12 research outputs found

    Mercado de trabalho: da euforia do ciclo expansivo e de inclusão social à frustração da recessão econômica

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    This article presents the course of the Brazilian labor market since 2001, mainly through data from the Monthly Employment Survey, highlighting the macroeconomic conditions of its performance. The study is broken down into four main periods: the years of economic adjustment and the end of the post-crisis labor market of the 1990s and beginning of the Lula government; the virtuous period of economic growth, formal job creation and reduction of income inequality and poverty; the abatement of the booming trend of the previous period, due to the financial crisis of 2008/20009; and the onset of one of the most severe recessions in the history of the country, with particularly serious impact on the labor market.O presente artigo visa apresentar a trajetória do mercado de trabalho brasileiro desde 2001, principalmente por meio de dados da Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego, e destacando os condicionantes macroeconômicos de seu desempenho. O estudo é desagregado em quatro períodos principais: anos de ajustamento econômico e do mercado de trabalho pós-crises do final dos anos 1990 e início do governo Lula; o período virtuo- so de crescimento econômico, geração de emprego formal e redução da desigualdade de rendimentos e da pobreza; o esfriamento da trajetória pujante do período anterior por conta da crise financeira de 2008/20009; e o início de uma das mais acentuadas recessões econômicas da história do país, com impactos especialmente graves no mercado de trabalho

    IHD-Cebrap project on Labour Market Inequality in Brazil and India

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    The role played by minimum wage policy in Brazil and India is very different due to the contrasting nature, coverage, structure and implementation of the systems. For instance, while Brazil has an annually adjusted unique national minimum wage for all workers with a comparatively high level of enforcement, in India, there are large numbers of minimum wages for different occupations, varying between States, which makes the system of minimum wages extremely complicated, and enforcement is very uneven. This paper examines the system of minimum wages in both countries and compares the impact of wage policy on labour market inequalities

    IHD-Cebrap project on Labour Market Inequality in Brazil and India

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    This paper aims to identify both new and persistent patterns of inequality in order to show how spatial and social cleavages have been reorganized, as well as the orientation of the country’s class structure. Inequality estimates in wages are utilized, with the aim of measuring whether the patterns of inequality between wage earners are different from the inequality for the total workforce. Relationships between changes in income distribution profiles and in occupational and class structure reflect that in spite of some significant changes in race-class inequality, there still persists an important dimension for the continuation of original class inequality

    Inequalities in the labor market of Latin America: sex discrimination among workers with high education in Brazil and Mexico

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    Este trabalho se constitui em uma contribuição à análise empírica da discriminação salarial contra as mulheres que possuem ao menos o nível superior completo no Brasil e no México. A escolha do tema deve-se ao fato de que a discriminação salarial negativa contra as mulheres no mercado de trabalho diminuiu lentamente nos últimos 20 anos, mas persiste na maioria dos países a despeito do aumento expressivo de mulheres no mercado de trabalho, inclusive ocupadas que possuem formação educacional de nível superior. Os países em tela, por sua vez, foram selecionados por dois motivos. O primeiro em virtude de ambos apresentarem economias dinâmicas e estruturas produtivas diversificadas, mas com elevadas desigualdades sociais e de gênero. O segundo motivo refere-se à disponibilidade de fontes de microdados compatíveis que permitem a construção de amostras comparáveis entre os dois países, em período e categorias de análise similares - da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) e Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo (ENOE) no ano de 2008. Esse fato possibilitou mensurar os determinantes e impactos da discriminação por sexo no mercado de trabalho. Aplicou-se a técnica de Oaxaca-Blinder para a estimativa do grau de discriminação em cada um dos países, e os principais resultados revelam que, para ambos os países, o componente de discriminação é menor entre os trabalhadores com ensino superior completo do que para o restante da população, apesar dessa categoria apresentar hiatos de renda superiores perante os demais trabalhadores. Ademais, verificou-se que a discriminação entre os trabalhadores ocupados em postos compatíveis com sua qualificação é relativamente inferior, sobretudo no México.This work constitutes a contribution to the empirical analysis of wage discrimination against women who have at least a bachelor\'s degree in Brazil and Mexico. The choice of this issue was due to the fact that the negative wage discrimination against women in the labor market slowly declined over the past 20 years, but persists in most countries despite the significant increase of women in the labor market, including who have higher educational level. The countries, in turn, were selected for two reasons. The first one is because both exhibit dynamic economies and diversified production structures, but with high social and gender inequalities. The second reason relates to the availability of compatible sources of microdata that allow the construction of samples comparable between the two countries in the same period and similar categories of analysis Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) and Encuesta Nacional de Occupación y Empleo (ENOE) in 2008. This fact made it possible to measure the determinants and impacts of sex discrimination in employment. The method applied to estimate the degree of discrimination in each country, was based on the Oaxaca-Blinder technique and the main results show that for both countries the discriminations coefficient is lower among workers with higher educational level, although they have a higher wage differential. Moreover, it was found that discrimination is lower among the workers in occupations compatible with their academic degree, especially in Mexico

    Inequalities in the labor market of Latin America: sex discrimination among workers with high education in Brazil and Mexico

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    Este trabalho se constitui em uma contribuição à análise empírica da discriminação salarial contra as mulheres que possuem ao menos o nível superior completo no Brasil e no México. A escolha do tema deve-se ao fato de que a discriminação salarial negativa contra as mulheres no mercado de trabalho diminuiu lentamente nos últimos 20 anos, mas persiste na maioria dos países a despeito do aumento expressivo de mulheres no mercado de trabalho, inclusive ocupadas que possuem formação educacional de nível superior. Os países em tela, por sua vez, foram selecionados por dois motivos. O primeiro em virtude de ambos apresentarem economias dinâmicas e estruturas produtivas diversificadas, mas com elevadas desigualdades sociais e de gênero. O segundo motivo refere-se à disponibilidade de fontes de microdados compatíveis que permitem a construção de amostras comparáveis entre os dois países, em período e categorias de análise similares - da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) e Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo (ENOE) no ano de 2008. Esse fato possibilitou mensurar os determinantes e impactos da discriminação por sexo no mercado de trabalho. Aplicou-se a técnica de Oaxaca-Blinder para a estimativa do grau de discriminação em cada um dos países, e os principais resultados revelam que, para ambos os países, o componente de discriminação é menor entre os trabalhadores com ensino superior completo do que para o restante da população, apesar dessa categoria apresentar hiatos de renda superiores perante os demais trabalhadores. Ademais, verificou-se que a discriminação entre os trabalhadores ocupados em postos compatíveis com sua qualificação é relativamente inferior, sobretudo no México.This work constitutes a contribution to the empirical analysis of wage discrimination against women who have at least a bachelor\'s degree in Brazil and Mexico. The choice of this issue was due to the fact that the negative wage discrimination against women in the labor market slowly declined over the past 20 years, but persists in most countries despite the significant increase of women in the labor market, including who have higher educational level. The countries, in turn, were selected for two reasons. The first one is because both exhibit dynamic economies and diversified production structures, but with high social and gender inequalities. The second reason relates to the availability of compatible sources of microdata that allow the construction of samples comparable between the two countries in the same period and similar categories of analysis Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) and Encuesta Nacional de Occupación y Empleo (ENOE) in 2008. This fact made it possible to measure the determinants and impacts of sex discrimination in employment. The method applied to estimate the degree of discrimination in each country, was based on the Oaxaca-Blinder technique and the main results show that for both countries the discriminations coefficient is lower among workers with higher educational level, although they have a higher wage differential. Moreover, it was found that discrimination is lower among the workers in occupations compatible with their academic degree, especially in Mexico

    Mercado de trabalho: da euforia do ciclo expansivo e de inclusão social à frustração da recessão econômica

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    resumo O presente artigo visa apresentar a trajetória do mercado de trabalho brasileiro desde 2001, principalmente por meio de dados da Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego, e destacando os condicionantes macroeconômicos de seu desempenho. O estudo é desagregado em quatro períodos principais: anos de ajustamento econômico e do mercado de trabalho pós-crises do final dos anos 1990 e início do governo Lula; o período virtuo- so de crescimento econômico, geração de emprego formal e redução da desigualdade de rendimentos e da pobreza; o esfriamento da trajetória pujante do período anterior por conta da crise financeira de 2008/20009; e o início de uma das mais acentuadas recessões econômicas da história do país, com impactos especialmente graves no mercado de trabalho

    Wage inequality in Brazil and India and its impact on labour market inequality : project paper E.2

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    In India, during rapid growth since the 1990s, the dualistic structures of production and work have not changed, nor have labour institutions. This segmentation, along with a shortfall of skilled labour, increased wage differentials and raised levels of inequality. In Brazil the story was different. One of the by-products of the democratization process of the 1980s was a new constitution (1988). Laws introduced inclusive and redistributive social policies, increasing protection in labour markets. Such policy patterns led to distinct dynamics of wage inequality in both countries, and the study identifies and analyses these differences

    Can minimum wages help to reduce labour market inequality? : experiences in India and Brazil; project paper H (c)

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    The proportion of women workers receiving less than minimum wages is much higher than that of men in India, though there is little difference in Brazil. In India, among social groups, Scheduled Tribes are particularly disadvantaged. In Brazil white workers are less likely than non-whites to fall below the minimum wage. Minimum wage policy seeks to establish wage floors in order to protect vulnerable workers from exploitation and to establish norms to help ensure equal pay for equal work. It may also act as a macroeconomic policy tool because of their impact on aggregate demand

    Minimum wage in Brazil : a useful policy tool to reduce wage inequality?

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    The country’s active minimum wage policy fueled a rise in the real value of Brazil’s minimum wage over time. The importance of this policy for different types of wage workers- registered and non-registered, urban and rural –and the changing relationship between minimum wage and average wages is discussed. Income inequality has also decreased across sectors, regions and social groups – including sex/race/color and levels of education. However, social policies such as health, training, education, housing and basic infrastructure, must enable a needed social safety net and act to improve living conditions of workers at the bottom of the social pyramid