142 research outputs found

    A new phenylethanoid triglycoside in Veronica beccabunga L

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    Jensen SR, Opitz S, Gotfredsen CH. A new phenylethanoid triglycoside in Veronica beccabunga L. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2011;39(3):193-197.Besides the expected iridoid glucosides aucubin and catalpol as well as three known esters of the latter, Veronica beccabunga (brooklime) was shown to contain five carboxylated iridoid glucosides, namely gardoside, mussaenosidic acid, 8-epiloganic acid, arborescosidic acid and alpinoside. In addition to these compounds, the plant contained salidroside and a previously unknown caffeoyl phenylethanoid glycoside (CPG) which we have named chionoside J. The structure was elucidated mainly by 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy to be 2 ''-(beta-glucopyranosyl)-plantamajoside. The distribution of plantamajoside and its derivatives as well as that of carbocyclic iridoids with an 8,9-double bond is briefly discussed, and it is noted that such compounds are mainly confined to the tribe Veroniceae of the Plantaginaceae. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Dental retention apparatuses - types. thermoforming technology for the production of a removable retention apparatus

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    Ретенционният етап е много важна част от ортодонтското лечение. Ретайнерите са апарати, които стабилизират и запазват нововъведеното местоположение на зъбите след лечение с механично действащ апарат. Според начина на фиксиране в устната кухина ретенционните апарати биват фиксирани и снемаеми, a според начина на изработване са фабрични и индивидуални. Целта на настоящия обзор е чрез проучване на литературни източници да представи многообразието от ретайнери, изработвани в зъботехническата практика и в частност иновативната термоформинг технология. Тя отговаря на естетичните и биологичните изисквания за ретенционните апарати. Съкращава чувствително времето за изработване, снижава цената и позволява постигането на максимална естетика.The retention stage is considered to be of great importance for any orthodontic treatment. Dental retainers are apparatuses which stabilize and retain the newly formed position of teeth after the treatment with a mechanical apparatus. According to the manner of fixture in the mouth cavity, retention apparatuses are divided into fixed and removable. According to the manner of production they are standard (industrial) and individual. The present survey is aimed at researching literary resources and presenting the variety of dental retainers used in dental mechanics practice and the innovative thermoforming technology in particular. It not only meets the standards of aesthetic and biological requirements for retention apparatuses, but also decreases considerably the estimated production time, reduces the price and enables an ultimate aesthetic result

    Дигиталните и печатните учебни помагала към програмите за деца на Регионален исторически музей – Кюстендил

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    Докладът представя учебните помагала към образователните програми на Регионален исторически музей – Кюстендил в дигитална и печатна форма, разработени в рамките на два проекта през 2019 и 2020 г. с финансовата подкрепа на Министерство на културата. Те обогатяват информативно ежемесечните работилници за деца, реализиращи се от музея от февруари 2015 г. Това са дванадесет филмови петминутни презентации и тринадесет книжни тела в обем четири страници всяко, формат А4, илюстриращи и носещи информация за тематичните области на заниманията. Помагалата са насочени към по-достъпно представяне пред детската аудитория на културно-историческото наследство, експонирано в музеите като цяло и в частност в Кюстендилския – артефакти като част от културата и изкуството в древността, моменти от националната история, повратни за историческото развитие на България и народния бит, съхранен в традиционни занаяти. Темите въвеждат в живота на хората в миналото, преминават през значими исторически събития и запознават с три занаята, чийто произход ни връща в каменната епоха. Те са обособени в две програми – "Култура и изкуство в древността" и "История и традиции". В учебните помагала е включен снимков материал на около 50 находки от Кюстендил и региона, датиращи от новокаменната до средновековната епоха, с посланията, които носят, интерпретирани в съответния разказ. Включен е и снимков материал, който цели визуално да изрази историческите събития и традиционните занаяти, обект на изучаване в програмата.It is presented teaching aids in digital and printed form used in non-formal educational programmes of the Regional History Museum, the town of Kyustendil, developed during the implementation of two projects in 2019 and 2020 with the financial support of Ministry of Culture in Bulgaria. They enrich the Museum’s workshops for children, monthly conducted since February 2015, informatively. These are twelve five-minute video presentations and thirteen interactive notebooks of four pages each, A4 paper format, illustrating and bearing information about the thematic fields of the workshops. The training aids aim at presenting to children cultural and historical heritage exhibited in museums in general and in the Kyustendil Museum in particular in a more accessible way – artifacts as a part of culture and art in the past, moments of national history crucial for the historical development of Bulgaria and popular customs preserved in traditional crafts. The topics they present introduce participants with the way of living of people in the past, pass through significant historical events and provide some knowledge about three crafts, which originate from the Stone Age. They are grouped in two programmes – Culture and Art in the Past and History and Traditions. Photoes of about 50 findings from Kyustendil and its region dating from Neolithic till Middle Ages are included in the training aids along with the messages they bear interpreted through the respective story. Photoes visually expressing the historical events and traditional crafts – an object of learning in the programme, are also included


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    Bioactive Phenolics from Carthamus lanatus L.

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    Two flavonoid aglycons, eight flavonoid glycosides, chlorogenic acid and syringin were isolated from aerial parts of Carthamus lanatus. Isorhamnetin 3-O-β-D-glucoside and chlorogenic acid were found for the first time in the genus Carthamus and respectively, quercimeritrin, astragalin, kaempferol 3-O-β-D-sophoroside and syringin in the species. The ethyl acetate fraction of the methanol extract exhibited a higher antioxidant activity than the butanol fraction measured by the α,α-diphenyl-β -picrazylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay. Cytotoxicity and antioxidant activities of the main constituent, luteolin 7-O-β-D-glucoside, were evaluated

    Reduction in urinary organophosphate pesticide metabolites in adults after a week-long organic diet

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    Background Conventional food production commonly uses organophosphate (OP) pesticides, which can have negative health effects, while organic food is deemed healthier because it is produced without these pesticides. Studies suggest that organic food consumption may significantly reduce OP pesticide exposure in children who have relatively higher pesticide exposure than adults due to their different diets, body weight, behaviour and less efficient metabolism. Objectives A prospective, randomised, crossover study was conducted to determine if an organic food diet reduces organophosphate exposure in adults. Methods Thirteen participants were randomly allocated to consume a diet of at least 80% organic or conventional food for 7 days and then crossed over to the alternate diet. Urinary levels of six dialkylphosphate metabolites were analysed in first-morning voids collected on day 8 of each phase using GC-MS/MS with detection limits of 0.11-0.51 ug/L. Results The mean total DAP results in the organic phase were 89% lower than in the conventional phase (M=0.032 [SD=0.038] and 0.294 [SD=0.435] respectively, p=0.013). For total dimethyl DAPs there was a 96% reduction (M=0.011 [SD=0.023] and 0.252 [SD=0.403] respectively, p=0.005). Mean total diethyl DAP levels in the organic phase were half those of the conventional phase (M=0.021 [SD=0.020] and 0.042 [SD=0.038] respectively), yet the wide variability and small sample size meant the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusions The consumption of an organic diet for one week significantly reduced OP pesticide exposure in adults. Larger scale studies in different populations are required to confirm these findings and investigate their clinical relevance


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    Narrow structure in the coherent population trapping resonances in rubidium and Rayleigh scattering

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    The measurement of the coherent-population-trapping (CPT) resonances in uncoated Rb vacuum cells has shown that the shape of the resonances is different in different cells. In some cells the resonance has a complex shape - a narrow Lorentzian structure, which is not power broadened, superimposed on the power broadened CPT resonance. The results of the performed investigations on the fluorescence angular distribution are in agreement with the assumption that the narrow structure is a result of atom interaction with Rayleigh scattering light. The results are interesting for indication of the vacuum cleanness of the cells and building of magnetooptical sensors

    Oxygenated bisabolane fucosides from Carthamus lanatus L.

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    The aerial parts of Carthamus lanatus (Asteraceae) afforded four new oxygenated bisabolane fucosides, 10-hydroperoxy-bisabola-2,11-diene 7-O-β-D-fucopyranoside, 11-hydroperoxy-bisabola-2,9-diene 7-O-β-D-fucopyranoside, 10-hydroxy-bisabola-2,11-diene 7-O-β-D- fucopyranoside and 11-hydroxy-bisabola-2,9-diene 7-O-β-D-fucopyranoside together with the known compounds α-bisabolol β-D-fucopyranoside, asperuloside, sitosterol 3-O-β-D-glucoside and stigmasterol 3-O-β-D-glucoside. Asperuloside appears to be the second representative of the iridoid monoterpene group found in the plant family Asteraceae, which until recently was considered to lack iridoids. The main constituent α-bisabolol fucoside exhibited noticeable antibacterial and cytotoxic activities

    A comparison of cell wall disruption techniques for the isolation of intracellular metabolites from Pleurotus and Lepista sp.

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    Different techniques were compared for their effectiveness in the disruption of the rigid cell walls of Basidiomycetes, Grinding under liquid nitrogen, stirred glass bead milling and enzymatic cell lysis were applied to the mycelia of Pleurotus sapidus and Lepista irina grown submerged. Each of the disruption procedures was evaluated by testing the quantity and quality of released intracellular metabolites: DNA, RNA, enzymes, and secondary metabolites. The most suitable method for nucleic acid isolation was grinding under liquid nitrogen, while bead mill homogenization was the superior technique for isolation of active enzymes. A new effective method is proposed for isolation of secondary metabolites with the aid of bead milling of fungal mycelia. © 2006 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung