2 research outputs found

    Izučavanje CFD-om utjecaja brzine mlaza na mijeŔanje i nastajanje mulja u velikim spremnicima sirove nafte

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    In this paper, computational fluid dynamic modelling was developed to study the effect of the floating jet velocity or submerged rotary jet in sludge prevention in a large crude-oil storage tank. The Euler-Euler method was used in a two-dimensional CFD model to describe oil and sludge flow behaviour at the bottom of the storage tank. By modifying some parameters, the k-e model was used to describe the turbulence of the mixing flow. The results show the effect of jet velocity, angle, and time on the mixing process. By increasing the velocity from 5 m sā€“1, the mixing pattern significantly changes and improves the mixing of the sludge with crude oil. To evaluate the results, chosen was the sludge profile related to the bottom of the sample tank, and modelling results showed an 80 cm reduction in thickness of the sludge, which corresponds well to the profile of the bottom of the tank. In addition, the y+ axis indicated that the amounts at all points were less than 300, which is acceptable in two-phase modelling. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Računalnom dinamikom fluida modeliran je utjecaj brzine mlaza potopljene rotacijske mlazne mijeÅ”alice na nastajanje mulja u velikim spremnicima nafte. U dvodimezionalnom CFD modelu primijenjena je Euler-Eulerova metoda za opisivanje toka nafte i mulja na dnu spremnika. Uz promjenu nekih parametara modelom k-e opisana je turbulencija toka mijeÅ”anja. Rezultati pokazuju da na mijeÅ”anje utječu brzina mlaza, kut i vrijeme mijeÅ”anja. Povećanjem brzine od 5 m sā€“1 način mijeÅ”anja znatno se mijenja i poboljÅ”ano je mijeÅ”anje mulja sa sirovom naftom. Rezultati su procijenjeni proučavanjem odabranog profila mulja na dnu spremnika uzorka, a modeliranje pokazuje smanjenje debljine sloja mulja za 80 cm, Å”to se slaže s profilom dna spremnika. Os y+ u svim točkama pokazuje iznose manje od 300, Å”to je prihvatljivo u dvofaznom modeliranju. Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna