8 research outputs found

    Deiksis Sosial dalam Tuturan K.H. Hasyim Asy’Ari pada Novel Mahaguru Karya Damien Dematra

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    Deiksis yang rujukannya berubah-ubah sering ditemukan dalam karya sastra, salah satunya adalah novel. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada deiksis sosial yang terdapat dalam tuturan K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari pada novel Mahaguru karya Damien Dematra. Di bawah pengaruh dan terikat oleh perkembangan teknologi, masyarakat Indonesia banyak yang melupakan kaidah-kaidah komunikasi yang sopan dalam berkomunikasi. Deiksis sosial digunakan sebagai petunjuk kesantunan bahasa dalam suatu masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan makna deiksis sosial dalam tuturan K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari pada novel Mahaguru karya Damien Dematra. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kualitatif, dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian dari bentuk dan makna deiksis sosial dalam tuturan K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari pada novel Mahaguru karya Damien Dematra yang ditemukan, yakni 4 deiksis sosial jenis kelamin, 6 deiksis sosial usia, 2 deiksis sosial jabatan, 2 deiksis sosial pendidikan, 8 deiksis sosial profesi, 12 deiksis sosial julukan, 10 deiksis sosial sapaan, dan 2 deiksis sosial gelar. Makna deiksis sosial dalam tuturan K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari pada novel Mahaguru karya Damien Dematra adalah makna dari kata atau frasa yang rujukannya tidak tetap, yaitu berdasarkan perbedaan sosial yang terjadi dalam peristiwa tutur


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    This study was generated from the problem of students' ability in writing news texts ini class VIII, SMPN 1 Panti. Some of the problem were (1) lack of the students' response towards news writing teaching and learning process, (2) lack of teacher's creativity in designing interesting news sriting learning model, (3) no appropriate creative techniques applied by the teacher which could train the students to develop their skill in writing news texts and (4) lack of the students' motivation in participating in teaching and learning process because of their lack of understanding in the elements of news. Thus, this study was aimed at escribing the effect of the students' ability ini writing news texts in class VIII SMP N 1 Panti. This was a quantitative research with factorial 2x2 experimental design. The population was the students in class VIII SMPN 1 Panti. Sampling technique was done by using random sampling and the data was collected through test. The result of the study revealed that cooperative learning model with STAD mind mapping type affected the students' ability in writing news text

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Berbantuan Pemetaan Pikiran (Mind Mapping) Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Teks Berita Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Panti

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    This study was generated from the problem of students' ability in writing news texts ini class VIII, SMPN 1 Panti. Some of the problem were (1) lack of the students' response towards news writing teaching and learning process, (2) lack of teacher's creativity in designing interesting news sriting learning model, (3) no appropriate creative techniques applied by the teacher which could train the students to develop their skill in writing news texts and (4) lack of the students' motivation in participating in teaching and learning process because of their lack of understanding in the elements of news. Thus, this study was aimed at escribing the effect of the students' ability ini writing news texts in class VIII SMP N 1 Panti. This was a quantitative research with factorial 2x2 experimental design. The population was the students in class VIII SMPN 1 Panti. Sampling technique was done by using random sampling and the data was collected through test. The result of the study revealed that cooperative learning model with STAD mind mapping type affected the students' ability in writing news text

    Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Tokoh Dalam Novel Gunung Ungaran Karya Nh. Dini

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    This research was motivated by the problem of being able to find the values of character education in the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The purpose of this study is to describe the values of character education in the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. This research is a qualitative research using content analysis method. The object of this research is the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The data in this study are words, phrases, sentences and discourses which are the values of character education. The data source in this research is the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The data techniques used are reading novels, marking data related to the value of character education, recording data, making inventory, and classifying. The results of this study indicate that there are ten values of character education found in the novel Gunung Ungaran. In addition to the value of character education, other character education values are also found, such as: 1) religious, 2) Tolerance, 3) Work hard, 4) Independent, 5) Curiosity, 6) Love the homeland, 7) Friendly/communicative, 8) Caring for the environment, 9) Social care, 10) Responsibility.Keywords: Education, Character, Novel


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    Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan untuk menumbuhkan kreativitas siswa dalam menulis dengan menyajikannya dalam bentuk komik. Dalam proses pembelajaran menulis yang berlangsung selama ini, komik dijadikan sebagai media untuk merangsang kreativitas dan imajinasi siswa. Namun dalam kegiatan ini komik dijadikan sebagai produk atau hasil kegiatan menulis siswa yaitu dengan menampilkan tulisan dalam bentuk gambar yang memiliki tokoh latar dan alur sehingga mereka bisa menciptakan karakter dan isi cerita sendiri dengan gambar-gambar yang mereka senangi. Metode yang dilaksanakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan dalam bentuk tahap-tahap atau fase-fase kegiatan selama empat minggu dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian dijabarkan sebagai berikut. Pertama, untuk indikator tokoh diperoleh hasil 80 persen siswa mampu menciptakan tokoh. Kedua, untuk indikator alur diperoleh hasil sebanyak 70 persen siswa mampu merancang alur. Ketiga, untuk indikator tema, sebanyak 90 persen siswa mampu menyesuaikan cerita dengan tema. Keempat, untuk indikator gambar dan penggunaan bahasa, sebanyak 70 persen siswa mampu memadukan bahasa dan gambar menjadi komunikatif

    Mental Health of Social Media Users In Indonesia By Gender

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    In this era of advanced technology, individuals no longer interact with others directly; they can also interact with others indirectly, particularly through the availability of technology that facilitates social media. Technological progress has always been pitted against modernity, which is equal to progress in human life. When utilizing social media, one doesn't have to worry about being judged for the comments and opinions they share with other users. However, when people use social media, they often do it to evoke positive emotions; however, they may not realize that the use of social media may have the opposite effect and lead to negative outcomes for them. Besides being able to have a significant influence on user actions, the use of social media can also cause users mental health problem

    Analisis Kebutuhan: Perangkat Pembelajaran pada Mata Kuliah Praktik Jurnalistik Media Televisi

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    Practical activities are carried out to prove a concept being studied. Practical activities following 21st-century learning are a form of learning change, initially centered on educators to become student-centered. Learning tools that are designed and planned according to students' needs certainly create interest so that they can build a productive learning environment. This study aimed to see the student's needs for developing learning tools based on interviews and questionnaires distributed to students who took Praktik Jurnalistik media Televisi course. This type of research was Research and Development (R&D). This research was the initial stage of developing learning tools in Praktik Jurnalistik media Televisi course. The needs analysis results obtained data of 46% stating that learning Praktik Jurnalistik media Televisi can improve speaking skills. 39% of students stated that the journalistic practice module requires development; consequently, the journalistic activities' steps and work processes were structured. 37% of students read and used the module as a guide in journalism practice lectures. Furthermore, 42% of students stated the suitability of the activities of 16 meetings with the learning tools and course syllabus


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    This research aims to describe the effectiveness of the creative-productive method oriented to local wisdom on the text-writing skills of seventh-grade students of SMP Negeri 38 Padang. The texts analyzed in this study are descriptive, fantasy stories, and procedures. The findings indicate that the texts written by students are not according to the structure and linguistic rules of the text that have been set. This type of research is quantitative research with experimental methods in the form of Pre-Experimental Design. The design in this research is the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The sampling technique in this research is a simple random sampling technique. The sample in this research was class VII E about 32 students. Data collection was carried out in June 2021. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the creative-productive method oriented to local wisdom is effectively used for learning to write descriptive texts, fantasy stories, and procedures for seventh-grade students of SMP Negeri 38 Padang. Based on the results of the comparison of the value of the hypothesis test, the creative-productive method oriented to local wisdom is most effectively applied to description texts, compared to fantasy story texts and procedural texts