7 research outputs found

    Orthohantaviruses, Emerging Zoonotic Pathogens

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    Orthohantaviruses give rise to the emerging infections such as of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in Eurasia and the Americas, respectively. In this review we will provide a comprehensive analysis of orthohantaviruses distribution and circulation in Eurasia and address the genetic diversity and evolution of Puumala orthohantavirus (PUUV), which causes HFRS in this region. Current data indicate that the geographical location and migration of the natural hosts can lead to the orthohantaviruses genetic diversity as the rodents adapt to the new environmental conditions. The data shows that a high level of diversity characterizes the genome of orthohantaviruses, and the PUUV genome is the most divergent. The reasons for the high genome diversity are mainly caused by point mutations and reassortment, which occur in the genome segments. However, it still remains unclear whether this diversity is linked to the disease’s severity. We anticipate that the information provided in this review will be useful for optimizing and developing preventive strategies of HFRS, an emerging zoonosis with potentially very high mortality rates


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    The article proposes functional structure of the intelligent automated system of training on the basis of Internet technologies and the structure of the complex of software tools. We considered the information-educational and educational-methodical resources of the system, implemented in a modular object-oriented environment for distance education (LMS) Moodle. Experience of creation of adaptive systems of testing of knowledge in intellectual LMS and features of development of practical tasks using LMS Moodle and Adobe Flash technology has been discussed

    Puumala Orthohantavirus Reassortant Genome Variants Likely Emerging in the Watershed Forests

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    Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) remains a prevalent zoonosis in the Republic of Tatarstan (RT), Russian Federation. Puumala orthohantavirus (PUUV), carried by bank voles (Myodes glareolus), is the principal zoonotic pathogen of HFRS in the RT. In this study, we sought to demonstrate the similarity of the PUUV genetic sequences detected in HFRS case patients and bank vole samples previously collected in some areas of the RT. Furthermore, we intended to identify the reassortant PUUV genomes and locate a potential site for their emergence. During 2019 outbreaks, the PUUV genome sequences of the S and M segments from 42 HFRS cases were analysed and compared with the corresponding sequences from bank voles previously trapped in the RT. Most of the PUUV strains from HFRS patients turned out to be closely related to those isolated from bank voles captured near the site of the human infection. We also found possible reassortant PUUV genomes in five patients while they were absent in bank voles. The location of the corresponding HFRS infection sites suggests that reassortant PUUV genomes could emerge in the bank voles that inhabit the forests on the watershed between the Kazanka River and Myosha River. These findings could facilitate the search for the naturally occurring reassortants of PUUV in bank vole populations

    The Distribution of Puumala orthohantavirus Genome Variants Correlates with the Regional Landscapes in the Trans-Kama Area of the Republic of Tatarstan

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    In the European part of Russia, the highest number of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) cases are registered in the Volga Federal District (VFD), which includes the Republic of Tatarstan (RT). Puumala orthohantavirus (PUUV) is the main causative agent of HFRS identified in the RT. The goal of the current study is to analyze the genetic variations of the PUUV strains and possible presence of chimeric and reassortant variants among the PUUV strains circulating in bank vole populations in the Trans-Kama area of the RT. Complete S segment CDS as well as partial M and L segment coding nucleotide sequences were obtained from 40 PUUV-positive bank voles and used for the analysis. We found that all PUUV strains belonged to RUS genetic lineage and clustered in two subclades corresponding to the Western and Eastern Trans-Kama geographic areas. PUUV strains from Western Trans-Kama were related to the previously identified strain from Teteevo in the Pre-Kama area. It can be suggested that the PUUV strains were introduced to the Teteevo area as a result of the bank voles’ migration from Western Trans-Kama. It also appears that physical obstacles, including rivers, could be overcome by migrating rodents under favorable circumstances. Based on results of the comparative and phylogenetic analyses, we propose that bank vole distribution in the Trans-Kama area occurred upstream along the river valleys, and that watersheds could act as barriers for migrations. As a result, the diverged PUUV strains could be formed in closely located populations. In times of extensive bank vole population growth, happening every 3–4 years, some regions of watersheds may become open for contact between individual rodents from neighboring populations, leading to an exchange of the genetic material between divergent PUUV strains

    Analysis of <i>Puumala orthohantavirus</i> Genome Variants Identified in the Territories of Volga Federal District

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    Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is a zoonotic disease commonly diagnosed in the Volga Federal District (VFD). HFRS is caused by Puumala orthohantavirus (PUUV), and this virus is usually detected in bank voles as its natural host (Myodes glareolus). The PUUV genome is composed of the single-stranded, negative-sense RNA containing three segments. The goal of the current study is to identify genome variants of PUUV strains circulating in bank voles captured in the Udmurt Republic (UR) and Ulyanovsk region (ULR). The comparative and phylogenetic analysis of PUUV strains revealed that strains from Varaksino site UR are closely related to strains previously identified in the Pre-Kama area of the Republic of Tatarstan (RT), whilst strains from Kurlan and Mullovka sites ULR are similar to strains from the Trans-Kama area of the RT. It was also found that Barysh ULR strains form a separate distinct group phylogenetically equidistant from Varaksino and Kurlan–Mullovka groups. The identified groups of strains can be considered as separate sub-lineages in the PUUV Russian genetic lineage. In addition, the genomes of the strains from the UR, most likely, were formed as a result of reassortment

    Development of Bacteriostatic DNA Aptamers for Salmonella

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    <i>Salmonella</i> is one of the most dangerous and common food-borne pathogens. The overuse of antibiotics for disease prevention has led to the development of multidrug resistant <i>Salmonella</i>. Now, more than ever, there is a need for new antimicrobial drugs to combat these resistant bacteria. Aptamers have grown in popularity since their discovery, and their properties make them attractive candidates for therapeutic use. In this work, we describe the selection of highly specific DNA aptamers to <i>S. enteritidis</i> and <i>S. typhimurium</i>. To evolve species-specific aptamers, twelve rounds of selection to live <i>S. enteritidis</i> and <i>S. typhimurium</i> were performed, alternating with a negative selection against a mixture of related pathogens. Studies have shown that synthetic pools combined from individual aptamers have the capacity to inhibit growth of <i>S. enteritidis</i> and <i>S. typhimurium</i> in bacterial cultures; this was the result of a decrease in their membrane potential