4 research outputs found

    Ultrasound in the evaluation of enthesitis: status and perspectives

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    Introduction: An increasing number of studies have applied ultrasound to the evaluation of entheses in spondyloarthritis patients. However, no clear agreement exists on the definition of enthesitis, on the number and choice of entheses to examine and on ultrasound technique, which may all affect the results of the examination. The objectives of this study were to first determine the level of homogeneity in the ultrasound definitions for the principal lesions of enthesitis in the published literature and second, to evaluate the metric properties of ultrasound for detecting enthesitis according to the OMERACT filter. Methods: Search was performed in PUBMED and EMBASE. Both grey-scale and Doppler definitions of enthesitis, including describing features of enthesitis, were collected and metrological qualities of studies were assessed. Results: After selection, 48 articles were analyzed. The definition of ultrasound enthesitis and elementary features varied among authors. Grey-scale enthesitis was characterized by increasing thickness (94% of studies), hypoechogenicity (83%), enthesophytes (69%), erosions (67%), calcifications (52%), associated bursitis (46%) and cortical irregularities (29%). Only 46% of studies reported the use of Doppler. High discrepancies were observed on frequency, type of probe and Doppler mode used. Face and content validity were the most frequently evaluated criteria (43%) followed by reliability (29%) and responsiveness (19%). Conclusions: Ultrasound has evidence to support face, content validity and reliability for the evaluation of enthesitis, though there is a lack of well-reported methodology in most of the studies. Consensus on elementary lesions and standardization of exam is needed to determine the ultrasound definition of enthesitis in grey-scale and in Doppler for future applications.15 page(s

    A Systematic Literature Review Analysis of Ultrasound Joint Count and Scoring Systems to Assess Synovitis in Rheumatoid Arthritis According to the OMERACT Filter

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    Objective. The OMERACT Ultrasound Task Force is currently developing a global synovitis score (GLOSS) with the objective of feasibly measuring global disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In order to determine the minimal number of joints to be included in such a scoring system, and to analyze the metric properties of proposed global (i.e., patient level) ultrasound (US) scoring systems of synovitis in RA, a systematic analysis of the literature was performed. Methods. A systematic literature search of Pubmecl and Embase was performed (January 1, 1984, to March 31, 2010). Original research reports written in English including RA, ultrasound, Doppler, and scoring systems were included. The design, subjects, methods, imaging protocols, and performance characteristics studied were analyzed, as well as the ultrasound definition of synovitis. Results. Of 3004 reports identified, 14 articles were included in the review. We found a lack of clear definition of synovitis as well as varying validity data with respect to the proposed scores. Scoring systems included a wide range and number of joints. All analyzed studies assessed construct validity and responsiveness by using clinical examination, laboratory findings, and other imaging modalities as comparators. Both construct validity and responsiveness varied according to the number and size of joints examined and according to the component of synovitis measured [i.e., gray-scale (GS) or power Doppler (PD) alone or in combination]. With regard to feasibility, time of evaluation varied from 15 to 60 min and increased with the number of joints involved in the examination. Conclusions. Ultrasound can be regarded as a valuable tool for globally examining the extent of synovitis in RA. However, it is presently difficult to determine a minimal number of joints to be included in a global ultrasound score. Further validation of proposed scores is needed. (J Rheumatol 2011; 38:2055-62; doi:10.3899/jrheum.110424

    Reliability of a consensus-based ultrasound definition and scoring for enthesitis in spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis: an OMERACT US initiative

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    Objectives: To evaluate the reliability of consensus-based ultrasound (US) definitions of elementary components of enthesitis in spondyloarthritis (SpA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and to evaluate which of them had the highest contribution to defining and scoring enthesitis. Methods: Eleven sonographers evaluated 40 entheses from five patients with SpA/PsA at four bilateral sites. Nine US elementary lesions were binary-scored: hypoechogenicity, thickened insertion, enthesophytes, calcifications, erosions, bone irregularities, bursitis and Doppler signal inside and around enthesis. Kappa statistics were used to evaluate reliability. Sonographers were also asked to state which lesions can be considered as inflammatory or structural and should be included in the final definition of enthesitis. Only the lesions, scored as present in at least 75% of the entheses considered as having an enthesitis, were included in the final definition. Results: The prevalence of detected lesions was quite low except for enthesophytes (55%) and bone irregularities (54%). Reliability ranged from poor to good (the lowest for thickened enthesis (kappa 0.1 (95% CI 0 to 0.7)) and the highest for enthesophytes (kappa 0.6 (95% CI 0.5 to 0.7)). When adjusted for low prevalence, kappa values increased for all lesions, with the best result observed for detecting Doppler signal at insertion (0.9) and for bursitis (0.8). The US components included in the final definition were hypoechogenicity, increased thickness at enthesis, erosions and calcifications/enthesophytes and Doppler signal at insertion. Conclusion: By using a consensus-based stepwise approach, a final reliable US score and definition of enthesitis in SpA/PsA were produced. Further studies are sought for implementing this score in clinical trials and practice