12 research outputs found

    A comparison between torsion and wire-loop shear bond strength tests

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    Objetivo: verificar, através de análise por elementos finitos e de uma etapa experimental, se o ensaio de torção, como ensaio de resistência de interfaces adesivas, seria capaz de levar os espécimes à ruptura sob tensões de cisalhamento e se ele seria vantajoso em relação ao ensaio de cisalhamento. Material e Método: para a análise de tensões pelo método dos elementos finitos, os modelos tridimensionais dos dois ensaios foram constituídos por cilindro de compósito, uma camada de adesivo e um cilindro de dentina com maior diâmetro. Os espécimes foram simulados nos tamanhos convencional e micro, numa proporção de 5:1, exceto pela camada de adesivo, de espessura constante. Foram simulados dois módulos de elasticidade do cilindro de compósito (híbrido e baixa viscosidade) e, para os modelos de cisalhamento, variaram as distâncias entre o local de carregamento e a interface adesiva. Foram analisados os valores das tensões máxima principal e cisalhamento máximo e a proporção entre elas ao longo da interface dentina/adesivo; a direção dos vetores de tensão máxima principal; e o local dos picos de tensão. Na etapa experimental, foram construídos cilindros de compósito (híbrido e de baixa viscosidade) nos tamanhos convencional e micro, aderidos a uma superfície de dentina bovina por meio de três sistemas adesivos. O esforço de cisalhamento foi aplicado com fio ortodôntico a uma distância da interface adesiva baseada na literatura e, para os ensaios de torção e microtorção, foram desenvolvidos dispositivos específicos para a aplicação do torque. Os resultados de tensão de ruptura foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste de Tukey. Todas as superfícies de fratura foram analisadas por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. As frequências das fraturas adesivas e coesivas foram submetidas ao teste exato de Fisher e relacionadas aos valores de tensão de ruptura experimentais, bem como suas características foram relacionadas às tensões observadas pelo método dos elementos finitos. Os parâmetros experimentais de comparação entre os ensaios foram: poder de detecção de diferenças significantes entre os sistemas adesivos; constância da classificação relativa dos mesmos ao alterar as configurações dos ensaios e frequências dos tipos de fratura. Resultados: ambos os ensaios apresentaram um estado complexo de tensões com distribuição nãouniforme. Não foi notada menor sensibilidade dos resultados do ensaio de torção às mudanças das configurações do teste, nem uma maior capacidade para detectar diferenças significantes entre os adesivos do que o ensaio de cisalhamento. O ensaio de torção apresentou maior dificuldade de execução prática e maiores frequências de fraturas coesivas, porém, estas ocorreram mais no cilindro de compósito, enquanto no cisalhamento, ocorreram mais na dentina. Não houve certeza sobre o tipo de tensão que tenha levado à fratura nos dois tipos de ensaio. Conclusões: embora não se tenha certeza se o ensaio de torção leva à ruptura sob tensões de cisalhamento e tenham sido notadas desvantagens práticas de execução do ensaio, este apresenta uma característica que sugere novos estudos: ocorrência de fraturas coesivas principalmente no cilindro de compósito, o que poderia, talvez, ser resolvido com o reforço do material do cilindro.Objective: verify, by finite element analysis (FEA) and laboratorial tests, if the torsion bond strength test is able to lead adhesive interface to fracture under shear stress and if it would be more advantageous than wire-loop shear test. Material and method: for stress analysis by finite element method, the 3D models of both tests consisted of a resin composite cylinder, an adhesive layer and a dentin cylinder with a larger diameter. The specimens were simulated with both conventional and micro sizes, in a 5:1 ratio, except for the adhesive layer, kept in a constant thickness. Two values of elastic modulus were simulated for the composite cylinder (hybrid and flowable). For the shear models, different distances were simulated between the load point and the adhesive interface. The values of maximum principal and maximum shear stresses and the ratio between both types were analyzed along the adhesive interface, as well as the maximum principal vectors direction and the local of stress peaks. For the laboratorial tests, cylinders of hybrid and flowable resin composite, in both micro and conventional sizes, were adhered onto dentin surfaces by means of 3 adhesive systems. The shear load was applied with a metallic wire-loop at distances from the interface based on literature and, for the torsion test, the torque was applied by specific apparatus developed for that. The values of bond strength were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukeys test. Fracture surfaces were analyzed by scan electron microscopy. The frequencies of fracture types were compared by Fishers test and its relationship with bond strength values were verified, as well as the relationship between fracture features and stresses results obtained by FEA. The experimental parameters for comparison between both tests were: ability for detecting significant differences among the 3 adhesives, change of adhesives ranking while varying the test configuration and frequency of fracture types. Results: both tests showed non-uniform stress distribution. It was not noticed a lower sensibility of torsion test results to changes of the test configurations, nor a major ability for detecting significant differences among the adhesive systems than showed the shear test. The torsion test showed to be more difficult to execute and exhibited a higher frequency of cohesive fracture, however, that occurred most of the time in the composite cylinder, while it occurred mainly in dentin in shear test. There was no certainty about the kind of stress that lead to specimen fracture in both tests. Conclusions: although there was no certainty about the kind of stress that lead to specimen fracture and the major difficulty of execution of torsion test, this test exhibited a feature that suggests future studies: the occurrence of cohesive fracture mainly in the composite cylinder, which could be solved, maybe, by reinforcing the cylinder material

    Influence of silane content and filler distribution on chemical-mechanical properties of resin composites

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    This study investigated the influence of silane concentration and filler size distribution on the chemical-mechanical properties of experimental composites. Experimental composites with silane contents of 0%, 1% and 3% (in relation to filler mass) and composites with mixtures of barium glass particles (median size = 0.4, 1 and 2 μm) and nanometric silica were prepared for silane and filler analyses, respectively. The degree of conversion (DC) was analyzed by FTIR. Biaxial flexural strength (BFS) was tested after 24-h or 90-d storage in water, and fracture toughness, after 24 h. The data were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p = 0.05). The DC was not significantly affected by the silane content or filler distribution. The 0% silane group had the lowest immediate BFS, and the 90-d storage time reduced the strength of the 0% and 3% groups. BFS was not affected by filler distribution, and aging decreased the BFS of all the groups. Silanization increased the fracture toughness of both the 1% and 3% groups, similarly. Significantly higher fracture toughness was observed for mixtures with 2 μm glass particles. Based on the results, 3% silane content boosted the initial strength, but was more prone to degradation after water storage. Variations in the filler distribution did not affect BFS, but fracture toughness was significantly improved by increasing the filler size

    Finite Element Analysis of Shear Versus Torsion Adhesive Strength Tests for Dental Resin Composites

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    Stress distributions in torsion and wire-loop shear tests were compared using three-dimensional (3-D) linear-elastic finite element method, in an attempt to predict the ideal conditions for testing adhesive strength of dental resin composites to dentin. The torsion test presented lower variability in stress concentration at the adhesive interface with changes in the proportion adhesive thickness/resin composite diameter, as well as lower variability with changes in the resin composite elastic modulus. Moreover, the torsion test eliminated variability from changes in loading distance, and reduced the cohesive fracture tendency in the dentin. The torsion test seems to be more appropriate than wire-loop shear test for testing the resin composite-tooth interface strength. (c) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2009Department of Biomaterials and Oral Biochemistry, School of Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo (USP

    Proposta de teste para avaliação de osso trabecular em tíbias de ratos

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    Ensaios de flexão em três pontos são comumente utilizados em estudos sobre osteoporose realizados em tíbias de ratos para avaliar características mecânicas do osso trabecular, onde a doença se manifesta de forma bastante significativa..

    Effect of different light sources on degree of conversion, hardness and plasticization of a composite

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    Clinical performance of composite resins depends largely on their mechanical properties,and those are influenced by several factors,such as the light-curing mode. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of different light sources on degree of conversion(DC), Knoop hardness(KHN) and plasticization(P) of a composite resin. Disc-shaped specimens (5 x 2 mm) of Esthet-X(Dentsply) methacrylate-based microhybrid composite were light-cured using quartz-tungsten-halogen (QTH) Optilight Plus(Gnatus) or light-emitting diode(LED) Ultraled(Dabi Atlante) curing units at 400 and 340 mW/cm2 of irradiance, respectively. After 24 h, absorption spectra of composite were obtained using Nexus 670(Nicolet)FT-IR spectrometer in order to calculate the DC.The KHN was measured in the HMV-2000(Shimadzu) microhardness tester under 50 g loads for 15 s, and P was evaluated by percentage reductio of hardness after 24 h of alcohol storage. Data were subjected to t-Student test(alpha=0.05).QTH device showed lower P and higher KHN$ than LED (p0.05). The halogen-curing unit with higher irradiance promoted higher KHN and lower softening in alcohol than LED