2,308 research outputs found


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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a major health problem in many countries worldwide, ranked at the same level as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). In patients with TB, anxiety comes from the worsening of disease that created feeling of distress and fatigue. This study aimed to examine the relationship between anxiety and fatigue domains among tuberculosis patients. This study used a descriptive correlation design with cross-sectional approach. Consecutive sampling technique was used to recruit 70 participants from a general hospital in Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The questionnaires used were Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) and Multidimensional Assessment of fatigue (MAF). Descriptive statistics and Spearman Correlation used to examine the relationship between variables. Anxiety had a significant correlation with distress domain of fatigue (r = 0,24, p < 0,05). Those who experienced greater anxiety suffered more mental fatigue. Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan masalah kesehatan utama di berbagai negara di dunia, berada diperingkat sama dengan penyakit HIV yang mematikan. Kecemasan pada pasien TB bersumber dari progress memburuknya penyakit sehingga membuat pasien tertekan secara psikologis dan mengalami kelelahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kecemasan dan domain kelelahan pada pasien tuberkulosis. Penelitian ini berjenis deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan potong lintang menggunakan 70 sampel, yang direkrut dengan teknik consecutive sampling dari salah satu rumah sakit umum daerah di Sulawesi Tengah. Kuesioner yang digunakan yaitu Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) dan Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF). Statistik deskriptif dan korelasi Spearman digunakan untuk mencari hubungan antar variabel. Kecemasan memiiki korelasi yang siginifikan dengan domain tekanan kelelahan (r = 0,24, p < 0,05). Partisipan dengan kecemasan berat, menderita kelelahan mental yang lebih parah

    Perencanaan Dan Asesmen Perkembangan Pada Anak Usia Dini (Studi Kasus Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Paud TK/RA) Di Kecamatan Labuhan Haji

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap bagaimana guru-guru dilembaga pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD/TK/RA) melakukan perencanaan asesmen perkembangan untuk menilai proses belajar peserta didiknya, serta untuk mengetahui hambatan yang dihadapi mereka dalam melakukan proses asesmen. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei, yaitu dengan mencari informasi tentang implementasi perencanaan dan proses asesmen perkembangan anak yang dilakukan oleh pendidik di 5 lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini (RA) di Kecamatan Labuhan Haji. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa dalam melakukan perencanaan evaluasi seluruh guru telah mengacu pada standar tingkat pencapaian perkembangan anak (STPPA). Adapun teknik asesmen yang paling banyak digunakan adalah metode observasi dan portofolio tampilan anak dikarenakan sifatnya yang sederhana, mudah dilaksanakan, namun mampu memberikan gambaran umum perkembangan pada diri anak


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    xi.;111 hlm.;ilus.;tab.; 29 cm


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    ABSTRAKPERBANDINGAN SISTEM PEMBUKTIAN ANTARA KUHAP DAN UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 23 TAHUN 2004 TENTANG PENGHAPUSAN KEKERASAN DALAM RUMAH TANGGAFakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(iv, 54) pp, tbl, bibl.(IDA KEUMALA JEUMPA, S.H., M.H)Pembuktian dalam KUHAP mengacu kepada pasal 183 sampai dengan Pasal 189 KUHAP yang memuat secara lengkap aturan-aturan yang berkenaan dengan aspek-aspek pembuktian dalam kasus pidana. Ketentuan mengenai pembuktian dalam KUHAP tidak selamanya dapat sejalan dengan perkembangan tindak pidana yang ada, contohnya tindak pidana kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2004, ada perbedaan pengaturan sistem pembuktian dan prinsip antara Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 dan sistem pembuktian serta prinsip yang dianut KUHAP. Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perbandingan sistem pembuktian dalam KUHAP dan Undang-Undang Penghapusan Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga dan menjelaskan perbandingan prinsip pembuktian dalam KUHAP dan Undang-Undang Penghapusan Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga. Data yang diperoleh dalam penulisan skripsi ini berupa data penelitian kepustakaan (library research), yaitu data yang diperoleh dengan cara mempelajari undang-undang, buku-buku, makalah dan literatur-literatur yang ada kaitannya dengan judul tulisan ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa sistem pembuktian dalam KUHAP adalah negative wettelijk, yaitu sistem pembuktian berdasarkan kepada alat bukti limitatif yang ditentukan oleh undang-undang dan didukung pula oleh adanya keyakinan hakim, sedangkan dalam Undang-Undang PKDRT sistem pembuktiannya adalah positive wettelijk, yang mengedepankan ketentuan undang-undang tanpa adanya pertimbangan keyakinan hakim. Prinsip dalam undang-undang PKDRT adalah sama, mengingat UU PKDRT adalah lex specialis daripada KUHAP, kecuali dibolehkannya prinsip unus testis nullus testis dan diterimanya kesaksian dari pihak keluarga untuk pembuktian dalam kasus KDRT. Disarankan kepada pembuat kebijakan agar mengkaji ulang sistem pembuktian yang diberlakukan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 yang berbeda dengan KUHAP. Kepada Hakim disarankan agar lebih objektif dalam memberi pertimbangan terhadap alat bukti berupa keterangan saksi dari pihak keluarga yang dapat digunakan dalam pembuktian KDRT di Pengadilan

    Politicized Civil Society in Bangladesh: Case Study Analyses

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    Although civil society in Bangladesh is recognized for its vibrant performance in social development, it is often criticized for its inability to ensure good governance and democracy. The aim of this paper is to point out the reasons for this failure of civil society. Through performing case studies upon five civil society organizations representing different sector and level of the civil society, the paper concludes that civil society organizations in Bangladesh are often politicized and co-opted by different political parties. In a typical scenario, civil society can provide a counterbalance or even monitor the state both at the national and local level. However, in Bangladesh, often the civil society organizations have compromised their autonomy and politicized themselves to certain political parties or political block. In such a vulnerable position, civil society can hardly play its expected role to ensure good governance and strengthen democracy

    Making Women’s Unpaid Care Work Visible in India: Importance and Challenges

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    From the 1970s onward, the work performed by women within the household was critically examined, and a feminist critique of Marx emerged. The critique was first developed in the Campaign for Wages for Housework, founded in 1972, by Mariarosa Dalla Costa, Selma James and other renowned feminists. A major contribution of this critique was to highlight women’s domestic labor in the process of capital accumulation, an issue which Marx did not address. This movement therefore sought to make visible women’s work which was naturalized into nonexistence by capitalism. This problem of visibility exists all over the world, and women continue to bear the brunt of unpaid care work; they are perceived as “natural” caregivers and shunned for seeking paid care services. Although this phenomenon is common all over the world, this paper will deal with the importance of making women’s unpaid work visible in India, as India is a developing country and more people tend to engage in unpaid subsistence work (production for self-consumption, unpaid work in family enterprises and care related work) in developing countries compared to wealthier countries. Portraying the importance and challenges of making women’s unpaid care work visible in India can trigger economic and social development of the country. This paper aims to put forward the value of women’s unpaid care work in India, and to pinpoint the obstacles that stand in the way of exposing their unpaid contributions. Considering the context of India this paper will examine the following questions: 1. Why is it important to make unpaid care work visible? 2. What are the challenges of making unpaid care work visible? The questions mentioned above will be answered by looking at suitable literature so that theoretical and methodological issues that have emerged can be brought forward and the problems and recommendations can be grasped to arrive at a conclusion

    Effectiveness of social media in promoting tourism in Bangladesh

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    Thesis(Master) -- KDI School: Master of Development Policy, 2020In this paper, we will be scrutinizing the efficacy of web-based social networking sites in the tourism industry of Bangladesh. Alongside that, we will be exploring the fact if social media usage can effectively change the condition in the current tourism sector of the country. The paper will be putting a relation among the variables of the tourism industry to navigate the scopes for the application of the social media platforms. Consequently, the importance of brand image formation and using it as an essential tool for marketing will be emphasized in the paper. The goal is to explore the tourists’ perception, attitude, satisfaction, loyalty, and intention to visit Bangladesh using social networking sites as a promotional channel. In order to implement the plans regarding the sectors it is very necessary to form a partnership among the native start-ups that have grown centering the tourism sites and the digital marketing firms. The transparent regional and central governmental relation is essential as well. There needs to be certain establishments in the tourist regions where the businessmen are going to consult for any necessities and consequently reaching up to the central department for tourism. This paper will study all these implications after exploring the mentioned perceptions of the tourists.I. Introduction II. Concept of Tourism III. Literature Review IV. Research Objective V. Research Methodology VI. Cognitive, Effective and Symbolic Perception VII. Hypothesis Development VIII. Theoretical Background IX. Data Analysis and Interpretations X. ConclusionmasterpublishedTasnim TARANNU
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