, cv Čačanska crna further research should be done to optimize conditions for successful multiplication. Buds from the branches cut during dormancy (end of January) were used as the initial explants and set to develop under laboratory conditions at room temperature. Aseptic culture was established on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with BA 2.0, IBA 0.5 and GA3 0.1 mg 1-1. MS media with BA and IBA or NAA and GA3 were used for multiplication phase, whereas medium MS with mineral salts reduced to 1/2, organic complex unchanged according to MS, with 1.0 mg 1-1 IBA, 0.1 mg 1-1 GA3 and 1g 1-1 of active charcoal was used in the rooting phase. Well developed root system and high quality of rooted plants induced a high percentage of acclimatization (100%) of cv Čačanska bestrna under the ā€˜mystā€™ system in greenhouse whereas the percentage of acclimatization of cv Čačanska crna was low, 40%

    More on ā€œConnected (n, m)-graphs with minimum and maximum zeroth-order general Randić indexā€

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    AbstractLet G be a graph and d(u) denote the degree of a vertex u in G. The zeroth-order general Randić index 0RĪ±(G) of the graph G is defined as āˆ‘uāˆˆV(G)d(u)Ī±, where the summation goes over all vertices of G and Ī± is an arbitrary real number. In this paper we correct the proof of the main Theorem 3.5 of the paper by Hu etĀ al. [Y. Hu, X. Li, Y. Shi, T. Xu, Connected (n,m)-graphs with minimum and maximum zeroth-order general Randić index, Discrete Appl. Math. 155 (8) (2007) 1044ā€“1054] and give a more general Theorem. We finally characterize 11Note added in proof: We have learned in the meantime that correction of the main error and proof for Ī±āˆˆ(āˆ’1,0) have been obtained in ā€(n,m)- Graphs with maximum zeroth-order general Randić index for Ī±āˆˆ(āˆ’1,0)ā€ by X. Li, Y. Shi, MATCH, 62 (1) (2009). for Ī±<0 the connected G(n,m)-graphs with maximum value 0RĪ±(G(n,m)), where G(n,m) is a simple connected graph with n vertices and m edges

    Traumatic Blepharitis including Cutanous Changes with a Clinical Appearance of Immune-Mediated Disease

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    A four-year-old intact male Labrador retriever was presented with acute onset of ulcerative lesions around both eyes, on the mucocutaneous junctions around the muzzle and nares, and on the lateral aspects of paw pads. All lesions were symmetrical and well demarcated. The rest of ocular and systemic examination was unremarkable. The onset of lesions was acute and coincided with an episode of intense hunting in switchgrass. Similar lesions were present in another dog used in the same hunting trip. The clinical presentation was suggestive of a possible immune-mediated skin disease. However, the patient responded to systemic antibiotic treatment with full recovery without recurrence upon cessation of therapy. Traumatic origin should be included into differential diagnosis of mucocutaneous ulcerative lesions presenting as a possible immune-mediated skin disease

    Searching for Best Predictors of Paralinguistic Comprehension and Production of Emotions in Communication in Adults With Moderate Intellectual Disability

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    Paralinguistic comprehension and production of emotions in communication include the skills of recognizing and interpreting emotional states with the help of facial expressions, prosody and intonation. In the relevant scientific literature, the skills of paralinguistic comprehension and production of emotions in communication are related primarily to receptive language abilities, although some authors found also their correlations with intellectual abilities and acoustic features of the voice. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate which of the mentioned variables (receptive language ability, acoustic features of voice, intellectual ability, social-demographic), presents the most relevant predictor of paralinguistic comprehension and paralinguistic production of emotions in communication in adults with moderate intellectual disabilities (MID). The sample included 41 adults with MID, 20ā€“49 years of age (M = 34.34, SD = 7.809), 29 of whom had MID of unknown etiology, while 12 had Down syndrome. All participants are native speakers of Serbian. Two subscales from The Assessment Battery for Communication ā€“ Paralinguistic comprehension of emotions in communication and Paralinguistic production of emotions in communication, were used to assess the examinees from the aspect of paralinguistic comprehension and production skills. For the graduation of examinees from the aspect of assumed predictor variables, the following instruments were used: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test was used to assess receptive language abilities, Computerized Speech Lab (ā€œKay Elemetricsā€ Corp., model 4300) was used to assess acoustic features of voice, and Ravenā€™s Progressive Matrices were used to assess intellectual ability. Hierarchical regression analysis was applied to investigate to which extent the proposed variables present an actual predictor variables for paralinguistic comprehension and production of emotions in communication as dependent variables. The results of this analysis showed that only receptive language skills had statistically significant predictive value for paralinguistic comprehension of emotions (Ī² = 0.468, t = 2.236, p < 0.05), while the factor related to voice frequency and interruptions, form the domain of acoustic voice characteristics, displays predictive value for paralinguistic production of emotions (Ī² = 0.280, t = 2.076, p < 0.05). Consequently, this study, in the adult population with MID, evidenced a greater importance of voice and language in relation to intellectual abilities in understanding and producing emotions

    Insights into platinum-induced peripheral neuropathy-current perspective

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    Cancer is a global health problem that is often successfully addressed by therapy, with cancer survivors increasing in numbers and living longer world around. Although new cancer treatment options are continuously explored, platinum based chemotherapy agents remain in use due to their efficiency and availability. Unfortunately, all cancer therapies affect normal tissues as well as cancer, and more than 40 specific side effects of platinum based drugs documented so far decrease the quality of life of cancer survivors. Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is a frequent side effects of platinum-based chemotherapy agents. This cluster of complications is often so debilitating that patients occasionally have to discontinue the therapy. Sensory neurons of dorsal root ganglia are at the core of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy symptoms. In these postmitotic cells, DNA damage caused by platinum chemotherapy interferes with normal functioning. Accumulation of DNA-platinum adducts correlates with neurotoxic severity and development of sensation of pain. While biochemistry of DNA-platinum adducts is the same in all cell types, molecular mechanisms affected by DNA-platinum adducts are different in cancer cells and non-dividing cells. This review aims to raise awareness about platinum associated chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy as a medical problem that has remained unexplained for decades. We emphasize the complexity of this condition both from clinical and mechanistical point of view and focus on recent findings about chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in in vitro and in vivo model systems. Finally, we summarize current perspectives about clinical approaches for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy treatment

    Serumska koncentracija vitamina D u bolesnika s vulgarnom psorijazom

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    Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory systematic disease that primarily affects the skin. Various factors influence the disease outcome and severity, among which the influence of vitamin D serum levels could potentially be important for disease pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies. Aim: To analyze vitamin D serum levels in patients with psoriasis in comparison to healthy individuals, together with markers of inflammation and disease severity. Methods: The study included patients with psoriasis that formed the case group, while the control group consisted of healthy individuals. The investigated features were demographical data, body mass index (BMI), disease severity, vitamin D serum levels, inflammatory markers, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels. Results: The study included 112 participants, 60 in the case group and 52 in the control group with the median age of 49 years. Physical activity was higher in the control group, while the body mass and the BMI were higher in the case group. Participantsā€™ BMI negatively correlated to vitamin D serum levels, as well as C-reactive protein values in the control group and PTH in the case group. There was no significant difference in nicotine and alcohol consumption, sun exposure or vitamin D levels between the two groups. Conclusion: Both groups presented with vitamin D serum levels in the deficiency range. The seasons of the year and the participantsā€™ BMI affected vitamin D status. Vitamin D levels were equally distributed between the groups without influence on disease severity.Uvod: Vulgarna psorijaza kronična je, upalna, sustavna bolest koja se primarno očituje promjenama kože. Različiti čimbenici utječu na ishod liječenja i težinu ove bolesti, a među njima se posebno izdvaja potencijalno važna uloga serumskih koncentracija vitamina D kako u patogenezi tako i kao terapijska opcija. Cilj: Analiza serumskih koncentracija vitamina D u bolesnika koji boluju od vulgarne psorijaze u usporedbi sa zdravom kontrolnom skupinom, kao i procjena težine bolesti i utjecaja upalnih markera. Metode: U istraživanje su uključeni bolesnici koji boluju od vulgarne psorijaze i kontrolna zdrava skupina ispitanika. Istraživana su obilježja kao Å”to su osnovni demografski podaci, indeks tjelesne mase (BMI), klinički stupanj bolesti, serumske vrijednosti vitamina D, upalni parametri te vrijednosti paratireoidnog hormona (PTH). Rezultati: U istraživanje je uključeno 112 ispitanika, 60 oboljelih te 52 ispitanika u kontrolnoj skupini s medijanom dobi od 49 godina. Znatno je viÅ”a bila razina tjelesne aktivnosti u kontrolnoj skupini, dok su među oboljelima zabilježeni veća tjelesna masa i BMI. Utvrđena je negativna korelacija između serumskih vrijednosti vitamina D i BMI-ja, kao i razine C-reaktivnog proteina u kontrolnoj skupini, odnosno vrijednosti PTH-a u oboljelih. Prilikom ispitivanja utjecaja konzumacije alkohola i nikotina, izloženosti Sunčevim zrakama i serumskih vrijednosti vitamina B nije bilo znatnih razlika između skupina. Zaključak: Zabilježene su niske koncentracije vitamina D u obje skupine ispitanika. GodiÅ”nja doba i BMI utječu na razinu vitamina D. Nije uočena snižena koncentracija vitamina D u bolesnika sa psorijazom ili utjecaj na težinu bolesti

    Possibility of bleaching sunflower oil with synthetic zeolite

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    In this paper, the possibilities and effects of using domestic industrially produced zeolite for bleaching crude sunflower oil, compared to imported commercial bleaching earth, were examined. The parameters of the bleaching process in laboratory conditions were: temperature 95Ā°C, contact time 30 min, and mass fractions of bleaching agent in oil: 0.2, 1, 2 and 3%. The following methods were used to characterize the bleaching agents: XRD, FTIR, BET and SEM/EDS. The bleaching efficiency parameters were determined by laboratory methods prescribed by the relevant ordinance on edible vegetable oils, and included: soap content, peroxide value and fatty acid composition. The results of the research showed that the effects of bleaching sunflower oil with synthetic zeolite are similar to the effects of bleaching with imported commercial bleaching earth, with the former showing a slightly higher effectiveness in reducing the peroxide value

    Prevalencija četiri gena virulentnosti u sojevima Campylobacter jejuni izoliranima iz mesa brojlera u Srbiji

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    Campylobacter jejuni is a major cause of human diarrheal disease. The objective of this research study was to determine the prevalence of different virulence genes in isolates recovered from broiler meat at slaughterhouses in Serbia. Out of 115 Campylobacter spp. samples recovered, a total of 35 isolates were identified as C. jejuni on the basis of morphological, biochemical-based detection, multiplex PCR, and sequencing of the highly conserved region of the dnaJ gene encoding the DnaJ Hsp40 family protein. The isolates were screened for the presence of four pathogenic genes, namely flaA, cadF, cdtB, and cgtB, which are responsible for the expression of adherence, colonization, cytotoxin production in C. jejuni, and the onset of Guillain-Barre syndrome. The isolates showed a wide variation in the presence of these genes. All the isolates were positive for flaA. Furthermore, a high genetic heterogeneity in the C. jejuni population was found in this study, showing a pattern partially different from other reported virulence genes. Of the C. jejuni studied, 94.3%, 97.1% and 5.7% were positive for cadF, cdtB and cgtB, respectively. This study provides initial data on the prevalence and distribution of the flaA, cadF, cdtB, and cgtB genes in C. jejuni isolated from broiler meat in Serbia.Campylobacter jejuni vodeći je uzročnik crijevnih bolesti koje se očituju proljevom kod ljudi. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi prevalenciju različitih gena virulentnosti u izolatima dobivenima iz mesa brojlera u klaonicama u Srbiji. Na prisutnost vrsta roda Campylobacter spp. ukupno je pretraženo 115 uzoraka. MorfoloÅ”ko-biokemijskim pretragama, multipleks PCR tehnikom kao i sekvenciranjem visokoočuvane regije gena dnaJ, koji kodira sintezu proteina DnaJ iz obitelji proteina Hsp40, 35 izolata identificirano je kao C. jejuni. Izolati su pretraženi na prisutnost četiri gena patogenosti: flaA, cadF, cdtB i cgtB. Ti su geni odgovorni za ekspresiju adherencije, kolonizacije, sinteze citotoksina C. jejuni kao i nastanak Guillain-Barreova sindroma. Izolati su pokazali Å”iroku varijaciju u prisutnosti tih gena. Svi su izolati bili pozitivni na gen flaA, pri čemu je u populaciji C. jejuni iz ovoga istraživanja utvrđena visoka heterogenost u genetskoj strukturi, koja je djelomice različita od rezultata drugih autora. Kod 94,3 % izolata C. jejuni utvrđen je gen cadF, kod 97,1 % gen cdtB, a kod 5,7 % gen cgtB. Ovo istraživanje pruža početne podatke o prevalenciji i distribuciji gena flaA, cadF, cdtB i cgtB kod C. jejuni izoliranih iz mesa brojlera u klaonicama u Srbiji

    Acoustic features of voice in adults suffering from depression

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    In order to examine the differences in people suffering from depression (EG, N=18) compared to the healthy controls (CG1, N=24) and people with the diagnosed psychogenic voice disorder (CG2, N=9), nine acoustic features of voice were assessed among the total of 51 participants using the MDVP software programme (ā€œKay Elemetricsā€ Corp., model 4300). Nine acoustic parameters were analysed on the basis of the sustained phonation of the vowel /a/. The results revealed that the mean values of all acoustic parameters differed in the EG compared to both the CG1 and CG2 as follows: the parameters which indicate frequency variability (Jitt, PPQ), amplitude variability (Shim, vAm, APQ) and noise and tremor parameters (NHR, VTI) were higher; only the parameters of fundamental frequency (F0) and soft index phonation (SPI) were lower (F0 compared to CG1, and SPI compared to CG1 and CG2). Only the PPQ parameter was not significant. vAm and APQ had the highest discriminant value for depression. The acoustic features of voice, analysed in this study with regard to the sustained phonation of a vowel, were different and discriminant in the EG compared to CG1 and CG2. In voice analysis, the parameters vAm and APQ could potentially be the markers indicative of depression. The results of this research point to the importance of the voice, that is, its acoustic indicators, in recognizing depression. Important parameters that could help create a programme for the automatic recognition of depression are those from the domain of voice intensity variation.U cilju utvrđivanja razlika između grupe osoba sa depresivnim poremećajem (EG, N=18) u odnosu na grupu osoba iz tipične populacije (CG1, N=24) i grupu osoba sa dijagnostikovanim psihogenim poremećajem glasa (CG2, N=9) analizirano je 9 akustičkih karakteristika glasa primenom MDVP softverskog programa (ā€œKay Elemetricsā€ Corp., model 4300) na uzorku od 51 ispitanika. Devet akustičkih parametara analizirano je na osnovu produženog foniranja vokala /a/. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se srednje vrednosti svih akustičkih parametara razlikuju između osoba sa depresivnim poremećajem u odnosu na obe kontrolne grupe i to: parametri varijabilnosti frekvencije (Jitter, PPQ), varijabilnosti amplitude (Shimmer, vAm i APQ), i parametri procene Å”uma i tremora (NHR i VTI) imaju viÅ”e vrednosti; samo su parametar fundamentalne frekvencije (F0) i indeks priguÅ”ene fonacije (SPI) niži (F0 u odnosu na CG1, i SPI u odnosu na CG2). Samo se parametar PPQ nije pokazao značajnim. Parametri vAm i APQ imaju najveću diskriminativnu vrednost za depresivni poremećaj. Akustičke karakteristike glasa analizirane na osnovu produženog foniranja vokala u ovom istraživanju razlikuju i diskriminiÅ”u EG i u odnosu na CG1 i u odnosu na CG2. U vokalnoj analizi parametri vAm i APQ bi potencijalno mogli biti markeri koji ukazuju na depresivni poremećaj. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na značaj glasa, odnosno njegovih akustičkih pokazatelja, u prepoznavanju depresije. Važni parametri koji bi mogli da pomognu u kreiranju programa za automatsko prepoznavanje depresije su oni iz domena varijacije intenziteta glasa

    Wooden breast - a novel myopathy recognized in broiler chickens

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    Abnormally hard breast fillet consistency began to emerge in commercial broiler chickens around 2010. Due to the remarkable muscle hardness, the condition acquired the vernacular name wooden breast myopathy. This myopathy starts to develop after two weeks of age at the earliest and typically proceeds into chronic myodegeneration in three to four weeks of age. The lesion begins focally and typically develops into a diffuse lesion that involves the entire major pectoral muscle. The restricted location of wooden breast lesion in the m. pectoralis major distinguishes it from several other myodegenerative diseases that widely affect the skeletal muscle system and often the cardiac and smooth muscle systems too. Although industry-wide incidence rates are difficult to assess, it has been estimated that approximately 5-10% of commercially produced breast fillets exhibit severe WB. Even at low incidence rates, the costs to industry are substantial, as breast fillets with the wooden breast condition are often downgraded and sold at a discount, used for further processing, or in extreme cases, discarded. Because the etiology of wooden breast is still unclear, in the future, study of the early lesions, pathogenesis and the possible reduction of animal welfare are likely to gain more attention
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