5 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Makanan Berbasis Web di Foodcourt RSKIA Bandung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis, merancang dan membangun implementasi sistem informasi pemesanan makanan dengan studi kasus di Foodcourt RSKIA Bandung. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dengan cara melakukan kajian Pustaka, wawancara dan observasi. Metode pengembangan perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah prototype. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, terdapat faktor yang menghambat sistem informasi pemesanan makanan karena masih menggunakan cara manual menggunakan media kertas yang dirasakan kurang efektif dan efisien sehingga sering terdapat kesalahan pencatatan transaksi, data hilang, dan keterlambatan pelaporan. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini dibuat suatu perancangan sistem informasi pemesanan makanan menggunakan Unified Modelling Languange dan diimplementasikan dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework Code Igniter serta My SQL sebagai database. Pengujian aplikasi menggunakan black box. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini diharapkan sebagai sarana pengolahan transaksi pemesanan makanan menjadi lebih efektif dan efesien.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis, merancang dan membangun implementasi sistem informasi pemesanan makanan dengan studi kasus di Foodcourt RSKIA Bandung. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dengan cara melakukan kajian Pustaka, wawancara dan observasi. Metode pengembangan perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah prototype. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, terdapat faktor yang menghambat sistem informasi pemesanan makanan karena masih menggunakan cara manual menggunakan media kertas yang dirasakan kurang efektif dan efisien sehingga sering terdapat kesalahan pencatatan transaksi, data hilang, dan keterlambatan pelaporan. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini dibuat suatu perancangan sistem informasi pemesanan makanan menggunakan Unified Modelling Languange dan diimplementasikan dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework Code Igniter serta My SQL sebagai database. Pengujian aplikasi menggunakan black box. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini diharapkan sebagai sarana pengolahan transaksi pemesanan makanan menjadi lebih efektif dan efesien


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    The purpose of research is to produce a model of e-marketing strategies in order to identify the existing problems faced by the company and to identify its weaknesses. Additionally, this research designs a web based Marketing system. The development of the Internet improvethe way of doing business from traditional to electronic, no denying that the economic activity leading to the marketing of electronic. The system has been designed to give facilitation for customer to get information abaut material of tutorial activity fast and efficient. The methodologies used are literature study, observation, interview,  analysis and design with seven-stages marketing internet. It is concluded that e-Marketing system that has been designed supports information access easily and fast. The e-Marketing application consists of features such as Online Register, Contact us, Download, News, and Complaint. It is expected to help deliver and maintain customer satisfaction by building a close relationship to the customers. &nbsp


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    This study aimed to develop a medical record retention information system with a case study at Dustira Cimahi Hospital. The data collection techniques used were by observations and completed by literature study which had related with the problems. Software development methods was made using waterfull. From the research conducted, it was found several problems associated with the retention information system which has running, such as: the implementation of retention was done directly with sorting out medical record file without the computer, the absence of a retention schedule medical record file, there is no  storage space inactive and off medical record file. Therefore it is necessary to develop a medical record retention information system in the form of an application implemented with the Microsoft Visual Basic.Net 2010 programming language and the Database Access System / DBMS Microsoft Access. So that this application is expected to help hospitals in overcoming file retention problems and data retention processing can be better in the future

    Sistem Informasi Persediaan Barang Menggunakan Framework Bootstrap dan Bahasa Pemrograman PHP MYSQL

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    Online shop companies that are currently running only use Microsoft excel in recording, selling, purchasing for inventory. In making invoices and purchases still use only notes. With this system running, there are many errors that often occur, such as the loss of sales invoices, the loss of travel documents and which result in no evidence of transactions that have occurred. Therefore we need a computerized system that can help to make sales purchases more easily and can check stock items very easily and accurately. The design of this system starts from the warehouse first to record incoming goods then make a purchase invoice and here the warehouse confirms to the shop owner, if approved, the owner will ask the admin to make stock adjustments, after the stock is reduced, the admin will confirm to the Warehouse and the Warehouse will make a travel document to be continued to the consumer.Online shop companies that are currently running only use Microsoft excel in recording, selling, purchasing for inventory. In making invoices and purchases still use only notes. With this system running, there are many errors that often occur, such as the loss of sales invoices, the loss of travel documents and which result in no evidence of transactions that have occurred. Therefore we need a computerized system that can help to make sales purchases more easily and can check stock items very easily and accurately. The design of this system starts from the warehouse first to record incoming goods then make a purchase invoice and here the warehouse confirms to the shop owner, if approved, the owner will ask the admin to make stock adjustments, after the stock is reduced, the admin will confirm to the Warehouse and the Warehouse will make a travel document to be continued to the consumer


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    Purpose - Developing letter of payment (SPM) Information System in the Program and Financial Subdivision of Bandung Public Works Department by automating the SPM numbering process in one database for easy, fast and accurate data access. Findings - Some of the problems that occur are the duplication or double SPM numbering data, relatively longer data retrieval, and file accumulation that affecting data security risks. Methodology - The steps taken by the survey is the observation of the object to be analyzed. System Analysis by collecting data based on observation, interview, and literature study, and then, program design. After that, the evaluation stage was done to see if the program design is running as expected or not. Testing and Realization - Design and realization through the overall testing of the application program can assist employee performance. The concept of desktop-based application programs using mysql database and using Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2. The design of the system is using local network and wifi because the application system is able to run across all types of existing operating system where there is a server application to run on the client side, making it easier access and maintained as a whole