6 research outputs found

    A comparison of benthic meiofaunal communities in the oldest European lake

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    Wilden B, Tasevska O, Traunspurger W. A comparison of benthic meiofaunal communities in the oldest European lake. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 2020;46(5):1146-1155

    Zooplankton in Ancient and Oligotrophic Lake Ohrid (Europe) in Association with Environmental Variables

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    Zooplankton is studied in the ancient, tectonic, oligomictic and oligotrophic Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, South Eastern Europe). The main aim of this study was to assess the seasonal and spatial patterns of the zooplankton functional feeding guilds in relation to the environmental conditions. Metalimnion of the lake was detected as the most productive environment, where biomass of the phytoplankton and abundance of the zooplankton reached their maxima. Pelagial zooplankton of low abundance (25 ± 22 ind. L−1) consisted of 16 species including two endemic copepods, Arctodiaptomus steindachneri (Richard, 1897) and Cyclops ochridanus (Kiefer, 1932). Copepods obtained remarkable share (60%) in the zooplankton assemblage. Microphagous zooplankton was mainly comprised of the most abundant rotifer Kellicottia longispina (Kellicott, 1879) in summer, and copepod nauplii during the spring Eudiaptomus gracilis (Sars, 1862) and C.ochridanus, and autumn C.ochridanus. Due to their requirements for the bacterio-detritus suspension, this microphagous zooplankton occupied aphotic hypolimnion during the entire study period. Raptorials were typically represented by copepodites and adult copepods in the metalimnion, and were significantly and positively affected by temperature (r = 0.417, p = 0.001), dissolved oxygen (r = 0.463, p = 0.0001) and, particularly, phytoplankton biomass (r = 0.708, p < 0.00001). This is the first study in which the link between the lower and higher trophic levels is investigated in Lake Ohrid

    Chlorophyllarelationships with nutrients and temperature, and predictions forlakes across perialpine and Balkan mountain regions

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    Model-derived relationships between chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and nutrients and temperature have fundamental implications for understanding complex interactions among water quality measures used for lake classification, yet accuracy comparisons of different approaches are scarce. Here, we (1) compared Chl-a model performances across linear and nonlinear statistical approaches; (2) evaluated single and combined effects of nutrients, depth, and temperature as lake surface water temperature (LSWT) or altitude on Chl-a; and (3) investigated the reliability of the best water quality model across 13 lakes from perialpine and central Balkan mountain regions. Chl-a was modelled using in situ water quality data from 157 European lakes; elevation data and LSWT in situ data were complemented by remote sensing measurements. Nonlinear approaches performed better, implying complex relationships between Chl-a and the explanatory variables. Boosted regression trees, as the best performing approach, accommodated interactions among predictor variables. Chl-a–nutrient relationships were characterized by sigmoidal curves, with total phosphorus having the largest explanatory power for our study region. In comparison with LSWT, utilization of altitude, the often-used temperature surrogate, led to different influence directions but similar predictive performances. These results support utilizing altitude in models for Chl-a predictions. Compared to Chl-a observations, Chl-a predictions of the best performing approach for mountain lakes (oligotrophic–eutrophic) led to minor differences in trophic state categorizations. Our findings suggest that both models with LSWT and altitude are appropriate for water quality predictions of lakes in mountain regions and emphasize the importance of incorporating interactions among variables when facing lake management challenges

    A bottom-up practitioner-derived set of Essential Variables for Protected Area management

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    Assessing the environmental status of Protected Areas (PAs) is a challenging issue. To indicate that status, the identification of a common set of variables that are scientifically sound, and easy to assess and monitor by the PA practitioners, is particularly important. In this study, a set of 27 Essential Variables (EVs) for PA management was selected in a bottom-up process from 67 harmonised variables that describe the status of Ecosystem Functions and Structures, Ecosystem Services, and Threats in PAs. This bottom-up process involved 27 internationally recognised PAs, mostly European, with different level of protection, different extent, and a wide range of human-nature interactions. The EVs were selected by more than 120 practitioners, i.e. PA managers and rangers, as well as scientists, working in terrestrial and aquatic PAs. Across both terrestrial and aquatic PAs, scientists and practitioners largely identified the same variables as important. Data availability for these 27 EVs varied between PAs and av eraged 67% across all studied PAs. As this set of EVs for PAs is defined through a bottom-up approach considering variables already in use both in management and research, it is more than for previous EVs likely to be adopted, applied and developed to record the status and changes in the ecological and socio-economic conditions of PAs and to forecast future changes. Thereby, the EVs for PAs present a common vocabulary and tool to enhance in a uniform way the (inter)national communication, exchange and comparison of information on the status of PAs between policy makers, scientists and PA managers. The perceived status of the EVs, on an average 3.6 on a scale to a maximum of 5, indicates the surveyed PAs are in a moderate to good environmental condition. Moreover, the EVs for PAs form a cost- and time-efficient tool for PA managers to monitor developments in essential elements of their PAs, including the potential for Societal Goods and Benefits (SG&B), and to (pro-)actively tackle the potential threats that may arise in their area. Likewise, for policy makers EVs for PAs may support decision making on ecosystem management, spatial planning, and predictive modelling on the future status and requirements of PAs in their country or region

    A bottom-up practitioner-derived set of Essential Variables for Protected Area management

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    Assessing the environmental status of Protected Areas (PAs) is a challenging issue. To indicate that status, the identification of a common set of variables that are scientifically sound, and easy to assess and monitor by the PA practitioners, is particularly important. In this study, a set of 27 Essential Variables (EVs) for PA management was selected in a bottom-up process from 67 harmonised variables that describe the status of Ecosystem Functions and Structures, Ecosystem Services, and Threats in PAs. This bottom-up process involved 27 internationally recognised PAs, mostly European, with different level of protection, different extent, and a wide range of human-nature interactions. The EVs were selected by more than 120 practitioners, i.e. PA managers and rangers, as well as scientists, working in terrestrial and aquatic PAs. Across both terrestrial and aquatic PAs, scientists and practitioners largely identified the same variables as important. Data availability for these 27 EVs varied between PAs and averaged 67% across all studied PAs. As this set of EVs for PAs is defined through a bottom-up approach considering variables already in use both in management and research, it is more than for previous EVs likely to be adopted, applied and developed to record the status and changes in the ecological and socio-economic conditions of PAs and to forecast future changes. Thereby, the EVs for PAs present a common vocabulary and tool to enhance in a uniform way the (inter)national communication, exchange and comparison of information on the status of PAs between policy makers, scientists and PA managers. The perceived status of the EVs, on an average 3.6 on a scale to a maximum of 5, indicates the surveyed PAs are in a moderate to good environmental condition. Moreover, the EVs for PAs form a cost- and time-efficient tool for PA managers to monitor developments in essential elements of their PAs, including the potential for Societal Goods and Benefits (SG&B), and to (pro-)actively tackle the potential threats that may arise in their area. Likewise, for policy makers EVs for PAs may support decision making on ecosystem management, spatial planning, and predictive modelling on the future status and requirements of PAs in their country or region.

    Applications for zoosporic parasites in aquatic systems (ParAqua)

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    Zoosporic parasites (i.e. fungi and fungi-like aquatic microorganisms) constitute important drivers of natural populations, causing severe host mortality. Economic impacts of parasitic diseases are notable in the microalgae biotech industry, affecting production of food ingredients, biofuels, pharma- and nutraceuticals.While scientific research on this topic is gaining traction by increasing studies elucidating the functional role of zoosporic parasites in natural ecosystems, we are currently lacking integrated and interdisciplinary efforts for effectively detecting and controlling parasites in the microalgae industry. To fill this gap we propose to establish an innovative, dynamic European network connecting scientists, industries and stakeholders to optimize information exchange, equalize access to resources and to develop a joint research agenda. ParAqua aims at compiling and making available all information on the occurrence of zoosporic parasites and their relationship with hosts, elucidate drivers and evaluate impacts of parasitism in natural and man-made aquatic environments. We aim to implement new tools for monitoring and prevention of infections, and to create protocols and a Decision Support Tool for detecting and controlling parasites in the microalgae biotech production. Applied knowledge on zoosporic parasites can feed back from industry to ecology, and we therefore will explore whether the developed tools can be applied for monitoring lakes and reservoirs. Short-Term Scientific Missions and Training Schools will be organised specifically for early stage scientists and managers – with a specific focus on ITC – with the aim to share and integrate both scientific and applied expertise and increase exchange between basic and applied researchers and stakeholders