8 research outputs found

    Особенности Формирования И Развития Местного Самоуправления В Республике Армения (На Примере Муниципалитета Города Гавар Гехаркуникской Области)

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    New sovereign states appeared after the collapse of the USSR, which have to develop democratic society for a long time. With the development of public administration decentralization, a significant part of the obligations and powers to manage the property of cities and rural areas, health, education, culture, and sports was transferred to the localities. The process of the legal field of municipality development began, which has not been completed to this day. The optimization of municipality management in modern conditions will allow to achieve the highest possible results, enhance the involvement of the local population in the development of the city, to address the issues of local importance more effectively. The great difficulty in the study of modern problems of local self-government is conditioned by the presence of different points of view on the issue of its essence, the absence of a unified theory of local self-government and the existence of different models and forms of its organization. The absence of the established interaction practice between population, government and judicial structures, the underdevelopment of political culture, apathy and lack of confidence in the authority points to the insufficiency of control forms and responsibility specified in the law of the Republic of Armenia on local self-government. The article substantiates the need to increase the importance of local self-government in society, allows to realize the diversity of population interests, satisfy their socio-economic needs, act as the most important means of Armenia region stabilization and development and the state as a whole, the formation of civil society. The municipality must solve local problems with its own forces and means, and be responsible for its decisions. Local governments should own and manage municipal property, including local finances independently - these are the necessary economic conditions for the exercise of their authority.Nuevos estados soberanos aparecieron después del colapso de la URSS, que deben desarrollar una sociedad democrática durante mucho tiempo. Con el desarrollo de la descentralización de la administración pública, una parte significativa de las obligaciones y poderes para administrar la propiedad de las ciudades y las zonas rurales, la salud, la educación, la cultura y el deporte se transfirieron a las localidades. Comenzó el proceso del campo legal del desarrollo del municipio, que no se ha completado hasta el día de hoy. La optimización de la gestión municipal en condiciones modernas permitirá lograr los mejores resultados posibles, mejorar la participación de la población local en el desarrollo de la ciudad, para abordar los problemas de importancia local de manera más efectiva. La gran dificultad en el estudio de los problemas modernos del autogobierno local está condicionada por la presencia de diferentes puntos de vista sobre el tema de su esencia, la ausencia de una teoría unificada del autogobierno local y la existencia de diferentes modelos y formas de su organización. La ausencia de la práctica establecida de interacción entre la población, el gobierno y las estructuras judiciales, el subdesarrollo de la cultura política, la apatía y la falta de confianza en la autoridad apuntan a la insuficiencia de formas de control y responsabilidad especificadas en la ley de la República de Armenia sobre el gobierno local. El artículo confirma la necesidad de aumentar la importancia del autogobierno local en la sociedad, permite darse cuenta de la diversidad de intereses de la población, satisfacer sus necesidades socioeconómicas, actuar como el medio más importante de estabilización y desarrollo de la región de Armenia y el estado como un en conjunto, la formación de la sociedad civil. El municipio debe resolver los problemas locales con sus propias fuerzas y medios, y ser responsable de sus decisiones. Los gobiernos locales deben poseer y administrar la propiedad municipal, incluidas las finanzas locales de forma independiente; estas son las condiciones económicas necesarias para el ejercicio de su autoridad. После распада СССР появились новые суверенные государства, которым предстоит долгий путь по построению демократического общества. С развитием децентрализации государственного управления значительная часть обязательств и полномочий по управлению имуществом городов и сельской местности, здравоохранением, образованием, культурой, спортом была передана на места. Начался процесс формирования правового поля муниципалитетов, который не завершён и по сей день. Оптимизация управления муниципалитетами в современных условиях позволит достичь максимально возможных результатов, активизации вовлечения местного населения в процесс развития города, более эффективному решению вопросов местного значения. Большая сложность в исследовании современных проблем местного самоуправления заключается в наличии разных точек зрения по вопросу о его сущности, отсутствии единой теории местного самоуправления и существовании разных моделей и форм его организации. Отсутствие сложившейся практики взаимодействия населения, властных и судебных структур, неразвитость политической культуры, апатия и отсутствие доверия к органам власти указывает на недостаточность обозначенных в законе Республики Армения о местном самоуправлении форм контроля и ответственности. В статье обосновывается необходимость повышения значимости местного самоуправления в жизни общества, позволяющая реализовать многообразие интересов населения, удовлетворить их социально-экономические потребности, выступать в качестве важнейшего средства стабилизации и развития регионов Армении и государства в целом, формирования гражданского общества. Муниципальное образование должно решать местные проблемы своими силами и средствами, и нести ответственность за свои решения. Органы местного самоуправления должны владеть и управлять муниципальной собственностью, в том числе самостоятельно распоряжаться местными финансами - это необходимые экономические условия для осуществления их властных полномочий

    The impact of a local supply chain strategy on regional economic

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    Abstract- The aim of this research is to explore socio-economic risks and challenges, in the modern globalized production landscape from an end-to-end supply chain perspective. Given the sensitivity of a Russian regional economy contribution to its supply chains, any improvement in supply chains strategy will be beneficial for mines and their stakeholders. The objectives of this work were to: (i) test the hypothesis that supply chain management strategy, by mines in a region, significantly affects regional economy; and (ii) develop a methodology to identify the critical backward commodities of a regional economic sector. The complexity of the strategic development of the region is conditioned by the fact that it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of all cities and settlements, to be able to integrate their plans into a single document, which allows to build a single development strategy for the entire territory. The development of a regional development strategy is the most important task of both regional science and the practical activities of regional authorities. The relevance of the study concerning the processes and tools of strategic planning for the development of Russian Federation constituent entities is conditioned by the fact that the quality of strategic documents that determines the success of the territory development in modern, dynamically developing socio-economic conditions. At present, the main agency responsible for the strategic approach to the development of the territory is the Ministry of Economic Development of the corresponding territory, which, in conjunction with the regional government, other ministries and departments, forms a document defining the main development vectors of the Russian Federation constituent entity, and the Ministry is responsible for the quality of this document. Orientation to the strengths or weaknesses of the region can act as the principles for the regional development strategy creation, and the content of the strategy determines which sectors will be priority in terms of their development support, which will be provided with additional sources of financing, and which will be developed independently, without state close attention

    Gerenciamento de projetos no comércio de livros na Rússia: barreiras e perspectivas de desenvolvimento

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    The development of book-selling industry is one of the sources for new economy development - knowledge economy. However, in modern Russian conditions of high crisis uncertainty, the book industry experiences serious difficulties, and the Russian book-selling network is declining every year. One of the anti-crisis measures for book-selling companies is the finding of some ways to improve project management at an enterprise. The purpose of the article is to identify the key barriers to the implementation of project management at the enterprises of the book-selling industry in Russia, as well as to determine the prospects of a project management system development in this area. The empirical base consists of study results conducted in 2018 at the enterprises of the Russian modern general-purpose bookstores of the book-selling industry.On the basis of the conducted research, they identified the main problems that Russian book-selling enterprises face when they implement project management: an insufficient formalization of project management processes; the uncertainty of project manager status caused by the lack of real powers; the lack of participant motivation system in project activities based on the results of an employee performance evaluation; low level of communication management and the lack of a clear interaction interface between various functional units and groups, etc. To minimize the likelihood of identified problems during project implementation, a special attention should be paid to the organization of a formalized management system (the creation of project offices), taking into account the interests of all project participants, clearly define the organizational structure and align management procedures, and use recognized methodology - project management standards that will facilitate the formation of a team focused on a particular result.El desarrollo de la industria de la venta de libros es una de las fuentes para el desarrollo de nuevas economías: la economía del conocimiento. Sin embargo, en las condiciones modernas rusas de alta incertidumbre de crisis, la industria del libro experimenta serias dificultades, y la red rusa de venta de libros disminuye cada año. Una de las medidas contra la crisis para las empresas vendedoras de libros es encontrar algunas formas de mejorar la gestión de proyectos en una empresa. El propósito del artículo es identificar las barreras clave para la implementación de la gestión de proyectos en las empresas de la industria de venta de libros en Rusia, así como determinar las perspectivas de desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de proyectos en esta área. La base empírica consiste en resultados de estudios realizados en 2018 en las empresas de las modernas librerías de propósito general rusas de la industria de la venta de libros.Sobre la base de la investigación realizada, identificaron los principales problemas que enfrentan las empresas rusas de venta de libros cuando implementan la gestión de proyectos: una formalización insuficiente de los procesos de gestión de proyectos; la incertidumbre del estatus de gerente de proyecto causada por la falta de poderes reales; la falta de un sistema de motivación de los participantes en las actividades del proyecto basado en los resultados de la nivel de gestión de la comunicación y la falta de una interfaz de interacción clara entre varias unidades funcionales y grupos, etc. Para minimizar la probabilidad de problemas identificados durante la implementación del proyecto, se debe prestar especial atención a la organización de un sistema de gestión formalizado (la creación de las oficinas de proyectos), teniendo en cuenta los intereses de todos los participantes del proyecto, definen claramente la estructura organizativa y alinean los procedimientos de gestión, y utilizan una metodología reconocida: normas de gestión de proyectos que facilitarán la formación de un equipo centrado en un resultado particular.O desenvolvimento da indústria de livros vendidos é uma das fontes para o desenvolvimento da nova economia - a economia do conhecimento. No entanto, nas condições russas modernas de alta incerteza de crise, a indústria de livros experimenta sérias dificuldades, e a rede russa de venda de livros está declinando a cada ano. Uma das medidas anti-crise para as empresas de venda de livros é a descoberta de algumas maneiras de melhorar o gerenciamento de projetos em uma empresa. O objetivo do artigo é identificar as principais barreiras para a implementação do gerenciamento de projetos nas empresas da indústria de vendas de livros na Rússia, bem como determinar as perspectivas de desenvolvimento de um sistema de gerenciamento de projetos nessa área. A base empírica consiste nos resultados do estudo realizado em 2018 nas empresas das modernas livrarias russas de uso geral da indústria de venda de livros.Com base na pesquisa realizada, eles identificaram os principais problemas que as empresas russas de venda de livros enfrentam quando implementam o gerenciamento de projetos: uma formalização insuficiente dos processos de gerenciamento de projetos; a incerteza do status do gerente de projetos causada pela falta de poderes reais; a falta de sistema de motivação dos participantes nas atividades do projeto com base nos resultados de uma avaliação de desempenho do funcionário; baixo nível de gerenciamento de comunicação e falta de uma interface de interação clara entre várias unidades funcionais e grupos, etc. Para minimizar a probabilidade de problemas identificados durante a implementação do projeto, uma atenção especial deve ser dada à organização de um sistema de gestão formalizado (a criação dos escritórios do projeto), levando em conta os interesses de todos os participantes do projeto, definir claramente a estrutura organizacional e alinhar procedimentos de gestão, e usar metodologia reconhecida - padrões de gerenciamento de projetos que facilitarão a formação de uma equipe focada em um resultado particular

    ABC-XYZ inventory analysis accounting for change points

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    ABC-XYZ analysis algorithm classifies commodities and inventory depending on their significance for the company and demand stability. Based on the classification results, the optimal strategies for materials flow management are suggested. If there are commodities with a seasonal or rapidly changing demand in the inventory, then current classification is seriously influenced by the values observed before the change point emergence, which leads to increased significance for commodities already less significant, and the other way around, lower significance of the commodities with the recently increased profit or revenue. This work suggests a modification to ABC-XYZ analysis, which takes into account change point influences, allows finding better fitting groupings and decreases demand variability level by splitting sales series into sections with steady demand. Demand significance is recalculated once change point is detected as a product of a new average demand level for the period and a number of periods observed

    Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Blood Serum for Differentiation of Glioblastoma and Traumatic Brain Injury

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    The possibility of the differentiation of glioblastoma from traumatic brain injury through blood serum analysis by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and machine learning was studied using a small animal model. Samples of a culture medium and a U87 human glioblastoma cell suspension in the culture medium were injected into the subcortical brain structures of groups of mice referred to as the culture medium injection groups and glioblastoma groups, accordingly. Blood serum samples were collected in the first, second, and third weeks after the injection, and their terahertz transmission spectra were measured. The injection caused acute inflammation in the brain during the first week, so the culture medium injection group in the first week of the experiment corresponded to a traumatic brain injury state. In the third week of the experiment, acute inflammation practically disappeared in the culture medium injection groups. At the same time, the glioblastoma group subjected to a U87 human glioblastoma cell injection had the largest tumor size. The THz spectra were analyzed using two dimensionality reduction algorithms (principal component analysis and t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) and three classification algorithms (Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Extreme Gradient Boosting Machine). Constructed prediction data models were verified using 10-fold cross-validation, the receiver operational characteristic curve, and a corresponding area under the curve analysis. The proposed machine learning pipeline allowed for distinguishing the traumatic brain injury group from the glioblastoma group with 95% sensitivity, 100% specificity, and 97% accuracy with the Extreme Gradient Boosting Machine. The most informative features for these groups’ differentiation were 0.37, 0.40, 0.55, 0.60, 0.70, and 0.90 THz. Thus, an analysis of mouse blood serum using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and machine learning makes it possible to differentiate glioblastoma from traumatic brain injury

    Informative feature selection method for Raman micro-spectroscopy data

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    The paper presents an algorithm based on low order statistics for the informative feature extraction for Raman spectroscopy data. The proposed method was tested on mouse preimplantation embryos Raman spectra. Both supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods were applied to selected the most informative features to test the separability of the processed data